Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1834 By Senator Martin 33-02038-25 20251834__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Dog Breeders Trust Fund; 3 creating s. 585.718, F.S.; creating the trust fund 4 within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 5 Services; providing the purpose of the trust fund; 6 providing for the trust fund’s source of funds; 7 requiring that the balance of the trust fund remain in 8 the fund at the end of the year and be available for 9 the purposes of the trust fund; providing for future 10 review and termination or re-creation of the trust 11 fund; providing a contingent effective date. 12 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 14 15 Section 1. Section 585.718, Florida Statutes, is created to 16 read: 17 585.718 Dog Breeders Trust Fund.— 18 (1) The Dog Breeders Trust Fund is created within the 19 department. The department shall use moneys deposited in the 20 fund as a funding source for implementing and enforcing this 21 part. 22 (2) Funds credited to the Dog Breeders Trust Fund shall 23 consist of fees, penalties, or payments received by the state 24 pursuant to this part. 25 (3) Notwithstanding s. 216.301, and pursuant to s. 216.351, 26 any balance remaining in the trust fund at the end of any fiscal 27 year must remain in the trust fund at the end of the year and be 28 available for carrying out the purposes of the trust fund. 29 (4) In accordance with s. 19(f)(2), Art. III of the State 30 Constitution, the Dog Breeders Trust Fund shall, unless 31 terminated sooner, be terminated on July 1, 2029. Before its 32 scheduled termination, the fund shall be reviewed as provided in 33 s. 215.3206(1) and (2). 34 Section 2. This act shall take effect on the same date that 35 SB 1830 or similar legislation takes effect, if such legislation 36 is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension 37 thereof and becomes a law.