Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1818
       By Senator Collins
       14-01330-25                                           20251818__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to craft breweries; reordering and
    3         amending s. 561.01, F.S.; defining the terms “barrel”
    4         and “craft brewery”; amending s. 561.221, F.S.;
    5         providing that malt beverages and other alcoholic
    6         beverages that are manufactured under contract or by
    7         an alternating proprietorship by another licensed
    8         manufacturer may be transferred to a licensed
    9         facility; requiring that such beverages not owned by
   10         the manufacturer which are brewed by another
   11         manufacturer be obtained through a licensed
   12         distributor that is not also a licensed manufacturer,
   13         a licensed broker or sales agent, or a licensed
   14         importer; authorizing a craft brewery to sell and
   15         deliver up to a specified number of barrels of malt
   16         beverages annually to any licensed vendor, provided
   17         certain conditions are met; prohibiting a manufacturer
   18         that possesses a vendor’s license and that produces
   19         more than a specified number of barrels of malt
   20         beverages from making deliveries; authorizing a craft
   21         brewery to conduct tastings and sales of malt
   22         beverages at certain events; requiring the Division of
   23         Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco to issue permits for
   24         such tastings and sales to such craft breweries;
   25         requiring such craft breweries to pay all entry fees
   26         and have a representative present at such events;
   27         providing that the permit is valid only for the
   28         duration and physical location of the event; revising
   29         a provision relating to the vendors that may be
   30         licensed as manufacturers of malt beverages; making
   31         technical changes; amending s. 561.37, F.S.; deleting
   32         a requirement that manufacturers and brewers file a
   33         surety bond with the division; amending s. 561.5101,
   34         F.S.; revising applicability relating to come-to-rest
   35         requirements; amending s. 561.57, F.S.; authorizing a
   36         craft brewery to transport malt beverages in vehicles
   37         owned or leased by the manufacturer or persons the
   38         manufacturer has disclosed in writing to the division;
   39         conforming a cross-reference; amending s. 563.02,
   40         F.S.; revising a requirement for certain manufacturers
   41         to pay a specified license tax; amending s. 563.022,
   42         F.S.; revising the definition of the term
   43         “manufacturer”; creating s. 563.023, F.S.; providing
   44         applicability; providing that certain distribution
   45         agreements are deemed to renew upon a specified date;
   46         requiring distribution agreements between a beer
   47         distributor and a craft brewery to be in writing;
   48         providing construction; providing that a distribution
   49         agreement may not require or authorize certain
   50         actions; authorizing a craft brewery to terminate a
   51         distribution agreement in certain circumstances;
   52         prohibiting certain actions from craft breweries or
   53         distributors of malt beverages; providing exceptions;
   54         prohibiting a distributor from refusing to enter into
   55         a distribution agreement with a craft brewery, except
   56         for good cause and in good faith; prohibiting a
   57         distributor from continuing to distribute a craft
   58         brewer’s product within a certain timeframe after
   59         receiving notice of a distribution agreement’s
   60         termination; providing that any sums owed to the
   61         distributor are still owed; prohibiting a craft
   62         brewery from entering into a contract with more than
   63         one distributor to sell any of its products or brands
   64         within the same territory at the same time; providing
   65         applicability; requiring a distributor that enters
   66         into or renews a distribution agreement with a craft
   67         brewery after a specified timeframe to maintain
   68         physical facilities and personnel for specified
   69         purposes; authorizing a distributor to terminate a
   70         distribution agreement according to the terms of the
   71         agreement or for specified reasons; requiring a craft
   72         brewery to repurchase all of its products in the
   73         possession of a distributor if a contract is
   74         terminated; requiring a craft brewery or distributor
   75         that violates this section to pay the injured party
   76         all reasonable damages, as well as reasonable costs
   77         and attorney fees; requiring a distributor and a craft
   78         brewery to enter into arbitration proceedings for
   79         specific disputes after a specified timeframe;
   80         requiring the parties to use the American Arbitration
   81         Association’s Commercial Arbitration Rules; defining
   82         the term “fair market value”; requiring that a notice
   83         of intent to enter arbitration be sent no later than a
   84         specified timeframe after receiving a notice to
   85         terminate a distribution agreement; requiring that
   86         proceedings be conducted in this state and in front of
   87         an impartial arbitrator; providing that an
   88         arbitrator’s award may only be monetary; prohibiting
   89         an arbitrator from enjoining or compelling conduct;
   90         providing that arbitration held pursuant to the act
   91         takes precedence over any other remedies and
   92         procedures; requiring that the costs of arbitration be
   93         equally divided between the parties engaged in
   94         arbitration; providing that all other costs are paid
   95         by the party that incurred them; requiring the
   96         arbitrator to render a decision within a specified
   97         timeframe, unless extended by mutual agreement or by
   98         the arbitrator; providing that the decision of the
   99         arbitrator is final and binding; prohibiting an appeal
  100         of the decision; providing that a party that fails to
  101         participate in arbitration waives all rights;
  102         providing construction; creating s. 563.042, F.S.;
  103         defining terms; authorizing contract brewers to
  104         transfer malt beverages to contracting brewers’
  105         facilities up to a specified amount; authorizing a
  106         contract brewer to contract with one or more
  107         contracting brewers for a specified purpose; providing
  108         that the contract brewer is responsible for complying
  109         with federal and state law and for paying all federal
  110         and state taxes; providing that title to the malt
  111         beverages remains with the contract brewer until the
  112         malt beverages are removed from the licensed premises;
  113         requiring contract brewers and contracting brewers to
  114         maintain certain records required by the division;
  115         requiring licensed manufacturers that wish to engage
  116         in contract brewing to notify the division of its
  117         intention on forms provided by the division; requiring
  118         such licensed manufacturers to make a full and
  119         complete report to the division by a certain date;
  120         specifying what a contract brewer and a contracting
  121         brewer must include in such reports; requiring such
  122         licensed manufacturers to maintain all records
  123         required by the Beverage Law; requiring that an entity
  124         seeking to become a host brewer or a guest brewer for
  125         alternating proprietorship brewing first qualify as a
  126         brewer with the National Revenue Center; requiring
  127         such entities to submit a form to the division with
  128         specified information; requiring that a guest brewer’s
  129         malt beverages be separate and identifiable from the
  130         beer of all other tenants at the host brewer’s
  131         licensed premises; requiring a guest brewer to make a
  132         full and complete report of specified information to
  133         the division by a certain day each month; requiring a
  134         guest brewer to comply with all federal and state law
  135         and to pay all federal and state taxes; providing that
  136         title to the malt beverages remains with the guest
  137         brewer; prohibiting manufacturers or vendors from
  138         engaging in contract brewing or alternating
  139         proprietorship brewing; authorizing the division to
  140         adopt rules; amending ss. 212.08, 561.20, 561.4205,
  141         562.14, 768.36, 817.36, 856.015, and 1006.09, F.S.;
  142         conforming cross-references; reenacting ss.
  143         563.06(7)(a) and 563.13, F.S., relating to the size of
  144         malt beverage containers, and Florida brewery
  145         directional signs and fees, respectively, to
  146         incorporate the amendment made to s. 561.221, F.S., in
  147         references thereto; reenacting ss. 562.07 and
  148         565.045(1), F.S., relating to illegal transportation
  149         of beverages and regulations for consumption on
  150         premises, penalty, and exemptions, respectively, to
  151         incorporate the amendment made to s. 561.57, F.S., in
  152         references thereto; providing an effective date.
  154  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
  156         Section 1. Section 561.01, Florida Statutes, is reordered
  157  and amended to read:
  158         561.01 Definitions.—As used in the Beverage Law:
  159         (9)(1) “Division” means the Division of Alcoholic Beverages
  160  and Tobacco of the Department of Business and Professional
  161  Regulation.
  162         (7)(2) “Department” means the Department of Business and
  163  Professional Regulation.
  164         (21)(3) “State bonded warehouse” means any licensed
  165  warehouse used to store alcoholic beverages.
  166         (2)(a)(4)(a) “Alcoholic beverages” means distilled spirits
  167  and all beverages containing one-half of 1 percent or more
  168  alcohol by volume.
  169         (b) The percentage of alcohol by volume shall be determined
  170  by measuring the volume of the standard ethyl alcohol in the
  171  beverage and comparing it with the volume of the remainder of
  172  the ingredients as though said remainder ingredients were
  173  distilled water.
  174         (13)(5) “Intoxicating beverage” and “intoxicating liquor”
  175  mean only those alcoholic beverages containing more than 4.007
  176  percent of alcohol by volume.
  177         (23)(6) “The Beverage Law” means this chapter and chapters
  178  562, 563, 564, 565, 567, and 568.
  179         (16)(7) “Manufacturer” means all persons who make alcoholic
  180  beverages except those who make beer or wine for personal or
  181  family consumption pursuant to s. 562.165.
  182         (22)(a)(8)(a) “Tax” means all taxes or payments required
  183  under the Beverage Law.
  184         (b) “There shall be paid” means “there is hereby levied and
  185  imposed and shall be paid.”
  186         (19)(9) “Sale” and “sell” mean any transfer of an alcoholic
  187  beverage for a consideration, any gift of an alcoholic beverage
  188  in connection with, or as a part of, a transfer of property
  189  other than an alcoholic beverage for a consideration, or the
  190  serving of an alcoholic beverage by a club licensed under the
  191  Beverage Law.
  192         (8)(10) “Discount in the usual course of business” means a
  193  cash or spirituous or vinous beverage merchandise discount given
  194  pursuant to an agreement made at the time of sale. However, such
  195  agreement shall not result in an accrued, accumulated, or
  196  retroactive discount. The same discounts shall be offered to all
  197  vendors of the same license series or type buying similar
  198  quantities. Any discount which is in violation of this section
  199  shall be considered an arrangement for financial assistance by
  200  gift.
