Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1726
       By Senator Calatayud
       38-01047A-25                                          20251726__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to higher education; amending s.
    3         112.3144, F.S.; requiring certain members of the Board
    4         of Governors to comply with specified financial
    5         disclosure requirements beginning on a date certain;
    6         amending s. 1001.01, F.S.; revising term limits for
    7         members and the chair of the State Board of Education;
    8         amending s. 1001.61, F.S.; providing term limits for
    9         members and the chairs of the Florida College System
   10         institution boards of trustees; amending s. 1001.64,
   11         F.S.; providing that certain actions related to the
   12         president of a Florida College System institution are
   13         not subject to approval by the State Board of
   14         Education; requiring presidential search committees
   15         for the appointment such president; providing
   16         requirements for the committees; requiring that such
   17         president be recommended by the committee; amending s.
   18         1001.70, F.S.; requiring appointed members of the
   19         Board of Governors to be residents of this state;
   20         providing term limits for appointed members; amending
   21         s. 1001.706, F.S.; providing that the president of a
   22         state university is appointed by the university board
   23         of trustees; requiring presidential search committees
   24         for the appointment such president; providing
   25         requirements for the committees; requiring that such
   26         president be recommended by the committee; deleting a
   27         requirement that the Board of Governors confirm the
   28         selection and reappointment of such president;
   29         amending s. 1001.71, F.S.; providing term limits for
   30         appointed members of university boards of trustees;
   31         deleting obsolete language and a certain consideration
   32         for appointed members; amending s. 1004.085, F.S.;
   33         providing definitions; requiring specified
   34         supplemental textbooks and instructional materials for
   35         courses at Florida College System institutions and
   36         state universities to be included in a specified list;
   37         revising requirements for such lists; requiring
   38         certain course syllabi to be posted with textbook and
   39         instructional materials and include specified
   40         information; repealing s. 1004.098, F.S., relating to
   41         applicants for president of a state university or
   42         Florida College System institution; providing an
   43         effective date.
   45  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   47         Section 1. Paragraph (f) is added to subsection (1) of
   48  section 112.3144, Florida Statutes, to read:
   49         112.3144 Full and public disclosure of financial
   50  interests.—
   51         (1)
   52         (f)Beginning January 1, 2026, each citizen member of the
   53  Board of Governors of the State University System must comply
   54  with the financial disclosure requirements of s. 8, Art. II of
   55  the State Constitution and this section.
   56         Section 2. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 1001.01,
   57  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   58         1001.01 State Board of Education; generally.—
   59         (1) The State Board of Education is established as a body
   60  corporate. The state board shall be a citizen board consisting
   61  of seven members who are residents of the state appointed by the
   62  Governor to staggered 4-year terms, subject to confirmation by
   63  the Senate. Members of the state board shall serve without
   64  compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement of travel
   65  and per diem expenses in accordance with s. 112.061. Members may
   66  only serve two be reappointed by the Governor for additional
   67  terms not to exceed 8 years of consecutive service.
   68         (2) The State Board of Education shall select a chair and a
   69  vice chair from its appointed members. The chair shall serve a
   70  single 2-year term and may be reselected for one additional
   71  consecutive term.
   72         Section 3. Subsections (2) and (4) of section 1001.61,
   73  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   74         1001.61 Florida College System institution boards of
   75  trustees; membership.—
   76         (2) Trustees shall be appointed by the Governor to
   77  staggered 4-year terms, subject to confirmation by the Senate in
   78  regular session. Members may be reappointed by the Governor for
   79  one additional term, not to exceed 8 consecutive years of
   80  service.
   81         (4) At its first regular meeting after July 1 of each year,
   82  each Florida College System institution board of trustees shall
   83  organize by electing a chair, whose duty as such is to preside
   84  at all meetings of the board, to call special meetings thereof,
   85  and to attest to actions of the board, and a vice chair, whose
   86  duty as such is to act as chair during the absence or disability
   87  of the elected chair. It is the further duty of the chair of
   88  each board of trustees to notify the Governor, in writing,
   89  whenever a board member fails to attend three consecutive
   90  regular board meetings in any one fiscal year, which absences
   91  may be grounds for removal. The chair shall serve a single 2
   92  year term.
   93         Section 4. Subsection (19) of section 1001.64, Florida
   94  Statutes, is amended to read:
   95         1001.64 Florida College System institution boards of
   96  trustees; powers and duties.—
   97         (19) Each board of trustees shall appoint, suspend, or
   98  remove the president of the Florida College System institution.
