Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1678
       By Senator Leek
       7-00756C-25                                           20251678__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to entities that boycott Israel;
    3         amending s. 215.4725, F.S.; defining terms; revising
    4         definitions; requiring the public fund to make its
    5         best efforts to identify certain institutions,
    6         organizations, agencies, governments, and other
    7         entities in which the public fund has direct or
    8         indirect holdings; requiring the public fund to
    9         compile and make available the Scrutinized Companies
   10         or Other Entities that Boycott Israel List; requiring
   11         the public fund to quarterly update and make publicly
   12         available such list; revising the procedures the
   13         public fund must follow for assembling companies or
   14         other entities on such list; requiring the public fund
   15         to file a certain report with each member of the Board
   16         of Trustees of the State Board of Administration and
   17         with the Legislature which includes such list;
   18         requiring the public fund to file a certain report
   19         with a summary of correspondence between other
   20         entities and the public fund; requiring that specified
   21         actions be adopted and incorporated into a certain
   22         statement; revising the maximum percentage of the
   23         hypothetical value of all assets under management by
   24         the public fund which may be invested in scrutinized
   25         companies or other entities under certain
   26         circumstances; amending s. 265.286, F.S.; requiring
   27         applicants to sign a certification form attesting they
   28         comply with specified antidiscrimination laws and do
   29         not engage in antisemitic discrimination;
   30         disqualifying for a specified timeframe grant
   31         applicants that engage in boycotts or antisemitic
   32         discrimination; requiring recipients found to have
   33         engaged in boycotts or antisemitic discrimination to
   34         pay a specified penalty; authorizing individuals to
   35         file a written complaint to the Attorney General for
   36         not pursuing a cause of action within a specified
   37         timeframe; requiring the Attorney General to provide a
   38         written response within a specified timeframe;
   39         amending s. 287.135, F.S.; revising the definition of
   40         the term “awarding body”; revising the contract values
   41         that prohibit a company or other entity from being
   42         eligible to bid on, submit a proposal for, or enter
   43         into or renew a contract with an agency or local
   44         governmental entity; authorizing agencies and local
   45         governmental entities to bid on, submit a proposal
   46         for, or enter into or renew a contract for goods and
   47         services with other entities that boycott Israel under
   48         specified circumstances; requiring other entities to
   49         submit a certain certification at the same time as
   50         they submit a bid or proposal or enter into or renew a
   51         contract with an agency or local governmental entity;
   52         authorizing civil actions against companies and other
   53         entities under specified conditions; providing an
   54         effective date.
   56  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   58         Section 1. Section 215.4725, Florida Statutes, is amended
   59  to read:
   60         215.4725 Prohibited investments by the State Board of
   61  Administration; companies that boycott Israel.—
   62         (1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
   63         (a) “Agency” means any of the various state officers,
   64  departments, boards, commissions, divisions, bureaus, and
   65  councils and any other unit of organization, however designated,
   66  of the executive branch of state government.
   67         (b) “Boycott Israel” or “boycott of Israel” means refusing
   68  to deal, terminating business activities, or taking other
   69  actions to limit commercial relations with Israel, or persons or
   70  entities doing business in Israel or in Israeli-controlled
   71  territories, in a discriminatory manner. A statement by a United
   72  States or foreign company, an educational institution, a
   73  nonprofit organization, an agency, a local governmental entity
   74  or unit thereof, or a foreign government that it is
   75  participating in a boycott of Israel, or that it has initiated a
   76  boycott in response to a request for a boycott of Israel or in
   77  compliance with, or in furtherance of, calls for a boycott of
   78  Israel, may be considered by the State Board of Administration
   79  to be evidence that the United States or foreign a company or
   80  other entity is participating in a boycott of Israel. The term
   81  includes taking adverse action, including changes to published
   82  commercial financial ratings, risk ratings, and controversy
   83  ratings based on nonpecuniary factors, to inflict economic harm
   84  on Israel or persons or entities doing business in Israel or in
   85  Israeli-controlled territories. The term includes trade
   86  practices that are prohibited by federal regulations issued in
   87  compliance with 50 U.S.C. s. 4842 and does not include trade
   88  practices that are preempted by federal law. The term also
   89  includes an academic boycott of Israel in which an educational
   90  institution enacts or implements restrictive policies, or
   91  otherwise participates in activities having the object or effect
   92  of restricting ongoing or potential academic relationships, on
   93  the basis of ties to the State of Israel or its academic,
   94  educational, or research institutions, or by holding
   95  researchers, students, prospective students, guest lecturers,
   96  and artists-in-residence or institutions collectively liable for
   97  any alleged objectionable conduct by the State of Israel. An
   98  educational institution is deemed to have engaged in an academic
   99  boycott of Israel if any of its departments, centers, or other
  100  organs engages in a boycott, or, in the case of a foreign
  101  educational institution, if any faculty union recognized by that
  102  institution engages in a boycott.