  201         (14)(11) “Licensed premises” means not only rooms where
  202  alcoholic beverages are stored or sold by the licensee, but also
  203  all other rooms in the building which are so closely connected
  204  therewith as to admit of free passage from drink parlor to other
  205  rooms over which the licensee has some dominion or control and
  206  shall also include all of the area embraced within the sketch,
  207  appearing on or attached to the application for the license
  208  involved and designated as such on said sketch, in addition to
  209  that included or designated by general law. The area embraced
  210  within the sketch may include a sidewalk or other outside area
  211  which is contiguous to the licensed premises. When the sketch
  212  includes a sidewalk or other outside area, written approval from
  213  the county or municipality attesting to compliance with local
  214  ordinances must be submitted to the division to authorize
  215  inclusion of sidewalks and outside areas in licensed premises.
  216  The division may approve applications for temporary expansion of
  217  the licensed premises to include a sidewalk or other outside
  218  area for special events upon the payment of a $100 application
  219  fee, stipulation of the timeframe for the special event, and
  220  submission of a sketch outlining the expanded premises and
  221  accompanied by written approval from the county or municipality
  222  as required in this subsection. All moneys collected from the
  223  fees assessed under this subsection shall be deposited into the
  224  Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco Trust Fund.
  225         (20)(12) “Special airport license” means a vendor license
  226  to sell certain alcoholic beverages only on those airport
  227  premises which have been designated in the United States
  228  National Airport System Plan, 49 U.S.C. s. 1711, as air carrier
  229  airports, commuter airports, and reliever airports.
  230         (1)(13) “Airport terminal” means the airport passenger
  231  handling facilities or premises publicly owned or leased by a
  232  county, municipality, or public authority at airports which have
  233  been designated in the United States National Airport System
  234  Plan, 49 U.S.C. s. 1711, as air carrier airports, commuter
  235  airports, and reliever airports.
  236         (15)(14) “Licensee” means a legal or business entity,
  237  person, or persons that hold a license issued by the division
  238  and meet the qualifications set forth in s. 561.15.
  239         (4)(15) “Bottle club” means a commercial establishment,
  240  operated for a profit, whether or not a profit is actually made,
  241  wherein patrons consume alcoholic beverages which are brought
  242  onto the premises and not sold or supplied to the patrons by the
  243  establishment, whether the patrons bring in and maintain custody
  244  of their own alcoholic beverages or surrender custody to the
  245  establishment for dispensing on the premises, and which is
  246  located in a building or other enclosed permanent structure.
  247  This definition does not apply to sporting facilities where
  248  events sanctioned by nationally recognized regulatory athletic
  249  or sports associations are held, bona fide restaurants licensed
  250  by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants of the Department of
  251  Business and Professional Regulation whose primary business is
  252  the service of full course meals, or hotels and motels licensed
  253  by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants of the Department of
  254  Business and Professional Regulation.
  255         (11)(16) “Exporter” means any person that sells alcoholic
  256  beverages to persons for use outside the state and includes a
  257  ship’s chandler and a duty-free shop.
  258         (17) “Performing arts center” means a facility consisting
  259  of not less than 200 seats, owned and operated by a not-for
  260  profit corporation qualified as an exempt organization under the
  261  provisions of s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  262  or of the corresponding section of a subsequently enacted
  263  federal revenue act, which is used and occupied to promote
  264  development of any or all of the performing, visual, or fine
  265  arts or any or all matters relating thereto and to encourage and
  266  cultivate public and professional knowledge and appreciation of
  267  the arts through:
  268         (a) The preparation, production, public presentation, or
  269  public exhibition of dramatic or musical works, dance, opera,
  270  motion pictures, television, music, recordings, or works of
  271  fine, performing, or visual arts of any nature;
  272         (b) The conducting of lectures, seminars, classes, or
  273  workshops for development of skills or techniques related to the
  274  practice or appreciation of any or all of these arts;
  275         (c) The broadcast or telecast of the performing or visual
  276  arts through whatever means is desirable, including, but not
  277  limited to, television, radio, cable, or the latest state-of
  278  the-art media, equipment, or techniques;
  279         (d) The reproduction of the performing, visual, or fine
  280  arts through motion pictures, videotapes, video disks, delayed
  281  presentations, sound recordings, or whatever in the future
  282  becomes a viable means or state-of-the-art;
  283         (e) The provision of banquet, concession, or other on
  284  premises food and alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverage
  285  activities;
  286         (f) The conduct of retail activities reasonably related to
  287  the other uses of the facility;
  288         (g) The conduct of fundraising activities reasonably
  289  related to the arts;
  290         (h) The provision of auxiliary services for performing or
  291  visual artists, educators, students, or the public which are
  292  necessary or desirable to promote or facilitate the foregoing
  293  uses, including, but not limited to, the publication and
  294  dissemination of any or all materials related to the foregoing;
  295         (i) The conduct of rehearsals, conventions, meetings, or
  296  commercial or other activities; or
  297         (j) Such other activities for the promotion and development
  298  of the arts not described in paragraphs (a)-(i) as the not-for
  299  profit corporation determines, provided that no such activity is
  300  inconsistent with or otherwise violates any applicable statute,
  301  ordinance, or regulation.
  302         (10)(18) “Entertainment/resort complex” means a theme park
  303  comprised of at least 25 acres of land with permanent
  304  exhibitions and a variety of recreational activities, which has
  305  at least 1 million visitors annually who pay admission fees
  306  thereto, together with any lodging, dining, and recreational
  307  facilities located adjacent to, contiguous to, or in close
  308  proximity to the theme park, as long as the
  309  owner(s)/operators(s) of the theme park, or a parent or related
  310  company or subsidiary thereof, has an equity interest in the
  311  lodging, dining, or recreational facilities or is in privity
  312  therewith. Close proximity shall include an area within a 5-mile
  313  radius of the theme park complex.
  314         (5)(19) “Common carrier” means any person, firm, or
  315  corporation that undertakes for hire, as a regular business, the
  316  transportation of persons or commodities from place to place,
  317  offering its services to all who choose to employ it and pay its
  318  charges.
  319         (12)(20) For purposes of license qualification pursuant to
  320  s. 561.20(2)(a)1. the term “historic structure” means a
  321  structure that is listed on the National Register of Historic
  322  Places pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act of
  323  1966, or is within and contributes to a registered historic
  324  district pursuant to 26 U.S.C. s. 48(g)(3)(B), or has been found
  325  to meet the criteria of historical significance of the Division
  326  of Historical Resources of the Department of State, as certified
  327  by that division or by a locally established historic
  328  preservation board or commission, or like body, which has been
  329  granted authority to designate historically significant
  330  properties by the jurisdiction within which the hotel or motel
  331  is located.
  332         (18)(21) “Railroad transit station” means a platform or a
  333  terminal facility where passenger trains operating on a guided
  334  rail system according to a fixed schedule between two or more
  335  cities regularly stop to load and unload passengers or goods.
  336  The term includes a passenger waiting lounge and dining, retail,
  337  entertainment, or recreational facilities within the licensed
  338  premises owned or leased by the railroad operator or owner.
  339         (3) “Barrel” means a quantity of 31 gallons.
  340         (6) “Craft brewery” means a manufacturer, whether licensed
  341  in this state or in another state, which produces in total fewer
  342  than 60,000 barrels of malt beverages per calendar year.
  343         Section 2. Subsection (2) and paragraph (a) of subsection
  344  (3) of section 561.221, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  345         561.221 Licensing of manufacturers and distributors as
  346  vendors and of vendors as manufacturers; conditions and
  347  limitations.—
  348         (2)(a) Notwithstanding s. 561.22, s. 561.42, or any other
  349  provision of the Beverage Law, the division is authorized to
  350  issue vendor’s licenses to a manufacturer of malt beverages,
  351  even if such manufacturer is also licensed as a distributor, for
  352  the sale of alcoholic beverages on property consisting of a
  353  single complex, which property shall include a brewery. However,
  354  such property may be divided by no more than one public street
  355  or highway.
  356         (b) The licensed vendor premises shall be included on the
  357  sketch or diagram defining the licensed premises submitted with
  358  the manufacturer’s license application pursuant to s. 561.01 s.
  359  561.01(11). All sketch or diagram revisions by the manufacturer
  360  must be approved by the division, verifying that the vendor
  361  premises operated by the licensed manufacturer is owned or
  362  leased by the manufacturer and is located on the licensed
  363  manufacturing premises.
  364         (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Beverage
  365  Law, a manufacturer holding multiple manufacturing licenses may
  366  transfer malt beverages to a licensed facility, as provided in
  367  ss. 563.022(14)(d) and 563.023(2) s. 563.022(14)(d), in an
  368  amount up to the yearly production amount at the receiving
  369  facility. Malt beverages and other alcoholic beverages that are
  370  manufactured under contract or by an alternating proprietorship
  371  as defined in s. 563.042 by another licensed manufacturer and,
  372  including any malt beverages that are owned in whole or in part
  373  by the manufacturer may be transferred to a licensed facility as
  374  provided in ss. 563.022(14)(d) and 563.023(2). Malt beverages
  375  and other alcoholic beverages not owned by the manufacturer
  376  which but are brewed by another manufacturer, must be obtained
  377  through a licensed distributor that is not also a licensed
  378  manufacturer, a licensed broker or sales agent, or a licensed
  379  importer.
