Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1820
       By Senator Leek
       7-00486C-25                                           20251820__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to motor vehicle manufacturers and
    3         dealers; amending s. 320.60, F.S.; defining the term
    4         “reservation”; revising the definition of the term
    5         “sell”; amending s. 320.64, F.S.; prohibiting an
    6         applicant or a licensee, or a common entity thereof,
    7         from establishing, implementing, or enforcing certain
    8         criteria for measuring the sales or service
    9         performance of its franchised motor vehicle dealers
   10         unless certain conditions are met; prohibiting an
   11         applicant or a licensee, or a common entity thereof,
   12         from engaging in an action that is taken as
   13         retaliation against a motor vehicle dealer under
   14         certain circumstances; conforming a cross-reference;
   15         amending s. 320.641, F.S.; revising the circumstances
   16         in which a discontinuation, cancellation, nonrenewal,
   17         modification, or replacement of a franchise agreement
   18         is deemed unfair; amending s. 320.67, F.S.; deleting a
   19         provision requiring the Department of Highway Safety
   20         and Motor Vehicles to conduct inquiries of licensees
   21         relating to certain complaints made by certain motor
   22         vehicle dealer associations; reenacting s. 320.642(6),
   23         F.S., relating to dealer licenses in areas previously
   24         served, to incorporate the amendment made to s.
   25         320.60, F.S., in references thereto; providing an
   26         effective date.
   28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   30         Section 1. Present subsections (16), (17), and (18) of
   31  section 320.60, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
   32  subsections (17), (18), and (19), respectively, a new subsection
   33  (16) is added to that section, and present subsection (16) of
   34  that section is amended, to read:
   35         320.60 Definitions for ss. 320.61-320.70.—Whenever used in
   36  ss. 320.61-320.70, unless the context otherwise requires, the
   37  following words and terms have the following meanings:
   38         (16) “Reservation” means a process that is used to hold
   39  open the opportunity for a specified consumer to place an order
   40  for the purchase or lease of a new motor vehicle.
   41         (17)(16) “Sell,” “selling,” “sold,” “exchange,” “retail
   42  sales,” and “leases” include:
   43         (a) Accepting a deposit or receiving a payment for the
   44  retail purchase, lease, or other use of a motor vehicle, but
   45  does not include facilitating a motor vehicle dealer’s
   46  acceptance of a deposit or receipt of a payment from a consumer
   47  or receiving payment under a retail installment sale contract;
   48         (b) Accepting a reservation from a retail consumer for a
   49  specific motor vehicle identified by a vehicle identification
   50  number or other product identifier, except that this paragraph
   51  does not apply to a manufacturer or distributor if the
   52  reservation is assigned to a franchised dealer that is
   53  authorized to sell the vehicle being reserved;
   54         (c) Setting the retail price for the purchase, lease, or
   55  other use of a motor vehicle, but does not include setting a
   56  manufacturer’s suggested retail price;
   57         (d) Offering or negotiating with a retail consumer terms
   58  for the purchase, lease, or other use of a motor vehicle;
   59         (e) Offering or negotiating with a retail consumer a value
   60  for a motor vehicle being traded in as part of the purchase,
   61  lease, or other use of a motor vehicle, but does not include a
   62  website or other means of electronic communication that
   63  identifies to a consumer a conditional trade-in value and that
   64  contains language informing the consumer that the trade-in value
   65  is not binding on any motor vehicle dealer;
   66         (f) Any transaction where the title of a motor vehicle or a
   67  used motor vehicle is transferred to a retail consumer; or
   68         (g) Any retail lease transaction where a retail consumer
   69  leases a vehicle for a period of at least 12 months, but does
   70  not include administering lease agreements, taking assignments
   71  of leases, performing required actions pursuant to such leases,
   72  or receiving payments under a lease agreement that was
   73  originated by a motor vehicle dealer.
   75  This subsection does not apply to the replacement of a
   76  consumer’s vehicle pursuant to chapter 681.