  103         (c)(b) “Company” means a sole proprietorship, organization,
  104  association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited
  105  partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability
  106  company, or other entity or business association, including all
  107  wholly owned subsidiaries, majority-owned subsidiaries, and
  108  parent companies, or affiliates, having more than 10 full-time
  109  employees. The term does not include a natural person or a sole
  110  proprietorship that exists for the purpose of making profit.
  111         (d)(c) “Direct holdings” in a company means all securities
  112  of that company that are held directly by the public fund or in
  113  an account or fund in which the public fund owns all shares or
  114  interests.
  115         (e)(d) “Indirect holdings” in a company means all
  116  securities of that company that are held in a commingled fund or
  117  other collective investment, such as a mutual or index fund, in
  118  which the public fund owns shares or interests, together with
  119  other investors not subject to this section or which are held in
  120  an index fund.
  121         (f)“Local governmental entity” means a county,
  122  municipality, special district, or other political subdivision.
  123         (g)“Other entity” means a United States or foreign
  124  educational institution, nonprofit organization, agency, a local
  125  governmental entity or unit thereof, or a foreign government,
  126  including any of its public investment funds, public pension
  127  funds, sovereign wealth funds, or other government-sponsored
  128  investment funds.
  129         (h)(e) “Public fund” means all funds, assets, trustees
  130  trustee, and other designates under the State Board of
  131  Administration pursuant to part I of chapter 121 and includes
  132  the endowment and retirement funds of the universities of the
  133  State University System.
  134         (i)(f) “Scrutinized companies or other entities” means
  135  United States or foreign companies, educational institutions,
  136  nonprofit organizations, and local governmental entities that
  137  boycott Israel or engage in a boycott of Israel.
  139         (a) The public fund shall make its best efforts to identify
  140  all scrutinized companies or other entities in which the public
  141  fund has direct or indirect holdings or could possibly have such
  142  holdings in the future. Such efforts include:
  143         1. To the extent that the public fund finds it appropriate,
  144  reviewing and relying on publicly available information
  145  regarding companies or other entities that boycott Israel,
  146  including information provided by nonprofit organizations,
  147  research firms, international organizations, and government
  148  entities;
  149         2. Contacting asset managers contracted by the public fund
  150  for information regarding companies or other entities that
  151  boycott Israel; or
  152         3. Contacting other institutional investors that prohibit
  153  such investments or that have engaged with companies or other
  154  entities that boycott Israel.
  155         (b) By the first meeting of the public fund following the
  156  identification of scrutinized companies in accordance with
  157  paragraph (a), the public fund shall compile and make available
  158  the “Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities that Boycott Israel
  159  List.”
  160         (c) The public fund shall update and make publicly
  161  available quarterly the Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities
  162  that Boycott Israel List based on evolving information from,
  163  among other sources, those listed in paragraph (a).
