Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1800 By Senator Calatayud 38-01506A-25 20251800__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to Parkinson’s disease research 3 funding; creating s. 381.992, F.S.; providing a short 4 title; establishing the Parkinson’s Disease Research 5 Program; providing the purpose of the program; 6 requiring the Department of Health to create a 7 specified registry; providing for coverage of 8 specified testing; providing for funding and 9 allocations; requiring the Department of Health to 10 establish the Parkinson’s Disease Research Advisory 11 Board; providing requirements for board membership and 12 duties; providing for future legislative review and 13 repeal of the advisory board; requiring grant 14 recipients to annually submit a specified report to 15 the department; providing an effective date. 16 17 WHEREAS, Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological 18 disorder affecting approximately one million Americans, with an 19 estimated 90,000 new diagnoses each year, and 20 WHEREAS, there is currently no cure for Parkinson’s 21 disease, and innovative research is essential to advance 22 therapies, improve patient outcomes, and alleviate the burden of 23 this disease, NOW, THEREFORE, 24 25 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 26 27 Section 1. Section 381.992, Florida Statutes, is created to 28 read: 29 381.992 Parkinson’s disease research.— 30 (1) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be cited as the 31 “Parkinson’s Disease Research Fund Act.” 32 (2) PROGRAM ESTABLISHMENT AND REGISTRY.— 33 (a) The Parkinson’s Disease Research Program is established 34 within the Department of Health. 35 (b) The program shall support innovative research and 36 provide caregiver assistance as described in this section. 37 (c) The Department of Health shall create a Parkinson’s 38 Disease Research Program Registry of individuals served by the 39 program. 40 (3) AVAILABILITY OF COVERAGE.—A health plan as defined in 41 s. 408.7057(1) shall cover the costs of Parkinson’s disease 42 biomarker testing for individuals under this program. 43 (4) FUNDING AND ALLOCATION.— 44 (a) The Legislature shall appropriate funds from the 45 General Revenue Fund to the program for fiscal year 2025-2026. 46 (b) The funds shall be allocated through grants as follows: 47 1. Twenty million dollars shall be awarded through 48 competitive grants to state universities, research institutions, 49 and medical centers actively engaged in Parkinson’s disease 50 research with priority given to innovative therapies and 51 projects aimed at finding a cure. 52 2. Five million dollars shall be used to establish and 53 expand programs that support caregivers of individuals living 54 with Parkinson’s disease, including respite care, training, and 55 mental health resources. 56 (5) ADMINISTRATION AND OVERSIGHT.—The Department of Health 57 shall establish the Parkinson’s Disease Research Advisory Board, 58 an advisory body, as defined in s. 20.03, to oversee the 59 administration of the program. 60 (a) The advisory board shall consist of representatives 61 from: 62 1. Leading research institutions in the state. 63 2. Parkinson’s disease advocacy organizations. 64 3. Caregiver support groups. 65 4. The medical community specializing in neurological 66 diseases. 67 (b) The advisory board shall establish guidelines for grant 68 applications, selection criteria, and reporting requirements to 69 ensure transparency and accountability. 70 (c) In accordance with s. 20.052(8), this subsection is 71 repealed October 2, 2028, unless reviewed and saved from repeal 72 through reenactment by the Legislature. 73 (6) REPORTING.—Recipients of grant funds shall submit an 74 annual report to the Department of Health detailing all of the 75 following: 76 (a) The progress of funded research. 77 (b) Outcomes and measurable impacts of caregiver support 78 programs. 79 (c) Any additional recommendations for improving the 80 effectiveness of the program. 81 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 2025.