   77         Section 2. Subsections (23) and (42) of section 320.64,
   78  Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (43) is added to
   79  that section, to read:
   80         320.64 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license;
   81  grounds.—A license of a licensee under s. 320.61 may be denied,
   82  suspended, or revoked within the entire state or at any specific
   83  location or locations within the state at which the applicant or
   84  licensee engages or proposes to engage in business, upon proof
   85  that the section was violated with sufficient frequency to
   86  establish a pattern of wrongdoing, and a licensee or applicant
   87  shall be liable for claims and remedies provided in ss. 320.695
   88  and 320.697 for any violation of any of the following
   89  provisions. A licensee is prohibited from committing the
   90  following acts:
   91         (23) The applicant or licensee has engaged in any of the
   92  activities of a motor vehicle dealer as defined in s.
   93  320.60(13)(a) or any of the activities described in s.
   94  320.60(17) s. 320.60(16) or has competed or is competing with
   95  respect to any activity covered by the franchise agreement with
   96  a motor vehicle dealer of the same line-make located in this
   97  state with whom the applicant or licensee has entered into a
   98  franchise agreement, except as permitted in s. 320.645 or in
   99  subsection (24) with respect to the remote electronic
  100  transmission of a permanent or temporary feature or improvement
  101  of a motor vehicle.
  102         (42)(a) The applicant or licensee, or a common entity
  103  thereof, has established, implemented, or enforced criteria for
  104  measuring the sales or service performance of any of its
  105  franchised motor vehicle dealers in this state which have a
  106  material or adverse effect on any motor vehicle dealer and
  107  which:
  108         1. Are unfair, unreasonable, arbitrary, or inequitable; or
  109         2. Do not include all relevant and material local and
  110  regional criteria, data, and facts. Relevant and material
  111  criteria, data, or facts include, but are not limited to, those
  112  of motor vehicle dealerships of comparable size in comparable
  113  markets. If such performance measurement criteria are based, in
  114  whole or in part, on a survey, such survey must be based on a
  115  statistically significant and valid random sample.
  116         (b) The An applicant or, licensee, or a common entity
  117  thereof, has implemented or enforced criteria for measuring the
  118  sales or service performance of any of its franchised motor
  119  vehicle dealers in this state without providing, before such
  120  implementation or enforcement, a written description to each
  121  such franchised, or an affiliate thereof, which enforces against
  122  any motor vehicle dealer any such performance measurement
  123  criteria shall, upon the request of the motor vehicle dealer,
  124  describe in writing to the motor vehicle dealer in this state
  125  which states, in detail, how the performance measurement
  126  criteria were designed, calculated, established, and uniformly
  127  applied.
  128         (43) The applicant or licensee, or a common entity thereof,
  129  has engaged in an action, or implemented a policy, standard,
  130  rule, practice, or program, taken as retaliation against a motor
  131  vehicle dealer because the dealer invoked a statutory right
  132  created by ss. 320.60-320.70, asserted that the applicant,
  133  licensee, or common entity has acted in a manner that violates a
  134  provision of ss. 320.60-320.70, or has testified, assisted, or
  135  participated in any manner in an investigation, a proceeding, or
  136  a hearing that may directly affect the applicant, licensee, or
  137  common entity.
  139  A motor vehicle dealer who can demonstrate that a violation of,
  140  or failure to comply with, any of the preceding provisions by an
  141  applicant or licensee will or may adversely and pecuniarily
  142  affect the complaining dealer, shall be entitled to pursue all
  143  of the remedies, procedures, and rights of recovery available
  144  under ss. 320.695 and 320.697.
  145         Section 3. Subsection (3) of section 320.641, Florida
  146  Statutes, is amended to read:
  147         320.641 Discontinuations, cancellations, nonrenewals,
  148  modifications, and replacement of franchise agreements.—
  149         (3) Any motor vehicle dealer who receives a notice of
  150  intent to discontinue, cancel, not renew, modify, or replace
  151  may, within the 90-day notice period, file a petition or
  152  complaint for a determination of whether such action is an
  153  unfair or prohibited discontinuation, cancellation, nonrenewal,
  154  modification, or replacement. Agreements and certificates of
  155  appointment must shall continue in effect until final
  156  determination of the issues raised in such petition or complaint
  157  by the motor vehicle dealer.
  158         (a) A discontinuation, cancellation, or nonrenewal of a
  159  franchise agreement is unfair if all of the following apply:
  160         1.if It is not clearly permitted by the franchise
  161  agreement.;
  162         2. It is not undertaken in good faith.;
  163         3. It is not undertaken for good cause.;
  164         4. It or is based on a claim that the dealer substantially
  165  and materially breached an alleged breach of the franchise
  166  agreement except where the discontinuation, cancellation, or
  167  nonrenewal applies to all same line-make franchised motor
  168  vehicle dealers and is otherwise permitted by ss. 320.60-320.70.
