Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1662
       By Senator Collins
       14-01009C-25                                          20251662__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to transportation; amending s. 20.23,
    3         F.S.; authorizing the Secretary of Transportation to
    4         appoint a specified number of assistant secretaries;
    5         specifying titles for such assistant secretaries;
    6         authorizing the secretary to appoint an Executive
    7         Director of Transportation Technology; specifying that
    8         such assistant secretaries and executive director
    9         positions are exempt from career service and are
   10         included in the Senior Management Service; revising
   11         qualifications for members of the Florida
   12         Transportation Commission; deleting a provision
   13         related to the independence of the commission;
   14         requiring the commission to monitor transit entities
   15         that receive certain funding; requiring members of the
   16         commission to follow certain standards of conduct;
   17         deleting a provision relating to the budget of the
   18         commission; providing legislative findings and intent;
   19         creating the Florida Transportation Research
   20         Institute; specifying the purpose of the institute;
   21         requiring the institute to report to the department;
   22         providing for membership of the institute; requiring
   23         the department to select a member to serve as the
   24         administrative lead of the institute; requiring the
   25         Secretary of Transportation to appoint a
   26         representative of the department to serve as the
   27         executive director of the institute; requiring the
   28         department to coordinate with the members of the
   29         institute to adopt certain policies; authorizing the
   30         institute to award certain grants; authorizing the
   31         department to allocate funds to the institute from the
   32         State Transportation Trust Fund; authorizing the
   33         institute to expend funds for certain operations and
   34         programs; requiring the institute to submit an annual
   35         report to the Secretary of Transportation and the
   36         commission; deleting a requirement that major
   37         transportation policy initiatives and revisions be
   38         submitted to the commission for review; revising the
   39         department’s areas of program responsibility; amending
   40         s. 212.20, F.S.; requiring the department to
   41         distribute a certain amount from the proceeds of a
   42         specified tax to the State Transportation Trust Fund
   43         for a specified purpose; amending s. 311.07, F.S.;
   44         providing that certain spaceport and space industry
   45         related facility projects and commercial shipbuilding
   46         and manufacturing facility projects are eligible for
   47         grant funding under the Florida Seaport Transportation
   48         and Economic Development Program; amending s. 311.09,
   49         F.S.; revising the purpose of the Florida Seaport
   50         Transportation and Economic Development Council;
   51         requiring the department to provide administrative
   52         support to the council on certain matters; requiring
   53         that the Florida Seaport Mission Plan include certain
   54         recommendations; requiring each port member of the
   55         council to submit a certain semiannual report to the
   56         department; amending s. 311.10, F.S.; requiring
   57         seaports located in a specified county to include
   58         certain statements in any agreement with the
   59         department as a condition of receiving certain grants;
   60         defining the term “cargo purposes”; repealing s.
   61         316.0741, F.S., relating to high-occupancy-vehicle
   62         lanes; amending s. 316.0745, F.S.; deleting language
   63         limiting the state funds that may be withheld due to
   64         certain violations by a public body or official to
   65         state funds for traffic control purposes; amending s.
   66         330.27, F.S.; revising definitions and defining terms;
   67         amending s. 330.30, F.S.; requiring that a private
   68         airport of public interest obtain a certain
   69         certificate from the department before allowing
   70         aircraft operations; requiring that certain private
   71         airports obtain a certain certificate from the
   72         department by a specified date; amending s. 331.371,
   73         F.S.; authorizing the department, in consultation with
   74         the Department of Commerce and the Department of
   75         Environmental Protection, to fund certain projects
   76         associated with certain critical infrastructure
   77         projects; requiring that such departments coordinate
   78         in funding certain projects for a specified purpose;
   79         amending s. 332.003, F.S.; revising a short title;
   80         amending s. 332.005, F.S.; requiring airports to
   81         provide the Department of Transportation with the
   82         opportunity to use certain airport property for a
   83         specified purpose during a declared state of
   84         emergency; amending s. 332.006, F.S.; providing duties
   85         and responsibilities of the department relating to
   86         certain educational services, inspections of certain
   87         commercial airport facilities, and agreements with
   88         other state regulatory agencies; amending s. 332.007,
   89         F.S.; requiring the department to require annual
   90         comprehensive maintenance program reports from airport
   91         sponsors; providing requirements for such reports;
   92         defining the term “maintenance”; authorizing the
   93         department to withhold certain state funds under
   94         certain circumstances; revising the list of projects
   95         for which the department must provide priority
   96         funding; authorizing the department to fund eligible
   97         projects performed by certain organizations and
   98         postsecondary education institutions; providing that
   99         certain programs are eligible projects; authorizing
  100         the department to provide certain matching funds;
  101         revising the circumstances in which the department may
  102         fund strategic airport investment projects; amending
  103         s. 332.0075, F.S.; revising definitions; requiring
  104         that certain information remain posted on a governing
  105         body’s website for a certain period; revising the
  106         information that must be included on such website;
  107         requiring the quarterly, rather than annual, update of
  108         certain information; revising information that the
  109         governing body of a commercial service airport must
  110         submit to the department annually; requiring a
  111         commercial service airport to provide certain
  112         notifications to the department; creating s. 332.15,
  113         F.S.; requiring the department to address certain
  114         needs in the statewide aviation system plan and the
  115         department’s work program, designate a certain subject
  116         matter expert, conduct a specified review, and, in
  117         coordination with the Department of Commerce, provide
  118         certain coordination and assistance for the
  119         development of a viable advanced air mobility system
  120         plan; amending s. 334.044, F.S.; revising the powers
  121         and duties of the department; amending s. 334.045,
  122         F.S.; requiring certain measures developed and adopted
  123         by the Florida Transportation Commission to assess
  124         performance in a specified business development
  125         program, instead of disadvantaged business enterprise
  126         and minority business programs; creating s. 334.62,
  127         F.S.; providing legislative findings; establishing the
  128         Florida Transportation Academy within the department;
  129         authorizing the department to coordinate with certain
  130         entities for specified purposes; amending s. 335.182,
  131         F.S.; defining the term “modification of an existing
  132         connection”; revising the definition of the term
  133         “significant change”; amending s. 335.187, F.S.;
  134         authorizing the department to modify or revoke certain
  135         access permits by requiring modification of an
  136         existing connection in certain circumstances; amending
  137         s. 337.027, F.S.; revising the definition of the term
  138         “small business”; amending s. 337.11, F.S.; requiring
  139         the department to give consideration to small business
  140         participation, instead of disadvantaged business
  141         enterprise participation; repealing s. 337.125, F.S.,
  142         relating to socially and economically disadvantaged
  143         business enterprises and notice requirements;
  144         repealing s. 337.135, F.S., relating to socially and
  145         economically disadvantaged business enterprises and
  146         punishment for false representation; repealing s.
  147         337.139, F.S., relating to efforts to encourage
  148         awarding contracts to disadvantaged business
  149         enterprises; amending s. 337.18, F.S.; authorizing the
  150         Secretary of Transportation to require a surety bond
  151         in an amount that is less than the awarded contract
  152         price; amending s. 337.251, F.S.; revising factors
  153         that may be considered by the department when
  154         selecting certain proposals; amending s. 337.406,
  155         F.S.; prohibiting camping on any portion of the right
  156         of-way of the State Highway System; providing
  157         applicability; amending s. 338.227, F.S.; revising the
  158         purpose for which the department and the Department of
  159         Management Services shall create and implement a
  160         certain outreach program; amending s. 339.08, F.S.;
  161         defining the term “energy policy of the state”;
  162         prohibiting the department from expending state funds
  163         to support projects or programs of certain entities in
  164         certain circumstances; repealing s. 339.0805, F.S.,
  165         relating to funds to be expended with certified
  166         disadvantaged business enterprises, a construction
  167         management development program, and a bond guarantee
  168         program; amending s. 339.135, F.S.; revising the
  169         method of approval upon which certain spending
  170         authority may be rolled forward to the next fiscal
  171         year; requiring the Executive Office of the Governor
  172         to make a certain budget modification upon such
  173         approval; deleting the scheduled repeal of a provision
  174         authorizing the chair or vice chair of the Legislative
  175         Budget Commission to authorize an amendment of the
  176         adopted work program in certain circumstances;
  177         amending s. 339.2816, F.S.; revising the amount from
  178         the State Transportation Trust Fund which may be used
  179         annually to fund the Small County Road Assistance
  180         Program, beginning with a specified fiscal year;
  181         amending s. 339.2818, F.S.; revising the definition of
  182         the term “small county”; authorizing the annual use of
  183         a certain amount from the State Transportation Trust
  184         Fund for the purposes of funding the Small County
  185         Outreach Program, beginning with a specified fiscal
  186         year; deleting provisions authorizing certain
  187         municipalities and local governments to compete for
  188         additional project funding, subject to specific
  189         appropriations; amending s. 339.2821, F.S.; requiring
  190         the department to ensure that it is supportive of
  191         small businesses, rather than ensuring that small and
  192         minority businesses have equal access to participation
  193         in certain transportation projects; repealing s.
  194         339.287, F.S., relating to electric vehicle charging
  195         stations and infrastructure plan development; amending
  196         s. 339.55, F.S.; deleting language providing that
  197         certain emergency loans from the state-funded
  198         infrastructure bank are subject to approval by the
  199         Legislative Budget Commission; amending s. 339.651,
  200         F.S.; authorizing, rather than requiring, the
  201         department to make a certain amount available to fund
  202         certain projects annually; deleting the scheduled
  203         repeal of provisions relating to Strategic Intermodal
  204         System supply chain demands; amending s. 341.051,
  205         F.S.; providing for the reallocation of certain funds;
  206         deleting the scheduled repeal of provisions providing
  207         for the reallocation of certain funds; amending s.
  208         348.754, F.S.; revising the types of businesses the
  209         Central Florida Expressway Authority is required to
  210         encourage the inclusion of in certain opportunities;
  211         amending s. 349.03, F.S.; revising membership
  212         requirements for the governing body of the
  213         Jacksonville Transportation Authority; requiring the
  214         authority to follow a certain business development
  215         program; requiring the authority to establish certain
  216         protocols and systems and post certain information on
  217         a specified website; amending ss. 110.205, 322.27,
  218         365.172, 379.2293, 493.6101, and 493.6403, F.S.;
  219         conforming cross-references and provisions to changes
  220         made by the act; providing an effective date.
  222  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
  224         Section 1. Present subsections (3) through (6) of section
  225  20.23, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (4)
  226  through (7), respectively, a new subsection (3) is added to that
  227  section, and paragraph (d) of subsection (1), paragraphs (a),
  228  (b), (g), and (i) of subsection (2), and paragraphs (a) and (b)
  229  of present subsection (3) of that section are amended, to read:
  230         20.23 Department of Transportation.—There is created a
  231  Department of Transportation which shall be a decentralized
  232  agency.
  233         (1)
  234         (d) The secretary may appoint up to three assistant
  235  secretaries, who shall serve as the Chief Operations Officer,
  236  Chief Finance and Administration Officer, and Chief Strategic
  237  Development Officer, respectively; be directly responsible to
  238  the secretary; and who shall perform such duties as are assigned
  239  by the secretary. The secretary may also appoint an Executive
  240  Director of Transportation Technology. Such assistant secretary
  241  and executive director positions are exempt from career service
  242  pursuant to s. 110.205(2)(j) and are included in the Senior
  243  Management Service. The secretary shall designate to an
  244  assistant secretary the duties related to enhancing economic
  245  prosperity, including, but not limited to, the responsibility of
  246  liaison with the head of economic development in the Executive
  247  Office of the Governor. Such assistant secretary shall be
  248  directly responsible for providing the Executive Office of the
  249  Governor with investment opportunities and transportation
  250  projects that expand the state’s role as a global hub for trade
  251  and investment and enhance the supply chain system in the state
  252  to process, assemble, and ship goods to markets throughout the
  253  eastern United States, Canada, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
  254  The secretary may delegate to any assistant secretary the
  255  authority to act in the absence of the secretary.
  256         (2)(a)1. The Florida Transportation Commission is hereby
  257  created and shall be composed consist of nine members appointed
  258  by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate. Members
  259  of the commission shall serve terms of 4 years each.
  260         2. Members shall be appointed in such a manner as to
  261  equitably represent all geographic areas of the state. Each
  262  member must be a registered voter and a citizen of the state. At
  263  least three members of the commission must be representatives of
  264  or possess expertise in the higher education, transportation, or
  265  workforce development industries Each member of the commission
  266  must also possess business managerial experience in the private
  267  sector.
  268         3. A member of the commission shall represent the
  269  transportation needs of the state as a whole and may not
  270  subordinate the needs of the state to those of any particular
  271  area of the state.
  272         4. The commission is assigned to the Office of the
  273  Secretary of the Department of Transportation for administrative
  274  and fiscal accountability purposes, but it shall otherwise
  275  function independently of the control and direction of the
  276  department.
  277         (b) The commission shall:
  278         1. Recommend major transportation policies for the
  279  Governor’s approval and assure that approved policies and any
  280  revisions are properly executed.
  281         2. Periodically review the status of the state
  282  transportation system, including highway, transit, rail,
  283  seaport, intermodal development, and aviation components of the
  284  system, and recommend improvements to the Governor and the
  285  Legislature.
  286         3. Perform an in-depth evaluation of the annual department
  287  budget request, the Florida Transportation Plan, and the
  288  tentative work program for compliance with all applicable laws
  289  and established departmental policies. Except as specifically
  290  provided in s. 339.135(4)(c)2., (d), and (f), the commission may
  291  not consider individual construction projects but shall consider
  292  methods of accomplishing the goals of the department in the most
  293  effective, efficient, and businesslike manner.
  294         4. Monitor the financial status of the department on a
  295  regular basis to assure that the department is managing revenue
  296  and bond proceeds responsibly and in accordance with law and
  297  established policy.
  298         5. Monitor on at least a quarterly basis the efficiency,
  299  productivity, and management of the department using performance
  300  and production standards developed by the commission pursuant to
  301  s. 334.045.
  302         6. Perform an in-depth evaluation of the factors causing
  303  disruption of project schedules in the adopted work program and
  304  recommend to the Governor and the Legislature methods to
  305  eliminate or reduce the disruptive effects of these factors.
  306         7. Recommend to the Governor and the Legislature
  307  improvements to the department’s organization in order to
  308  streamline and optimize the efficiency of the department. In
  309  reviewing the department’s organization, the commission shall
  310  determine if the current district organizational structure is
  311  responsive to this state’s changing economic and demographic
  312  development patterns. The report by the commission must be
  313  delivered to the Governor and the Legislature by December 15
  314  each year, as appropriate. The commission may retain experts as
  315  necessary to carry out this subparagraph, and the department
  316  shall pay the expenses of the experts.