  164         (3) REQUIRED ACTIONS.—The public fund shall adhere to the
  165  following procedures for assembling companies or other entities
  166  on the Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities that Boycott
  167  Israel List.
  168         (a) Engagement.—
  169         1. The public fund shall immediately determine the
  170  companies or other entities on the Scrutinized Companies or
  171  Other Entities that Boycott Israel List in which the public fund
  172  owns direct or indirect holdings or with which the state
  173  currently contracts or has a grant agreement, as detailed under
  174  ss. 287.135 and 265.286, respectively.
  175         2. For each company or other entity newly identified under
  176  this paragraph, the public fund shall send a written notice
  177  informing the company or other entity of its scrutinized company
  178  status and that it may become subject to investment prohibition
  179  or divestment by the public fund or may become barred from
  180  future contracts or grants awarded by the state. The notice must
  181  inform the company or other entity of the opportunity to clarify
  182  its activities regarding the boycott of Israel and encourage the
  183  company or other entity to cease the boycott of Israel within 90
  184  days in order to avoid qualifying for investment prohibition or
  185  divestment.
  186         3. If, within 90 days after the public fund’s first
  187  engagement with a company or other entity pursuant to this
  188  paragraph, the company or other entity ceases a boycott of
  189  Israel, the company or other entity shall be removed from the
  190  Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities that Boycott Israel
  191  List, and the provisions of this section ceases shall cease to
  192  apply to that company or other entity unless that company or
  193  other entity resumes a boycott of Israel.
  194         (b) Divestment.—
  195         1. If, after 90 days following the public fund’s first
  196  engagement with a company or other entity pursuant to paragraph
  197  (a), the company or other entity continues to boycott Israel,
  198  the public fund must sell, redeem, divest, or withdraw all
  199  publicly traded securities of the company or other entity from
  200  the public fund within 12 months after the company’s or other
  201  entity’s most recent appearance on the Scrutinized Companies or
  202  Other Entities that Boycott Israel List.
  203         2. If a company or other entity that ceased a boycott of
  204  Israel following engagement pursuant to paragraph (a) resumes
  205  such activities, this paragraph immediately applies, and the
  206  public fund must send a written notice to the company or other
  207  entity. The company or other entity must also be immediately
  208  reintroduced onto the Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities
  209  that Boycott Israel List, as applicable.
  210         (c) Prohibition.—The public fund is prohibited from
  211  acquiring securities of companies or other entities on the
  212  Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities that Boycott Israel
  213  List, except as provided in paragraph (d) and subsection (6).
  214  The public fund may not acquire or hold the debt of a foreign
  215  government if any of its public investment funds, public pension
  216  funds, sovereign wealth funds, or other government-sponsored
  217  investment funds are being used to support companies or other
  218  entities that are engaged in a boycott of Israel.
  219         (d) Excluded securities.—Notwithstanding this section,
  220  paragraphs (b) and (c) do not apply to:
  221         1. Indirect holdings. However, the public fund shall submit
  222  letters to the managers of such investment funds containing
  223  companies that boycott Israel requesting that they consider
  224  removing such companies from the fund or create a similar fund
  225  having indirect holdings devoid of such companies. If the
  226  manager creates a similar fund, the public fund shall replace
  227  all applicable investments with investments in the similar fund
  228  in an expedited timeframe consistent with prudent investing
  229  standards. For the purposes of this section, an alternative
  230  investment, as the term is defined in s. 215.4401, and
  231  securities that are not publicly traded are deemed to be
  232  indirect holdings.
  233         2. Exchange-traded funds.
  234         (4) REPORTING.—
  235         (a) The public fund shall file a report with each member of
  236  the Board of Trustees of the State Board of Administration, the
  237  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
  238  Representatives which includes the Scrutinized Companies or
  239  Other Entities that Boycott Israel List within 30 days after the
  240  list is created. This report shall be made available to the
  241  public.
