Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1704 By Senator Calatayud 38-01507A-25 20251704__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to utility services; amending s. 3 180.19, F.S.; requiring certain public meetings as a 4 condition precedent to the effectiveness of a new or 5 an extended agreement under which a municipality will 6 provide specified utility services in other 7 municipalities or unincorporated areas; specifying the 8 matters to be addressed at such public meetings; 9 requiring such agreements to be written; requiring 10 annual public customer meetings; defining the terms 11 “appointed representative” and “governing body”; 12 limiting the portion of certain utility revenues that 13 a municipality may use to fund or finance general 14 government functions; requiring excess revenues to be 15 reinvested into the municipal utility or returned to 16 certain customers; requiring municipalities that 17 provide specified utility services to report certain 18 information by a specified date to the Florida Public 19 Service Commission on an annual basis; requiring the 20 commission to compile certain information and submit a 21 report containing such information to the Governor and 22 the Legislature by a specified date on an annual 23 basis; providing construction; amending s. 180.191, 24 F.S.; revising provisions relating to permissible 25 rates, fees, and charges imposed by municipal water 26 and sewer utilities on customers located outside the 27 municipal boundaries; amending s. 366.032, F.S.; 28 prohibiting boards, agencies, commissions, and 29 authorities of any county, municipal corporation, or 30 political subdivision from restricting or prohibiting 31 certain appliances and fuel sources used to provide 32 energy to consumers; voiding certain charters, 33 resolutions, ordinances, rules, codes, policies, or 34 actions of such boards, agencies, commissions, and 35 authorities; providing an effective date. 36 37 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 38 39 Section 1. Section 180.19, Florida Statutes, is amended to 40 read: 41 180.19 Use by other municipalities and by individuals 42 outside corporate limits.— 43 (1) A municipality which constructs any works as are 44 authorized by this chapter, may permit any other municipality 45 and the owners or association of owners of lots or lands outside 46 of its corporate limits or within the limits of any other 47 municipality, to connect with or use the utilities mentioned in 48 this chapter upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed 49 between such municipalities, and the owners or association of 50 owners of such outside lots or lands. 51 (2) Any private company or corporation organized to 52 accomplish the purposes set forth in this chapter, which has 53 been granted a privilege or franchise by a municipality, may 54 permit the owners or association of owners of lots or lands 55 outside of the boundaries of said municipality granting said 56 privilege or franchise, or other municipality, to connect with 57 and use the utility operated by the said private company or 58 corporation upon such terms as may be agreed between the said 59 private company or corporation and the owners or association of 60 owners of said lots or lands or the said municipality. 61 (3)(a) A new agreement, or an extension, renewal, or 62 material amendment of an existing agreement, to provide 63 electric, natural gas, water, or sewer utility service at retail 64 pursuant to subsection (1) must be written and may not become 65 effective before an appointed representative of the municipality 66 that provides service or intends to provide the service, in 67 conjunction with the governing body of each municipality and 68 unincorporated area served or to be served, has participated in 69 a public meeting, which is not required to be a separate public 70 meeting, within each municipality and unincorporated area served 71 or to be served for purposes of providing information and 72 soliciting public input on: 73 1. The nature of the services to be provided or changes to 74 the services being provided; 75 2. The rates, fees, and charges to be imposed for the 76 services provided or intended to be provided, including any 77 differential with the rates, fees, and charges imposed for the 78 same services on customers located within the boundaries of the 79 serving municipality, the basis for the differential, and the 80 length of time that the differential is expected to exist; 81 3. The extent to which revenues generated from the 82 provision of the services will be used to fund or finance 83 nonutility government functions or services; and 84 4. Any other matters deemed relevant by the parties to the 85 agreement. 86 (b) Rates, fees, and charges imposed for water or sewer 87 utility services provided pursuant to subsection (1) shall 88 comply with s. 180.191. 89 (c) A representative of each municipality that provides 90 electric, natural gas, water, or sewer utility services pursuant 91 to subsection (1), in conjunction with the governing body of 92 each municipality and unincorporated area in which it provides 93 services, must annually conduct a public customer meeting, which 94 is not required to be a separate public meeting, within each 95 municipality and unincorporated area for purposes of soliciting 96 public input on utility-related matters, including fees, rates, 97 charges, and services. 98 (d) For purposes of this subsection, the term: 99 1. “Appointed representative” means an executive-level 100 leadership employee of a municipality, or such municipality’s 101 related and separate utility authority, board, or commission, 102 specifically appointed by the governing body to serve as its 103 representative for purposes of this subsection. 104 2. “Governing body” means a: 105 a. Governing body of a municipality in which services are 106 provided or proposed to be extended. 107 b. Board of county commissioners of a county in which 108 services are provided or proposed to be extended, if services 109 are provided or proposed to be extended in an unincorporated 110 area within the county. 111 (4) A municipality that generates revenue from the 112 provision of electric, natural gas, water, or sewer utility 113 services to locations beyond its corporate limits may not use 114 more than 10 percent of the gross revenues generated from such 115 services to fund or finance general government functions. After 116 the transfer of such revenues to fund or finance general 117 government functions, if any revenues generated from such 118 services remain after payment of the municipal utility’s costs 119 to provide services, these excess revenues must be reinvested 120 into the municipal utility or returned to customers who received 121 service at locations beyond the municipality’s corporate limits. 