  317         8. Monitor the efficiency, productivity, and management of
  318  the agencies and authorities created under chapters 348 and 349;
  319  the Mid-Bay Bridge Authority re-created pursuant to chapter
  320  2000-411, Laws of Florida; and any authority formed under
  321  chapter 343; and any transit entity that receives funding under
  322  the public transit block grant program pursuant to s. 341.052.
  323  The commission shall also conduct periodic reviews of each
  324  agency’s and authority’s operations and budget, acquisition of
  325  property, management of revenue and bond proceeds, and
  326  compliance with applicable laws and generally accepted
  327  accounting principles.
  328         (g) A member of the commission shall follow the standards
  329  of conduct for public officers provided in s. 112.313 may not
  330  have any interest, direct or indirect, in any contract,
  331  franchise, privilege, or other benefit granted or awarded by the
  332  department during the term of his or her appointment and for 2
  333  years after the termination of such appointment.
  334         (i) The commission shall develop a budget pursuant to
  335  chapter 216. The budget is not subject to change by the
  336  department, but such budget shall be submitted to the Governor
  337  along with the budget of the department.
  338         (3)The Legislature finds that the transportation industry
  339  is critical to the economic future of this state and that the
  340  competitiveness of the industry in this state depends upon the
  341  development and maintenance of a qualified workforce and
  342  cutting-edge research and innovation. The Legislature further
  343  finds that the transportation industry in this state has varied
  344  and complex workforce needs ranging from technical and
  345  mechanical training to continuing education opportunities for
  346  workers with advanced degrees and certifications. The timely
  347  need also exists for coordinated research and innovation efforts
  348  to promote emerging technologies and innovative construction
  349  methods and tools and to address alternative funding mechanisms.
  350  It is the intent of the Legislature to support programs designed
  351  to address the workforce development needs of the state’s
  352  transportation industry.
  353         (a) The Florida Transportation Research Institute is
  354  created as a consortium of higher education professionals. The
  355  purpose of the institute is to drive cutting-edge research,
  356  innovation, transformational technologies, and breakthrough
  357  solutions and to support workforce development efforts that
  358  contribute to this state’s transportation industry.
  359         (b) The institute shall report to the department and shall
  360  be composed of members from the University of Florida, Indian
  361  River State College, the University of Central Florida, and
  362  Florida International University. The department shall select a
  363  member to serve as the administrative lead of the institute. The
  364  department shall assess the performance of the administrative
  365  lead periodically to ensure accountability and assess the
  366  attainment of performance goals.
  367         (c) The Secretary of Transportation shall appoint a
  368  representative of the department to serve as the executive
  369  director of the institute. The department shall coordinate with
  370  the members of the institute to adopt policies establishing the
  371  institute’s executive committee and mission statement.
  372         (d) The institute may award grants in alignment with its
  373  purpose. Such grants may be directed to member and nonmember
  374  institutions that have a proven expertise relevant to the grant,
  375  including not-for-profit organizations and institutions of
  376  higher education.
  377         (e) The department may allocate funds to the institute from
  378  the State Transportation Trust Fund. The institute may expend
  379  such funds for the institute’s operations and programs to
  380  support research and innovation projects that provide solutions
  381  for this state’s transportation needs.
  382         (f) The institute shall submit an annual report of
  383  performance metrics to the Secretary of Transportation and the
  384  commission. The report must include, but is not limited to,
  385  expenditures of funds allocated to the institute by the
  386  department, ongoing and proposed research efforts, and the
  387  application and success of past research efforts.
  388         (4)(a)(3)(a) The central office shall establish
  389  departmental policies, rules, procedures, and standards and
  390  shall monitor the implementation of such policies, rules,
  391  procedures, and standards in order to ensure uniform compliance
  392  and quality performance by the districts and central office
  393  units that implement transportation programs. Major
  394  transportation policy initiatives or revisions shall be
  395  submitted to the commission for review.
  396         (b) The secretary may appoint positions at the level of
  397  deputy assistant secretary or director which the secretary deems
  398  necessary to accomplish the mission and goals of the department,
  399  including, but not limited to, the areas of program
  400  responsibility provided in this paragraph, each of whom shall be
  401  appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the secretary. The
  402  secretary may combine, separate, or delete offices as needed in
  403  consultation with the Executive Office of the Governor. The
  404  department’s areas of program responsibility include, but are
  405  not limited to, all of the following:
  406         1. Administration.
  407         2. Planning.
  408         3. Supply chain and modal development.
  409         4. Design.
  410         5. Highway operations.
  411         6. Right-of-way.
  412         7. Toll operations.
  413         8. Transportation technology.
  414         9. Information technology systems.
  415         10. Motor carrier weight inspection.
  416         11. Work program and budget.
  417         12. Comptroller.
  418         13. Construction.
  419         14. Statewide corridors.
  420         15. Maintenance.
  421         16. Forecasting and performance.
  422         17. Emergency management.
  423         18. Safety.
  424         19. Materials.
  425         20. Infrastructure and innovation.
  426         21. Permitting.
  427         22. Traffic operations.
  428         23. Operational technology.
  429         Section 2. Paragraph (d) of subsection (6) of section
  430  212.20, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  431         212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of
  432  department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated
  433  unconstitutionally collected.—
  434         (6) Distribution of all proceeds under this chapter and ss.
  435  202.18(1)(b) and (2)(b) and 203.01(1)(a)3. is as follows:
  436         (d) The proceeds of all other taxes and fees imposed
  437  pursuant to this chapter or remitted pursuant to s. 202.18(1)(b)
  438  and (2)(b) shall be distributed as follows:
  439         1. In any fiscal year, the greater of $500 million, minus
  440  an amount equal to 4.6 percent of the proceeds of the taxes
  441  collected pursuant to chapter 201, or 5.2 percent of all other
  442  taxes and fees imposed pursuant to this chapter or remitted
  443  pursuant to s. 202.18(1)(b) and (2)(b) shall be deposited in
  444  monthly installments into the General Revenue Fund.
  445         2. After the distribution under subparagraph 1., 8.9744
  446  percent of the amount remitted by a sales tax dealer located
  447  within a participating county pursuant to s. 218.61 shall be
  448  transferred into the Local Government Half-cent Sales Tax
  449  Clearing Trust Fund. Beginning July 1, 2003, the amount to be
  450  transferred shall be reduced by 0.1 percent, and the department
  451  shall distribute this amount to the Public Employees Relations
  452  Commission Trust Fund less $5,000 each month, which shall be
  453  added to the amount calculated in subparagraph 3. and
  454  distributed accordingly.
  455         3. After the distribution under subparagraphs 1. and 2.,
  456  0.0966 percent shall be transferred to the Local Government
  457  Half-cent Sales Tax Clearing Trust Fund and distributed pursuant
  458  to s. 218.65.
  459         4. After the distributions under subparagraphs 1., 2., and
  460  3., 2.0810 percent of the available proceeds shall be
  461  transferred monthly to the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for
  462  Counties pursuant to s. 218.215.
  463         5. After the distributions under subparagraphs 1., 2., and
  464  3., 1.3653 percent of the available proceeds shall be
  465  transferred monthly to the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for
  466  Municipalities pursuant to s. 218.215. If the total revenue to
  467  be distributed pursuant to this subparagraph is at least as
  468  great as the amount due from the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for
  469  Municipalities and the former Municipal Financial Assistance
  470  Trust Fund in state fiscal year 1999-2000, no municipality shall
  471  receive less than the amount due from the Revenue Sharing Trust
  472  Fund for Municipalities and the former Municipal Financial
  473  Assistance Trust Fund in state fiscal year 1999-2000. If the
  474  total proceeds to be distributed are less than the amount
  475  received in combination from the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for
  476  Municipalities and the former Municipal Financial Assistance
  477  Trust Fund in state fiscal year 1999-2000, each municipality
  478  shall receive an amount proportionate to the amount it was due
  479  in state fiscal year 1999-2000.
  480         6. Of the remaining proceeds:
  481         a. In each fiscal year, the sum of $29,915,500 shall be
  482  divided into as many equal parts as there are counties in the
  483  state, and one part shall be distributed to each county. The
  484  distribution among the several counties must begin each fiscal
  485  year on or before January 5th and continue monthly for a total
  486  of 4 months. If a local or special law required that any moneys
  487  accruing to a county in fiscal year 1999-2000 under the then
  488  existing provisions of s. 550.135 be paid directly to the
  489  district school board, special district, or a municipal
  490  government, such payment must continue until the local or
  491  special law is amended or repealed. The state covenants with
  492  holders of bonds or other instruments of indebtedness issued by
  493  local governments, special districts, or district school boards
  494  before July 1, 2000, that it is not the intent of this
  495  subparagraph to adversely affect the rights of those holders or
  496  relieve local governments, special districts, or district school
  497  boards of the duty to meet their obligations as a result of
  498  previous pledges or assignments or trusts entered into which
  499  obligated funds received from the distribution to county
  500  governments under then-existing s. 550.135. This distribution
  501  specifically is in lieu of funds distributed under s. 550.135
  502  before July 1, 2000.
  503         b. The department shall distribute $166,667 monthly to each
  504  applicant certified as a facility for a new or retained
  505  professional sports franchise pursuant to s. 288.1162. Up to
  506  $41,667 shall be distributed monthly by the department to each
  507  certified applicant as defined in s. 288.11621 for a facility
  508  for a spring training franchise. However, not more than $416,670
  509  may be distributed monthly in the aggregate to all certified
  510  applicants for facilities for spring training franchises.
  511  Distributions begin 60 days after such certification and
  512  continue for not more than 30 years, except as otherwise
  513  provided in s. 288.11621. A certified applicant identified in
  514  this sub-subparagraph may not receive more in distributions than
  515  expended by the applicant for the public purposes provided in s.
  516  288.1162(5) or s. 288.11621(3).
  517         c. The department shall distribute up to $83,333 monthly to
  518  each certified applicant as defined in s. 288.11631 for a
  519  facility used by a single spring training franchise, or up to
  520  $166,667 monthly to each certified applicant as defined in s.
  521  288.11631 for a facility used by more than one spring training
  522  franchise. Monthly distributions begin 60 days after such
  523  certification or July 1, 2016, whichever is later, and continue
  524  for not more than 20 years to each certified applicant as
  525  defined in s. 288.11631 for a facility used by a single spring
  526  training franchise or not more than 25 years to each certified
  527  applicant as defined in s. 288.11631 for a facility used by more
  528  than one spring training franchise. A certified applicant
  529  identified in this sub-subparagraph may not receive more in
  530  distributions than expended by the applicant for the public
  531  purposes provided in s. 288.11631(3).
  532         d. The department shall distribute $15,333 monthly to the
  533  State Transportation Trust Fund.
  534         e.(I) On or before July 25, 2021, August 25, 2021, and
  535  September 25, 2021, the department shall distribute $324,533,334
  536  in each of those months to the Unemployment Compensation Trust
  537  Fund, less an adjustment for refunds issued from the General
  538  Revenue Fund pursuant to s. 443.131(3)(e)3. before making the
  539  distribution. The adjustments made by the department to the
  540  total distributions shall be equal to the total refunds made
  541  pursuant to s. 443.131(3)(e)3. If the amount of refunds to be
  542  subtracted from any single distribution exceeds the
  543  distribution, the department may not make that distribution and
  544  must subtract the remaining balance from the next distribution.
  545         (II) Beginning July 2022, and on or before the 25th day of
  546  each month, the department shall distribute $90 million monthly
  547  to the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund.
  548         (III) If the ending balance of the Unemployment
  549  Compensation Trust Fund exceeds $4,071,519,600 on the last day
  550  of any month, as determined from United States Department of the
  551  Treasury data, the Office of Economic and Demographic Research
  552  shall certify to the department that the ending balance of the
  553  trust fund exceeds such amount.
  554         (IV) This sub-subparagraph is repealed, and the department
  555  shall end monthly distributions under sub-sub-subparagraph (II),
  556  on the date the department receives certification under sub-sub
  557  subparagraph (III).
  558         f. Beginning July 1, 2023, in each fiscal year, the
  559  department shall distribute $27.5 million to the Florida
  560  Agricultural Promotional Campaign Trust Fund under s. 571.26,
  561  for further distribution in accordance with s. 571.265.
  562         g. Beginning July 2025, and on or before the 25th day of
  563  each month, from the portion of the proceeds of the tax imposed
  564  under s. 212.05(1)(e)1.c., the department shall distribute $6.25
  565  million to the State Transportation Trust Fund to account for a
  566  portion of the impact of electric and hybrid vehicles on the
  567  State Highway System.
  568         7. All other proceeds must remain in the General Revenue
  569  Fund.
  570         Section 3. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
  571  311.07, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  572         311.07 Florida seaport transportation and economic
  573  development funding.—
  574         (3)
  575         (b) Projects eligible for funding by grants under the
  576  program are limited to the following port facilities or port
  577  transportation projects:
  578         1. Transportation facilities within the jurisdiction of the
  579  port.
  580         2. The dredging or deepening of channels, turning basins,
  581  or harbors.
  582         3. The construction or rehabilitation of wharves, docks,
  583  structures, jetties, piers, storage facilities, cruise
  584  terminals, automated people mover systems, or any facilities
  585  necessary or useful in connection with any of the foregoing.
  586         4. The acquisition of vessel tracking systems, container
  587  cranes, or other mechanized equipment used in the movement of
  588  cargo or passengers in international commerce.
  589         5. The acquisition of land to be used for port purposes.
  590         6. The acquisition, improvement, enlargement, or extension
  591  of existing port facilities.
  592         7. Environmental protection projects which are necessary
  593  because of requirements imposed by a state agency as a condition
  594  of a permit or other form of state approval; which are necessary
  595  for environmental mitigation required as a condition of a state,
  596  federal, or local environmental permit; which are necessary for
  597  the acquisition of spoil disposal sites and improvements to
  598  existing and future spoil sites; or which result from the
  599  funding of eligible projects listed in this paragraph.
  600         8. Transportation facilities as defined in s. 334.03(30)
  601  which are not otherwise part of the Department of
  602  Transportation’s adopted work program.
  603         9. Intermodal access projects.
  604         10. Construction or rehabilitation of port facilities as
  605  defined in s. 315.02, excluding any park or recreational
  606  facilities, in ports listed in s. 311.09(1) with operating
  607  revenues of $5 million or less, provided that such projects
  608  create economic development opportunities, capital improvements,
  609  and positive financial returns to such ports.
  610         11. Seaport master plan or strategic plan development or
  611  updates, including the purchase of data to support such plans.
  612         12. Spaceport or space industry-related planning or
  613  construction of facilities on seaport property which are
  614  necessary or useful for advancing the space industry in this
  615  state and provide an economic benefit to this state.