  380         (d) A craft brewery may sell and deliver up to 5,000
  381  barrels of malt beverages annually to any licensed vendor,
  382  provided that:
  383         1. Any malt beverages sold and delivered under this
  384  subsection which are not otherwise registered by a licensed
  385  distributor are registered with the division by the craft
  386  brewery;
  387         2. The craft brewery complies with the requirements in ss.
  388  561.42 and 561.423, as applicable, to the same extent as if the
  389  manufacturer were a distributor; and
  390         3. The craft brewery notifies the distributor of any self
  391  distribution delivery by electronic or other means.
  392         (e)(d) A manufacturer possessing a vendor’s license under
  393  this subsection which produces more than 60,000 barrels of malt
  394  beverages per year is not permitted to make deliveries under s.
  395  561.57(1).
  396         (f) A craft brewery licensed under this subsection may
  397  conduct tastings and sales of malt beverages produced by the
  398  brewery at fairs, trade shows, farmers markets, expositions, and
  399  festivals in this state. The division shall issue permits to
  400  craft breweries for such tastings and sales. A craft brewery
  401  must pay all entry fees and must have a brewery representative
  402  present during the event. The permit is limited to the duration
  403  and physical location of the event.
  404         (g)(e) The division is authorized to issue up to eight
  405  vendor’s licenses to a manufacturer of malt beverages pursuant
  406  to this subsection.
  407         (3)(a) Notwithstanding other provisions of the Beverage
  408  Law, any vendor licensed in this state may be licensed as a
  409  manufacturer of malt beverages upon a finding by the division
  410  that:
  411         1. The vendor will be engaged in brewing malt beverages at
  412  a single location and in an amount which will not exceed 5,000
  413  barrels of beer 10,000 kegs per year. For purposes of this
  414  section subsection, the term “barrel” “keg” has the same meaning
  415  as s. 561.01 means 15.5 gallons.
  416         2. The malt beverages so brewed will be sold to consumers
  417  for consumption on the vendor’s licensed premises or on
  418  contiguous licensed premises owned by the vendor.
  419         Section 3. Section 561.37, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  420  read:
  421         561.37 Bond for payment of taxes.— Each manufacturer and
  422  each distributor shall file with the division a surety bond
  423  acceptable to the division in the sum of $25,000 as surety for
  424  the payment of all taxes, provided, however, that when in the
  425  discretion of the division the amount of business done by the
  426  manufacturer or distributor is of such volume that a bond of
  427  less than $25,000 will be adequate to secure the payment of all
  428  taxes assessed or authorized by the Beverage Law, the division
  429  may accept a bond in a lesser sum than $25,000, but in no event
  430  shall it accept a bond of less than $10,000, and it may at any
  431  time in its discretion require any bond in an amount less than
  432  $25,000 to be increased so as not to exceed $25,000; provided,
  433  however, that the amount of bond required for a brewer shall be
  434  $20,000, except that where, in the discretion of the division,
  435  the amount of business done by the brewer is of such volume that
  436  a bond of less than $20,000 will be adequate to secure the
  437  payment of all taxes assessed or authorized by the Beverage Law,
  438  the division may accept a bond in a lesser sum than $20,000, but
  439  in no event shall it accept a bond of less than $10,000, and it
  440  may at any time in its discretion require any bond in an amount
  441  less than $20,000 to be increased so as not to exceed $20,000;
  442  provided further that the amount of the bond required for a wine
  443  or wine and cordial manufacturer shall be $5,000, except that,
  444  in the case of a manufacturer engaged solely in the experimental
  445  manufacture of wines and cordials from Florida products, where
  446  in the discretion of the division the amount of business done by
  447  such manufacturer is of such volume that a bond of less than
  448  $5,000 will be adequate to secure the payment of all taxes
  449  assessed or authorized by the Beverage Law, the division may
  450  accept a bond in a lesser sum than $5,000, but in no event shall
  451  it accept a bond of less than $1,000 and it may at any time in
  452  its discretion require a bond in an amount less than $5,000 to
  453  be increased so as not to exceed $5,000; provided, further, that
  454  the amount of bond required for a distributor who sells only
  455  beverages containing not more than 4.007 percent of alcohol by
  456  volume, in counties where the sale of intoxicating liquors,
  457  wines, and beers is prohibited, and to distributors who sell
  458  only beverages containing not more than 17.259 percent of
  459  alcohol by volume and wines regardless of alcoholic content, in
  460  counties where the sale of intoxicating liquors, wines, and
  461  beers is permitted, shall file with the division a surety bond
  462  acceptable to the division in the sum of $25,000, as surety for
  463  the payment of all taxes; provided, however, that where in the
  464  discretion of the division the amount of business done by such
  465  distributor is of such volume that a bond of less than $25,000
  466  will be adequate to secure the payment of all taxes assessed or
  467  authorized by the Beverage Law the division may accept a bond in
  468  a less sum than $25,000 but in no event shall it accept a bond
  469  less than $1,000 and it may at any time in its discretion
  470  require any bond in an amount less than $25,000 to be increased
  471  so as not to exceed $25,000; provided, further, that the amount
  472  of bond required for a distributor in a county having a
  473  population of 15,000 or less who procures a license by which his
  474  or her sales are restricted to distributors and vendors who have
  475  obtained licenses in the same county, shall be $5,000.
  476         Section 4. Subsection (3) is added to section 561.5101,
  477  Florida Statutes, and subsection (1) of that section is
  478  reenacted, to read:
  479         561.5101 Come-to-rest requirement; exceptions; penalties.—
  480         (1) For purposes of inspection and tax-revenue control, all
  481  malt beverages, except those manufactured and sold by the same
  482  licensee, pursuant to s. 561.221(2) or (3), must come to rest at
  483  the licensed premises of an alcoholic beverage wholesaler in
  484  this state before being sold to a vendor by the wholesaler. The
  485  prohibition contained in this subsection does not apply to the
  486  shipment of malt beverages commonly known as private labels. The
  487  prohibition contained in this subsection shall not prevent a
  488  manufacturer from shipping malt beverages for storage at a
  489  bonded warehouse facility, provided that such malt beverages are
  490  distributed as provided in this subsection or to an out-of-state
  491  entity.
  492         (3) This section does not apply to a craft brewery
  493  delivering malt beverages as provided in s. 561.221(2)(d).
  494         Section 5. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 561.57,
  495  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  496         561.57 Deliveries by licensees.—
  497         (1) Vendors shall be permitted to make deliveries away from
  498  their places of business of sales actually made at the licensed
  499  place of business; provided, telephone, electronic, or mail
  500  orders received at a vendor’s licensed place of business shall
  501  be construed as a sale actually made at the vendor’s licensed
  502  place of business. Deliveries made by a vendor away from his or
  503  her place of business may be made in vehicles that are owned or
  504  leased by the vendor or in a third-party vehicle pursuant to a
  505  contract with a third party with whom the vendor has contracted
  506  to make deliveries, including, but not limited to, common
  507  carriers. By acceptance of an alcoholic beverage license, the
  508  vendor agrees that vehicles that are owned or leased by the
  509  vendor shall always be subject to inspection and search without
  510  a search warrant for the purpose of ascertaining that all
  511  provisions of the alcoholic beverage laws are complied with by
  512  authorized employees of the division and also by sheriffs,
  513  deputy sheriffs, and police officers during business hours or
  514  other times the vehicle is being used to transport or deliver
  515  alcoholic beverages. A manufacturer possessing a vendor’s
  516  license as described in 561.221(2)(e) under s. 561.221(2) is not
  517  permitted to make deliveries under this subsection.
  518         (2) Deliveries made by a manufacturer or distributor away
  519  from his or her place of business may be made only in vehicles
  520  that are owned or leased by the licensee. However, a craft
  521  brewery delivering malt beverages as authorized by s.
  522  561.221(2)(d) may transport malt beverages if the vehicle used
  523  to transport the alcoholic beverages is owned or leased by the
  524  manufacturer or any person the manufacturer has disclosed in
  525  writing to the division. By acceptance of an alcoholic beverage
  526  license and the use of such vehicles, the licensee agrees that
  527  such vehicle shall always be subject to be inspected and
  528  searched without a search warrant, for the purpose of
  529  ascertaining that all provisions of the alcoholic beverage laws
  530  are complied with, by authorized employees of the division and
  531  also by sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, and police officers during
  532  business hours or other times the vehicle is being used to
  533  transport or deliver alcoholic beverages.
  534         Section 6. Subsection (2) of section 563.02, Florida
  535  Statutes, is amended to read:
  536         563.02 License fees; vendors; manufacturers and
  537  distributors.—
  538         (2) Each manufacturer engaged in the business of brewing
  539  only malt beverages shall pay an annual state license tax of
  540  $3,000 for each plant or branch he or she may operate. However,
  541  each manufacturer engaged in the business of brewing fewer less
  542  than 60,000 barrels 10,000 kegs of malt beverages annually
  543  pursuant to s. 561.221(2) or for consumption on the premises
  544  pursuant to s. 561.221(3) shall pay an annual state license tax
  545  of $500 for each plant or branch.
  546         Section 7. Paragraph (h) of subsection (2) of section
  547  563.022, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (b) of
  548  subsection (14) of that section is reenacted, to read:
  549         563.022 Relations between beer distributors and
  550  manufacturers.—
  551         (2) DEFINITIONS.—In construing this section, unless the
  552  context otherwise requires, the word, phrase, or term:
  553         (h) “Manufacturer” means any person who manufactures or
  554  imports beer for distribution to distributors licensed in this
  555  state Florida. The term does not include a craft brewery, any
  556  new distribution agreement, or the renewal of an existing
  557  distribution agreement between a distributor of malt beverages
  558  and a craft brewery.
