Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1772 By Senator Martin 33-01094-25 20251772__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to guaranteed income programs; 3 creating s. 414.61, F.S.; defining the terms 4 “guaranteed income program” and “local government”; 5 prohibiting a local government from adopting or 6 enforcing a law, an ordinance, a resolution, an order, 7 or a rule that has the purpose or effect of providing 8 for payments under a guaranteed income program; 9 authorizing the Attorney General to send a cease and 10 desist order to a local government that violates 11 specified provisions; authorizing the Attorney General 12 to bring an action for injunctive relief for failure 13 to comply with such cease and desist order; providing 14 an effective date. 15 16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 17 18 Section 1. Section 414.61, Florida Statutes, is created to 19 read: 20 414.61 Prohibition on guaranteed income programs.— 21 (1) As used in this section, the term: 22 (a) “Guaranteed income program” means a program under which 23 an individual is issued an unconditional cash payment on a 24 regular basis to be used for any purpose by the individual. The 25 term does not include a program under which an individual is 26 required to seek reemployment, perform work, or attend training 27 as a condition of a cash payment. 28 (b) “Local government” means a county, municipality, 29 special district, or political subdivision of the state. 30 (2) Unless expressly authorized by state law, a local 31 government may not adopt or enforce a law, an ordinance, a 32 resolution, an order, or a rule that has the purpose or effect 33 of providing for payments to an individual under a guaranteed 34 income program. 35 (3) The Attorney General shall send a cease and desist 36 order to any local government that adopts or enforces a law, an 37 ordinance, a resolution, an order, or a rule in violation of 38 this section. If the local government fails to comply with the 39 cease and desist order, the Attorney General shall bring an 40 action for injunctive relief against such local government. 41 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.