  242         (b) At each quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees
  243  thereafter, the public fund shall file a report, which shall be
  244  made available to the public and to each member of the Board of
  245  Trustees of the State Board of Administration, the President of
  246  the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
  247  which includes:
  248         1. A summary of correspondence with companies or other
  249  entities engaged by the public fund under subsection (3);
  250         2. All investments sold, redeemed, divested, or withdrawn
  251  in compliance with paragraph (3)(b);
  252         3. All prohibited investments under paragraph (3)(c);
  253         4. Any progress made under paragraph (3)(d); and
  254         5. A list of all publicly traded securities held directly
  255  by the public fund.
  257  fund’s actions taken in compliance with this section, including
  258  all good faith determinations regarding companies or other
  259  entities as required by this act, shall be adopted and
  260  incorporated into the public fund’s investment policy statement
  261  as provided in s. 215.475.
  263  COMPANIES OR OTHER ENTITIES.—Notwithstanding any other provision
  264  of this section, the public fund may invest in, cease divestment
  265  from, or reinvest in certain scrutinized companies or other
  266  entities if clear and convincing evidence shows that the value
  267  of all scrutinized assets under management by the public fund
  268  becomes equal to or less than 0.50 99.50 percent, or 50 basis
  269  points, of the hypothetical value of all assets under management
  270  by the public fund, assuming no investment prohibition or
  271  divestment for any company or other entity had occurred under
  272  subsection (3). Cessation of the investment prohibition or the
  273  divestment, or reinvestment or any new investment, in a
  274  scrutinized company or other entity is limited to the minimum
  275  steps necessary to avoid the contingency described in this
  276  subsection. For any cessation of the investment prohibition or
  277  divestment, or reinvestment or new investment authorized by this
  278  subsection, the public fund shall provide a written report to
  279  each member of the Board of Trustees of the State Board of
  280  Administration, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of
  281  the House of Representatives in advance of the cessation of
  282  investment prohibition or the divestment, or reinvestment or new
  283  investment, updated semiannually thereafter as applicable,
  284  setting forth the reasons and justification, supported by clear
  285  and convincing evidence, for its decisions to cease the
  286  investment prohibition or divestment, or to reinvest in
  287  scrutinized companies or other entities.
  288         Section 2. Paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section
  289  265.286, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraphs (d) and
  290  (e) are added to that subsection, to read:
  291         265.286 Art and cultural grants.—
  292         (6) The division shall adopt rules establishing:
  293         (c) The panel review process, including, but not limited
  294  to, criteria for reviewing grant applications to ensure
  295  compliance with applicable federal and state law, including
  296  those related to discrimination and conflicts of interest. For
  297  the purposes of satisfying the nondiscrimination requirements of
  298  this section, all applicants must sign a certification form
  299  attesting to the fact that they are complying with all relevant
  300  antidiscrimination laws, including the anti-boycott rules of
  301  this state pursuant to ss. 215.4725 and 287.135, and will not
  302  engage in antisemitic discrimination as defined by s. 1.015,
  303  including refusals to deal based on an individual’s or entity’s
  304  real or perceived connection to the State of Israel, for the
  305  duration of the program or project for which their grant is
  306  awarded. The division may not award any new grant that will, in
  307  whole or in part, inure to the personal benefit of any council
  308  or review panel member during the member’s term of office if the
  309  council or panel member participated in the vote of the council
  310  or panel recommending the award. This paragraph does not
  311  prohibit the division from awarding a grant to an entity with
  312  which a council or panel member is associated.
  313         (d)Grant applicants found to be engaging in any boycott
  314  action or antisemitic discrimination shall be disqualified from
  315  grant eligibility until 10 years after any such action has
  316  ceased. Grant recipients found to have engaged in a boycott of
  317  Israel or antisemitic discrimination during the duration of the
  318  project or program for which their grant was awarded shall be
  319  subject to a penalty payable to the State Treasury of three
  320  times the amount of the grant received for which the false
  321  certification was submitted.
  322         (e)If the Attorney General fails to pursue a cause of
  323  action within 90 days after a violation of paragraph (c),
  324  individuals have the right to file a written complaint to the
  325  Attorney General, who in turn will be required to provide a
  326  written response within 30 days after receipt of the complaint.