  616         13. Commercial shipbuilding and manufacturing facilities,
  617  when such projects provide an economic benefit to this state.
  618         Section 4. Subsections (1), (2), (3), and (11) of section
  619  311.09, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  620         311.09 Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic
  621  Development Council.—
  622         (1) The Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic
  623  Development Council is created within the Department of
  624  Transportation. The purpose of the council is to support the
  625  growth of seaports in this state through review, development,
  626  and financing of port transportation and port facilities. The
  627  council is composed consists of the following 18 members: the
  628  port director, or the port director’s designee, of each of the
  629  ports of Jacksonville, Port Canaveral, Port Citrus, Fort Pierce,
  630  Palm Beach, Port Everglades, Miami, Port Manatee, St.
  631  Petersburg, Putnam County, Tampa, Port St. Joe, Panama City,
  632  Pensacola, Key West, and Fernandina; the secretary of the
  633  Department of Transportation or his or her designee; and the
  634  secretary of the Department of Commerce or his or her designee.
  635         (2) The council shall adopt bylaws governing the manner in
  636  which the business of the council will be conducted. The bylaws
  637  shall specify the procedure by which the chairperson of the
  638  council is elected. The Department of Transportation shall
  639  provide administrative support to the council on matters
  640  relating to the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic
  641  Development Program and the council.
  642         (3) The council shall prepare a 5-year Florida Seaport
  643  Mission Plan defining the goals and objectives of the council
  644  concerning the development of port facilities and an intermodal
  645  transportation system consistent with the goals of the Florida
  646  Transportation Plan developed pursuant to s. 339.155. The
  647  Florida Seaport Mission Plan shall include specific
  648  recommendations for the construction of transportation
  649  facilities connecting any port to another transportation mode,
  650  the construction of transportation facilities connecting any
  651  port to the space and aerospace industries, and for the
  652  efficient, cost-effective development of transportation
  653  facilities or port facilities for the purpose of enhancing
  654  trade, promoting cargo flow, increasing cruise passenger
  655  movements, increasing port revenues, and providing economic
  656  benefits to the state. The council shall develop a priority list
  657  of projects based on these recommendations annually and submit
  658  the list to the Department of Transportation. The council shall
  659  update the 5-year Florida Seaport Mission Plan annually and
  660  shall submit the plan no later than February 1 of each year to
  661  the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
  662  Representatives, the Department of Commerce, and the Department
  663  of Transportation. The council shall develop programs, based on
  664  an examination of existing programs in Florida and other states,
  665  for the training of minorities and secondary school students in
  666  job skills associated with employment opportunities in the
  667  maritime industry, and report on progress and recommendations
  668  for further action to the President of the Senate and the
  669  Speaker of the House of Representatives annually. Each port
  670  member of the council shall submit a semiannual report related
  671  to his or her port’s operations and support of the state’s
  672  economic competitiveness and supply chain. Reports must be
  673  submitted to the Department of Transportation and include any
  674  information required by the Department of Transportation in
  675  consultation with the Department of Commerce. Such reports must
  676  include, but are not limited to, all of the following
  677  information:
  678         (a) Bulk break capacity.
  679         (b) Liquid storage and capacity.
  680         (c) Fuel storage and capacity.
  681         (d) Container capacity.
  682         (e)A description of any supply chain disruption.
  683         (11) Members of the council shall serve without
  684  compensation but are entitled to receive reimbursement for per
  685  diem and travel expenses as provided in s. 112.061. The council
  686  may elect to provide an administrative staff to provide services
  687  to the council on matters relating to the Florida Seaport
  688  Transportation and Economic Development Program and the council.
  689  The cost for such administrative services shall be paid by all
  690  ports that receive funding from the Florida Seaport
  691  Transportation and Economic Development Program, based upon a
  692  pro rata formula measured by each recipient’s share of the funds
  693  as compared to the total funds disbursed to all recipients
  694  during the year. The share of costs for administrative services
  695  shall be paid in its total amount by the recipient port upon
  696  execution by the port and the Department of Transportation of a
  697  joint participation agreement for each council-approved project,
  698  and such payment is in addition to the matching funds required
  699  to be paid by the recipient port. Except as otherwise exempted
  700  by law, all moneys derived from the Florida Seaport
  701  Transportation and Economic Development Program shall be
  702  expended in accordance with the provisions of s. 287.057.
  703  Seaports subject to competitive negotiation requirements of a
  704  local governing body shall abide by the provisions of s.
  705  287.055.
  706         Section 5. Subsection (4) is added to section 311.10,
  707  Florida Statutes, to read:
  708         311.10 Strategic Port Investment Initiative.—
  709         (4) As a condition of receiving a project grant under any
  710  program established in this chapter and as a condition of
  711  receiving state funds as described in s. 215.31, a seaport
  712  located in any county identified in s. 331.304(1) and (5) must
  713  include in any agreement with the Department of Transportation
  714  that the seaport may not convert any planned or existing land,
  715  facility, or infrastructure designated for cargo purposes to any
  716  alternative purpose unless express approval is obtained by the
  717  Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of Commerce. As
  718  used in this subsection, the term cargo purposes includes, but
  719  is not limited to, any facility, activity, property, energy
  720  source, or infrastructure asset that supports spaceport
  721  activities.
  722         Section 6. Section 316.0741, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
  723         Section 7. Subsection (7) of section 316.0745, Florida
  724  Statutes, is amended to read:
  725         316.0745 Uniform signals and devices.—
  726         (7) The Department of Transportation may, upon receipt and
  727  investigation of reported noncompliance and after hearing
  728  pursuant to 14 days’ notice, direct the removal of any purported
  729  traffic control device that fails to meet the requirements of
  730  this section, wherever the device is located and without regard
  731  to assigned responsibility under s. 316.1895. The public agency
  732  erecting or installing the same shall immediately bring it into
  733  compliance with the requirements of this section or remove said
  734  device or signal upon the direction of the Department of
  735  Transportation and may not, for a period of 5 years, install any
  736  replacement or new traffic control devices paid for in part or
  737  in full with revenues raised by the state unless written prior
  738  approval is received from the Department of Transportation. Any
  739  additional violation by a public body or official shall be cause
  740  for the withholding of state funds for traffic control purposes
  741  until such public body or official demonstrates to the
  742  Department of Transportation that it is complying with this
  743  section.
  744         Section 8. Section 330.27, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  745  read:
  746         330.27 Definitions, when used in ss. 330.29-330.39.—
  747         (1) “Air ambulance operation” means a flight with a patient
  748  or medical personnel on board for the purpose of medical
  749  transportation.
  750         (2) “Aircraft” means a powered or unpowered machine or
  751  device capable of atmospheric flight, including, but not limited
  752  to, an airplane, an autogyro, a glider, a gyrodyne, a
  753  helicopter, a lift and cruise, a multicopter, paramotors, a
  754  powered lift, a seaplane, a tiltrotor, an ultralight, and a
  755  vectored thrust. The term does not include except a parachute or
  756  other such device used primarily as safety equipment.
  757         (3)(2) “Airport” means a specific an area of land or water
  758  or a structure used for, or intended to be used for, aircraft
  759  operations, which may include landing and takeoff of aircraft,
  760  including appurtenant areas, buildings, facilities, or rights
  761  of-way necessary to facilitate such use or intended use. The
  762  term includes, but is not limited to, airparks, airports,
  763  gliderports, heliports, helistops, seaplane bases, ultralight
  764  flightparks, vertiports, and vertistops.
  765         (4) “Commercial air tour operation” means a flight
  766  conducted for compensation or hire in an aircraft where a
  767  purpose of the flight is sightseeing.
  768         (5) “Commuter operation” means any scheduled operation
  769  conducted by a person operating an aircraft with a frequency of
  770  operations of at least five round trips per week on at least one
  771  route between two or more points according to the published
  772  flight schedule.
  773         (6)(3) “Department” means the Department of Transportation.
  774         (7)(4) “Limited airport” means any airport limited
  775  exclusively to the specific conditions stated on the site
  776  approval order or license.
  777         (8) “On-demand operation” means any scheduled passenger
  778  carrying operation for compensation or hire conducted by a
  779  person operating an aircraft with a frequency of operations of
  780  fewer than five round trips per week on at least one route
  781  between two or more points according to the published flight
  782  schedule.
  783         (9)(5) “Private airport” means an airport, publicly or
  784  privately owned, which is not open or available for use by the
  785  public, but may be made available to others by invitation of the
  786  owner or manager.
  787         (10) “Private airport of public interest” means a private
  788  airport engaged in air ambulance operations, commercial air tour
  789  operations, commuter operations, on-demand operations, public
  790  charter operations, scheduled operations, or supplemental
  791  operations.
  792         (11)(6) “Public airport” means an airport, publicly or
  793  privately owned, which is open for use by the public.
  794         (12) “Public charter operation” means a one-way or round
  795  trip charter flight performed by one or more direct air carriers
  796  which is arranged and sponsored by a charter operator.
  797         (13) “Scheduled operation” means any common carriage
  798  passenger-carrying operation for compensation or hire conducted
  799  by an air carrier or commercial operator for which the
  800  certificateholder or its representative offers in advance the
  801  departure location, departure time, and arrival location.
  802         (14) “Supplemental operation” means any common carriage
  803  operation for compensation or hire conducted with an aircraft
  804  for which the departure time, departure location, and arrival
  805  location are specifically negotiated with the customer or
  806  customer’s representative.
  807         (15)(7) “Temporary airport” means an airport at which
  808  flight operations are conducted under visual flight rules
  809  established by the Federal Aviation Administration and which is
  810  used for less than 30 consecutive days with no more than 10
  811  operations per day.
  812         (8) “Ultralight aircraft” means any aircraft meeting the
  813  criteria established by part 103 of the Federal Aviation
  814  Regulations.
  815         Section 9. Subsections (2) and (4) of section 330.30,
  816  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  817         330.30 Approval of airport sites; registration,
  818  certification, and licensure of airports.—
  821         (a) Except as provided in subsection (3), the owner or
  822  lessee of an airport in this state shall have a public airport
  823  license, private airport registration, or temporary airport
  824  registration before the operation of aircraft to or from the
  825  airport. Application for a license or registration shall be made
  826  in a form and manner prescribed by the department.
  827         1. For a public airport, upon granting site approval, the
  828  department shall issue a license after a final airport
  829  inspection finds the airport to be in compliance with all
  830  requirements for the license. The license may be subject to any
  831  reasonable conditions the department deems necessary to protect
  832  the public health, safety, or welfare.
  833         2. For a private airport, upon granting site approval, the
  834  department shall provide controlled electronic access to the
  835  state aviation facility data system to permit the applicant to
  836  complete the registration process. Registration shall be
  837  completed upon self-certification by the registrant of
  838  operational and configuration data deemed necessary by the
  839  department.
  840         3. For a temporary airport, the department must publish
  841  notice of receipt of a completed registration application in the
  842  next available publication of the Florida Administrative
  843  Register and may not approve a registration application less
  844  than 14 days after the date of publication of the notice. The
  845  department must approve or deny a registration application
  846  within 30 days after receipt of a completed application and must
  847  issue the temporary airport registration concurrent with the
  848  airport site approval. A completed registration application that
  849  is not approved or denied within 30 days after the department
  850  receives the completed application is considered approved and
  851  shall be issued, subject to such reasonable conditions as are
  852  authorized by law. An applicant seeking to claim registration by
  853  default under this subparagraph must notify the agency clerk of
  854  the department, in writing, of the intent to rely upon the
  855  default registration provision of this subparagraph and may not
  856  take any action based upon the default registration until after
  857  receipt of such notice by the agency clerk.
  858         4. A private airport of public interest must obtain a
  859  certificate from the department before allowing aircraft
  860  operations. The department shall issue a certificate after a
  861  final inspection finds the airport to be in compliance with all
  862  certificate requirements. The certificate is subject to any
  863  reasonable conditions the department deems necessary to protect
  864  the public. A private airport that was engaged in operations
  865  associated with a private airport of public interest on or
  866  before July 1, 2025, must obtain a certificate from the
  867  department by July 1, 2030.
  868         (b) The department may license a public airport that does
  869  not meet standards only if it determines that such exception is
  870  justified by unusual circumstances or is in the interest of
  871  public convenience and does not endanger the public health,
  872  safety, or welfare. Such a license shall bear the designation
  873  “special” and shall state the conditions subject to which the
  874  license is granted.
  875         (c) A temporary airport license or registration shall be
  876  valid for less than 30 days and is not renewable. The department
  877  may not approve a subsequent temporary airport registration
  878  application for the same general location if the purpose or
  879  effect is to evade otherwise applicable airport permitting or
  880  licensure requirements.
  881         (d)1. Each public airport license shall expire no later
  882  than 1 year after the effective date of the license, except that
  883  the expiration date of a license may be adjusted to provide a
  884  maximum license period of 18 months to facilitate airport
  885  inspections, recognize seasonal airport operations, or improve
  886  administrative efficiency.
  887         2. Registration for private airports shall remain valid
  888  provided specific elements of airport data, established by the
  889  department, are periodically recertified by the airport
  890  registrant. The ability to recertify private airport
  891  registration data shall be available at all times by electronic
  892  submittal. A private airport registration that has not been
  893  recertified in the 24-month period following the last
  894  certification shall expire, unless the registration period has
  895  been adjusted by the department for purposes of informing
  896  private airport owners of their registration responsibilities or
  897  promoting administrative efficiency. The expiration date of the
  898  current registration period will be clearly identifiable from
  899  the state aviation facility data system.
  900         3. The effective date and expiration date shall be shown on
  901  public airport licenses. Upon receiving an application for
  902  renewal of an airport license in a form and manner prescribed by
  903  the department and receiving a favorable inspection report
  904  indicating compliance with all applicable requirements and
  905  conditions, the department shall renew the license, subject to
  906  any conditions deemed necessary to protect the public health,
  907  safety, or welfare.
  908         4. The department may require a new site approval for any
  909  airport if the license or registration has expired.
  910         5. If the renewal application for a public airport license
  911  has not been received by the department or no private airport
  912  registration recertification has been accomplished within 15
  913  days after the date of expiration, the department may revoke the
  914  airport license or registration.
  915         6. After initial registration, the department may issue a
  916  certificate to a private airport of public interest if the
  917  airport is found, after a physical inspection, to be in
  918  compliance with all certificate requirements. The certificate is
  919  subject to any reasonable condition that the department deems
  920  necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. A
  921  private airport of public interest certificate expires 5 years
  922  after the effective date of the certificate.