  560         (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no entity or
  561  person specified in paragraph (a) may have an interest in the
  562  license, business, assets, or corporate stock of a licensed
  563  distributor nor shall such entity sell directly to any vendor in
  564  this state other than to vendors who are licensed pursuant to s.
  565  561.221(2).
  566         Section 8. Section 563.023, Florida Statutes, is created to
  567  read:
  568         563.023 Relations between beer distributors and craft
  569  breweries.—
  571         (a) This section applies to any distribution agreement or
  572  the renewal of an existing distribution agreement between a beer
  573  distributor and a craft brewery after July 1, 2025. Any existing
  574  distribution agreement between a beer distributor and a craft
  575  brewery is deemed to renew upon the earlier of July 1, 2026, or
  576  the renewal date set forth in such agreement.
  577         (b) A distribution agreement between a beer distributor and
  578  a craft brewery which provides the rights and duties of the
  579  distributor and the brewery with regard to the sale of the craft
  580  brewery’s products within this state must be in writing. The
  581  terms of the agreement must comply this subsection.
  582         (2) TRANSFER OF PRODUCTS.—Nothing in the Beverage Law shall
  583  be construed to prohibit a craft brewery from shipping products
  584  to or between its breweries or between its breweries and the
  585  licensed premises of a vendor as provided in s. 561.221(2), or
  586  shipping any products that it owns, without a distributor’s
  587  license.
  588         (3) REQUIREMENTS.A distribution agreement between a
  589  distributor and a craft brewery may not:
  590         (a) Require the distributor or craft brewery to agree to
  591  renew the distribution agreement at the expiration of the term
  592  of the agreement.
  593         (b) Except as set forth in subsection (4) or subsection
  594  (8), authorize a distributor or craft brewery to terminate a
  595  distribution agreement without first giving written notice of
  596  any alleged deficiency and giving the other party 60 days to
  597  cure the alleged deficiency.
  598         (c) Authorize the assignment of the distribution agreement,
  599  in part or in whole, without first obtaining the consent of the
  600  other party. Such assignment may not be unreasonably withheld
  601  provided the assignee possesses the financial, technical, and
  602  operational skills necessary to perform under the distribution
  603  agreement.
  604         (d) Authorize the craft brewery or distributor to
  605  unilaterally amend a distribution agreement, or any document
  606  referred to or incorporated by reference in the distribution
  607  agreement.
  608         (e) Require a craft brewery or distributor to mediate or
  609  arbitrate disputes that may arise between them. However, nothing
  610  in this paragraph may prohibit the parties from resolving
  611  disputes by mediation.
  612         (4) TERMINATION BY A CRAFT BREWERY.—A craft brewery may
  613  terminate a distribution agreement according to the terms of the
  614  agreement or in any of the following instances:
  615         (a) The assignment or attempted assignment by the
  616  distributor for the benefit of creditors; the institution of
  617  proceedings in bankruptcy by or against the distributor; the
  618  dissolution or liquidation of the distributor; the insolvency of
  619  the distributor; or the distributor’s failure to pay for malt
  620  beverages in accordance with this section.
  621         (b) The felony conviction of a distributor or any of its
  622  owners who participate in the distributor’s management which, in
  623  the judgment of the craft brewery, may adversely affect the
  624  goodwill or interests of the craft brewery.
  625         (c) Fraudulent or discriminatory conduct of the distributor
  626  in any of its dealings with the craft brewery or the craft
  627  brewery’s products.
  628         (d) Revocation or suspension for more than 31 days of the
  629  distributor’s federal basic permit or any state or local license
  630  required of the distributor for the normal operation of its
  631  business.
  632         (e) Sale of malt beverages by a distributor outside its
  633  sales territory prescribed by the distribution agreement in
  634  accordance with s. 563.021.
  635         (f) The craft brewery effectuates a change in ownership or
  636  possession of ownership interests, enters into a buy-sell
  637  agreement, or grants an option to purchase an ownership interest
  638  without the distributor’s consent; this paragraph does not apply
  639  to the transfer, creation, sale, gift, or grant of an ownership
  640  interest, or option thereon, of a total aggregate of less than
  641  10 percent of the total existing ownership or possession of
  642  ownership interest of the distributor or intrafamily transfer.
  643         (g) In the case of a craft brewery whose products represent
  644  5 percent or less of a distributor’s gross annual sales, the
  645  giving of a 45-day notice of termination and the payment to the
  646  distributor of reasonable compensation equivalent to the fair
  647  market value of the distributor’s total investment in products
  648  being terminated. For purposes of this paragraph, fair market
  649  value is calculated based on a multiple of the distributor’s
  650  gross profits from the sale of the craft brewery’s products in
  651  the 12 months immediately preceding the date of the craft
  652  brewery’s written notice of intent to terminate. The fair market
  653  valuation must be based on an arm’s length transaction entered
  654  into without duress or threat of termination and must include
  655  all elements of value, including goodwill and going-concern
  656  value. If the parties are unable to agree on the fair market
  657  valuation, the dispute must be resolved as provided in this
  658  section. A craft brewery terminating an agreement under this
  659  paragraph may not do so more than once in a 36-month period and
  660  may not be deemed to be in violation of paragraph (5)(b).
  661         (h) Nothing in this subsection may be construed to prohibit
  662  a craft brewery and distributor from terminating their contract
  663  by mutual consent.
  664         (5) PROHIBITED ACTIONS.—A craft brewery or a distributor of
  665  malt beverages may not:
  666         (a) Unreasonably discriminate or retaliate against the
  667  other party in the application or performance of the terms of a
  668  distribution agreement;
  669         (b) Require or request payment, convey money or other
  670  consideration, or accept any sum of money or other consideration
  671  in exchange for the right to distribute the products of the
  672  craft brewery in a designated territory, except for:
  673         1. A craft brewery’s request to a distributor to pay or
  674  contribute any sum of money for or toward the cost of marketing
  675  the products of the craft brewery, so long as the money
  676  contributed by the distributor is spent by the craft brewery in
  677  a manner and at such time as agreed to in writing by the craft
  678  brewery and the distributor; and
  679         2. Any payment pursuant to paragraph (4)(g).
  680         (c) Unreasonably withhold consent to a proposed sale or
  681  transfer, in whole or in part, of the stock or assets of the
  682  craft brewery or distributor. A craft brewery or distributor may
  683  not take more than 30 days to approve or disapprove such
  684  proposal; or
  685         (d) Fail to give at least 30 days’ advance notice of a
  686  change in ownership or possession of an ownership interest,
  687  whether by sale, transfer, gift, or grant of an option.
  688         (6) SALES TERRITORIES.—
  689         (a) A distributor of malt beverages may not:
  690         1. Refuse to enter into a distribution agreement with a
  691  craft brewery, in whole or in part, except for good cause and in
  692  good faith; or
  693         2. Continue to distribute the craft brewery’s products 30
  694  days after receiving notice of termination of a distribution
  695  agreement. However, any sums owed to the distributor by the
  696  craft brewery or another distributor assuming the obligation to
  697  distribute the craft brewery’s product within the territory
  698  encompassed by the terminated distribution agreement shall still
  699  be owed.
  700         (b) A craft brewery may not enter into a contract with more
  701  than one distributor to sell any of its products or brands
  702  within the same territory or area at the same time. This
  703  paragraph does not apply to contracts entered into before
  704  January 1, 2012, or future renewals of those contracts to the
  705  extent the existing contract and the future renewal allow
  706  different distributors to sell some but not all of the products
  707  or brands.
  708         (7) TERRITORY REPRESENTATION.—A distributor that enters
  709  into or renews a distribution agreement with a craft brewery
  710  after July 1, 2025, shall maintain physical facilities and
  711  personnel so that:
  712         (a) The product and brand of the craft brewery are
  713  reasonably represented in the territory of the distributor for
  714  which the distribution agreement applies;
  715         (b) The reputation and trade name of the craft brewery are
  716  reasonably promoted and protected; and
  717         (c) The public is fully serviced.
  718         (8) TERMINATION BY DISTRIBUTOR.—A distributor may terminate
  719  a distribution agreement according to the terms of the agreement
  720  or for any of the following reasons:
  721         (a) The assignment or attempted assignment by the craft
  722  brewery for the benefit of creditors; the institution of
  723  proceedings in bankruptcy by or against the craft brewery; the
  724  dissolution or liquidation of the craft brewery; or the
  725  insolvency of the craft brewery.
  726         (b) The felony conviction of a craft brewer or any of its
  727  owners who participate in the craft brewery’s management which,
  728  in the judgment of the distributor, may adversely affect the
  729  goodwill or interests of the distributor.
  730         (c) Fraudulent or discriminatory conduct of the craft
  731  brewery in any of its dealings with the distributor or the
  732  distributor’s brands.
  733         (d) Revocation or suspension for more than 31 days of the
  734  craft brewery’s federal basic permit or any state or local
  735  license required of the craft brewery for the normal operation
  736  of its business.
  737         (e) The craft brewery effectuates a change in ownership or
  738  possession of ownership interests, establishes a trust or other
  739  ownership interest, enters into a buy-sell agreement, or grants
  740  an option to purchase an ownership interest without the
  741  distributor’s consent; provided, however, this right of
  742  termination may not apply to the transfer, creation, sale, gift,
  743  or grant of an ownership interest, or option thereon, of a total
  744  aggregate of less than 10 percent of the total existing
  745  ownership or possession of ownership interest of the craft
  746  brewery or intrafamily transfer.