  327         Section 3. Section 287.135, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  328  read:
  329         287.135 Prohibition against contracting with scrutinized
  330  companies or entities.—
  331         (1) In addition to the terms defined in ss. 287.012 and
  332  215.473, as used in this section, the term:
  333         (a) “Awarding body” means, for purposes of state contracts,
  334  an agency or the department, and for purposes of local
  335  contracts, the governing body of the local governmental entity.
  336         (b) “Boycott of Israel” has the same meaning as defined in
  337  s. 215.4725.
  338         (c) “Business operations” means, for purposes specifically
  339  related to Cuba or Syria, engaging in commerce in any form in
  340  Cuba or Syria, including, but not limited to, acquiring,
  341  developing, maintaining, owning, selling, possessing, leasing,
  342  or operating equipment, facilities, personnel, products,
  343  services, personal property, real property, military equipment,
  344  or any other apparatus of business or commerce.
  345         (d) “Local governmental entity” means a county,
  346  municipality, special district, or other political subdivision
  347  of the state.
  348         (2) A company or other entity is ineligible to, and may
  349  not, bid on, submit a proposal for, or enter into or renew a
  350  contract with an agency or local governmental entity for goods
  351  or services of:
  352         (a) One hundred thousand dollars or more Any amount if, at
  353  the time of bidding on, submitting a proposal for, or entering
  354  into or renewing such contract, the company or other entity is
  355  on the Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities that Boycott
  356  Israel List, created pursuant to s. 215.4725, or is engaged in a
  357  boycott of Israel; or
  358         (b) One thousand dollars or more, in the case of a foreign
  359  educational institution, including tuition payments made
  360  directly to such institutions by students receiving study abroad
  361  credit at state colleges and universities, if, at the time of
  362  bidding on, submitting a proposal for, or entering into or
  363  renewing such contract, the foreign educational institution is
  364  on the Scrutinized Companies and Other Entities that Boycott
  365  Israel List, created pursuant to s. 215.4725, or is engaged in a
  366  boycott of Israel; or
  367         (c) One million dollars or more if, at the time of bidding
  368  on, submitting a proposal for, or entering into or renewing such
  369  contract, the company or other entity:
  370         1. Is on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan
  371  List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Iran
  372  Terrorism Sectors List, created pursuant to s. 215.473; or
  373         2. Is engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria.
  374         (3)(a) Any contract with an agency or local governmental
  375  entity for goods or services of $1 million or more entered into
  376  or renewed on or after:
  377         1. July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012, must contain a
  378  provision that allows for the termination of such contract at
  379  the option of the awarding body if the company is found to have
  380  submitted a false certification as provided under subsection (5)
  381  or been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in
  382  Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the
  383  Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List.
  384         2. July 1, 2012, through September 30, 2016, must contain a
  385  provision that allows for the termination of such contract at
  386  the option of the awarding body if the company is found to have
  387  submitted a false certification as provided under subsection
  388  (5), been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in
  389  Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the
  390  Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, or been engaged in business
  391  operations in Cuba or Syria.
  392         3. October 1, 2016, through June 30, 2018, must contain a
  393  provision that allows for the termination of such contract at
  394  the option of the awarding body if the company:
  395         a. Is found to have submitted a false certification as
  396  provided under subsection (5);
  397         b. Has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies or Other
  398  Entities that Boycott Israel List, or is engaged in a boycott of
  399  Israel;
  400         c. Has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with
  401  Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with
  402  Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; or
  403         d. Has been engaged in business operations in Cuba or
  404  Syria.
  405         4. July 1, 2018, must contain a provision that allows for
  406  the termination of such contract at the option of the awarding
  407  body if the company or other entity is found to have submitted a
  408  false certification as provided under subsection (5), been
  409  placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan
  410  List, or been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria.
  411         5. July 1, 2018, must contain a provision that allows for
  412  the termination of such contract at the option of the awarding
  413  body if the company or other entity is found to have submitted a
  414  false certification as provided under subsection (5) or has been
  415  placed on a list created pursuant to s. 215.473, relating to
  416  scrutinized active business operations in Iran.