  923         (e) The department may revoke, or refuse to allow or issue,
  924  any airport registration or recertification, or any license or
  925  license renewal, if it determines:
  926         1. That the site has been abandoned as an airport;
  927         2. That the airport does not comply with the conditions of
  928  the license, license renewal, or site approval;
  929         3. That the airport has become either unsafe or unusable
  930  for flight operation due to physical or legal changes in
  931  conditions that were the subject of approval; or
  932         4. That an airport required to file or update a security
  933  plan pursuant to paragraph (f) has failed to do so.
  934         (f)1. After initial licensure, a license of a publicly or
  935  privately owned general aviation airport that is open to the
  936  public, that has at least one runway greater than 4,999 feet in
  937  length, and that does not host scheduled passenger-carrying
  938  commercial service operations regulated under 14 C.F.R. part 139
  939  shall not be renewed or reissued unless an approved security
  940  plan has been filed with the department, except when the
  941  department determines that the airport is working in good faith
  942  toward completion and filing of the plan.
  943         2. Security plans required by this paragraph must be
  944  developed in accordance with the 2004 Security Planning for
  945  General Aviation Airports guidelines published by the Florida
  946  Airports Council. Certain administrative data from the approved
  947  security plan shall be submitted to the Department of Law
  948  Enforcement, in a format prescribed by the Department of Law
  949  Enforcement, for use in protecting critical infrastructure of
  950  the state.
  951         3. The department shall not approve a security plan for
  952  filing unless it is consistent with Florida Airports Council
  953  guidelines.
  954         4. An airport required to file a security plan pursuant to
  955  this paragraph shall update its plan at least once every 2 years
  956  after the initial filing date and file the updated plan with the
  957  department. The department shall review the updated plan prior
  958  to approving it for filing to determine whether it is consistent
  959  with Florida Airports Council guidelines. No renewal license
  960  shall be issued to the airport unless the department approves
  961  the updated security plan or determines that the airport is
  962  working in good faith to update it.
  963         (4) EXCEPTIONS.—Private airports with 10 or more based
  964  aircraft may request to be inspected and licensed by the
  965  department. Private airports licensed according to this
  966  subsection shall be considered private airports as defined in s.
  967  330.27 s. 330.27(5) in all other respects.
  968         Section 10. Section 331.371, Florida Statutes, is amended
  969  to read:
  970         331.371 Strategic space infrastructure investment.—
  971         (1) In consultation with Space Florida, the Department of
  972  Transportation may fund spaceport discretionary capacity
  973  improvement projects, as defined in s. 331.303, at up to 100
  974  percent of the project’s cost if:
  975         (a)(1) Important access and on-spaceport-territory space
  976  transportation capacity improvements are provided;
  977         (b)(2) Capital improvements that strategically position the
  978  state to maximize opportunities in international trade are
  979  achieved;
  980         (c)(3) Goals of an integrated intermodal transportation
  981  system for the state are achieved; and
  982         (d)(4) Feasibility and availability of matching funds
  983  through federal, local, or private partners are demonstrated.
  984         (2)(a) In consultation with the Department of Commerce and
  985  the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of
  986  Transportation may fund wastewater projects, stormwater
  987  projects, water capacity projects, and projects associated with
  988  critical infrastructure facilities as defined in s. 692.201
  989  within or outside of a spaceport territory as long as the
  990  project supports aerospace or launch support facilities within
  991  an adjacent spaceport territory boundary.
  992         (b) The Department of Transportation, the Department of
  993  Commerce, and the Department of Environmental Protection shall
  994  coordinate in funding projects under this subsection to optimize
  995  the use of available funds.
  996         Section 11. Section 332.003, Florida Statutes, is amended
  997  to read:
  998         332.003 Florida Airport Development and Accountability
  999  Assistance Act; short title.—Sections 332.003-332.007 may be
 1000  cited as the “Florida Airport Development and Accountability
 1001  Assistance Act.”
 1002         Section 12. Section 332.005, Florida Statutes, is amended
 1003  to read:
 1004         332.005 Restrictions on authority of Department of
 1005  Transportation.—
 1006         (1) This act specifically prohibits the Department of
 1007  Transportation from regulating commercial air carriers operating
 1008  within the state pursuant to federal authority and regulations;
 1009  from participating in or exercising control in the management
 1010  and operation of a sponsor’s airport, except when officially
 1011  requested by the sponsor; or from expanding the design or
 1012  operational capability of the department in the area of airport
 1013  and aviation consultants’ contract work, other than to provide
 1014  technical assistance as requested.
 1015         (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), upon the declaration of
 1016  a state of emergency issued by the Governor in preparation for
 1017  or in response to a natural disaster, airports shall, at no cost
 1018  to the state, provide the Department of Transportation with the
 1019  opportunity to use any property that is not within the air
 1020  navigation facility as defined in s. 332.01(4) for the staging
 1021  of equipment and personnel to support emergency preparedness and
 1022  response operations.
 1023         Section 13. Subsection (7) of section 332.006, Florida
 1024  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (10) is added to that
 1025  section, to read:
 1026         332.006 Duties and responsibilities of the Department of
 1027  Transportation.—The Department of Transportation shall, within
 1028  the resources provided pursuant to chapter 216:
 1029         (7) Develop, promote, and distribute supporting information
 1030  and educational services, including, but not limited to,
 1031  educational services with a focus on retention and growth of the
 1032  aviation industry workforce.
 1033         (10) When deemed appropriate by the department, conduct
 1034  inspections of commercial airport facilities that have received
 1035  state funding, including, but not limited to, the inspection of
 1036  terminal facilities, baggage systems, and fixed guideway
 1037  transportation systems in accordance with s. 341.061. The
 1038  department may enter into agreements with other state regulatory
 1039  agencies, including, but not limited to, the Department of
 1040  Business and Professional Regulation and the Department of
 1041  Health, for the purpose of conducting such inspections.
 1042         Section 14. Subsection (5), paragraph (a) of subsection
 1043  (7), and subsections (8) and (9) of section 332.007, Florida
 1044  Statutes, are amended, and paragraph (c) is added to subsection
 1045  (2) of that section, to read:
 1046         332.007 Administration and financing of aviation and
 1047  airport programs and projects; state plan.—
 1048         (2)
 1049         (c) The department shall require each airport sponsor to
 1050  submit an annual comprehensive maintenance program report that
 1051  provides details relating to maintenance and inspections of
 1052  airport infrastructure. The report must include a schedule of
 1053  inspections, locations at which inspections and maintenance are
 1054  performed, a list of required maintenance needs, any remedial
 1055  action required or taken after an inspection, and details of
 1056  follow-up inspections. For purposes of this paragraph, the term
 1057  “maintenance means any preventive or routine work necessary to
 1058  maintain airport infrastructure in good condition, which is
 1059  essential for the safe operation of airport infrastructure. If
 1060  the comprehensive maintenance program report includes evidence
 1061  of failure to perform routine maintenance, the department may
 1062  withhold state funds intended for use for capital expansion
 1063  projects until the airport sponsor takes corrective action to
 1064  address the failure. Records of materials and equipment used for
 1065  maintenance and repair work must be maintained by the airport
 1066  sponsor as required by the department.
 1067         (5) Only those projects or programs provided for in this
 1068  act that will contribute to the implementation of the state
 1069  aviation system plan, that are consistent with the energy policy
 1070  of the state as defined in s. 339.08(6)(a), that are consistent
 1071  with and will contribute to the implementation of any airport
 1072  master plan or layout plan, and that are consistent, to the
 1073  maximum extent feasible, with the approved local government
 1074  comprehensive plans of the units of government in which the
 1075  airport is located are eligible for the expenditure of state
 1076  funds in accordance with fund participation rates and priorities
 1077  established herein.
 1078         (7) Subject to the availability of appropriated funds in
 1079  addition to aviation fuel tax revenues, the department may
 1080  participate in the capital cost of eligible public airport and
 1081  aviation discretionary capacity improvement projects. The annual
 1082  legislative budget request shall be based on the funding
 1083  required for discretionary capacity improvement projects in the
 1084  aviation and airport work program.
 1085         (a) The department shall provide priority funding in
 1086  support of:
 1087         1. Terminal and parking expansion projects that increase
 1088  capacity at airports providing commercial service in counties
 1089  with a population of 500,000 or less.
 1090         2. Land acquisition which provides additional capacity at
 1091  the qualifying international airport or at that airport’s
 1092  supplemental air carrier airport.
 1093         3.2. Runway and taxiway projects that add capacity or are
 1094  necessary to accommodate technological changes in the aviation
 1095  industry.
 1096         4.3. Airport access transportation projects that improve
 1097  direct airport access and are approved by the airport sponsor.
 1098         5.4. International terminal projects that increase
 1099  international gate capacity.
 1100         6. Projects that improve safety and efficiency of airport
 1101  operations.
 1102         7. Emerging technology projects, workforce development
 1103  projects, and projects that benefit the strategic intermodal
 1104  system through intermodal connectivity.
 1105         (8) The department may also fund eligible projects
 1106  performed by not-for-profit organizations and postsecondary
 1107  education institutions as defined in s. 1008.47 which support
 1108  the training of pilots, air traffic control personnel, or
 1109  aircraft maintenance technical personnel that represent a
 1110  majority of public airports in this state. Eligible projects may
 1111  include activities associated with aviation master planning,
 1112  professional education, safety and security planning, enhancing
 1113  economic development and efficiency at airports in this state,
 1114  or other planning efforts to improve the viability and safety of
 1115  airports in this state. Programs that support the transition of
 1116  honorably discharged military personnel to the aviation industry
 1117  are also eligible projects under this subsection. The department
 1118  may provide matching funds for eligible projects funded by the
 1119  Department of Commerce.
 1120         (9) The department may fund strategic airport investment
 1121  projects at up to 100 percent of the project’s cost if:
 1122         (a) Important access and on-airport capacity improvements
 1123  are provided;
 1124         (b) Capital improvements that strategically position the
 1125  state to maximize opportunities in tourism, international trade,
 1126  logistics, and the aviation industry are provided;
 1127         (c) Goals of an integrated intermodal transportation system
 1128  for the state are achieved; and
 1129         (d) Feasibility and availability of matching funds through
 1130  federal, local, or private partners are demonstrated.
 1131         Section 15. Paragraphs (a), (b), and (d) of subsection (1),
 1132  subsection (2), and paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section
 1133  332.0075, Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph (c) is
 1134  added to subsection (5) of that section, to read:
 1135         332.0075 Commercial service airports; transparency and
 1136  accountability; penalty.—
 1137         (1) As used in this section, the term:
 1138         (a) “Commercial service airport” means an airport providing
 1139  commercial service, including large, medium, small, and nonhub
 1140  airports as classified a primary airport as defined in 49 U.S.C.
 1141  s. 47102 which is classified as a large, medium, or small hub
 1142  airport by the Federal Aviation Administration.
 1143         (b) “Consent agenda” means an agenda which consists of
 1144  items voted on collectively or as a group and which does not
 1145  provide the opportunity for public comment on each such item
 1146  before approval or disapproval by the governing body.
 1147         (d) “Governing body” means the governing body of the
 1148  county, municipality, or special district that operates a
 1149  commercial service airport. The term also includes an appointed
 1150  board or oversight entity serving as the governing body for
 1151  purposes of a commercial service airport on behalf of a county,
 1152  municipality, or special district.
 1153         (2) Each governing body shall establish and maintain a
 1154  website to post information relating to the operation of a
 1155  commercial service airport. The information must remain posted
 1156  on the website for 5 years or for the entirety of the period
 1157  during which the document is actively in use, whichever is
 1158  longer, and must include all of the following, including:
 1159         (a) All published notices of meetings and published meeting
 1160  agendas of the governing body.
 1161         (b) The official minutes of each meeting of the governing
 1162  body, which must shall be posted within 7 business days after
 1163  the date of the meeting in which the minutes were approved.
 1164         (c) The approved budget for the commercial service airport
 1165  for the current fiscal year, which shall be posted within 7
 1166  business days after the date of adoption. Budgets must remain on
 1167  the website for 5 2 years after the conclusion of the fiscal
 1168  year for which they were adopted.
 1169         (d) Copies of the current airport master plan and the
 1170  immediately preceding airport master plan for the commercial
 1171  service airport and a link to the current airport master plan
 1172  for the commercial service airport on the commercial service
 1173  airport’s website.
 1174         (e) A link to all financial and statistical reports for the
 1175  commercial service airport on the Federal Aviation
 1176  Administration’s website.
 1177         (f) Any contract or contract amendment for the purchase of
 1178  commodities or contractual services executed by or on behalf of
 1179  the commercial service airport in excess of the threshold amount
 1180  provided in s. 287.017 for CATEGORY FIVE, which must shall be
 1181  posted no later than 7 business days after the commercial
 1182  service airport executes the contract or contract amendment.
 1183  However, a contract or contract amendment may not reveal
 1184  information made confidential or exempt by law. Each commercial
 1185  service airport must redact confidential or exempt information
 1186  from each contract or contract amendment before posting a copy
 1187  on its website.
 1188         (g) Position and rate information for each employee of the
 1189  commercial service airport, including, at a minimum, the
 1190  employee’s position title, position description, and annual or
 1191  hourly salary. This information must shall be updated quarterly
 1192  annually.
 1193         (5)(a) Each November 1, the governing body of each
 1194  commercial service airport shall submit the following
 1195  information to the department:
 1196         1. Its approved budget for the current fiscal year.
 1197         2. Any financial reports submitted to the Federal Aviation
 1198  Administration during the previous calendar year.
 1199         3. A link to its website.
 1200         4. A statement, verified as provided in s. 92.525, that it
 1201  has complied with part III of chapter 112, chapter 287, and this
 1202  section.
 1203         5. The most recent copies of its strategic plans.
 1204         6. Contracts related to any financial awards received
 1205  through federally funded grant programs for the preceding year.
 1206         (c)A commercial service airport shall:
 1207         1. Notify the department within 48 hours after receiving a
 1208  communication or directive from a federal agency relating to
 1209  public health testing or the transfer of unauthorized aliens
 1210  into this state.
 1211         2. Notify the department as soon as is reasonably possible,
 1212  but no later than 48 hours, after the discovery of an incident
 1213  or issue of statewide concern, including, but not limited to, an
 1214  incident or issue that puts the safety of the traveling public
 1215  at risk, a potential cybersecurity risk or breach, or as defined
 1216  by the department.
 1217         Section 16. Section 332.15, Florida Statutes, is created to
 1218  read:
 1219         332.15 Advanced air mobility.—The Department of
 1220  Transportation shall, within the resources provided pursuant to
 1221  chapter 216:
 1222         (1) Address the need for vertiports, advanced air mobility,
 1223  and other advances in aviation technology in the statewide
 1224  aviation system plan required under s. 332.006(1) and, as
 1225  appropriate, in the department’s work program.