122 (5)(a) By November 1, 2025, and annually thereafter, each 123 municipality that provides electric, natural gas, water, or 124 sewer utility services pursuant to subsection (1) must provide a 125 report to the Florida Public Service Commission that identifies, 126 for each type of utility service provided by the municipality: 127 1. The number and percentage of customers that receive 128 utility services provided by the municipality at a location 129 outside the boundaries of the municipality; 130 2. The volume and percentage of sales made to such 131 customers, and the gross revenues generated from such sales; and 132 3. Whether the rates, fees, and charges imposed on 133 customers that receive services at a location outside the 134 municipality’s boundaries are different than the rates, fees, 135 and charges imposed on customers within the boundaries of the 136 municipality, and, if so, the amount and percentage of the 137 differential. 138 (b) The commission shall compile the information provided 139 pursuant to paragraph (a) and submit a report containing this 140 information to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and 141 the Speaker of the House of Representatives by January 31, 2025, 142 and annually thereafter. 143 (c) This subsection does not modify or extend the authority 144 of the commission otherwise provided by law with respect to any 145 municipal utility that is required to comply with paragraph (a). 146 Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 180.191, Florida 147 Statutes, is amended to read: 148 180.191 Limitation on rates charged consumer outside city 149 limits.— 150 (1) Any municipality within the state operating a water or 151 sewer utility outside of the boundaries of such municipality 152 shall charge consumers outside the boundaries rates, fees, and 153 charges determined in one of the following manners: 154 (a) It may charge the same rates, fees, and charges as 155 consumers inside the municipal boundaries.However, in addition156thereto, the municipality may add a surcharge of not more than15725 percent of such rates, fees, and charges to consumers outside158the boundaries.Fixing of such rates, fees, and charges in this 159 manner shall not require a public hearing except as may be 160 provided for service to consumers inside the municipality. 161 (b)1. It may charge rates, fees, and charges that are just 162 and equitable and which are based on the same factors used in 163 fixing the rates, fees, and charges for consumers inside the 164 municipal boundaries.In addition thereto, the municipality may165add a surcharge not to exceed 25 percent of such rates, fees,166and charges for said services to consumers outside the167boundaries. However, the total of allSuch rates, fees, and 168 charges for the services to consumers outside the boundaries may 169shallnot exceed 25be more than 50percentin excessof the 170 total amount the municipality charges consumers served within 171 the municipality for corresponding service. No such rates, fees, 172 and charges shall be fixed until after a public hearing at which 173 all of the users of the water or sewer systems; owners, tenants, 174 or occupants of property served or to be served thereby; and all 175 others interested shall have an opportunity to be heard 176 concerning the proposed rates, fees, and charges. Any change or 177 revision of such rates, fees, or charges may be made in the same 178 manner as such rates, fees, or charges were originally 179 established, but if such change or revision is to be made 180 substantially pro rata as to all classes of service, both inside 181 and outside the municipality, no hearing or notice shall be 182 required. 183 2. Any municipality within this state operating a water or 184 sewer utility that provides services to consumers within the 185 boundaries of a separate municipality through the use of a water 186 treatment plant or sewer treatment plant located within the 187 boundaries of that separate municipality may charge consumers in 188 the separate municipality no more than the rates, fees, and 189 charges imposed on consumers inside its own municipal 190 boundaries. 191 Section 3. Subsections (1), (2), and (5) of section 192 366.032, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 193 366.032 Preemption over utility service restrictions.— 194 (1) A municipality, county, board, agency, commission, or 195 authority of any county, municipal corporation, or political 196 subdivision, special district, community development district 197 created pursuant to chapter 190, or other political subdivision 198 of the state may not enact or enforce a resolution, ordinance, 199 rule, code, or policy or take any action that restricts or 200 prohibits or has the effect of restricting or prohibiting the 201 types or fuel sources of energy production which may be used, 202 delivered, converted, or supplied by the following entities to 203 serve customers that such entities are authorized to serve: 204 (a) A public utility or an electric utility as defined in 205 this chapter; 206 (b) An entity formed under s. 163.01 that generates, sells, 207 or transmits electrical energy; 208 (c) A natural gas utility as defined in s. 366.04(3)(c); 209 (d) A natural gas transmission company as defined in s. 210 368.103; or 211 (e) A Category I liquefied petroleum gas dealer or Category 212 II liquefied petroleum gas dispenser or Category III liquefied 213 petroleum gas cylinder exchange operator as defined in s. 214 527.01. 215 (2) Except to the extent necessary to enforce the Florida 216 Building Code adopted pursuant to s. 553.73 or the Florida Fire 217 Prevention Code adopted pursuant to s. 633.202, a municipality, 218 county, board, agency, commission, or authority of any county, 219 municipal corporation, or political subdivision, special 220 district, community development district created pursuant to 221 chapter 190, or other political subdivision of the state may not 222 enact or enforce a resolution, an ordinance, a rule, a code, or 223 a policy or take any action that restricts or prohibits or has 224 the effect of restricting or prohibiting the use of an 225 appliance, including a stove or grill, which uses the types or 226 fuel sources of energy production which may be used, delivered, 227 converted, or supplied by the entities listed in subsection (1). 228 As used in this subsection, the term “appliance” means a device 229 or apparatus manufactured and designed to use energy and for 230 which the Florida Building Code or the Florida Fire Prevention 231 Code provides specific requirements. 232 (5) Any municipality, county, board, agency, commission, or 233 authority of any county, municipal corporation, or political 234 subdivision, special district, community development district 235 created pursuant to chapter 190, or political subdivision 236 charter, resolution, ordinance, rule, code, policy, or action 237 that is preempted by this act that existed before or on July 1, 238 2021, is void. 239 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2026.