Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1646 By Senator Berman 26-01854-25 20251646__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to water quality improvements; 3 providing legislative findings; requiring the Office 4 of Program Policy Analysis and Government 5 Accountability (OPPAGA) to conduct a study of the 6 prevalence and effects of lead in drinking water in 7 certain public facilities; specifying the information 8 that must be included in the study; requiring OPPAGA 9 to consult with interested entities in conducting the 10 study; requiring OPPAGA to submit the study to the 11 Governor and Legislature by a specified date; 12 providing for future repeal; amending s. 403.0673, 13 F.S.; requiring the Department of Environmental 14 Protection to consider and prioritize certain water 15 quality improvement projects relating to special flood 16 hazard areas; providing requirements for the 17 Department of Health, the Fish and Wildlife 18 Conservation Commission, and water management 19 districts relating to harmful algal blooms; requiring 20 water management districts to submit a plan relating 21 to the prevention and mitigation of the harmful 22 effects of blue-green algal blooms to certain entities 23 by a specified date; requiring specified entities to 24 provide a schedule for implementing the plan; 25 requiring the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 26 Services and the South Florida Water Management 27 District to take specified actions to ensure nitrogen 28 levels continue to drop in Lake Okeechobee; requiring 29 the Department of Environmental Protection and the St. 30 Johns River Water Management District to take 31 specified actions relating to improving water quality 32 in the Upper St. Johns River Basin; providing 33 reporting requirements; providing an effective date. 34 35 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 36 37 Section 1. (1) The Legislature finds that: 38 (a) The adverse health effects of lead exposure in children 39 and adults are well documented and no safe blood-lead level in 40 children has been identified. 41 (b) Lead accumulates in the body and can be ingested from 42 various sources, including water sources used for drinking, food 43 preparation, or cooking. 44 (c) All sources of lead should be controlled or eliminated 45 to prevent lead poisoning. 46 (2) The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government 47 Accountability (OPPAGA) shall conduct a study of the prevalence 48 and effects of lead in drinking water in all public facilities 49 that receive state funding. OPPAGA may contract with an outside 50 vendor to conduct the study subject to legislative appropriation 51 or available resources. 52 (3) The study must include all of the following 53 information: 54 (a) The amount of lead piping at each public facility that 55 receives state funding. 56 (b) The effects of lead on the health, growth, and mental 57 development of persons who use or are employed at public 58 facilities that receive state funding. 59 (c) The financial impact on this state due to the effects 60 of lead on the health, growth, and mental development of persons 61 who use or are employed at public facilities that receive state 62 funding. 63 (d) The cost to this state to maintain the lead pipes 64 currently used by public facilities that receive state funding, 65 including pipes that use lead in solder. 66 (e) The cost for this state to provide point-of-use water 67 filters certified by the American National Standards Institute 68 to public facilities that receive state funding to reduce lead 69 levels in the water. 70 (4) In conducting the study, OPPAGA shall consult with any 71 interested entities. 72 (5) OPPAGA shall submit the study to the Governor, the 73 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of 74 Representatives by January 1, 2026. 75 (6) This section is repealed on June 30, 2026, unless 76 reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the 77 Legislature. 78 Section 2. Subsection (3) of section 403.0673, Florida 79 Statutes, is amended to read: 80 403.0673 Water quality improvement grant program.—A grant 81 program is established within the Department of Environmental 82 Protection to address wastewater, stormwater, and agricultural 83 sources of nutrient loading to surface water or groundwater. 84 (3) The department shall consider and prioritize those 85 projects that: 86 (a) Have the maximum estimated reduction in nutrient load 87 per project; 88 (b) Demonstrate project readiness; 89 (c) Are cost-effective; 90 (d) Have a cost share identified by the applicant, except 91 for rural areas of opportunity; 92 (e) Have multiyear project implementation schedules with 93 previous state commitment and involvement in the project, 94 considering previously funded phases, the total amount of 95 previous state funding, and previous partial appropriations for 96 the proposed project; 97 (f) Are in a location where reductions are needed most to 98 attain the water quality standards of a waterbody not attaining 99 nutrient or nutrient-related standards;or100 (g) Were determined eligible in a previous application 101 cycle and were able to demonstrate project readiness but were 102 not awarded a grant; or 103 (h) Are located in any special flood hazard area defined by 104 the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 105 106 Any project that does not result in reducing nutrient loading to 107 a waterbody identified in subsection (1) is not eligible for 108 funding under this section. 109 Section 3. Harmful algal blooms.— 110 (1) The Department of Health shall develop: 111 (a) A training program for health care professionals that 112 improves the diagnosis, treatment, and reporting of harmful 113 algal bloom-related illnesses. The training program must contain 114 separate components to address red tide and blue-green algae. 115 (b) Guidelines, protocols, and related training programs to 116 protect the health of persons who regularly work near harmful 117 algal blooms. 118 (2) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shall 119 consider the work of the Florida Red Tide Mitigation and 120 Technology Development Initiative to develop a model to be used 121 in creating a red tide early warning system. The model must be 122 deployed by July 1, 2027. 123 (3)(a) By July 1, 2027, the water management districts 124 shall collaboratively develop, based on the Blue-Green Algae 125 Task Force Consensus Document #1, dated October 11, 2019, a 126 comprehensive plan to prevent and mitigate the harmful effects 127 of blue-green algal blooms. The plan must be submitted to the 128 President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 129 Representatives, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the 130 Minority Leader of the House of Representatives by July 1, 2027. 131 (b) Once developed, each water management district and each 132 county and municipality must provide a schedule for implementing 133 the plan within their jurisdictions. The schedule must include a 134 completion timeline and anticipated fiscal impacts. A county or 135 municipality that determines that there are no water bodies 136 within its jurisdiction which may be impacted by a blue-green 137 algal outbreak must provide reasons for such determination in a 138 report to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission by 139 December 1, 2027. 140 Section 4. Lake Okeechobee; Upper St. Johns River Basin.— 141 (1)(a) To protect the northern estuaries, including the 142 Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie estuaries, the Department of 143 Agriculture and Consumer Services and the South Florida Water 144 Management District must continue to work with agricultural 145 interests to monitor their best management practices (BMPs) to 146 ensure that total nitrogen levels continue to drop in Lake 147 Okeechobee. The BMPs north of the lake and the total maximum 148 daily load (TMDL) for the lake must be reevaluated for accuracy 149 and effectiveness every 12 months, beginning July 1, 2026, and 150 may be revised to achieve greater environmental benefit and 151 improved water quality. 152 (b) The department and the water management district must 153 jointly provide a report on any revisions made to the BMPs or 154 the TMDL to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the 155 Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of 156 the Senate, and the Minority Leader of the House of 157 Representatives every 24 months, beginning July 1, 2028. 158 (2)(a) The Department of Environmental Protection and the 159 St. Johns River Water Management District must ensure that the 160 TMDLs and basin management action plans for the Upper St. Johns 161 River Basin are monitored and expeditiously implemented. The 162 TMDLs and basin management action plans must be reevaluated for 163 accuracy and effectiveness every 12 months, beginning July 1, 164 2026, and may be revised to achieve greater environmental 165 benefit and improved water quality. 166 (b) The department and the water management district must 167 jointly submit a report on any revisions to the TMDLs or basin 168 management action plans to the Governor, the Commissioner of 169 Agriculture, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the 170 House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and 171 the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives every 24 172 months, beginning July 1, 2028. 173 Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.