  747         (f) In the case of a craft brewery whose products represent
  748  5 percent or less of a distributor’s gross annual sales, the
  749  giving of a 45-day notice of termination and payment to the
  750  craft brewery of reasonable compensation, which shall be
  751  determined to be a sum equal to 5 times the monthly average of
  752  purchases from the craft brewery over the 12 months preceding
  753  the termination.
  754         (g) This subsection may not be construed to prohibit a
  755  craft brewery and distributor from terminating their contract by
  756  mutual consent.
  757         (9) REPURCHASE OF PRODUCTS.—In the event of the termination
  758  of a contract between a craft brewery and a distributor, the
  759  craft brewery shall repurchase all of its products still in the
  760  distributor’s inventory upon return from the distributor,
  761  provided that the “best by,” “expiration,” or other similar
  762  printed date is greater than 30 days after the date of the
  763  return of the product.
  764         (10) ATTORNEY FEES.—Any craft brewery or distributor that
  765  violates this section must pay the injured party all reasonable
  766  damages sustained as well as any reasonable costs and attorney
  767  fees incurred by the craft brewery or distributor.
  768         (11) ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION.—In the event a craft
  769  brewery and distributor cannot agree on the fair market value as
  770  described in subsection (4), the parties must resolve the
  771  dispute in accordance with the following:
  772         (a) If the parties fail to reach an agreement within 30
  773  days after the distributor receives the craft brewery’s written
  774  notice to terminate, the distributor or craft brewery may send a
  775  written notice to the other party and the American Arbitration
  776  Association, or its equivalent successor, declaring the party’s
  777  intention to proceed with final and binding arbitration
  778  administered by the association under the association’s
  779  Commercial Arbitration Rules. Thereafter, an arbitration
  780  proceeding shall be held for the purpose of determining the fair
  781  market value of the distributor’s total investment in the craft
  782  brewery’s products being terminated. For the purpose of this
  783  paragraph, fair market value” means the value that would be
  784  determined in an arm’s length transaction entered into without
  785  duress or threat of termination of the existing distributor’s
  786  right and must include all elements of value, including goodwill
  787  and going-concern value.
  788         (b) Notice of intent to arbitrate must be sent, as provided
  789  in paragraph (a), within 35 days after the distributor receives
  790  written notice to terminate. The arbitration proceeding must be
  791  concluded within 45 days after the date the notice of intent to
  792  arbitrate is mailed to a party.
  793         (c) Any arbitration proceeding held pursuant to this
  794  subsection must be conducted in this state.
  795         (d) Any arbitration proceeding held pursuant to this
  796  subsection must be conducted before one impartial arbitrator.
  797         (e) An arbitrator’s award in any arbitration proceeding
  798  held pursuant to this subsection shall be monetary only and may
  799  not enjoin or compel conduct. Any arbitration held pursuant to
  800  this subsection takes precedence over any other remedies and
  801  procedures.
  802         (f) All costs related to the arbitration proceeding shall
  803  be equally divided by the parties engaged in the arbitration.
  804  All other costs shall be paid by the party incurring them.
  805         (g) The arbitrator shall render a decision within 30 days
  806  after the conclusion of the arbitration, unless this time period
  807  is extended by mutual agreement of the parties or by the
  808  arbitrator. The decision of the arbitrator is final and binding.
  809  The parties may not appeal the decision of the arbitrator.
  810         (h) A party that fails to participate in the arbitration
  811  proceedings pursuant to this subsection waives all rights the
  812  party would have had in the arbitration and is considered to
  813  have consented to the determination of the arbitrator.
  814         (i) This subsection may not be construed to limit or
  815  prohibit good-faith settlements voluntarily entered into by the
  816  parties.
  817         Section 9. Section 563.042, Florida Statutes, is created to
  818  read:
  819         563.042 Contract brewing and alternating proprietorships.—
  820         (1)As used in this section, the term:
  821         (a)“Alternating proprietorship brewing” means an agreement
  822  between a host brewer and guest brewer wherein the guest brewer
  823  manufactures malt beverages on the host brewer’s licensed
  824  premises.
  825         (b)“Contract brewer” means a licensed manufacturer of malt
  826  beverages who brews such beverages on its licensed premises for
  827  a contracting brewer.
  828         (c)“Contract brewing” means an agreement between a
  829  contract brewer and a contracting brewer wherein the contract
  830  brewer brews malt beverages on its licensed premises for a
  831  contracting brewer.
  832         (d)“Contracting brewer” means a licensed manufacturer of
  833  malt beverages who contracts for the services of malt beverage
  834  brewing with a contract brewer.
  835         (e)“Guest brewer” means a licensed manufacturer of malt
  836  beverages who brews malt beverages at a host brewer’s licensed
  837  premises.
  838         (f)“Host brewer” means a licensed manufacturer of malt
  839  beverages who allows a guest brewer to brew malt beverages at
  840  the host brewer’s licensed premises.
  841         (2)Notwithstanding any other provision of the Beverage
  842  Law, contract brewers are authorized to transfer malt beverages
  843  to contracting brewers in an amount up to the yearly production
  844  amount at a contracting brewer’s facility pursuant to a contract
  845  brewing agreement entered into in accordance with this section.
  846  Such beverages may be transferred to the contracting brewer’s
  847  licensed facility as provided in s. 561.221(2)(c).
  848         (3)A contract brewer may contract with one or more
  849  contracting brewers for the purpose of manufacturing malt
  850  beverages for such licensees. The contract brewer is responsible
  851  for complying with federal and state law relating to the
  852  manufacturing of malt beverages, including labeling laws, and
  853  for the payment of all federal and state taxes on any malt
  854  beverage manufactured pursuant to this section after removing
  855  the malt beverages from the manufacturer’s licensed premises.
  856  Title to the malt beverages remains with the contract brewer
  857  until the malt beverages are removed from the licensed premises.
  858         (4)Each entity engaged in the activities described in this
  859  section shall maintain records, including the agreement
  860  authorizing the manufacturing and transfer of malt beverages,
  861  records of the amount of malt beverages manufactured as part of
  862  the agreement, and all other records required by the division to
  863  ensure compliance with the Beverage Law.
  864         (5)Licensed manufacturers of malt beverages intending to
  865  engage in contract brewing must do all of the following:
  866         (a)Notify the division of the intent to operate as a
  867  contract brewer or contracting brewer before engaging in
  868  contract brewing, and disclose the location of licensed premises
  869  where brewing will occur, on forms provided by the division.
  870  Contracting brewers may only engage in the manufacture of malt
  871  beverages at their duly licensed premises and at the disclosed
  872  licensed premises of a contract brewer.
  873         (b)Make a full and complete report to the division by the
  874  10th day of each month. Contract brewers shall report the volume
  875  of a label of malt beverages manufactured upon the licensed
  876  premises. Contracting brewers shall report the volume of a label
  877  of malt beverages manufactured at the licensed premises of the
  878  contract brewer.
  879         (c)Maintain all records required to be kept by
  880  manufacturers of malt beverages under the Beverage Law.
  881         (6) Before engaging in alternating proprietorship brewing,
  882  an entity seeking to become a host brewer or a guest brewer must
  883  qualify as a brewer with the National Revenue Center within the
  884  United States Department of the Treasury and submit the
  885  following information to the division on a form approved by the
  886  division:
  887         (a) The name of the host brewer.
  888         (b) The name of the guest brewer.
  889         (c) The location where the alternating proprietorship
  890  brewing will take place.
  891         (d) The location where any product brewed pursuant to the
  892  alternating proprietorship brewing arrangement will be stored.
  893         (e) The amount of malt beverages to be produced under the
  894  alternating proprietorship brewing arrangement.
  895         (f) The timeframe in which the guest brewer will be
  896  manufacturing malt beverages on the host brewer’s licensed
  897  premises.
  898         (g) Proof of occupancy rights to the host brewer’s licensed
  899  premises for the duration of the alternating proprietorship
  900  brewing arrangement.
  901         (h) Any other information reasonably deemed necessary by
  902  the division to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the
  903  people in this state, and to ensure that all applicable taxes on
  904  the malt beverages produced pursuant to an alternating
  905  proprietorship brewing arrangement are remitted to the state.
  906         (7)Each guest brewer’s malt beverages must remain separate
  907  and identifiable from the beer of all other tenants at the
  908  contract brewer’s licensed premises at all times.
  909         (8)Each guest brewer shall make a full and complete report
  910  to the division by the 10th day of each month. Guest brewers
  911  shall report the volume of each label of malt beverages
  912  manufactured upon each licensed premises. Host brewers shall
  913  report the volume of each label of malt beverages manufactured
  914  at the licensed premises of the host brewer.
  915         (9)The guest brewer is responsible for complying with all
  916  federal and state law dealing with the manufacturing of malt
  917  beverages, including labeling laws, and for the payment of all
  918  federal and state taxes on any beer manufactured pursuant to
  919  this section upon removal of the beer from the manufacturer’s
  920  licensed premises. Title to the malt beverages remains with the
  921  guest brewer.
  922         (10)Manufacturers or vendors licensed pursuant to s.
  923  561.221(3) may not engage in contract brewing or alternating
  924  proprietorship brewing.
  925         (11)The division may adopt rules and forms pursuant to ss.
  926  120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this section.
