Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1780
       By Senator Smith
       17-01338-25                                           20251780__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to early education workforce support;
    3         providing a short title; creating s. 1002.996, F.S.;
    4         establishing the Early Education Workforce Support
    5         Pilot Program within the Department of Education for a
    6         specified period; providing the purpose of and funding
    7         for the program; defining terms; providing program
    8         services; providing early education worker eligibility
    9         requirements; providing department and participating
   10         provider responsibilities; providing reporting and
   11         recommendation requirements; providing for the future
   12         expiration of the program; providing for rulemaking;
   13         providing an effective date.
   15         WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that this state faces a
   16  critical shortage of early education workers due to low wages
   17  and high job demands, leading to instability in the child care
   18  sector, and
   19         WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that providing access to
   20  free early education services for the children of early
   21  education workers can reduce the financial strain on and improve
   22  the job satisfaction of early education workers, and increase
   23  workforce retention for early education providers, and
   24         WHEREAS, the Legislature further finds that supporting the
   25  early education workforce is essential for expanding access to
   26  high-quality early learning programs for all families in this
   27  state, and
   28         WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Legislature to establish a
   29  program that provides free early education services to the
   30  children of eligible early education workers and strengthen this
   31  state’s early education workforce by reducing barriers to
   32  employment and retention of early education workers, NOW,
   35  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   37         Section 1. This act may be cited as the “Early Education
   38  Workforce Support and Access Act.”
   39         Section 2. Section 1002.996, Florida Statutes, is created
   40  to read:
   41         1002.996The Early Education Workforce Support Pilot
   42  Program.—There is established the Early Education Workforce
   43  Support Pilot Program for a period of 2 years, to be
   44  administered by the Department of Education to provide free
   45  early education services to eligible children of early education
   46  workers. Funding for the program shall be as provided in the
   47  General Appropriations Act. The department may also use any
   48  eligible federal funds, including, but not limited to, the Child
   49  Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund.
   50         (1)DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this section, the term:
   51         (a)“Early education worker” means a person who is a paid
   52  child care personnel as defined in s. 402.302 who works at least
   53  20 hours per week.
   54         (b)“Eligible child” means the biological, adopted, or
   55  legal child of an early education worker who is not yet eligible
   56  for kindergarten and who resides with the early education
   57  worker.
   58         (c)“Participating provider” means a child care facility
   59  licensed under s. 402.305, family day care home licensed under
   60  s. 402.313, large family child care home licensed under s.
   61  402.3131, or faith-based child care provider exempt from
   62  licensure under s. 402.316 that is approved by the department to
   63  offer free early education services through the program.
   64         (d)“Program” means the Early Education Workforce Support
   65  Pilot Program.
   66         (2)PROGRAM SERVICES.—The program shall provide funds
   67  directly to participating providers for the full cost of tuition
   68  of an eligible child selected to participate in the program,
   69  including either full-time or part-time care based on the needs
   70  of the family.
   72  eligible for participation in the program, an early education
   73  worker must:
   74         (a)Be a resident of this state who resides in a
   75  participating county and has an eligible child who resides with
   76  him or her.
   77         (b)Be employed for at least 6 months by a child care
   78  facility licensed under s. 402.305 for a minimum of 20 hours per
   79  week.
   80         (c)Provide proof of employment and residency in this
   81  state.
   82         (4)DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES.—The department shall:
   83         (a)Select at least two counties to participate in the
   84  program. Such counties must have the highest need for early
   85  education workers based on workforce shortages and access to
   86  child care services.
   87         (b)Establish a process to verify the program eligibility
   88  of participating providers, early education workers, and
   89  eligible children.
   90         (c)Establish participation requirements for participating
   91  providers and early education workers.
   92         (d)Establish a grant mechanism and procedures to reimburse
   93  participating providers participating in the program.
   94         (e)Monitor the implementation of the program to ensure
   95  equitable access.
   96         (f)Evaluate the program’s effectiveness in improving
   97  workforce retention for early education providers and access to
   98  child care for the children of early education workers.
  100  providers must:
  101         (a)Maintain compliance with all state and federal
  102  licensing and regulatory requirements.
  103         (b)Submit the information and data required by the
  104  department, including an annual report detailing the enrollment
  105  of eligible children and the attendance and outcome of such
  106  children.
  107         (c)Meet any other requirements established by the
  108  department.
  109         (6)PROGRAM REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS.—Within 90 days
  110  after completion of the program, the department shall provide to
  111  the Legislature:
  112         (a)A recommendation for the statewide expansion of the
  113  program.
  114         (b)A report on all of the following:
  115         1.Program enrollment.
  116         2.Workforce retention rates.
  117         3.Financial impacts of the program.
  118         (7)EXPIRATION.—This section expires on June 30, 2028.
  119         (8)RULEMAKING.—The State Board of Education may adopt
  120  rules to administer this section, including rules to establish
  121  eligibility verification requirements, provider participation
  122  requirements, and reimbursement procedures.
  123         Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.