 1226         (2) Designate a subject matter expert on advanced air
 1227  mobility within the department to serve as a resource for local
 1228  jurisdictions navigating advances in aviation technology.
 1229         (3) Conduct a review of airport hazard zone regulations.
 1230         (4) In coordination with the Department of Commerce,
 1231  provide coordination and assistance for the development of a
 1232  viable advanced air mobility system plan in this state. The
 1233  department shall incorporate the plan into the statewide
 1234  aviation system plan required under s. 332.006(1) to identify
 1235  and develop statewide corridors of need and opportunities for
 1236  industry growth.
 1237         Section 17. Subsections (5) and (26) of section 334.044,
 1238  Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsections (37), (38), and
 1239  (39) are added to that section, to read:
 1240         334.044 Powers and duties of the department.—The department
 1241  shall have the following general powers and duties:
 1242         (5) To purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire property and
 1243  materials, including the purchase of promotional items as part
 1244  of public information and education campaigns for the promotion
 1245  of environmental management, scenic highways, traffic and train
 1246  safety awareness, alternatives to single-occupant vehicle
 1247  travel, commercial motor vehicle safety, workforce development,
 1248  electric vehicle use and charging stations, autonomous vehicles,
 1249  and context classification design for electric vehicles and
 1250  autonomous vehicles; to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire
 1251  equipment and supplies; and to sell, exchange, or otherwise
 1252  dispose of any property that is no longer needed by the
 1253  department.
 1254         (26) To provide for the enhancement of environmental
 1255  benefits, including air and water quality; to prevent roadside
 1256  erosion; to conserve the natural roadside growth and scenery;
 1257  and to provide for the implementation and maintenance of
 1258  roadside conservation, enhancement, and stabilization programs.
 1259         (a) On an annual basis, an amount equal to at least 1.5
 1260  percent of the total amount contracted for construction projects
 1261  shall be allocated by the department on a statewide basis for
 1262  the purchase of plant materials, which may also be used in
 1263  maintenance projects to enhance State Highway System rights-of
 1264  way and arterial facilities. Such funds must be allocated on a
 1265  statewide basis. Department districts may not expend funds for
 1266  landscaping in connection with any project that is limited to
 1267  resurfacing existing lanes unless the expenditure has been
 1268  approved by the department’s secretary or the secretary’s
 1269  designee.
 1270         (b) To the greatest extent practical, at least 50 percent
 1271  of the funds allocated under paragraph (a) this subsection shall
 1272  be allocated for large plant materials and the remaining funds
 1273  for other plant materials.
 1274         (c) Except as prohibited by applicable federal law or
 1275  regulation, all plant materials shall be purchased from Florida
 1276  commercial nursery stock in this state on a uniform competitive
 1277  bid basis. The department shall develop grades and standards for
 1278  landscaping materials purchased through this process, which must
 1279  include standards for landscaping materials native to specific
 1280  regions of this state which are reflective of this state’s
 1281  heritage and natural landscapes. To accomplish these activities,
 1282  the department may contract with nonprofit organizations having
 1283  the primary purpose of developing youth employment
 1284  opportunities.
 1285         (d) To increase cost predictability and programming needs,
 1286  for a project with a total contracted construction cost greater
 1287  than $500 million, 0.5 percent of the total construction cost
 1288  shall be expended on the purchase of plant materials under
 1289  paragraph (a) in the fiscal year in which construction begins
 1290  and the remaining 1 percent may be expended incrementally over
 1291  the next 5 fiscal years.
 1292         (e) Projects authorized in s. 215 of chapter 2023-239, Laws
 1293  of Florida, and in budget amendment EOG #2024-B0112 and
 1294  subsequently adopted into the department’s 5-year work program
 1295  are exempt from this subsection. This paragraph expires upon the
 1296  completion of the authorized projects.
 1297         (37) Notwithstanding s. 287.022 or s. 287.025, to directly
 1298  enter into insurance contracts with local, national, or
 1299  international insurance companies for the purchase of insurance
 1300  coverage that the department is contractually and legally
 1301  required to provide.
 1302         (38)Notwithstanding s. 287.14, to purchase or acquire
 1303  heavy equipment and motor vehicles for roadway operations and
 1304  emergency response purposes regardless of whether the department
 1305  exchanges or ceases to operate any department-owned heavy
 1306  equipment or motor vehicles.
 1307         (39) To adopt rules for the purpose of compliance with 49
 1308  C.F.R. part 26 and any other applicable federal law.
 1309         Section 18. Subsection (1) of section 334.045, Florida
 1310  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1311         334.045 Transportation performance and productivity
 1312  standards; development; measurement; application.—
 1313         (1) The Florida Transportation Commission shall develop and
 1314  adopt measures for evaluating the performance and productivity
 1315  of the department. The measures may be both quantitative and
 1316  qualitative and must, to the maximum extent practical, assess
 1317  those factors that are within the department’s control. The
 1318  measures must, at a minimum, assess performance in the following
 1319  areas:
 1320         (a) Production;
 1321         (b) Finance and administration;
 1322         (c) Preservation of the current state system;
 1323         (d) Safety of the current state system;
 1324         (e) Capacity improvements: highways and all public
 1325  transportation modes; and
 1326         (f) The business development program established under s.
 1327  337.027 Disadvantaged business enterprise and minority business
 1328  programs.
 1329         Section 19. Section 334.62, Florida Statutes, is created to
 1330  read:
 1331         334.62 Florida Transportation Academy.—The Legislature
 1332  finds that the growth and sustainability of the transportation
 1333  industry workforce is vital to the continued success and
 1334  efficiency of the state’s supply chain and economic
 1335  competitiveness. In order to prioritize the continued need for
 1336  transportation industry workforce development programs, the
 1337  Florida Transportation Academy is established within the
 1338  department. In order to support, promote, and sustain workforce
 1339  development efforts in the transportation sector, the department
 1340  may do all of the following:
 1341         (1) Coordinate with the Department of Corrections to
 1342  identify and create certification and training opportunities for
 1343  nonviolent, scheduled-release inmates and create a notification
 1344  process between the Department of Corrections and the department
 1345  for nonviolent inmates with imminent scheduled-release dates who
 1346  are expected to seek employment upon release.
 1347         (2) Coordinate with the Department of Juvenile Justice and
 1348  its educational partners to create certification and training
 1349  opportunities for eligible youth.
 1350         (3) Coordinate with veterans organizations to encourage
 1351  veterans with honorable military discharge to pursue employment
 1352  opportunities within the transportation industry, including, but
 1353  not limited to, employment as pilots, mechanics, and air traffic
 1354  controllers.
 1355         (4) Coordinate with the Department of Commerce,
 1356  CareerSource Florida, Inc., and regional business organizations,
 1357  within and outside of the transportation industry, to further
 1358  understand recruitment and retention needs and job-seeker
 1359  pipelines.
 1360         (5) Coordinate with the American Council of Engineering
 1361  Companies and the Florida Transportation Builders Association to
 1362  optimize workforce recruitment and retention and assess future
 1363  needs across the transportation industry in this state.
 1364         Section 20. Present paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of
 1365  section 335.182, Florida Statutes, is redesignated as paragraph
 1366  (c) and amended, and a new paragraph (b) is added to that
 1367  subsection, to read:
 1368         335.182 Regulation of connections to roads on State Highway
 1369  System; definitions.—
 1370         (3) As used in this act, the term:
 1371         (b)Modification of an existing connection” means the
 1372  relocation, alteration, or closure of the connection.
 1373         (c)(b) “Significant change” means:
 1374         1. A change in the use of the property, including the
 1375  development of land, structures, or facilities;, or
 1376         2. An expansion of the size of the property, structures, or
 1377  facilities causing an increase in the trip generation of the
 1378  property exceeding 25 percent more trip generation, (either peak
 1379  hour or daily,) and exceeding 100 vehicles per day more than the
 1380  existing use.
 1381         Section 21. Subsections (3) and (4) of section 335.187,
 1382  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1383         335.187 Unpermitted connections; existing access permits;
 1384  nonconforming permits; modification and revocation of permits.—
 1385         (3) The department may issue a nonconforming access permit
 1386  if denying after finding that to deny an access permit would
 1387  leave the property without a reasonable means of access to the
 1388  State Highway System. The department may specify limits on the
 1389  maximum vehicular use of the connection and may condition be
 1390  conditioned on the availability of future alternative means of
 1391  access for which access permits can be obtained.
 1392         (4) After written notice and the opportunity for a hearing,
 1393  as provided for in s. 120.60, the department may modify or
 1394  revoke an access permit issued after July 1, 1988, by requiring
 1395  modification Relocation, alteration, or closure of an existing
 1396  connection if:
 1397         (a) A significant change occurs in the use, design, or
 1398  traffic flow of the connection; or
 1399         (b) It would jeopardize the safety of the public or have a
 1400  negative impact upon the operational characteristics of the
 1401  highway.
 1402         Section 22. Subsection (2) of section 337.027, Florida
 1403  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1404         337.027 Authority to implement a business development
 1405  program.—
 1406         (2) For purposes of this section, the term “small business”
 1407  means a business with yearly average gross receipts of less than
 1408  $25 $15 million for road and bridge contracts and less than $10
 1409  $6.5 million for professional and nonprofessional services
 1410  contracts. A business’ average gross receipts is determined by
 1411  averaging its annual gross receipts over the last 3 years,
 1412  including the receipts of any affiliate as defined in s.
 1413  337.165.
 1414         Section 23. Subsection (6) of section 337.11, Florida
 1415  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1416         337.11 Contracting authority of department; bids; emergency
 1417  repairs, supplemental agreements, and change orders; combined
 1418  design and construction contracts; progress payments; records;
 1419  requirements of vehicle registration.—
 1420         (6)(a) If the secretary determines that an emergency in
 1421  regard to the restoration or repair of any state transportation
 1422  facility exists such that the delay incident to giving
 1423  opportunity for competitive bidding would be detrimental to the
 1424  interests of the state, the provisions for competitive bidding
 1425  do not apply; and the department may enter into contracts for
 1426  restoration or repair without giving opportunity for competitive
 1427  bidding on such contracts. Within 30 days after such
 1428  determination and contract execution, the head of the department
 1429  shall file with the Executive Office of the Governor a written
 1430  statement of the conditions and circumstances constituting such
 1431  emergency.
 1432         (b) If the secretary determines that delays on a contract
 1433  for maintenance exist due to administrative challenges, bid
 1434  protests, defaults or terminations and the further delay would
 1435  reduce safety on the transportation facility or seriously hinder
 1436  the department’s ability to preserve the state’s investment in
 1437  that facility, competitive bidding provisions may be waived and
 1438  the department may enter into a contract for maintenance on the
 1439  facility. However, contracts for maintenance executed under the
 1440  provisions of this paragraph shall be interim in nature and
 1441  shall be limited in duration to a period of time not to exceed
 1442  the length of the delay necessary to complete the competitive
 1443  bidding process and have the contract in place.
 1444         (c) When the department determines that it is in the best
 1445  interest of the public for reasons of public concern, economy,
 1446  improved operations, or safety, and only when circumstances
 1447  dictate rapid completion of the work, the department may, up to
 1448  the amount of $500,000, enter into contracts for construction
 1449  and maintenance without advertising and receiving competitive
 1450  bids. The department may enter into such contracts only upon a
 1451  determination that the work is necessary for one of the
 1452  following reasons:
 1453         1. To ensure timely completion of projects or avoidance of
 1454  undue delay for other projects;
 1455         2. To accomplish minor repairs or construction and
 1456  maintenance activities for which time is of the essence and for
 1457  which significant cost savings would occur; or
 1458         3. To accomplish nonemergency work necessary to ensure
 1459  avoidance of adverse conditions that affect the safe and
 1460  efficient flow of traffic.
 1462  The department shall make a good faith effort to obtain two or
 1463  more quotes, if available, from qualified contractors before
 1464  entering into any contract. The department shall give
 1465  consideration to small disadvantaged business enterprise
 1466  participation. However, when the work exists within the limits
 1467  of an existing contract, the department shall make a good faith
 1468  effort to negotiate and enter into a contract with the prime
 1469  contractor on the existing contract.
 1470         Section 24. Section 337.125, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
 1471         Section 25. Section 337.135, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
 1472         Section 26. Section 337.139, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
 1473         Section 27. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
 1474  337.18, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1475         337.18 Surety bonds for construction or maintenance
 1476  contracts; requirement with respect to contract award; bond
 1477  requirements; defaults; damage assessments.—
 1478         (1)(a) A surety bond shall be required of the successful
 1479  bidder in an amount equal to the awarded contract price.
 1480  However, the department may choose, in its discretion and
 1481  applicable only to multiyear maintenance contracts, to allow for
 1482  incremental annual contract bonds that cumulatively total the
 1483  full, awarded, multiyear contract price;. The department may
 1484  also choose, in its discretion and applicable only to phased
 1485  design-build contracts under s. 337.11(7)(b), to allow the
 1486  issuance of multiple contract performance and payment bonds in
 1487  succession to align with each phase of the contract to meet the
 1488  bonding requirement in this subsection; and, at the discretion
 1489  of the Secretary of Transportation and notwithstanding any
 1490  bonding requirement under s. 337.18, to require a surety bond in
 1491  an amount that is less than the awarded contract price.
 1492         1. The department may waive the requirement for all or a
 1493  portion of a surety bond if:
 1494         a. The contract price is $250,000 or less and the
 1495  department determines that the project is of a noncritical
 1496  nature and that nonperformance will not endanger public health,
 1497  safety, or property;
 1498         b. The prime contractor is a qualified nonprofit agency for
 1499  the blind or for the other severely handicapped under s.
 1500  413.036(2); or
 1501         c. The prime contractor is using a subcontractor that is a
 1502  qualified nonprofit agency for the blind or for the other
 1503  severely handicapped under s. 413.036(2). However, the
 1504  department may not waive more than the amount of the
 1505  subcontract.
