Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1808 By Senator Burton 12-00994B-25 20251808__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to refund of overpayments made by 3 patients; creating s. 456.0625, F.S.; requiring 4 certain health care practitioners to refund to the 5 patient any overpayment within a specified timeframe; 6 providing applicability; providing for disciplinary 7 action; authorizing the applicable regulatory board, 8 or the Department of Health if there is no board, to 9 adopt rules; amending s. 456.072, F.S.; subjecting 10 certain health care practitioners to disciplinary 11 action for failing to comply with specified 12 provisions; providing an effective date. 13 14 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 15 16 Section 1. Section 456.0625, Florida Statutes, is created 17 to read: 18 456.0625 Patient overpayments; refunds by health care 19 practitioners.— 20 (1) A health care practitioner licensed under chapter 458, 21 chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, chapter 462, chapter 463, 22 chapter 464, chapter 465, chapter 466, chapter 467, chapter 478, 23 chapter 483, part I of chapter 484, chapter 486, chapter 490, or 24 chapter 491 shall refund to the patient the amount of any 25 overpayment made to the health care practitioner no later than 26 30 days after the date that the health care practitioner 27 determines that the overpayment was made. 28 (2) This section does not apply to an overpayment subject 29 to s. 627.6131 or s. 641.3155. 30 (3) A health care practitioner’s violation of this section 31 constitutes grounds for disciplinary action under the applicable 32 practice act and under s. 456.072. 33 (4) The applicable board, or the department if there is no 34 board, may adopt rules to implement this section. 35 Section 2. Paragraph (tt) is added to subsection (1) of 36 section 456.072, Florida Statutes, to read: 37 456.072 Grounds for discipline; penalties; enforcement.— 38 (1) The following acts shall constitute grounds for which 39 the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2) may be 40 taken: 41 (tt) Failing to comply with s. 456.0625, relating to 42 refunding overpayments to patients. 43 Section 3. This act shall take effect January 1, 2026.