  927         Section 10. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section
  928  212.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  929         212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and
  930  storage tax; specified exemptions.—The sale at retail, the
  931  rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and the
  932  storage to be used or consumed in this state of the following
  933  are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed by this
  934  chapter.
  936         (b) Alcoholic beverages and malt beverages are not exempt.
  937  The terms “alcoholic beverages” and “malt beverages” as used in
  938  this paragraph have the same meanings ascribed to them in ss.
  939  561.01 and 563.01 ss. 561.01(4) and 563.01, respectively. It is
  940  determined by the Legislature that the classification of
  941  alcoholic beverages made in this paragraph for the purpose of
  942  extending the tax imposed by this chapter is reasonable and
  943  just, and it is intended that such tax be separate from, and in
  944  addition to, any other tax imposed on alcoholic beverages.
  945         Section 11. Paragraphs (a), (b), and (f) of subsection (2)
  946  of section 561.20, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  947         561.20 Limitation upon number of licenses issued.—
  948         (2)(a) The limitation of the number of licenses as provided
  949  in this section does not prohibit the issuance of a special
  950  license to:
  951         1. Any bona fide hotel, motel, or motor court of not fewer
  952  than 80 guest rooms in any county having a population of less
  953  than 50,000 residents, and of not fewer than 100 guest rooms in
  954  any county having a population of 50,000 residents or greater;
  955  or any bona fide hotel or motel located in a historic structure,
  956  as defined in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(20), with fewer than 100 guest
  957  rooms which derives at least 51 percent of its gross revenue
  958  from the rental of hotel or motel rooms, which is licensed as a
  959  public lodging establishment by the Division of Hotels and
  960  Restaurants; provided, however, that a bona fide hotel or motel
  961  with no fewer than 10 and no more than 25 guest rooms which is a
  962  historic structure, as defined in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(20), in a
  963  municipality that on the effective date of this act has a
  964  population, according to the University of Florida’s Bureau of
  965  Economic and Business Research Estimates of Population for 1998,
  966  of no fewer than 25,000 and no more than 35,000 residents and
  967  that is within a constitutionally chartered county may be issued
  968  a special license. This special license shall allow the sale and
  969  consumption of alcoholic beverages only on the licensed premises
  970  of the hotel or motel. In addition, the hotel or motel must
  971  derive at least 60 percent of its gross revenue from the rental
  972  of hotel or motel rooms and the sale of food and nonalcoholic
  973  beverages; provided that this subparagraph shall supersede local
  974  laws requiring a greater number of hotel rooms;
  975         2. Any condominium accommodation of which no fewer than 100
  976  condominium units are wholly rentable to transients and which is
  977  licensed under chapter 509, except that the license shall be
  978  issued only to the person or corporation that operates the hotel
  979  or motel operation and not to the association of condominium
  980  owners;
  981         3. Any condominium accommodation of which no fewer than 50
  982  condominium units are wholly rentable to transients, which is
  983  licensed under chapter 509, and which is located in any county
  984  having home rule under s. 10 or s. 11, Art. VIII of the State
  985  Constitution of 1885, as amended, and incorporated by reference
  986  in s. 6(e), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, except that the
  987  license shall be issued only to the person or corporation that
  988  operates the hotel or motel operation and not to the association
  989  of condominium owners;
  990         4. A bona fide food service establishment that has a
  991  minimum of 2,000 square feet of service area, is equipped to
  992  serve meals to 120 persons at one time, has at least 120
  993  physical seats available for patrons to use during operating
  994  hours, holds itself out as a restaurant, and derives at least 51
  995  percent of its gross food and beverage revenue from the sale of
  996  food and nonalcoholic beverages during the first 120-day
  997  operating period and the first 12-month operating period
  998  thereafter. Subsequent audit timeframes must be based upon the
  999  audit percentage established by the most recent audit and
 1000  conducted on a staggered scale as follows: level 1, 51 percent
 1001  to 60 percent, every year; level 2, 61 percent to 75 percent,
 1002  every 2 years; level 3, 76 percent to 90 percent, every 3 years;
 1003  and level 4, 91 percent to 100 percent, every 4 years. A
 1004  licensee under this subparagraph may sell or deliver alcoholic
 1005  beverages in a sealed container for off-premises consumption if
 1006  the sale or delivery is accompanied by the sale of food within
 1007  the same order. Such authorized sale or delivery includes wine
 1008  based and liquor-based beverages prepared by the licensee or its
 1009  employee and packaged in a container sealed by the licensee or
 1010  its employee. This subparagraph may not be construed to
 1011  authorize public food service establishments licensed under this
 1012  subparagraph to sell a bottle of distilled spirits sealed by a
 1013  manufacturer. Any sale or delivery of malt beverages must comply
 1014  with the container size, labeling, and filling requirements
 1015  imposed under s. 563.06. Any delivery of an alcoholic beverage
 1016  under this subparagraph must comply with s. 561.57. An alcoholic
 1017  beverage drink prepared by the vendor and sold or delivered for
 1018  consumption off the premises must be placed in a container
 1019  securely sealed by the licensee or its employees with an
 1020  unbroken seal that prevents the beverage from being immediately
 1021  consumed before removal from the premises. Such alcoholic
 1022  beverage also must be placed in a bag or other container that is
 1023  secured in such a manner that it is visibly apparent if the
 1024  container has been subsequently opened or tampered with, and a
 1025  dated receipt for the alcoholic beverage and food must be
 1026  provided by the licensee and attached to the bag or container.
 1027  If transported in a motor vehicle, an alcoholic beverage that is
 1028  not in a container sealed by the manufacturer must be placed in
 1029  a locked compartment, a locked trunk, or the area behind the
 1030  last upright seat of a motor vehicle. It is a violation of the
 1031  prohibition in s. 562.11 to allow any person under the age of 21
 1032  to deliver alcoholic beverages on behalf of a vendor. The vendor
 1033  or the agent or employee of the vendor must verify the age of
 1034  the person making the delivery of the alcoholic beverage before
 1035  allowing any person to take possession of an alcoholic beverage
 1036  for the purpose of making a delivery on behalf of a vendor under
 1037  this section. A food service establishment granted a special
 1038  license on or after January 1, 1958, pursuant to general or
 1039  special law may not operate as a package store and may not sell
 1040  intoxicating beverages under such license after the hours of
 1041  serving or consumption of food have elapsed. Failure by a
 1042  licensee to meet the required percentage of food and
 1043  nonalcoholic beverage gross revenues during the covered
 1044  operating period shall result in revocation of the license or
 1045  denial of the pending license application. A licensee whose
 1046  license is revoked or an applicant whose pending application is
 1047  denied, or any person required to qualify on the special license
 1048  application, is ineligible to have any interest in a subsequent
 1049  application for such a license for a period of 120 days after
 1050  the date of the final denial or revocation;
 1051         5. Any caterer, deriving at least 51 percent of its gross
 1052  food and beverage revenue from the sale of food and nonalcoholic
 1053  beverages at each catered event, licensed by the Division of
 1054  Hotels and Restaurants under chapter 509. This subparagraph does
 1055  not apply to a culinary education program, as defined in s.
 1056  381.0072(2), which is licensed as a public food service
 1057  establishment by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants and
 1058  provides catering services. Notwithstanding any law to the
 1059  contrary, a licensee under this subparagraph shall sell or serve
 1060  alcoholic beverages only for consumption on the premises of a
 1061  catered event at which the licensee is also providing prepared
 1062  food, and shall prominently display its license at any catered
 1063  event at which the caterer is selling or serving alcoholic
 1064  beverages. A licensee under this subparagraph shall purchase all
 1065  alcoholic beverages it sells or serves at a catered event from a
 1066  vendor licensed under s. 563.02(1), s. 564.02(1), or licensed
 1067  under s. 565.02(1) subject to the limitation imposed in
 1068  subsection (1), as appropriate. A licensee under this
 1069  subparagraph may not store any alcoholic beverages to be sold or
 1070  served at a catered event. Any alcoholic beverages purchased by
 1071  a licensee under this subparagraph for a catered event that are
 1072  not used at that event must remain with the customer; provided
 1073  that if the vendor accepts unopened alcoholic beverages, the
 1074  licensee may return such alcoholic beverages to the vendor for a
 1075  credit or reimbursement. Regardless of the county or counties in
 1076  which the licensee operates, a licensee under this subparagraph
 1077  shall pay the annual state license tax set forth in s.
 1078  565.02(1)(b). A licensee under this subparagraph must maintain
 1079  for a period of 3 years all records and receipts for each
 1080  catered event, including all contracts, customers’ names, event
 1081  locations, event dates, food purchases and sales, alcoholic
 1082  beverage purchases and sales, nonalcoholic beverage purchases
 1083  and sales, and any other records required by the department by
 1084  rule to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this
 1085  subparagraph. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any
 1086  vendor licensed under s. 565.02(1) subject to the limitation
 1087  imposed in subsection (1), may, without any additional licensure
 1088  under this subparagraph, serve or sell alcoholic beverages for
 1089  consumption on the premises of a catered event at which prepared
 1090  food is provided by a caterer licensed under chapter 509. If a
 1091  licensee under this subparagraph also possesses any other
 1092  license under the Beverage Law, the license issued under this
 1093  subparagraph may not authorize the holder to conduct activities
 1094  on the premises to which the other license or licenses apply
 1095  that would otherwise be prohibited by the terms of that license
 1096  or the Beverage Law. This section does not permit the licensee
 1097  to conduct activities that are otherwise prohibited by the
 1098  Beverage Law or local law. The Division of Alcoholic Beverages
 1099  and Tobacco is hereby authorized to adopt rules to administer
 1100  the license created in this subparagraph, to include rules
 1101  governing licensure, recordkeeping, and enforcement. The first
 1102  $300,000 in fees collected by the division each fiscal year
 1103  pursuant to this subparagraph shall be deposited in the
 1104  Department of Children and Families’ Operations and Maintenance
 1105  Trust Fund to be used only for alcohol and drug abuse education,
 1106  treatment, and prevention programs. The remainder of the fees
 1107  collected shall be deposited into the Hotel and Restaurant Trust
 1108  Fund created pursuant to s. 509.072; or
 1109         6. A culinary education program as defined in s.