  417         (b) Any contract with an agency or local governmental
  418  entity for goods or services of any amount entered into or
  419  renewed on or after July 1, 2018, must contain a provision that
  420  allows for the termination of such contract at the option of the
  421  awarding body if the company or other entity is found to have
  422  been placed on the Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities that
  423  Boycott Israel List or is engaged in a boycott of Israel.
  424         (4) Notwithstanding subsection (2) or subsection (3), an
  425  agency or local governmental entity, on a case-by-case basis,
  426  may allow a company on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities
  427  in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the
  428  Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, or the Scrutinized Companies
  429  with Activities in Iran Terrorism Sectors List, or a company
  430  engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, to be eligible
  431  for, bid on, submit a proposal for, or enter into or renew a
  432  contract for goods or services of $1 million or more, or may
  433  allow a company or other entity on the Scrutinized Companies or
  434  Other Entities that Boycott Israel List to be eligible for, bid
  435  on, submit a proposal for, or enter into or renew a contract for
  436  goods or services of any amount, under the conditions set forth
  437  in paragraph (a) or the conditions set forth in paragraph (b):
  438         (a)1. With respect to a company on the Scrutinized
  439  Companies with Activities in Sudan List, all of the following
  440  occur:
  441         a. The scrutinized business operations were made before
  442  July 1, 2011.
  443         b. The scrutinized business operations have not been
  444  expanded or renewed after July 1, 2011.
  445         c. The agency or local governmental entity determines that
  446  it is in the best interest of the state or local community to
  447  contract with the company.
  448         d. The company has adopted, has publicized, and is
  449  implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business
  450  operations and to refrain from engaging in any new scrutinized
  451  business operations.
  452         2. With respect to a company engaged in business operations
  453  in Cuba or Syria, all of the following occur:
  454         a. The business operations were made before July 1, 2012.
  455         b. The business operations have not been expanded or
  456  renewed after July 1, 2012.
  457         c. The agency or local governmental entity determines that
  458  it is in the best interest of the state or local community to
  459  contract with the company.
  460         d. The company has adopted, has publicized, and is
  461  implementing a formal plan to cease business operations and to
  462  refrain from engaging in any new business operations.
  463         3. With respect to a company or other entity on the
  464  Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities that Boycott Israel
  465  List, all of the following occur:
  466         a. The boycott of Israel was initiated before October 1,
  467  2016.
  468         b. The company or other entity certifies in writing that it
  469  has ceased its boycott of Israel.
  470         c. The agency or local governmental entity determines that
  471  it is in the best interest of the state or local community to
  472  contract with the company or other entity.
  473         d. The company or other entity has adopted, has publicized,
  474  and is implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business
  475  operations and to refrain from engaging in any new scrutinized
  476  business operations.
  477         4. With respect to a company on the Scrutinized Companies
  478  with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List as of
  479  November 6, 2023, all of the following occur:
  480         a. The scrutinized business operations were made before
  481  July 1, 2011.
  482         b. The scrutinized business operations have not been
  483  expanded or renewed after July 1, 2011.
  484         c. The agency or local governmental entity determines that
  485  it is in the best interest of the state or local community to
  486  contract with the company.
  487         d. The company has adopted, has publicized, and is
  488  implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business
  489  operations and to refrain from engaging in any new scrutinized
  490  business operations.
  491         5. With respect to a company on the Scrutinized Companies
  492  with Activities in Iran Terrorism Sectors List other than those
  493  companies included on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities
  494  in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List as of November 6, 2023,
  495  all of the following occur:
  496         a. The scrutinized business operations were made before
  497  January 10, 2024.
  498         b. The scrutinized business operations have not been
  499  expanded or renewed on or after January 10, 2024.
  500         c. The agency or local governmental entity determines that
  501  it is in the best interest of the state or local community to
  502  contract with the company.