   99  Such appointments, reappointments, suspensions, and extensions
  100  of a president, including associated contracts, are not subject
  101  to approval or confirmation by the State Board of Education. In
  102  appointing an interim or a permanent president, the chair of the
  103  institution board of trustees shall appoint a presidential
  104  search committee. The presidential search committee shall
  105  consist of at least two members of the board of trustees and may
  106  include persons from the institution’s faculty, the student
  107  body, the institution’s foundation board, the institution’s
  108  financing corporation board, if applicable, alumni, donors, and
  109  members from the community the institution serves. However, none
  110  of the persons appointed to serve on the presidential search
  111  committee may hold positions that report directly to the
  112  president. The Commissioner of Education or a member of the
  113  State Board of Education may not serve on a presidential search
  114  committee. The interim or permanent president appointed by the
  115  institution board of trustees must be recommended by the
  116  presidential search committee The board of trustees may appoint
  117  a search committee. The board of trustees shall conduct annual
  118  evaluations of the president in accordance with rules of the
  119  State Board of Education and submit such evaluations to the
  120  State Board of Education for review. The evaluation must address
  121  the achievement of the performance goals established by the
  122  accountability process implemented pursuant to s. 1008.45.
  123         Section 5. Subsection (1) of section 1001.70, Florida
  124  Statutes, is amended to read:
  125         1001.70 Board of Governors of the State University System.—
  126         (1) Pursuant to s. 7(d), Art. IX of the State Constitution,
  127  the Board of Governors is established as a body corporate
  128  comprised of 17 members as follows: 14 citizen members appointed
  129  by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate; the
  130  Commissioner of Education; the chair of the advisory council of
  131  faculty senates or the equivalent; and the president of the
  132  Florida student association or the equivalent. The appointed
  133  members may only shall serve a single staggered 7-year term.
  134  Each member appointed by the Governor must be a resident of this
  135  state terms. In order to achieve staggered terms, beginning July
  136  1, 2003, of the initial appointments, 4 members shall serve 2
  137  year terms, 5 members shall serve 3-year terms, and 5 members
  138  shall serve 7-year terms.
  139         Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section
  140  1001.706, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  141         1001.706 Powers and duties of the Board of Governors.—
  143         (a) The Board of Governors, or the board’s designee, shall
  144  establish the personnel program for all employees of a state
  145  university, except the president. The board of trustees of a
  146  state university shall select and reappoint the university
  147  president. In appointing an interim or permanent president, the
  148  chair of the university board of trustees shall appoint a
  149  presidential search committee. The presidential search committee
  150  shall consist of 15 members consisting of at least three members
  151  of the board of trustees and may include persons from the
  152  university’s faculty, the student body, the university’s
  153  foundation board, the university’s financing corporation board,
  154  if applicable, alumni, donors, and members from the community in
  155  which the university serves. However, none of the persons
  156  appointed to serve on the presidential search committee may hold
  157  positions that report directly to the president. The Chancellor
  158  of the State University System or a member of the Board of
  159  Governors may not serve on the presidential search committee.
  160  The interim or permanent president selected by the board of
  161  trustees must have been recommended by the presidential search
  162  committee. Selections, reappointments, and extensions of a
  163  president, including associated contracts, are not subject to
  164  approval or confirmation by the Board of Governors. The Board of
  165  Governors shall confirm the presidential selection and
  166  reappointment by a university board of trustees as a means of
  167  acknowledging that system cooperation is expected.
  168         Section 7. Subsection (1) of section 1001.71, Florida
  169  Statutes, is amended to read:
  170         1001.71 University boards of trustees; membership.—
  171         (1) Pursuant to s. 7(c), Art. IX of the State Constitution,
  172  each local constituent university shall be administered by a
  173  university board of trustees comprised of 13 members as follows:
  174  6 citizen members appointed by the Governor subject to
  175  confirmation by the Senate; 5 citizen members appointed by the
  176  Board of Governors subject to confirmation by the Senate; the
  177  chair of the faculty senate or the equivalent; and the president
  178  of the student body of the university. The appointed members
  179  shall serve staggered 5-year terms. Appointed members may be
  180  reappointed for one additional term, not to exceed 10 years of
  181  consecutive service. In order to achieve staggered terms,
  182  beginning July 1, 2003, of the initial appointments by the
  183  Governor, 2 members shall serve 2-year terms, 3 members shall
  184  serve 3-year terms, and 1 member shall serve a 5-year term and
  185  of the initial appointments by the Board of Governors, 2 members
  186  shall serve 2-year terms, 2 members shall serve 3-year terms,
  187  and 1 member shall serve a 5-year term. There shall be no state
  188  residency requirement for university board members, but the
  189  Governor and the Board of Governors shall consider diversity and
  190  regional representation when appointing members. Beginning July
  191  2, 2020, For purposes of this subsection, regional
  192  representation shall include the chair of a campus board
  193  established pursuant to s. 1004.341.