 1110  381.0072(2) which is licensed as a public food service
 1111  establishment by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants.
 1112         a. This special license shall allow the sale and
 1113  consumption of alcoholic beverages on the licensed premises of
 1114  the culinary education program. The culinary education program
 1115  shall specify designated areas in the facility where the
 1116  alcoholic beverages may be consumed at the time of application.
 1117  Alcoholic beverages sold for consumption on the premises may be
 1118  consumed only in areas designated under s. 561.01 s. 561.01(11)
 1119  and may not be removed from the designated area. Such license
 1120  shall be applicable only in and for designated areas used by the
 1121  culinary education program.
 1122         b. If the culinary education program provides catering
 1123  services, this special license shall also allow the sale and
 1124  consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises of a catered
 1125  event at which the licensee is also providing prepared food. A
 1126  culinary education program that provides catering services is
 1127  not required to derive at least 51 percent of its gross revenue
 1128  from the sale of food and nonalcoholic beverages.
 1129  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a licensee that
 1130  provides catering services under this sub-subparagraph shall
 1131  prominently display its beverage license at any catered event at
 1132  which the caterer is selling or serving alcoholic beverages.
 1133  Regardless of the county or counties in which the licensee
 1134  operates, a licensee under this sub-subparagraph shall pay the
 1135  annual state license tax set forth in s. 565.02(1)(b). A
 1136  licensee under this sub-subparagraph must maintain for a period
 1137  of 3 years all records required by the department by rule to
 1138  demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this sub
 1139  subparagraph.
 1140         c. If a licensee under this subparagraph also possesses any
 1141  other license under the Beverage Law, the license issued under
 1142  this subparagraph does not authorize the holder to conduct
 1143  activities on the premises to which the other license or
 1144  licenses apply that would otherwise be prohibited by the terms
 1145  of that license or the Beverage Law. This subparagraph does not
 1146  permit the licensee to conduct activities that are otherwise
 1147  prohibited by the Beverage Law or local law. Any culinary
 1148  education program that holds a license to sell alcoholic
 1149  beverages shall comply with the age requirements set forth in
 1150  ss. 562.11(4), 562.111(2), and 562.13.
 1151         d. The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco may
 1152  adopt rules to administer the license created in this
 1153  subparagraph, to include rules governing licensure,
 1154  recordkeeping, and enforcement.
 1155         e. A license issued pursuant to this subparagraph does not
 1156  permit the licensee to sell alcoholic beverages by the package
 1157  for off-premises consumption.
 1159  However, any license heretofore issued to any such hotel, motel,
 1160  motor court, or restaurant or hereafter issued to any such
 1161  hotel, motel, or motor court, including a condominium
 1162  accommodation, under the general law may not be moved to a new
 1163  location, such license being valid only on the premises of such
 1164  hotel, motel, motor court, or restaurant. Licenses issued to
 1165  hotels, motels, motor courts, or restaurants under the general
 1166  law and held by such hotels, motels, motor courts, or
 1167  restaurants on May 24, 1947, shall be counted in the quota
 1168  limitation contained in subsection (1). Any license issued for
 1169  any hotel, motel, or motor court under this law shall be issued
 1170  only to the owner of the hotel, motel, or motor court or, in the
 1171  event the hotel, motel, or motor court is leased, to the lessee
 1172  of the hotel, motel, or motor court; and the license shall
 1173  remain in the name of the owner or lessee so long as the license
 1174  is in existence. Any special license now in existence heretofore
 1175  issued under this law cannot be renewed except in the name of
 1176  the owner of the hotel, motel, motor court, or restaurant or, in
 1177  the event the hotel, motel, motor court, or restaurant is
 1178  leased, in the name of the lessee of the hotel, motel, motor
 1179  court, or restaurant in which the license is located and must
 1180  remain in the name of the owner or lessee so long as the license
 1181  is in existence. Any license issued under this section shall be
 1182  marked “Special,” and nothing herein provided shall limit,
 1183  restrict, or prevent the issuance of a special license for any
 1184  restaurant or motel which shall hereafter meet the requirements
 1185  of the law existing immediately before the effective date of
 1186  this act, if construction of such restaurant has commenced
 1187  before the effective date of this act and is completed within 30
 1188  days thereafter, or if an application is on file for such
 1189  special license at the time this act takes effect; and any such
 1190  licenses issued under this proviso may be annually renewed as
 1191  now provided by law. Nothing herein prevents an application for
 1192  transfer of a license to a bona fide purchaser of any hotel,
 1193  motel, motor court, or restaurant by the purchaser of such
 1194  facility or the transfer of such license pursuant to law.
 1195         (b) Any county in which special licenses were issued under
 1196  the provisions of s. 561.20(2)(b) in effect prior to the
 1197  effective date of this act shall continue to qualify for such
 1198  licenses pursuant to those provisions in effect prior to the
 1199  effective date of this act, and shall not be affected by the
 1200  provisions of paragraph (a), except that in such counties, any
 1201  restaurant located in a specialty center built on governmentally
 1202  owned land shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (a).
 1203         1. A specialty center means any development having at least
 1204  50,000 square feet of leasable area, containing restaurants,
 1205  entertainment facilities, and specialty shops, and located
 1206  adjacent to a navigable water body. Alcoholic beverages sold for
 1207  consumption on the premises by a vendor in a specialty center
 1208  may be consumed within the specialty center but may not be
 1209  removed from such premises.
 1210         2. A specialty center also means any enclosed development
 1211  that has at least 170,000 square feet of leasable area that is
 1212  under the dominion and physical control of the owner or manager
 1213  of the enclosed development, containing restaurants,
 1214  entertainment facilities, specialty shops, and a movie theater
 1215  with at least 18 operating screens. Alcoholic beverages sold for
 1216  consumption on the premises by a vendor in a specialty center
 1217  may be consumed only in areas designated pursuant to s.
 1218  561.01(11) and may not be removed from the designated area.
 1219         (f) In addition to the exceptions set forth in this
 1220  subsection, no such limitation of the number of licenses as
 1221  herein provided shall prohibit the issuance of special airport
 1222  licenses as defined in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(12) to restaurants
 1223  that are a part of, or serve, publicly owned or leased airports.
 1224  The special airport license provided for herein shall allow for
 1225  consumption within designated areas of the airport terminal as
 1226  defined in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(13). Any holder of such special
 1227  license located at a publicly owned and operated airport may
 1228  sell and serve alcoholic beverages for consumption on the
 1229  premises to the general public under such license in not more
 1230  than four places or locations in control of the holder of such
 1231  license. Any license so issued may not be transferred to a new
 1232  location, except that a vendor operating a place of business
 1233  under a special license may transfer such license when the
 1234  publicly owned or leased airport at which the vendor operates a
 1235  place of business under a special license moves its terminal
 1236  facilities on the same airport premises, or when the airport is
 1237  required by law to move its entire operation to a new location.
 1238  Any license so issued shall entitle the vendor operating a place
 1239  of business under such license to sell to airlines vinous
 1240  beverages and distilled spirits in sealed miniature containers
 1241  and other alcoholic beverages for consumption on the aircraft
 1242  using the facility, but only for consumption by the passengers
 1243  of the aircraft when such aircraft is airborne.
 1244         Section 12. Subsection (2) of section 561.4205, Florida
 1245  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1246         561.4205 Keg deposits; limited alternative inventory and
 1247  reconciliation process.—
 1248         (2) In lieu of receiving a keg deposit, a distributor
 1249  selling alcoholic beverages by recyclable keg or other similar
 1250  reusable container for the purpose of sale in draft form to a
 1251  vendor identified in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(18) or s. 565.02(6) or
 1252  (7) shall implement an inventory and reconciliation process with
 1253  such vendor in which an accounting of kegs is completed and any
 1254  loss or variance in the number of kegs is paid for by the vendor
 1255  on a per-keg basis equivalent to the required keg deposit. This
 1256  inventory and reconciliation process may occur twice per year,
 1257  at the discretion of the distributor, but must occur at least
 1258  annually. Upon completion of an agreed upon keg inventory and
 1259  reconciliation, the vendor shall remit payment within 15 days
 1260  after receiving an invoice from the distributor. The vendor may
 1261  choose to establish and fund a separate account with the
 1262  distributor for the purpose of expediting timely payments.
 1263         Section 13. Subsection (2) of section 562.14, Florida
 1264  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1265         562.14 Regulating the time for sale of alcoholic and
 1266  intoxicating beverages; prohibiting use of licensed premises.—
 1267         (2) Except as otherwise provided by county or municipal
 1268  ordinance, no vendor issued an alcoholic beverage license to
 1269  sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the vendor’s
 1270  licensed premises and whose principal business is the sale of
 1271  alcoholic beverages, shall allow the licensed premises, as
 1272  defined in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(11), to be rented, leased, or
 1273  otherwise used during the hours in which the sale of alcoholic
 1274  beverages is prohibited. However, this prohibition shall not
 1275  apply to the rental, lease, or other use of the licensed
 1276  premises on Sundays after 8 a.m. Further, neither this
 1277  subsection, nor any local ordinance adopted pursuant to this
 1278  subsection, shall be construed to apply to a theme park complex
 1279  as defined in s. 565.02(6) or an entertainment/resort complex as
 1280  defined in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(18).