  169  which is not in fact a material and substantial breach; or, if
  170         5. The grounds relied upon for discontinuation termination,
  171  cancellation, or nonrenewal have not been applied in a uniform
  172  and consistent manner by the licensee.
  173         (b) If the notice of discontinuation, cancellation, or
  174  nonrenewal relates to an alleged failure of the new motor
  175  vehicle dealer’s sales or service performance obligations under
  176  the franchise agreement, the new motor vehicle dealer must first
  177  be provided with at least 180 days to correct the alleged
  178  failure before a licensee may send the notice of
  179  discontinuation, cancellation, or nonrenewal.
  180         (c) A modification or replacement is unfair if all of the
  181  following apply:
  182         1.if It is not clearly permitted by the franchise
  183  agreement.;
  184         2. It is not undertaken in good faith.; or
  185         3. It is not undertaken for good cause.
  186         (d) The applicant or licensee has shall have the burden of
  187  proof that such discontinuation, cancellation, nonrenewal,
  188  modification, or replacement action is fair and not prohibited.
  189         Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 320.67, Florida
  190  Statutes, is amended to read:
  191         320.67 Violations by dealers; complaint; conduct of
  192  inquiry; inspection of records; penalties.—
  193         (1) The department shall conduct an inquiry of a licensee
  194  relating to any written complaint alleging a violation of any
  195  provision of ss. 320.61-320.70 against such licensee made by a
  196  motor vehicle dealer with a current franchise agreement issued
  197  by the licensee, or a motor vehicle dealer association with at
  198  least one member with a current franchise agreement issued by
  199  the licensee.
  200         Section 5. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
  201  made by this act to section 320.60, Florida Statutes, in a
  202  reference thereto, subsection (6) of section 320.642, Florida
  203  Statutes, is reenacted to read:
  204         320.642 Dealer licenses in areas previously served;
  205  procedure.—
  206         (6) When a proposed addition or relocation concerns a
  207  dealership that performs or is to perform only service, as
  208  defined in s. 320.60, and will not or does not sell or lease, as
  209  defined in s. 320.60, new motor vehicles, the proposal shall be
  210  subject to notice and protest pursuant to the provisions of this
  211  section.
  212         (a) Standing to protest the addition or relocation of a
  213  service-only dealership shall be limited to those instances in
  214  which the applicable mileage requirement established in
  215  subparagraphs (3)(a)2. and (3)(b)1. is met.
  216         (b) The addition or relocation of a service-only dealership
  217  shall not be subject to protest if:
  218         1. The applicant for the service-only dealership location
  219  is an existing motor vehicle dealer of the same line-make as the
  220  proposed additional or relocated service-only dealership;
  221         2. There is no existing dealer of the same line-make closer
  222  than the applicant to the proposed location of the additional or
  223  relocated service-only dealership; and
  224         3. The proposed location of the additional or relocated
  225  service-only dealership is at least 7 miles from all existing
  226  motor vehicle dealerships of the same line-make, other than
  227  motor vehicle dealerships owned by the applicant.
  228         (c) In determining whether existing franchised motor
  229  vehicle dealers are providing adequate representations in the
  230  community or territory for the line-make in question in a
  231  protest of the proposed addition or relocation of a service-only
  232  dealership, the department may consider the elements set forth
  233  in paragraph (2)(b), provided:
  234         1. With respect to subparagraph (2)(b)1., only the impact
  235  as it relates to service may be considered;
  236         2. Subparagraph (2)(b)3. shall not be considered;
  237         3. With respect to subparagraph (2)(b)9., only service
  238  facilities shall be considered; and
  239         4. With respect to subparagraph (2)(b)11., only the volume
  240  of service business transacted shall be considered.
  241         (d) If an application for a service-only dealership is
  242  granted, the department must issue a license which permits only
  243  service, as defined in s. 320.60, and does not permit the
  244  selling or leasing, as defined in s. 320.60, of new motor
  245  vehicles. If a service-only dealership subsequently seeks to
  246  sell new motor vehicles at its location, the notice and protest
  247  provisions of this section shall apply.
  248         Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.