  194         Section 8. Subsections (1) and (5) and paragraphs (a) and
  195  (d) of subsection (6) of section 1004.085, Florida Statutes, are
  196  amended to read:
  197         1004.085 Textbook and instructional materials affordability
  198  and transparency.—
  199         (1) As used in this section, the term:,
  200         (a)The term “Instructional materials” means educational
  201  materials for use within a course which may be available in
  202  printed or digital format.
  203         (b)“Syllabus” or “syllabi” means the course syllabus or
  204  syllabi developed by the instructor assigned to the course.
  205         (c)“Term” includes the fall, spring, and summer terms.
  206         (5)(a) Each Florida College System institution and state
  207  university shall post prominently in the course registration
  208  system and on its website a hyperlink to lists of required, and
  209  recommended, and supplemental textbooks and instructional
  210  materials, including those that are open access or an open
  211  educational resource or for which there is no cost, for at least
  212  95 percent of all courses and course sections offered at the
  213  institution during the upcoming term. The lists must include the
  214  International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or a unique identifier
  215  for each required, and recommended, and supplemental textbook
  216  and instructional material and or other identifying information,
  217  which must include, at a minimum, all of the following: the
  218  title, all authors listed, publishers, edition number, copyright
  219  date, published date, and other relevant information necessary
  220  to identify the specific textbooks or instructional materials
  221  required, and recommended, and supplemental for each course. The
  222  State Board of Education and the Board of Governors shall
  223  include in the policies, procedures, and guidelines adopted
  224  under subsection (6) certain limited exceptions to this
  225  notification requirement for classes added after the
  226  notification deadline.
  227         (b) The lists of required, and recommended, and
  228  supplemental textbooks and instructional materials required in
  229  paragraph (a) must be based on a list submitted by the
  230  instructor and:
  231         1. Be posted as early as is feasible but at least 45 days
  232  before the first day of class for each term.
  233         2. Remain posted for at least 5 academic years.
  234         3. Be searchable by the general education status, the
  235  course subject, the course section, the course number, the
  236  course title, the name of the instructor of the course, the
  237  title of each assigned textbook or instructional material, and
  238  each author of an assigned textbook or instructional material.
  239         4.Include the duration of any license allowing access to
  240  the textbook or instructional material.
  241         5.Provide cost comparisons between bulk pricing, if such
  242  textbooks and materials are offered in bulk or as part of a
  243  package, and purchasing such textbooks and materials separately.
  244         6.Identify the lowest cost option for each textbook and
  245  instructional material.
  246         7.4. Be easily downloadable by current and prospective
  247  students.
  248         (c) To maximize informed student choice, courses If a
  249  course subject to paragraphs (a) and (b) must include the
  250  current is a general education core course option identified
  251  pursuant to s. 1007.25, course syllabi posted in the same
  252  location as the postings of required, recommended, and
  253  supplemental textbooks and instructional materials. Each
  254  syllabus must contain syllabi information containing sufficient
  255  detail to inform students of all of the following must be
  256  included:
  257         1. The course curriculum, including the required,
  258  recommended, and supplemental textbooks and instructional
  259  materials regardless of cost or whether the materials are open
  260  access or open educational resource.
  261         2. Specific The goals, objectives, and student expectations
  262  of the course.
  263         3. How student performance will be evaluated, including the
  264  grading scale and methodology measured.
  265         (6) After receiving input from students, faculty,
  266  bookstores, and publishers, the State Board of Education and the
  267  Board of Governors each shall adopt textbook and instructional
  268  materials affordability policies, procedures, and guidelines for
  269  implementation by Florida College System institutions and state
  270  universities, respectively, that further efforts to minimize the
  271  cost of textbooks and instructional materials for students
  272  attending such institutions while maintaining the quality of
  273  education and academic freedom. The policies, procedures, and
  274  guidelines shall address:
  275         (a) The establishment of deadlines for an instructor or
  276  department to notify the bookstore of required, and recommended,
  277  and supplemental textbooks and instructional materials so that
  278  the bookstore may verify availability, source lower cost options
  279  when practicable, explore alternatives with faculty when
  280  academically appropriate, and maximize the availability of used
  281  textbooks and instructional materials.
  282         (d) The availability of required, and recommended, and
  283  supplemental textbooks and instructional materials to students
  284  otherwise unable to afford the cost, including consideration of
  285  the extent to which an open-access textbook or instructional
  286  material may be used.
  287         Section 9. Section 1004.098, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
  288         Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.