 1506         2. If the department determines that it is in the best
 1507  interests of the department to reduce the bonding requirement
 1508  for a project and that to do so will not endanger public health,
 1509  safety, or property, the department may waive the requirement of
 1510  a surety bond in an amount equal to the awarded contract price
 1511  for a project having a contract price of $250 million or more
 1512  and, in its place, may set a surety bond amount that is a
 1513  portion of the total contract price and provide an alternate
 1514  means of security for the balance of the contract amount that is
 1515  not covered by the surety bond or provide for incremental surety
 1516  bonding and provide an alternate means of security for the
 1517  balance of the contract amount that is not covered by the surety
 1518  bond. Such alternative means of security may include letters of
 1519  credit, United States bonds and notes, parent company
 1520  guarantees, and cash collateral. The department may require
 1521  alternate means of security if a surety bond is waived. The
 1522  surety on such bond shall be a surety company authorized to do
 1523  business in the state. All bonds shall be payable to the
 1524  department and conditioned for the prompt, faithful, and
 1525  efficient performance of the contract according to plans and
 1526  specifications and within the time period specified, and for the
 1527  prompt payment of all persons defined in s. 713.01 furnishing
 1528  labor, material, equipment, and supplies for work provided in
 1529  the contract; however, whenever an improvement, demolition, or
 1530  removal contract price is $25,000 or less, the security may, in
 1531  the discretion of the bidder, be in the form of a cashier’s
 1532  check, bank money order of any state or national bank, certified
 1533  check, or postal money order. The department shall adopt rules
 1534  to implement this subsection. Such rules shall include
 1535  provisions under which the department shall refuse to accept
 1536  bonds on contracts when a surety wrongfully fails or refuses to
 1537  settle or provide a defense for claims or actions arising under
 1538  a contract for which the surety previously furnished a bond.
 1539         Section 28. Subsection (3) of section 337.251, Florida
 1540  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1541         337.251 Lease of property for joint public-private
 1542  development and areas above or below department property.—
 1543         (3) A proposal must be selected by the department based on
 1544  competitive bidding, except that the department may consider
 1545  other relevant factors specified in the request for proposals.
 1546  The department may consider such factors as the value of
 1547  property exchanges, the cost of construction, and other
 1548  recurring costs for the benefit of the department by the lessee
 1549  in lieu of direct revenue to the department if such other
 1550  factors are of equal value including innovative proposals to
 1551  involve small minority businesses. The department may name a
 1552  board of advisers which may be composed of accountants, real
 1553  estate appraisers, design engineers, or other experts
 1554  experienced in the type of development proposed. The board of
 1555  advisers shall review the feasibility of the proposals,
 1556  recommend acceptance or rejection of each proposal, and rank
 1557  each feasible proposal in the order of technical feasibility and
 1558  benefit provided to the department. The board of advisers shall
 1559  be reasonably compensated for the services provided and all
 1560  department costs for evaluating the proposals shall be
 1561  reimbursed from a proposal application fee to be set by the
 1562  department and paid by the applicants. The board of advisers
 1563  shall not be subject to selection under the provisions of
 1564  chapter 287.
 1565         Section 29. Subsection (4) of section 337.406, Florida
 1566  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1567         337.406 Unlawful use of state transportation facility
 1568  right-of-way; penalties.—
 1569         (4)(a) Camping is prohibited on any portion of the right
 1570  of-way of the State Highway System that is within 100 feet of a
 1571  bridge, causeway, overpass, or ramp.
 1572         (b) This subsection does not apply to a person who has
 1573  acquired the appropriate permits and is actively navigating the
 1574  federally designated Florida National Scenic Trail recognized by
 1575  the state in s. 260.012(6).
 1576         Section 30. Subsection (4) of section 338.227, Florida
 1577  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1578         338.227 Turnpike revenue bonds.—
 1579         (4) The Department of Transportation and the Department of
 1580  Management Services shall create and implement an outreach
 1581  program designed to enhance the participation of small minority
 1582  persons and minority business enterprises in all contracts
 1583  entered into by their respective departments for services
 1584  related to the financing of department projects for the
 1585  Strategic Intermodal System Plan developed pursuant to s.
 1586  339.64. These services shall include, but are not limited to,
 1587  bond counsel and bond underwriters.
 1588         Section 31. Subsection (6) is added to section 339.08,
 1589  Florida Statutes, to read:
 1590         339.08 Use of moneys in State Transportation Trust Fund.—
 1591         (6)(a)As used in this subsection, the term “energy policy
 1592  of the state” means the energy policy described in s. 377.601
 1593  and includes any intended or actual measure, obligation, target,
 1594  or timeframe related to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.
 1595         (b) The department may not expend any state funds as
 1596  described in s. 215.31 to support a project or program of any of
 1597  the following entities if such entities adopt or promote energy
 1598  policy goals inconsistent with the energy policy of the state:
 1599         1. A public transit provider as defined in s. 341.031(1).
 1600         2. An authority created pursuant to chapter 343, chapter
 1601  348, or chapter 349.
 1602         3. A public-use airport as defined in s. 332.004.
 1603         4. A port listed in s. 311.09(1).
 1604         Section 32. Section 339.0805, Florida Statutes, is
 1605  repealed.
 1606         Section 33. Paragraph (c) of subsection (6) and paragraph
 1607  (h) of subsection (7) of section 339.135, Florida Statutes, are
 1608  amended to read:
 1609         339.135 Work program; legislative budget request;
 1610  definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment.—
 1611         (6) EXECUTION OF THE BUDGET.—
 1612         (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of ss. 216.301(2) and
 1613  216.351, any unexpended balance remaining at the end of the
 1614  fiscal year in the appropriations to the department for special
 1615  categories; aid to local governments; lump sums for project
 1616  phases which are part of the adopted work program, and for which
 1617  contracts have been executed or bids have been let; and for
 1618  right-of-way land acquisition and relocation assistance for
 1619  parcels from project phases in the adopted work program for
 1620  which appraisals have been completed and approved, may be
 1621  certified forward as fixed capital outlay at the end of each
 1622  fiscal year, to be certified by the head of the state agency on
 1623  or before August 1 of each year to the Executive Office of the
 1624  Governor, showing in detail the commitment or to whom obligated
 1625  and the amount of such commitment or obligation. On or before
 1626  September 1 of each year, the Executive Office of the Governor
 1627  shall review and approve or disapprove, consistent with
 1628  legislative policy and intent, any or all of the items and
 1629  amounts certified by the head of the state agency and shall
 1630  furnish the Chief Financial Officer, the legislative
 1631  appropriations committees, and the Auditor General a detailed
 1632  listing of the items and amounts approved as legal encumbrances
 1633  against the undisbursed balances of such appropriations. In the
 1634  event such certification is not made and the balance of the
 1635  appropriation has reverted and the obligation is proven to be
 1636  legal, due, and unpaid, then the same must shall be presented to
 1637  the Legislature for its consideration. Such certification as
 1638  herein required must shall be in the form and on the date
 1639  approved by the Executive Office of the Governor. Any project
 1640  phases in the adopted work program not certified forward are
 1641  shall be available for roll forward for the next fiscal year of
 1642  the adopted work program. Spending authority associated with
 1643  such project phases may be rolled forward to the next fiscal
 1644  year upon approval by the procedures set forth in s. 216.177.
 1645  Upon approval, the Executive Office of the Governor shall modify
 1646  the original approved operating budget for fixed capital outlay
 1647  expenditures Legislative Budget Commission. Increases in
 1648  spending authority are shall be limited to amounts of unexpended
 1649  balances by appropriation category. Any project phase certified
 1650  forward for which bids have been let but subsequently rejected
 1651  is shall be available for roll forward in the adopted work
 1652  program for the next fiscal year. Spending authority associated
 1653  with such project phases may be rolled forward into the current
 1654  year from funds certified forward. The amount certified forward
 1655  may include contingency allowances for right-of-way acquisition
 1656  and relocation, asphalt and petroleum product escalation
 1657  clauses, and contract overages, which allowances must shall be
 1658  separately identified in the certification detail. Right-of-way
 1659  acquisition and relocation and contract overages contingency
 1660  allowances must shall be based on documented historical
 1661  patterns. These contingency amounts must shall be incorporated
 1662  in the certification for each specific category, but when a
 1663  category has an excess and another category has a deficiency,
 1664  the Executive Office of the Governor is authorized to transfer
 1665  the excess to the deficient account.
 1667         (h)1. Any work program amendment that also adds a new
 1668  project, or phase thereof, to the adopted work program in excess
 1669  of $3 million is subject to approval by the Legislative Budget
 1670  Commission. Any work program amendment submitted under this
 1671  paragraph must include, as supplemental information, a list of
 1672  projects, or phases thereof, in the current 5-year adopted work
 1673  program which are eligible for the funds within the
 1674  appropriation category being used for the proposed amendment.
 1675  The department shall provide a narrative with the rationale for
 1676  not advancing an existing project, or phase thereof, in lieu of
 1677  the proposed amendment.
 1678         2. If the department submits an amendment to the
 1679  Legislative Budget Commission and the commission does not meet
 1680  or consider the amendment within 30 days after its submittal,
 1681  the chair and vice chair of the commission may authorize the
 1682  amendment to be approved pursuant to s. 216.177. This
 1683  subparagraph expires July 1, 2025.
 1684         Section 34. Subsection (3) of section 339.2816, Florida
 1685  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1686         339.2816 Small County Road Assistance Program.—
 1687         (3) Beginning with fiscal year 2025-2026, up to $50 1999
 1688  2000 until fiscal year 2009-2010, and beginning again with
 1689  fiscal year 2012-2013, up to $25 million annually from the State
 1690  Transportation Trust Fund may be used for the purposes of
 1691  funding the Small County Road Assistance Program as described in
 1692  this section.
 1693         Section 35. Subsections (2), (7), and (8) of section
 1694  339.2818, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1695         339.2818 Small County Outreach Program.—
 1696         (2) For the purposes of this section, the term “small
 1697  county” means any county that has a population of 200,000 or
 1698  less as determined by the most recent official estimate pursuant
 1699  to s. 186.901. The term also includes:
 1700         (a) A municipality within a rural area of opportunity or a
 1701  rural area of opportunity community designated under s.
 1702  288.0656(7)(a), which may compete for funding using the criteria
 1703  listed in paragraph (4)(c) at up to 100 percent of project
 1704  costs, excluding capacity improvement projects; and
 1705         (b) A local government either wholly or partially within
 1706  the Everglades Agricultural Area as defined in s. 373.4592(15),
 1707  the Peace River Basin, or the Suwannee River Basin, which may
 1708  compete for funding using the criteria listed in paragraph
 1709  (4)(c) at up to 100 percent of project costs on state or county
 1710  roads used primarily as farm-to-market connections between rural
 1711  agricultural areas and market distribution centers, excluding
 1712  capacity improvement projects.
 1713         (7) Beginning with the 2025-2026 fiscal year, at least $50
 1714  million annually from the State Transportation Trust Fund may be
 1715  used for the purposes of funding the Small County Outreach
 1716  Program Subject to a specific appropriation in addition to funds
 1717  annually appropriated for projects under this section, a
 1718  municipality within a rural area of opportunity or a rural area
 1719  of opportunity community designated under s. 288.0656(7)(a) may
 1720  compete for the additional project funding using the criteria
 1721  listed in subsection (4) at up to 100 percent of project costs,
 1722  excluding capacity improvement projects.
 1723         (8) Subject to a specific appropriation in addition to
 1724  funds appropriated for projects under this section, a local
 1725  government either wholly or partially within the Everglades
 1726  Agricultural Area as defined in s. 373.4592(15), the Peace River
 1727  Basin, or the Suwannee River Basin may compete for additional
 1728  funding using the criteria listed in paragraph (4)(c) at up to
 1729  100 percent of project costs on state or county roads used
 1730  primarily as farm-to-market connections between rural
 1731  agricultural areas and market distribution centers, excluding
 1732  capacity improvement projects.
 1733         Section 36. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) and paragraph
 1734  (c) of subsection (4) of section 339.2821, Florida Statutes, are
 1735  amended to read:
 1736         339.2821 Economic development transportation projects.—
 1737         (3)
 1738         (b) The department must ensure that it is supportive of
 1739  small businesses as defined in s. 337.027(2) small and minority
 1740  businesses have equal access to participate in transportation
 1741  projects funded pursuant to this section.
 1742         (4) A contract between the department and a governmental
 1743  body for a transportation project must:
 1744         (c) Require that the governmental body provide the
 1745  department with progress reports. Each progress report must
 1746  contain:
 1747         1. A narrative description of the work completed and
 1748  whether the work is proceeding according to the transportation
 1749  project schedule;
 1750         2. A description of each change order executed by the
 1751  governmental body;
 1752         3. A budget summary detailing planned expenditures compared
 1753  to actual expenditures; and
 1754         4. The identity of each small or minority business used as
 1755  a contractor or subcontractor.
 1756         Section 37. Section 339.287, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
 1757         Section 38. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
 1758  339.55, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1759         339.55 State-funded infrastructure bank.—
 1760         (2) The bank may lend capital costs or provide credit
 1761  enhancements for:
 1762         (c)1. Emergency loans for damages incurred to public-use
 1763  commercial deepwater seaports, public-use airports, and other
 1764  public-use transit and intermodal facilities that are within an
 1765  area that is part of an official state declaration of emergency
 1766  pursuant to chapter 252 and all other applicable laws. Such
 1767  loans:
 1768         a. May not exceed 24 months in duration except in extreme
 1769  circumstances, for which the Secretary of Transportation may
 1770  grant up to 36 months upon making written findings specifying
 1771  the conditions requiring a 36-month term.
 1772         b. Require application from the recipient to the department
 1773  that includes documentation of damage claims filed with the
 1774  Federal Emergency Management Agency or an applicable insurance
 1775  carrier and documentation of the recipient’s overall financial
 1776  condition.
 1777         c. Are subject to approval by the Secretary of
 1778  Transportation and the Legislative Budget Commission.
 1779         2. Loans provided under this paragraph must be repaid upon
 1780  receipt by the recipient of eligible program funding for damages
 1781  in accordance with the claims filed with the Federal Emergency
 1782  Management Agency or an applicable insurance carrier, but no
 1783  later than the duration of the loan.
 1784         Section 39. Subsections (3) and (7) of section 339.651,
 1785  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1786         339.651 Strategic Intermodal System supply chain demands.—
 1787         (3) The department may shall make up to $20 million
 1788  available each year for fiscal years 2023-2024 through 2027
 1789  2028, from existing work program revenues, to fund projects that
 1790  meet the public purpose of providing increased capacity and
 1791  enhanced capabilities to move and store construction aggregate
 1792  and transportation infrastructure-related materials. Applicants
 1793  eligible for project funding under this section are seaports
 1794  listed in s. 311.09 and rail lines and rail facilities.
 1795         (7) This section shall stand repealed on July 1, 2028.
 1796         Section 40. Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section
 1797  341.051, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1798         341.051 Administration and financing of public transit and
 1799  intercity bus service programs and projects.—
 1800         (6) ANNUAL APPROPRIATION.—
 1801         (b) If funds are allocated to projects that qualify for the
 1802  New Starts Transit Program in the current fiscal year and a
 1803  project will not be ready for production by June 30, those funds
 1804  must The remaining unallocated New Starts Transit Program funds
 1805  as of June 30, 2024, shall be reallocated for the purpose of the
 1806  Strategic Intermodal System within the State Transportation
 1807  Trust Fund for the next fiscal year. This paragraph expires June
 1808  30, 2026.
