Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1710
       By Senator DiCeglie
       18-01485B-25                                          20251710__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to prohibitions and limitations on
    3         diversity, equity, and inclusion and requirements for
    4         medical institutions of higher education; amending s.
    5         20.105, F.S.; providing requirements for state
    6         agencies applying for certain federal health care
    7         related grants; creating s. 20.615, F.S.; defining
    8         terms; prohibiting state agencies from expending
    9         certain funds for a diversity, equity, and inclusion
   10         office or officer; authorizing a person to notify the
   11         Attorney General regarding certain violations of law
   12         by a state agency; authorizing the Attorney General to
   13         file suit for a writ of mandamus in certain
   14         circumstances; providing construction; creating s.
   15         287.139, F.S.; requiring potential recipients of state
   16         contracts or grants to provide a specified
   17         certification to the Chief Financial Officer; creating
   18         s. 1004.099, F.S.; requiring medical institutions of
   19         higher education to provide letter grade-based
   20         assessments for certain required courses; providing an
   21         exception; amending s. 1007.263, F.S.; requiring
   22         specified standardized tests for admission to medical
   23         institutions of higher education; defining the term
   24         “medical institution of higher education”; providing
   25         an effective date.
   27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   29         Section 1. Subsection (3) is added to section 20.105,
   30  Florida Statutes, to read:
   31         20.105 Federal Grants Trust Fund.—
   32         (3)A state agency as defined in s. 216.011(1) which is
   33  applying for a federal health care-related grant relating to
   34  diversity, equity, and inclusion, as defined in s. 20.615(1),
   35  shall do the following:
   36         (a)Publish on its website all materials, requirements, and
   37  instructions related to the federal grant application which are
   38  in the state agency’s possession.
   39         (b)Submit a copy of the federal grant proposal to all
   40  members of the Health Policy Committee in the Senate and the
   41  Health and Human Services Committee in the House of
   42  Representatives.
   43         Section 2. Section 20.615, Florida Statutes, is created to
   44  read:
   45         20.615Diversity, equity, and inclusion in state agencies.—
   46         (1)As used in this section, the term:
   47         (a)1.“Diversity, equity, and inclusion” or “DEI” means:
   48         a.Any effort to manipulate or otherwise influence the
   49  composition of employees with reference to race, sex, color, or
   50  ethnicity, other than ensuring colorblind and race-neutral
   51  hiring in accordance with state and federal antidiscrimination
   52  laws;
   53         b.Any effort to promote differential treatment of or
   54  provide special benefits to a person based on his or her race,
   55  color, or ethnicity;
   56         c.Any effort to promote or adopt policies or procedures
   57  designed or implemented with reference to race, color, or
   58  ethnicity, other than policies or procedures approved in writing
   59  by the Attorney General for the sole purpose of ensuring
   60  compliance with any applicable court order or state or federal
   61  law;
   62         d.Any effort to promote or adopt training, programming, or
   63  activities designed or implemented with reference to race,
   64  color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation, other
   65  than training, programming, or activities developed by an
   66  attorney licensed in this state and approved in writing by the
   67  Attorney General for the sole purpose of ensuring compliance
   68  with any applicable court order or state or federal law; or
   69         e.Any effort to promote, as the official position of a
   70  state agency, a particular opinion referencing unconscious or
   71  implicit bias, cultural appropriation, allyship, transgender
   72  ideology, microaggressions, group marginalization, antiracism,
   73  systemic oppression, social justice, intersectionality,
   74  neopronouns, heteronormativity, disparate impact, gender theory,
   75  racial or sexual privilege, or any related formulation of these
   76  concepts.
   77         2.The term does not include equal opportunity or equal
   78  employment opportunity materials designed to inform a person
   79  about the prohibition on discrimination based on protected
   80  status under state or federal law.
   81         (b)“Diversity, equity, and inclusion office” or “DEI
   82  office” means any division, office, center, or other unit of a
   83  state agency, or component thereof, that coordinates, creates,
   84  develops, designs, implements, organizes, plans, or promotes
   85  policies, programming, training, practices, activities, and
   86  procedures relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
   87         (c)“Diversity, equity, and inclusion officer” or “DEI
   88  officer” means a person who is a full-time or part-time employee
   89  of a state agency, or component thereof, or an independent
   90  contractor of a state agency, or component thereof, whose duties
   91  for the state agency include coordinating, creating, developing,
   92  designing, implementing, organizing, planning, or promoting
   93  policies, programming, training, practices, activities, or other
   94  procedures relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
   95         (d)“State agency” has the same meaning as in s.
   96  216.011(1).
   97         (2)A state agency may not expend appropriated funds or
   98  otherwise expend any funds derived from bequests, charges,
   99  deposits, donations, grants, gifts, income, receipts, or any
  100  other source to establish, sustain, support, or staff a DEI
  101  office or to contract, employ, engage, or hire a person to serve
  102  as a DEI officer.
  103         (3)A person may notify the Attorney General of a violation
  104  or potential violation of this section by a state agency. The
  105  Attorney General may file suit for a writ of mandamus compelling
  106  the state agency to comply with this section.
  107         (4)This section does not prohibit bona fide qualifications
  108  based on sex which are reasonably necessary to the normal
  109  operation of government functions.
  110         Section 3. Section 287.139, Florida Statutes, is created to
  111  read:
  112         287.139Prohibition against using diversity, equity, and
  113  inclusion material.—All potential recipients for a state
  114  contract or grant must certify to the Chief Financial Officer
  115  before being awarded such contract or grant that the recipient
  116  does not and will not require its employees, contractors,
  117  volunteers, vendors, or agents to ascribe to, study, or be
  118  instructed with diversity, equity, and inclusion material using
  119  state funds. For purposes of this section, the term “diversity,
  120  equity, and inclusion” has the same meaning as in s. 20.615(1).
  121         Section 4. Section 1004.099, Florida Statutes, is created
  122  to read:
  123         1004.099Grading in medical institutions of higher
  124  education.—A medical institution of higher education as defined
  125  in s. 1007.263(6), excluding those institutions that are open
  126  enrollment, shall provide letter grade-based assessments for
  127  each course required to graduate and may not use pass/fail
  128  assessments for any required course.
  129         Section 5. Subsection (6) is added to section 1007.263,
  130  Florida Statutes, to read:
  131         1007.263 Florida College System institutions; admissions of
  132  students.—Each Florida College System institution board of
  133  trustees is authorized to adopt rules governing admissions of
  134  students subject to this section and rules of the State Board of
  135  Education. These rules shall include the following:
  136         (6)A medical institution of higher education shall require
  137  a standardized admissions test focused on knowledge of and
  138  critical thinking skills for science and medical training as a
  139  requirement for admission. The term “medical institution of
  140  higher education” means a Florida College System institution or
  141  state university, as those terms are defined in s. 1000.21, that
  142  offer bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees, or a trade
  143  school that receives state funds and offers health care-related
  144  degrees, certification programs, or training.
  146  Each board of trustees shall establish policies that notify
  147  students about developmental education options for improving
  148  their communication or computation skills that are essential to
  149  performing college-level work, including tutoring, extended time
  150  in gateway courses, free online courses, adult basic education,
  151  adult secondary education, or private provider instruction.
  152         Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.