Florida Senate - 2025                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 1740
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  03/17/2025           .                                

       The Committee on Banking and Insurance (Ingoglia) recommended
       the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 452 and 453
    4  insert:
    5         Section 5. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
    6  627.062, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
    7         627.062 Rate standards.—
    8         (2) As to all such classes of insurance:
    9         (a) Insurers or rating organizations shall establish and
   10  use rates, rating schedules, or rating manuals that allow the
   11  insurer a reasonable rate of return on the classes of insurance
   12  written in this state. A copy of rates, rating schedules, rating
   13  manuals, premium credits or discount schedules, and surcharge
   14  schedules, and changes thereto, must be filed with the office
   15  under one of the following procedures:
   16         1. If the filing is made at least 90 days before the
   17  proposed effective date and is not implemented during the
   18  office’s review of the filing and any proceeding and judicial
   19  review, such filing is considered a “file and use” filing. In
   20  such case, the office shall finalize its review by issuance of a
   21  notice of intent to approve or a notice of intent to disapprove
   22  within 90 days after receipt of the filing. If the 90-day period
   23  ends on a weekend or a holiday under s. 110.117(1)(a)-(i), it
   24  must be extended until the conclusion of the next business day.
   25  The notice of intent to approve and the notice of intent to
   26  disapprove constitute agency action for purposes of the
   27  Administrative Procedure Act. Requests for supporting
   28  information, requests for mathematical or mechanical
   29  corrections, or notifications notification to the insurer by the
   30  office of its preliminary findings do does not toll the 90-day
   31  period during any such proceedings and subsequent judicial
   32  review. The rate is shall be deemed approved if the office does
   33  not issue a notice of intent to approve or a notice of intent to
   34  disapprove within 90 days after receipt of the filing. The
   35  office may not request that an insurer waive such deemed
   36  approval for any residential property insurance rate filing in
   37  which the insurer proposes a rate decrease, provided that the
   38  decrease is not solely due to a reduction in coverage or changes
   39  to policy forms. The office may not issue a notice of intent to
   40  disapprove a residential property insurance rate filing in which
   41  the insurer proposes a rate decrease unless it has completed a
   42  finalized review.
   43         2. If the filing is not made in accordance with
   44  subparagraph 1., such filing must be made as soon as
   45  practicable, but within 30 days after the effective date, and is
   46  considered a “use and file” filing. An insurer making a “use and
   47  file” filing is potentially subject to an order by the office to
   48  return to policyholders those portions of rates found to be
   49  excessive, as provided in paragraph (h).
   50         3. For all property insurance filings made or submitted
   51  after January 25, 2007, but before May 1, 2012, an insurer
   52  seeking a rate that is greater than the rate most recently
   53  approved by the office shall make a “file and use” filing. For
   54  purposes of this subparagraph, motor vehicle collision and
   55  comprehensive coverages are not considered property coverages.
   57  The provisions of this subsection do not apply to workers’
   58  compensation, employer’s liability insurance, and motor vehicle
   59  insurance.
   60         Section 6. Section 627.4263, Florida Statutes, is created
   61  to read:
   62         627.4263Use of algorithms, artificial intelligence
   63  systems, and machine learning systems in claims handling.
   64         (1)As used in this section:
   65         (a)“Algorithm” means a clearly specified mathematical
   66  process for computation that uses rules designed to give
   67  prescribed results.
   68         (b)“Artificial intelligence system” means a machine-based
   69  system that may have varying levels of autonomy and that can,
   70  for a given set of objectives, generate outputs such as
   71  predictions, recommendations, content, or other outputs
   72  influencing decisions made in real or virtual environments.
   73         (c)“Machine learning system” means an artificial
   74  intelligence system that has the ability to learn from provided
   75  data without being explicitly programmed.
   76         (d)“Qualified human professional” means an individual who,
   77  under the Florida Insurance Code, may have authority to adjust
   78  or deny a claim or a portion of a claim and has such authority
   79  over a particular claim.
   80         (2)An insurer’s decision to deny a claim or any portion of
   81  a claim must be made by a qualified human professional.
   82         (3)A qualified human professional must also:
   83         (a)Analyze the facts of the claim and the terms of the
   84  insurance policy independently of any system or algorithm.
   85         (b)Review the accuracy of any output generated by such a
   86  system or algorithm.
   87         (c)Conduct any review of a claim adjustment or claim
   88  decision that was made by another qualified human professional.
   89         (4)An insurer shall maintain detailed records of the
   90  activities of qualified human professionals who are required
   91  under this section, including:
   92         (a)The name and title of the qualified human professional
   93  who made the decision to deny the claim or a portion of the
   94  claim and of any qualified human professional who reviewed the
   95  claim adjustment or claim decision.
   96         (b)The date and time of the claim decision and of any
   97  review of the claim adjustment.
   98         (c)Documentation of the basis for the denial of the claim
   99  or a portion of the claim, including any information provided by
  100  an algorithm, artificial intelligence system, or machine
  101  learning system.
  102         (5)An artificial intelligence system, a machine learning
  103  system, or an algorithm may not serve as the sole basis for
  104  determining whether to deny a claim.
  105         (6)In all denial communications to a claimant, an insurer
  106  shall:
  107         (a)Clearly identify the qualified human professional who
  108  made the decision to deny the claim or a portion of the claim.
  109         (b)Include a statement affirming that an algorithm, an
  110  artificial intelligence system, or a machine learning system did
  111  not serve as the sole basis for determining whether to deny the
  112  claim.
  113         (7)An insurer that uses an algorithm, an artificial
  114  intelligence system, or a machine learning system as part of its
  115  claims handling process must detail in its claims handling
  116  manual the manner in which such systems are used and the manner
  117  in which the insurer complies with this section.
  118         (8)The office may conduct market conduct examinations and
  119  investigations or use any method it deems necessary to verify
  120  compliance with this section.
  122  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  123  And the title is amended as follows:
  124         Delete line 22
  125  and insert:
  126         until a specified time; amending s. 627.062, F.S.;
  127         prohibiting the office from requesting an insurer
  128         waive a deemed approval for residential property
  129         insurance rate filing under certain circumstances;
  130         prohibiting the office from issuing a notice of intent
  131         to disapprove a residential property insurance rate
  132         filing under certain circumstances; creating s.
  133         627.4263, F.S.; defining terms; requiring that
  134         insurers’ decisions to deny claims be made by
  135         qualified human professionals; specifying the duties
  136         of qualified human professionals; requiring an insurer
  137         to maintain certain records; prohibiting using
  138         artificial intelligence, machine learning systems, or
  139         algorithms as the sole basis for determining whether
  140         to deny a claim; requiring insurers to include certain
  141         information in denial communications to claimants;
  142         requiring that certain insurers detail certain
  143         information in its claims handling manual; authorizing
  144         the office to conduct market conduct examinations and
  145         investigations under certain circumstances; providing
  146         an effective date.