 1810  For purposes of this section, the term “net operating costs”
 1811  means all operating costs of a project less any federal funds,
 1812  fares, or other sources of income to the project.
 1813         Section 41. Subsection (5) of section 348.754, Florida
 1814  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1815         348.754 Purposes and powers.—
 1816         (5) The authority shall encourage the inclusion of local
 1817  and small local-, small-, minority-, and women-owned businesses
 1818  in its procurement and contracting opportunities.
 1819         Section 42. Subsection (2) of section 349.03, Florida
 1820  Statutes, is amended, and subsections (4) and (5) are added to
 1821  that section, to read:
 1822         349.03 Jacksonville Transportation Authority.—
 1823         (2) The governing body of the authority shall be composed
 1824  consist of seven members. Four Three members, one of whom is a
 1825  resident of the City of Jacksonville and three of whom are
 1826  residents of Clay County, Duval County, or St. Johns County,
 1827  shall be appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate.
 1828  Three members shall be appointed by the mayor of the City of
 1829  Jacksonville subject to confirmation by the council of the City
 1830  of Jacksonville. The seventh member shall be the district
 1831  secretary of the Department of Transportation serving in the
 1832  district that contains the City of Jacksonville. Except for the
 1833  seventh member, Members appointed by the mayor of the City of
 1834  Jacksonville must shall be residents and qualified electors of
 1835  Duval County.
 1836         (4) The authority shall follow the business development
 1837  program established by the department pursuant to s. 337.027.
 1838         (5) The authority shall establish protocols and systems in
 1839  accordance with the requirements of ss. 112.061(16) and
 1840  215.985(6) and (14) and post all related information on the
 1841  authority’s publicly accessible website.
 1842         Section 43. Paragraphs (j) and (m) of subsection (2) of
 1843  section 110.205, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
 1844         110.205 Career service; exemptions.—
 1845         (2) EXEMPT POSITIONS.—The exempt positions that are not
 1846  covered by this part include the following:
 1847         (j) The appointed secretaries and the State Surgeon
 1848  General, assistant secretaries, deputy secretaries, and deputy
 1849  assistant secretaries of all departments; the executive
 1850  directors, assistant executive directors, deputy executive
 1851  directors, and deputy assistant executive directors of all
 1852  departments; the directors of all divisions and those positions
 1853  determined by the department to have managerial responsibilities
 1854  comparable to such positions, which positions include, but are
 1855  not limited to, program directors, assistant program directors,
 1856  district administrators, deputy district administrators, the
 1857  Director of Central Operations Services of the Department of
 1858  Children and Families, the State Transportation Development
 1859  Administrator, the State Public Transportation and Modal
 1860  Administrator, district secretaries, district directors of
 1861  transportation development, transportation operations,
 1862  transportation support, and the managers of the offices of the
 1863  Department of Transportation specified in s. 20.23(4)(b) s.
 1864  20.23(3)(b). Unless otherwise fixed by law, the department shall
 1865  set the salary and benefits of these positions and the positions
 1866  of county health department directors and county health
 1867  department administrators of the Department of Health in
 1868  accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Service.
 1869         (m) All assistant division director, deputy division
 1870  director, and bureau chief positions in any department, and
 1871  those positions determined by the department to have managerial
 1872  responsibilities comparable to such positions, which include,
 1873  but are not limited to:
 1874         1. Positions in the Department of Health and the Department
 1875  of Children and Families which are assigned primary duties of
 1876  serving as the superintendent or assistant superintendent of an
 1877  institution.
 1878         2. Positions in the Department of Corrections which are
 1879  assigned primary duties of serving as the warden, assistant
 1880  warden, colonel, or major of an institution or that are assigned
 1881  primary duties of serving as the circuit administrator or deputy
 1882  circuit administrator.
 1883         3. Positions in the Department of Transportation which are
 1884  assigned primary duties of serving as regional toll managers and
 1885  managers of offices, as specified in s. 20.23(4)(b) and (5)(c)
 1886  s. 20.23(3)(b) and (4)(c).
 1887         4. Positions in the Department of Environmental Protection
 1888  which are assigned the duty of an Environmental Administrator or
 1889  program administrator.
 1890         5. Positions in the Department of Health which are assigned
 1891  the duties of Environmental Administrator, Assistant County
 1892  Health Department Director, and County Health Department
 1893  Financial Administrator.
 1894         6. Positions in the Department of Highway Safety and Motor
 1895  Vehicles which are assigned primary duties of serving as
 1896  captains in the Florida Highway Patrol.
 1898  Unless otherwise fixed by law, the department shall set the
 1899  salary and benefits of the positions listed in this paragraph in
 1900  accordance with the rules established for the Selected Exempt
 1901  Service.
 1902         Section 44. Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section
 1903  322.27, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1904         322.27 Authority of department to suspend or revoke driver
 1905  license or identification card.—
 1906         (3) There is established a point system for evaluation of
 1907  convictions of violations of motor vehicle laws or ordinances,
 1908  and violations of applicable provisions of s. 403.413(6)(b) when
 1909  such violations involve the use of motor vehicles, for the
 1910  determination of the continuing qualification of any person to
 1911  operate a motor vehicle. The department is authorized to suspend
 1912  the license of any person upon showing of its records or other
 1913  good and sufficient evidence that the licensee has been
 1914  convicted of violation of motor vehicle laws or ordinances, or
 1915  applicable provisions of s. 403.413(6)(b), amounting to 12 or
 1916  more points as determined by the point system. The suspension
 1917  shall be for a period of not more than 1 year.
 1918         (d) The point system shall have as its basic element a
 1919  graduated scale of points assigning relative values to
 1920  convictions of the following violations:
 1921         1. Reckless driving, willful and wanton—4 points.
 1922         2. Leaving the scene of a crash resulting in property
 1923  damage of more than $50—6 points.
 1924         3. Unlawful speed, or unlawful use of a wireless
 1925  communications device, resulting in a crash—6 points.
 1926         4. Passing a stopped school bus:
 1927         a. Not causing or resulting in serious bodily injury to or
 1928  death of another—4 points.
 1929         b. Causing or resulting in serious bodily injury to or
 1930  death of another—6 points.
 1931         c. Points may not be imposed for a violation of passing a
 1932  stopped school bus as provided in s. 316.172(1)(a) or (b) when
 1933  enforced by a school bus infraction detection system pursuant to
 1934  s. 316.173. In addition, a violation of s. 316.172(1)(a) or (b)
 1935  when enforced by a school bus infraction detection system
 1936  pursuant to s. 316.173 may not be used for purposes of setting
 1937  motor vehicle insurance rates.
 1938         5. Unlawful speed:
 1939         a. Not in excess of 15 miles per hour of lawful or posted
 1940  speed—3 points.
 1941         b. In excess of 15 miles per hour of lawful or posted
 1942  speed—4 points.
 1943         c. Points may not be imposed for a violation of unlawful
 1944  speed as provided in s. 316.1895 or s. 316.183 when enforced by
 1945  a traffic infraction enforcement officer pursuant to s.
 1946  316.1896. In addition, a violation of s. 316.1895 or s. 316.183
 1947  when enforced by a traffic infraction enforcement officer
 1948  pursuant to s. 316.1896 may not be used for purposes of setting
 1949  motor vehicle insurance rates.
 1950         6. A violation of a traffic control signal device as
 1951  provided in s. 316.074(1) or s. 316.075(1)(c)1.—4 points.
 1952  However, points may not be imposed for a violation of s.
 1953  316.074(1) or s. 316.075(1)(c)1. when a driver has failed to
 1954  stop at a traffic signal and when enforced by a traffic
 1955  infraction enforcement officer. In addition, a violation of s.
 1956  316.074(1) or s. 316.075(1)(c)1. when a driver has failed to
 1957  stop at a traffic signal and when enforced by a traffic
 1958  infraction enforcement officer may not be used for purposes of
 1959  setting motor vehicle insurance rates.
 1960         7. Unlawfully driving a vehicle through a railroad-highway
 1961  grade crossing—6 points.
 1962         8. All other moving violations (including parking on a
 1963  highway outside the limits of a municipality)—3 points. However,
 1964  points may not be imposed for a violation of s. 316.0741 or s.
 1965  316.2065(11); and points may be imposed for a violation of s.
 1966  316.1001 only when imposed by the court after a hearing pursuant
 1967  to s. 318.14(5).
 1968         9. Any moving violation covered in this paragraph,
 1969  excluding unlawful speed and unlawful use of a wireless
 1970  communications device, resulting in a crash—4 points.
 1971         10. Any conviction under s. 403.413(6)(b)—3 points.
 1972         11. Any conviction under s. 316.0775(2)—4 points.
 1973         12. A moving violation covered in this paragraph which is
 1974  committed in conjunction with the unlawful use of a wireless
 1975  communications device within a school safety zone—2 points, in
 1976  addition to the points assigned for the moving violation.
 1977         Section 45. Subsection (13) of section 365.172, Florida
 1978  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1979         365.172 Emergency communications.—
 1981  IMPLEMENTATION.—To balance the public need for reliable
 1982  emergency communications services through reliable wireless
 1983  systems and the public interest served by governmental zoning
 1984  and land development regulations and notwithstanding any other
 1985  law or local ordinance to the contrary, the following standards
 1986  shall apply to a local government’s actions, as a regulatory
 1987  body, in the regulation of the placement, construction, or
 1988  modification of a wireless communications facility. This
 1989  subsection may not, however, be construed to waive or alter the
 1990  provisions of s. 286.011 or s. 286.0115. For the purposes of
 1991  this subsection only, “local government” shall mean any
 1992  municipality or county and any agency of a municipality or
 1993  county only. The term “local government” does not, however,
 1994  include any airport, as defined in s. 330.27 by s. 330.27(2),
 1995  even if it is owned or controlled by or through a municipality,
 1996  county, or agency of a municipality or county. Further,
 1997  notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, this
 1998  subsection does not apply to or control a local government’s
 1999  actions as a property or structure owner in the use of any
 2000  property or structure owned by such entity for the placement,
 2001  construction, or modification of wireless communications
 2002  facilities. In the use of property or structures owned by the
 2003  local government, however, a local government may not use its
 2004  regulatory authority so as to avoid compliance with, or in a
 2005  manner that does not advance, the provisions of this subsection.
 2006         (a) Colocation among wireless providers is encouraged by
 2007  the state.
 2008         1.a. Colocations on towers, including nonconforming towers,
 2009  that meet the requirements in sub-sub-subparagraphs (I), (II),
 2010  and (III), are subject to only building permit review, which may
 2011  include a review for compliance with this subparagraph. Such
 2012  colocations are not subject to any design or placement
 2013  requirements of the local government’s land development
 2014  regulations in effect at the time of the colocation that are
 2015  more restrictive than those in effect at the time of the initial
 2016  antennae placement approval, to any other portion of the land
 2017  development regulations, or to public hearing review. This sub
 2018  subparagraph may not preclude a public hearing for any appeal of
 2019  the decision on the colocation application.
 2020         (I) The colocation does not increase the height of the
 2021  tower to which the antennae are to be attached, measured to the
 2022  highest point of any part of the tower or any existing antenna
 2023  attached to the tower;
 2024         (II) The colocation does not increase the ground space
 2025  area, commonly known as the compound, approved in the site plan
 2026  for equipment enclosures and ancillary facilities; and
 2027         (III) The colocation consists of antennae, equipment
 2028  enclosures, and ancillary facilities that are of a design and
 2029  configuration consistent with all applicable regulations,
 2030  restrictions, or conditions, if any, applied to the initial
 2031  antennae placed on the tower and to its accompanying equipment
 2032  enclosures and ancillary facilities and, if applicable, applied
 2033  to the tower supporting the antennae. Such regulations may
 2034  include the design and aesthetic requirements, but not
 2035  procedural requirements, other than those authorized by this
 2036  section, of the local government’s land development regulations
 2037  in effect at the time the initial antennae placement was
 2038  approved.
 2039         b. Except for a historic building, structure, site, object,
 2040  or district, or a tower included in sub-subparagraph a.,
 2041  colocations on all other existing structures that meet the
 2042  requirements in sub-sub-subparagraphs (I)-(IV) shall be subject
 2043  to no more than building permit review, and an administrative
 2044  review for compliance with this subparagraph. Such colocations
 2045  are not subject to any portion of the local government’s land
 2046  development regulations not addressed herein, or to public
 2047  hearing review. This sub-subparagraph may not preclude a public
 2048  hearing for any appeal of the decision on the colocation
 2049  application.
 2050         (I) The colocation does not increase the height of the
 2051  existing structure to which the antennae are to be attached,
 2052  measured to the highest point of any part of the structure or
 2053  any existing antenna attached to the structure;
 2054         (II) The colocation does not increase the ground space
 2055  area, otherwise known as the compound, if any, approved in the
 2056  site plan for equipment enclosures and ancillary facilities;
 2057         (III) The colocation consists of antennae, equipment
 2058  enclosures, and ancillary facilities that are of a design and
 2059  configuration consistent with any applicable structural or
 2060  aesthetic design requirements and any requirements for location
 2061  on the structure, but not prohibitions or restrictions on the
 2062  placement of additional colocations on the existing structure or
 2063  procedural requirements, other than those authorized by this
 2064  section, of the local government’s land development regulations
 2065  in effect at the time of the colocation application; and
 2066         (IV) The colocation consists of antennae, equipment
 2067  enclosures, and ancillary facilities that are of a design and
 2068  configuration consistent with all applicable restrictions or
 2069  conditions, if any, that do not conflict with sub-sub
 2070  subparagraph (III) and were applied to the initial antennae
 2071  placed on the structure and to its accompanying equipment
 2072  enclosures and ancillary facilities and, if applicable, applied
 2073  to the structure supporting the antennae.
 2074         c. Regulations, restrictions, conditions, or permits of the
 2075  local government, acting in its regulatory capacity, that limit
 2076  the number of colocations or require review processes
 2077  inconsistent with this subsection do not apply to colocations
 2078  addressed in this subparagraph.