  503         d. The company has adopted, has publicized, and is
  504  implementing a formal plan to cease those scrutinized business
  505  operations and to refrain from engaging in any new scrutinized
  506  business operations.
  507         (b) One of the following occurs:
  508         1. The local governmental entity makes a public finding
  509  that, absent such an exemption, the local governmental entity
  510  would be unable to obtain the goods or services for which the
  511  contract is offered.
  512         2. For a contract with an executive agency, the Governor
  513  makes a public finding that, absent such an exemption, the
  514  agency would be unable to obtain the goods or services for which
  515  the contract is offered.
  516         3. For a contract with an office of a state constitutional
  517  officer other than the Governor, the state constitutional
  518  officer makes a public finding that, absent such an exemption,
  519  the office would be unable to obtain the goods or services for
  520  which the contract is offered.
  521         (5) At the time a company submits a bid or proposal for a
  522  contract or before the company enters into or renews a contract
  523  with an agency or local governmental entity for goods or
  524  services of $1 million or more, the company must certify that
  525  the company is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities
  526  in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in
  527  Iran Terrorism Sectors List and that it does not have business
  528  operations in Cuba or Syria. At the time a company or other
  529  entity submits a bid or proposal for a contract or before the
  530  company or other entity enters into or renews a contract with an
  531  agency or local governmental entity for goods or services of any
  532  amount, the company or other entity must certify that the
  533  company or other entity is not participating in a boycott of
  534  Israel.
  535         (a) If, after the agency or the local governmental entity
  536  determines, using credible information available to the public,
  537  that the company or other entity has submitted a false
  538  certification, the agency or local governmental entity shall
  539  provide the company or other entity with written notice of its
  540  determination. The company or other entity shall have 90 days
  541  following receipt of the notice to respond in writing and to
  542  demonstrate that the determination of false certification was
  543  made in error. If the company or other entity does not make such
  544  demonstration within 90 days after receipt of the notice, the
  545  agency or the local governmental entity shall bring a civil
  546  action against the company or other entity. If a civil action is
  547  brought and the court determines that the company or other
  548  entity submitted a false certification, the company or other
  549  entity shall pay the penalty described in subparagraph 1. and
  550  all reasonable attorney fees and costs, including any costs for
  551  investigations that led to the finding of false certification.
  552         1. A civil penalty equal to the greater of $2 million or
  553  twice the amount of the contract for which the false
  554  certification was submitted shall be imposed.
  555         2. The company or other entity is ineligible to bid on any
  556  contract with an agency or local governmental entity for 3 years
  557  after the date the agency or local governmental entity
  558  determined that the company or other entity submitted a false
  559  certification.
  560         (b) A civil action to collect the penalties described in
  561  paragraph (a) must commence within 3 years after the date the
  562  false certification is submitted.
  563         (6) Only the agency or local governmental entity that is a
  564  party to the contract may cause a civil action to be brought
  565  under this section. This section does not create or authorize a
  566  private right of action or enforcement of the penalties provided
  567  in this section. An unsuccessful bidder, or any other person
  568  other than the agency or local governmental entity, may not
  569  protest the award of a contract or contract renewal on the basis
  570  of a false certification.
  571         (7) This section preempts any ordinance or rule of any
  572  agency or local governmental entity involving public contracts
  573  for goods or services of:
  574         (a) One million dollars or more with a company or other
  575  entity engaged in scrutinized business operations.
  576         (b) Any amount with a company or other entity that has been
  577  placed on the Scrutinized Companies or Other Entities that
  578  Boycott Israel List or is engaged in a boycott of Israel.
  579         (8) The contracting prohibitions in this section applicable
  580  to companies on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in
  581  Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Iran
  582  Terrorism Sectors List or to companies engaged in business
  583  operations in Cuba or Syria become inoperative on the date that
  584  federal law ceases to authorize the states to adopt and enforce
  585  such contracting prohibitions.
  586         Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.