Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1828
       By Senator Martin
       33-01714-25                                           20251828__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to trespass in a structure or
    3         conveyance; amending s. 810.08, F.S.; providing that a
    4         trespass is a felony of the third degree if it occurs
    5         in a structure being used for a large, ticketed event;
    6         amending s. 921.0022, F.S.; conforming a cross
    7         reference; providing an effective date.
    9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   11         Section 1. Present paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (2)
   12  of section 810.08, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
   13  paragraphs (c) and (d), respectively, and a new paragraph (b) is
   14  added to that subsection, to read:
   15         810.08 Trespass in structure or conveyance.—
   16         (2)
   17         (b) If the offense occurs in a structure being used for a
   18  large, ticketed event wherein attendance exceeds 5,000 persons,
   19  the trespass in a structure or conveyance is a felony of the
   20  third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083,
   21  or s. 775.084.
   22         Section 2. Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section
   23  921.0022, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   24         921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking
   25  chart.—
   27         (d) LEVEL 4
   29  FloridaStatute             FelonyDegree        Description        
   30  316.1935(3)(a)                 2nd     Driving at high speed or with wanton disregard for safety while fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer who is in a patrol vehicle with siren and lights activated.
   31  499.0051(1)                    3rd     Failure to maintain or deliver transaction history, transaction information, or transaction statements.
   32  499.0051(5)                    2nd     Knowing sale or delivery, or possession with intent to sell, contraband prescription drugs.
   33  517.07(1)                      3rd     Failure to register securities.
   34  517.12(1)                      3rd     Failure of dealer or associated person of a dealer of securities to register.
   35  784.031                        3rd     Battery by strangulation.  
   36  784.07(2)(b)                   3rd     Battery of law enforcement officer, firefighter, etc.
   37  784.074(1)(c)                  3rd     Battery of sexually violent predators facility staff.
   38  784.075                        3rd     Battery on detention or commitment facility staff.
   39  784.078                        3rd     Battery of facility employee by throwing, tossing, or expelling certain fluids or materials.
   40  784.08(2)(c)                   3rd     Battery on a person 65 years of age or older.
   41  784.081(3)                     3rd     Battery on specified official or employee.
   42  784.082(3)                     3rd     Battery by detained person on visitor or other detainee.
   43  784.083(3)                     3rd     Battery on code inspector. 
   44  784.085                        3rd     Battery of child by throwing, tossing, projecting, or expelling certain fluids or materials.
   45  787.03(1)                      3rd     Interference with custody; wrongly takes minor from appointed guardian.
   46  787.04(2)                      3rd     Take, entice, or remove child beyond state limits with criminal intent pending custody proceedings.
   47  787.04(3)                      3rd     Carrying child beyond state lines with criminal intent to avoid producing child at custody hearing or delivering to designated person.
   48  787.07                         3rd     Human smuggling.           
   49  790.115(1)                     3rd     Exhibiting firearm or weapon within 1,000 feet of a school.
   50  790.115(2)(b)                  3rd     Possessing electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon on school property.
   51  790.115(2)(c)                  3rd     Possessing firearm on school property.
   52  794.051(1)                     3rd     Indecent, lewd, or lascivious touching of certain minors.
   53  800.04(7)(c)                   3rd     Lewd or lascivious exhibition; offender less than 18 years.
   54  806.135                        2nd     Destroying or demolishing a memorial or historic property.
   55  810.02(4)(a)                   3rd     Burglary, or attempted burglary, of an unoccupied structure; unarmed; no assault or battery.
   56  810.02(4)(b)                   3rd     Burglary, or attempted burglary, of an unoccupied conveyance; unarmed; no assault or battery.
   57  810.06                         3rd     Burglary; possession of tools.
   58  810.08(2)(d)810.08(2)(c)       3rd     Trespass on property, armed with firearm or dangerous weapon.
   59  810.145(3)(b)                  3rd     Digital voyeurism dissemination.
   60  812.014(2)(c)3.                3rd     Grand theft, 3rd degree $10,000 or more but less than $20,000.
   61  812.014 (2)(c)4. & 6.-10.      3rd     Grand theft, 3rd degree; specified items.
   62  812.014(2)(d)2.                3rd     Grand theft, 3rd degree; $750 or more taken from dwelling or its unenclosed curtilage.
   63  812.014(2)(e)3.                3rd     Petit theft, 1st degree; less than $40 taken from dwelling or its unenclosed curtilage with two or more prior theft convictions.
   64  812.0195(2)                    3rd     Dealing in stolen property by use of the Internet; property stolen $300 or more.
   65  817.505(4)(a)                  3rd     Patient brokering.         
   66  817.563(1)                     3rd     Sell or deliver substance other than controlled substance agreed upon, excluding s. 893.03(5) drugs.
   67  817.568(2)(a)                  3rd     Fraudulent use of personal identification information.
   68  817.5695(3)(c)                 3rd     Exploitation of person 65 years of age or older, value less than $10,000.
   69  817.625(2)(a)                  3rd     Fraudulent use of scanning device, skimming device, or reencoder.
   70  817.625(2)(c)                  3rd     Possess, sell, or deliver skimming device.
   71  828.125(1)                     2nd     Kill, maim, or cause great bodily harm or permanent breeding disability to any registered horse or cattle.
   72  836.14(2)                      3rd     Person who commits theft of a sexually explicit image with intent to promote it.
   73  836.14(3)                      3rd     Person who willfully possesses a sexually explicit image with certain knowledge, intent, and purpose.
   74  837.02(1)                      3rd     Perjury in official proceedings.
   75  837.021(1)                     3rd     Make contradictory statements in official proceedings.
   76  838.022                        3rd     Official misconduct.       
   77  839.13(2)(a)                   3rd     Falsifying records of an individual in the care and custody of a state agency.
   78  839.13(2)(c)                   3rd     Falsifying records of the Department of Children and Families.
   79  843.021                        3rd     Possession of a concealed handcuff key by a person in custody.
   80  843.025                        3rd     Deprive law enforcement, correctional, or correctional probation officer of means of protection or communication.
   81  843.15(1)(a)                   3rd     Failure to appear while on bail for felony (bond estreature or bond jumping).
   82  843.19(2)                      2nd     Injure, disable, or kill police, fire, or SAR canine or police horse.
   83  847.0135(5)(c)                 3rd     Lewd or lascivious exhibition using computer; offender less than 18 years.
   84  870.01(3)                      2nd     Aggravated rioting.        
   85  870.01(5)                      2nd     Aggravated inciting a riot.
   86  874.05(1)(a)                   3rd     Encouraging or recruiting another to join a criminal gang.
   87  893.13(2)(a)1.                 2nd     Purchase of cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (b), or (d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)5. drugs).
   88  914.14(2)                      3rd     Witnesses accepting bribes.
   89  914.22(1)                      3rd     Force, threaten, etc., witness, victim, or informant.
   90  914.23(2)                      3rd     Retaliation against a witness, victim, or informant, no bodily injury.
   91  916.1085 (2)(c)1.              3rd     Introduction of specified contraband into certain DCF facilities.
   92  918.12                         3rd     Tampering with jurors.     
   93  934.215                        3rd     Use of two-way communications device to facilitate commission of a crime.
   94  944.47(1)(a)6.                 3rd     Introduction of contraband (cellular telephone or other portable communication device) into correctional institution.
   95  951.22(1)(h), (j) & (k)        3rd     Intoxicating drug, instrumentality or other device to aid escape, or cellular telephone or other portable communication device introduced into county detention facility.
   96         Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.