 2079         d. If only a portion of the colocation does not meet the
 2080  requirements of this subparagraph, such as an increase in the
 2081  height of the proposed antennae over the existing structure
 2082  height or a proposal to expand the ground space approved in the
 2083  site plan for the equipment enclosure, where all other portions
 2084  of the colocation meet the requirements of this subparagraph,
 2085  that portion of the colocation only may be reviewed under the
 2086  local government’s regulations applicable to an initial
 2087  placement of that portion of the facility, including, but not
 2088  limited to, its land development regulations, and within the
 2089  review timeframes of subparagraph (d)2., and the rest of the
 2090  colocation shall be reviewed in accordance with this
 2091  subparagraph. A colocation proposal under this subparagraph that
 2092  increases the ground space area, otherwise known as the
 2093  compound, approved in the original site plan for equipment
 2094  enclosures and ancillary facilities by no more than a cumulative
 2095  amount of 400 square feet or 50 percent of the original compound
 2096  size, whichever is greater, shall, however, require no more than
 2097  administrative review for compliance with the local government’s
 2098  regulations, including, but not limited to, land development
 2099  regulations review, and building permit review, with no public
 2100  hearing review. This sub-subparagraph does not preclude a public
 2101  hearing for any appeal of the decision on the colocation
 2102  application.
 2103         2. If a colocation does not meet the requirements of
 2104  subparagraph 1., the local government may review the application
 2105  under the local government’s regulations, including, but not
 2106  limited to, land development regulations, applicable to the
 2107  placement of initial antennae and their accompanying equipment
 2108  enclosure and ancillary facilities.
 2109         3. If a colocation meets the requirements of subparagraph
 2110  1., the colocation may not be considered a modification to an
 2111  existing structure or an impermissible modification of a
 2112  nonconforming structure.
 2113         4. The owner of the existing tower on which the proposed
 2114  antennae are to be colocated shall remain responsible for
 2115  compliance with any applicable condition or requirement of a
 2116  permit or agreement, or any applicable condition or requirement
 2117  of the land development regulations to which the existing tower
 2118  had to comply at the time the tower was permitted, including any
 2119  aesthetic requirements, provided the condition or requirement is
 2120  not inconsistent with this paragraph.
 2121         5. An existing tower, including a nonconforming tower, may
 2122  be structurally modified in order to permit colocation or may be
 2123  replaced through no more than administrative review and building
 2124  permit review, and is not subject to public hearing review, if
 2125  the overall height of the tower is not increased and, if a
 2126  replacement, the replacement tower is a monopole tower or, if
 2127  the existing tower is a camouflaged tower, the replacement tower
 2128  is a like-camouflaged tower. This subparagraph may not preclude
 2129  a public hearing for any appeal of the decision on the
 2130  application.
 2131         (b)1. A local government’s land development and
 2132  construction regulations for wireless communications facilities
 2133  and the local government’s review of an application for the
 2134  placement, construction, or modification of a wireless
 2135  communications facility shall only address land development or
 2136  zoning issues. In such local government regulations or review,
 2137  the local government may not require information on or evaluate
 2138  a wireless provider’s business decisions about its service,
 2139  customer demand for its service, or quality of its service to or
 2140  from a particular area or site, unless the wireless provider
 2141  voluntarily offers this information to the local government. In
 2142  such local government regulations or review, a local government
 2143  may not require information on or evaluate the wireless
 2144  provider’s designed service unless the information or materials
 2145  are directly related to an identified land development or zoning
 2146  issue or unless the wireless provider voluntarily offers the
 2147  information. Information or materials directly related to an
 2148  identified land development or zoning issue may include, but are
 2149  not limited to, evidence that no existing structure can
 2150  reasonably be used for the antennae placement instead of the
 2151  construction of a new tower, that residential areas cannot be
 2152  served from outside the residential area, as addressed in
 2153  subparagraph 3., or that the proposed height of a new tower or
 2154  initial antennae placement or a proposed height increase of a
 2155  modified tower, replacement tower, or colocation is necessary to
 2156  provide the provider’s designed service. Nothing in this
 2157  paragraph shall limit the local government from reviewing any
 2158  applicable land development or zoning issue addressed in its
 2159  adopted regulations that does not conflict with this section,
 2160  including, but not limited to, aesthetics, landscaping, land
 2161  use-based location priorities, structural design, and setbacks.
 2162         2. Any setback or distance separation required of a tower
 2163  may not exceed the minimum distance necessary, as determined by
 2164  the local government, to satisfy the structural safety or
 2165  aesthetic concerns that are to be protected by the setback or
 2166  distance separation.
 2167         3. A local government may exclude the placement of wireless
 2168  communications facilities in a residential area or residential
 2169  zoning district but only in a manner that does not constitute an
 2170  actual or effective prohibition of the provider’s service in
 2171  that residential area or zoning district. If a wireless provider
 2172  demonstrates to the satisfaction of the local government that
 2173  the provider cannot reasonably provide its service to the
 2174  residential area or zone from outside the residential area or
 2175  zone, the municipality or county and provider shall cooperate to
 2176  determine an appropriate location for a wireless communications
 2177  facility of an appropriate design within the residential area or
 2178  zone. The local government may require that the wireless
 2179  provider reimburse the reasonable costs incurred by the local
 2180  government for this cooperative determination. An application
 2181  for such cooperative determination may not be considered an
 2182  application under paragraph (d).
 2183         4. A local government may impose a reasonable fee on
 2184  applications to place, construct, or modify a wireless
 2185  communications facility only if a similar fee is imposed on
 2186  applicants seeking other similar types of zoning, land use, or
 2187  building permit review. A local government may impose fees for
 2188  the review of applications for wireless communications
 2189  facilities by consultants or experts who conduct code compliance
 2190  review for the local government but any fee is limited to
 2191  specifically identified reasonable expenses incurred in the
 2192  review. A local government may impose reasonable surety
 2193  requirements to ensure the removal of wireless communications
 2194  facilities that are no longer being used.
 2195         5. A local government may impose design requirements, such
 2196  as requirements for designing towers to support colocation or
 2197  aesthetic requirements, except as otherwise limited in this
 2198  section, but may not impose or require information on compliance
 2199  with building code type standards for the construction or
 2200  modification of wireless communications facilities beyond those
 2201  adopted by the local government under chapter 553 and that apply
 2202  to all similar types of construction.
 2203         (c) Local governments may not require wireless providers to
 2204  provide evidence of a wireless communications facility’s
 2205  compliance with federal regulations, except evidence of
 2206  compliance with applicable Federal Aviation Administration
 2207  requirements under 14 C.F.R. part 77, as amended, and evidence
 2208  of proper Federal Communications Commission licensure, or other
 2209  evidence of Federal Communications Commission authorized
 2210  spectrum use, but may request the Federal Communications
 2211  Commission to provide information as to a wireless provider’s
 2212  compliance with federal regulations, as authorized by federal
 2213  law.
 2214         (d)1. A local government shall grant or deny each properly
 2215  completed application for a colocation under subparagraph (a)1.
 2216  based on the application’s compliance with the local
 2217  government’s applicable regulations, as provided for in
 2218  subparagraph (a)1. and consistent with this subsection, and
 2219  within the normal timeframe for a similar building permit review
 2220  but in no case later than 45 business days after the date the
 2221  application is determined to be properly completed in accordance
 2222  with this paragraph.
 2223         2. A local government shall grant or deny each properly
 2224  completed application for any other wireless communications
 2225  facility based on the application’s compliance with the local
 2226  government’s applicable regulations, including but not limited
 2227  to land development regulations, consistent with this subsection
 2228  and within the normal timeframe for a similar type review but in
 2229  no case later than 90 business days after the date the
 2230  application is determined to be properly completed in accordance
 2231  with this paragraph.
 2232         3.a. An application is deemed submitted or resubmitted on
 2233  the date the application is received by the local government. If
 2234  the local government does not notify the applicant in writing
 2235  that the application is not completed in compliance with the
 2236  local government’s regulations within 20 business days after the
 2237  date the application is initially submitted or additional
 2238  information resubmitted, the application is deemed, for
 2239  administrative purposes only, to be properly completed and
 2240  properly submitted. However, the determination may not be deemed
 2241  as an approval of the application. If the application is not
 2242  completed in compliance with the local government’s regulations,
 2243  the local government shall so notify the applicant in writing
 2244  and the notification must indicate with specificity any
 2245  deficiencies in the required documents or deficiencies in the
 2246  content of the required documents which, if cured, make the
 2247  application properly completed. Upon resubmission of information
 2248  to cure the stated deficiencies, the local government shall
 2249  notify the applicant, in writing, within the normal timeframes
 2250  of review, but in no case longer than 20 business days after the
 2251  additional information is submitted, of any remaining
 2252  deficiencies that must be cured. Deficiencies in document type
 2253  or content not specified by the local government do not make the
 2254  application incomplete. Notwithstanding this sub-subparagraph,
 2255  if a specified deficiency is not properly cured when the
 2256  applicant resubmits its application to comply with the notice of
 2257  deficiencies, the local government may continue to request the
 2258  information until such time as the specified deficiency is
 2259  cured. The local government may establish reasonable timeframes
 2260  within which the required information to cure the application
 2261  deficiency is to be provided or the application will be
 2262  considered withdrawn or closed.
 2263         b. If the local government fails to grant or deny a
 2264  properly completed application for a wireless communications
 2265  facility within the timeframes set forth in this paragraph, the
 2266  application shall be deemed automatically approved and the
 2267  applicant may proceed with placement of the facilities without
 2268  interference or penalty. The timeframes specified in
 2269  subparagraph 2. may be extended only to the extent that the
 2270  application has not been granted or denied because the local
 2271  government’s procedures generally applicable to all other
 2272  similar types of applications require action by the governing
 2273  body and such action has not taken place within the timeframes
 2274  specified in subparagraph 2. Under such circumstances, the local
 2275  government must act to either grant or deny the application at
 2276  its next regularly scheduled meeting or, otherwise, the
 2277  application is deemed to be automatically approved.
 2278         c. To be effective, a waiver of the timeframes set forth in
 2279  this paragraph must be voluntarily agreed to by the applicant
 2280  and the local government. A local government may request, but
 2281  not require, a waiver of the timeframes by the applicant, except
 2282  that, with respect to a specific application, a one-time waiver
 2283  may be required in the case of a declared local, state, or
 2284  federal emergency that directly affects the administration of
 2285  all permitting activities of the local government.
 2286         (e) The replacement of or modification to a wireless
 2287  communications facility, except a tower, that results in a
 2288  wireless communications facility not readily discernibly
 2289  different in size, type, and appearance when viewed from ground
 2290  level from surrounding properties, and the replacement or
 2291  modification of equipment that is not visible from surrounding
 2292  properties, all as reasonably determined by the local
 2293  government, are subject to no more than applicable building
 2294  permit review.
 2295         (f) Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
 2296  Department of Management Services shall negotiate, in the name
 2297  of the state, leases for wireless communications facilities that
 2298  provide access to state government-owned property not acquired
 2299  for transportation purposes, and the Department of
 2300  Transportation shall negotiate, in the name of the state, leases
 2301  for wireless communications facilities that provide access to
 2302  property acquired for state rights-of-way. On property acquired
 2303  for transportation purposes, leases shall be granted in
 2304  accordance with s. 337.251. On other state government-owned
 2305  property, leases shall be granted on a space available, first
 2306  come, first-served basis. Payments required by state government
 2307  under a lease must be reasonable and must reflect the market
 2308  rate for the use of the state government-owned property. The
 2309  Department of Management Services and the Department of
 2310  Transportation are authorized to adopt rules for the terms and
 2311  conditions and granting of any such leases.
 2312         (g) If any person adversely affected by any action, or
 2313  failure to act, or regulation, or requirement of a local
 2314  government in the review or regulation of the wireless
 2315  communication facilities files an appeal or brings an
 2316  appropriate action in a court or venue of competent
 2317  jurisdiction, following the exhaustion of all administrative
 2318  remedies, the matter shall be considered on an expedited basis.
 2319         Section 46. Subsection (2) of section 379.2293, Florida
 2320  Statutes, is amended to read:
 2321         379.2293 Airport activities within the scope of a federally
 2322  approved wildlife hazard management plan or a federal or state
 2323  permit or other authorization for depredation or harassment.—
 2324         (2) An airport authority or other entity owning or
 2325  operating an airport, as defined in s. 330.27 s. 330.27(2), is
 2326  not subject to any administrative or civil penalty, restriction,
 2327  or other sanction with respect to any authorized action taken in
 2328  a non-negligent manner for the purpose of protecting human life
 2329  or aircraft safety from wildlife hazards.
 2330         Section 47. Subsection (22) of section 493.6101, Florida
 2331  Statutes, is amended to read:
 2332         493.6101 Definitions.—
 2333         (22) “Repossession” means the recovery of a motor vehicle
 2334  as defined under s. 320.01(1), a mobile home as defined in s.
 2335  320.01(2), a motorboat as defined under s. 327.02, an aircraft
 2336  as defined in s. 330.27 s. 330.27(1), a personal watercraft as
 2337  defined in s. 327.02, an all-terrain vehicle as defined in s.
 2338  316.2074, farm equipment as defined under s. 686.402, or
 2339  industrial equipment, by an individual who is authorized by the
 2340  legal owner, lienholder, or lessor to recover, or to collect
 2341  money payment in lieu of recovery of, that which has been sold
 2342  or leased under a security agreement that contains a
 2343  repossession clause. As used in this subsection, the term
 2344  “industrial equipment” includes, but is not limited to,
 2345  tractors, road rollers, cranes, forklifts, backhoes, and
 2346  bulldozers. The term “industrial equipment” also includes other
 2347  vehicles that are propelled by power other than muscular power
 2348  and that are used in the manufacture of goods or used in the
 2349  provision of services. A repossession is complete when a
 2350  licensed recovery agent is in control, custody, and possession
 2351  of such repossessed property. Property that is being repossessed
 2352  shall be considered to be in the control, custody, and
 2353  possession of a recovery agent if the property being repossessed
 2354  is secured in preparation for transport from the site of the
 2355  recovery by means of being attached to or placed on the towing
 2356  or other transport vehicle or if the property being repossessed
 2357  is being operated or about to be operated by an employee of the
 2358  recovery agency.
 2359         Section 48. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section
 2360  493.6403, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 2361         493.6403 License requirements.—
 2362         (1) In addition to the license requirements set forth in
 2363  this chapter, each individual or agency shall comply with the
 2364  following additional requirements:
 2365         (c) An applicant for a Class “E” license shall have at
 2366  least 1 year of lawfully gained, verifiable, full-time
 2367  experience in one, or a combination of more than one, of the
 2368  following:
 2369         1. Repossession of motor vehicles as defined in s.
 2370  320.01(1), mobile homes as defined in s. 320.01(2), motorboats
 2371  as defined in s. 327.02, aircraft as defined in s. 330.27 s.
 2372  330.27(1), personal watercraft as defined in s. 327.02, all
 2373  terrain vehicles as defined in s. 316.2074, farm equipment as
 2374  defined under s. 686.402, or industrial equipment as defined in
 2375  s. 493.6101(22).
 2376         2. Work as a Class “EE” licensed intern.
 2377         Section 49. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.