 1281         Section 14. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
 1282  768.36, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1283         768.36 Alcohol or drug defense.—
 1284         (1) As used in this section, the term:
 1285         (a) “Alcoholic beverage” means distilled spirits and any
 1286  beverage that contains 0.5 percent or more alcohol by volume as
 1287  determined in accordance with s. 561.01(2)(b) s. 561.01(4)(b).
 1288         Section 15. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section
 1289  817.36, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1290         817.36 Resale of tickets.—
 1291         (1) A person or entity that offers for resale or resells
 1292  any ticket may charge only $1 above the admission price charged
 1293  therefor by the original ticket seller of the ticket for the
 1294  following transactions:
 1295         (b) Multiday or multievent tickets to a park or
 1296  entertainment complex or to a concert, entertainment event,
 1297  permanent exhibition, or recreational activity within such a
 1298  park or complex, including an entertainment/resort complex as
 1299  defined in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(18).
 1300         Section 16. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
 1301  856.015, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
 1302         856.015 Open house parties.—
 1303         (1) Definitions.—As used in this section:
 1304         (a) “Alcoholic beverage” means distilled spirits and any
 1305  beverage containing 0.5 percent or more alcohol by volume. The
 1306  percentage of alcohol by volume shall be determined in
 1307  accordance with s. 561.01(2)(b) the provisions of s.
 1308  561.01(4)(b).
 1309         Section 17. Subsection (8) of section 1006.09, Florida
 1310  Statutes, is amended to read:
 1311         1006.09 Duties of school principal relating to student
 1312  discipline and school safety.—
 1313         (8) The school principal shall require all school personnel
 1314  to report to the principal or principal’s designee any suspected
 1315  unlawful use, possession, or sale by a student of any controlled
 1316  substance, as defined in s. 893.02; any counterfeit controlled
 1317  substance, as defined in s. 831.31; any alcoholic beverage, as
 1318  defined in s. 561.01 s. 561.01(4); or model glue. School
 1319  personnel are exempt from civil liability when reporting in good
 1320  faith to the proper school authority such suspected unlawful
 1321  use, possession, or sale by a student. Only a principal or
 1322  principal’s designee is authorized to contact a parent or legal
 1323  guardian of a student regarding this situation. Reports made and
 1324  verified under this subsection shall be forwarded to an
 1325  appropriate agency. The principal or principal’s designee shall
 1326  timely notify the student’s parent that a verified report made
 1327  under this subsection with respect to the student has been made
 1328  and forwarded.
 1329         Section 18. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
 1330  made by this act to section 561.221, Florida Statutes, in a
 1331  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section
 1332  563.06, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:
 1333         563.06 Malt beverages; imprint on individual container;
 1334  size of containers; exemptions.—
 1335         (7) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Beverage
 1336  Law, a malt beverage may be packaged in a growler, which is an
 1337  individual container that holds 32, 64, or 128 ounces of such
 1338  malt beverage if it is filled at the point of sale.
 1339         (a) A growler may be filled or refilled by any of the
 1340  following:
 1341         1. A licensed manufacturer of malt beverages holding a
 1342  vendor’s license under s. 561.221(2).
 1343         2. A vendor holding a quota license under s. 561.20(1) or
 1344  s. 565.02(1)(a) which authorizes the sale of malt beverages.
 1345         3. A vendor holding a license under s. 563.02(1)(b)-(f), s.
 1346  564.02(1)(b)-(f), or s. 565.02(1)(b)-(f), unless such license
 1347  restricts the sale of malt beverages to sale for consumption
 1348  only on the premises of such vendor.
 1349         4. A vendor holding a license pursuant to s. 563.02(1)(a)
 1350  or s. 564.02(1)(a), having held that license in current, active
 1351  status on June 30, 2015, subject to the following requirements:
 1352         a. The vendor proves, to the satisfaction of the division,
 1353  that the vendor had draft equipment and tapping accessories
 1354  installed and had purchased kegs before June 30, 2015.
 1355         b. The growlers are filled or refilled by the vendor or the
 1356  vendor’s employee aged 18 or older.
 1357         c. The taps or mechanisms used to fill or refill the
 1358  growlers are not accessible to customers.
 1359         d. The growlers meet the labeling and sealing requirements
 1360  of paragraph (b).
 1361         e. The vendor does not permit consumption on premises,
 1362  including tastings or other sampling activities.
 1363         Section 19. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
 1364  made by this act to section 561.221, Florida Statutes, in a
 1365  reference thereto, section 563.13, Florida Statutes, is
 1366  reenacted to read:
 1367         563.13 Florida brewery directional signs; fees.—Upon the
 1368  request of a brewery licensed under s. 561.221(2) or (3) which
 1369  produces a minimum of 2,500 barrels per year on the premises, is
 1370  open to the public at least 30 hours per week, and is available
 1371  for tours, the Department of Transportation shall install
 1372  directional signs for the brewery on the rights-of-way of
 1373  interstate highways and primary and secondary roads in
 1374  accordance with Florida’s Highway Guide Sign Program as provided
 1375  in chapter 14-51, Florida Administrative Code. A brewery
 1376  licensed in this state which requests placement of a directional
 1377  sign through the department’s permit process shall pay all
 1378  associated costs.
 1379         Section 20. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
 1380  made by this act to section 561.57, Florida Statutes, in a
 1381  reference thereto, section 562.07, Florida Statutes, is
 1382  reenacted to read:
 1383         562.07 Illegal transportation of beverages.—It is unlawful
 1384  for alcoholic beverages to be transported in quantities of more
 1385  than 12 bottles except as follows:
 1386         (1) By common carriers;
 1387         (2) In the owned or leased vehicles of licensed vendors or
 1388  any persons authorized in s. 561.57(3) transporting alcoholic
 1389  beverage purchases from the distributor’s place of business to
 1390  the vendor’s licensed place of business or off-premises storage
 1391  for alcoholic beverages purchased and transported as provided
 1392  for in the alcoholic beverage law;
 1393         (3) By individuals who possess such beverages not for
 1394  resale within the state;
 1395         (4) By licensed manufacturers, distributors, or vendors
 1396  transporting alcoholic beverages pursuant to s. 561.57; and
 1397         (5) By a vendor, distributor, pool buying agent, or
 1398  salesperson of wine and spirits as outlined in s. 561.57(4).
 1399         Section 21. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
 1400  made by this act to section 561.57, Florida Statutes, in a
 1401  reference thereto, subsection (1) of section 565.045, Florida
 1402  Statutes, is reenacted to read:
 1403         565.045 Regulations for consumption on premises; penalty;
 1404  exemptions.—
 1405         (1) Vendors licensed under s. 565.02(1)(b)-(f):
 1406         (a) Shall provide seats for the use of their customers;
 1407         (b) May sell or deliver alcoholic beverages by the drink or
 1408  in sealed containers for consumption on or off the premises
 1409  where sold; and
 1410         (c) May sell or deliver alcoholic beverages prepared by the
 1411  licensee for off-premises consumption if the alcoholic beverage
 1412  is in a container sealed by the licensee. All sales or
 1413  deliveries of alcoholic beverages made pursuant to this
 1414  paragraph must satisfy the following requirements:
 1415         1. The vendor must be licensed as a public food service
 1416  establishment under chapter 509;
 1417         2. The sale or delivery must be accompanied by the sale of
 1418  food within the same order;
 1419         3. The charge for the sale of food and nonalcoholic
 1420  beverages must be at least 40 percent of the total charge for
 1421  the order, excluding the charge for any manufacturer-sealed
 1422  containers of alcoholic beverages included in the order; and
 1423         4. Sales and deliveries of the alcoholic beverages may not
 1424  occur after the vendor ceases preparing food on the licensed
 1425  premises for the day or after midnight, whichever is earlier.
 1427  The requirement in subparagraph 3. does not apply to vendors
 1428  licensed under s. 561.20(2)(a)4.
 1429         (d) An alcoholic beverage drink prepared by the vendor and
 1430  sold or delivered for consumption off the premises under
 1431  paragraph (c) must be placed in a container securely sealed by
 1432  the licensee or its employees with an unbroken seal that
 1433  prevents the beverage from being immediately consumed before
 1434  removal from the premises. Such alcoholic beverage also must be
 1435  placed in a bag or other container that is secured in such a
 1436  manner that it is visibly apparent if the container has been
 1437  subsequently opened or tampered with, and a dated receipt for
 1438  the alcoholic beverage and food must be provided by the licensee
 1439  and attached to the bag or container. If transported in a motor
 1440  vehicle, an alcoholic beverage that is not in a container sealed
 1441  by the manufacturer must be placed in a locked compartment, a
 1442  locked trunk, or the area behind the last upright seat of a
 1443  motor vehicle.
 1444         (e) Any delivery of an alcoholic beverage under this
 1445  section must comply with s. 561.57. It is a violation of the
 1446  prohibition in s. 562.11 to allow any person under the age of 21
 1447  to deliver alcoholic beverages on behalf of a vendor. The vendor
 1448  or the agent or employee of the vendor must verify the age of
 1449  the person making the delivery of the alcoholic beverage before
 1450  allowing any person to take possession of an alcoholic beverage
 1451  for the purpose of making a delivery on behalf of a vendor under
 1452  this section.
 1453         Section 22. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.