Florida Senate - 2025 (NP) SR 1844 By Senator Wright 8-02085-25 20251844__ 1 Senate Resolution 2 A resolution designating March 11, 2025, as “Space 3 Day” in Florida. 4 5 WHEREAS, as the birthplace of American space exploration 6 since the first space launch from its shores more than 75 years 7 ago, Florida is home to the nation’s space program and has 8 served as the international portal to remarkable scientific 9 innovation and imagination and continues to play a critical role 10 in pioneering new frontiers, as well as leading in the discovery 11 of viable pathways further into space, and 12 WHEREAS, with its three spaceports, Florida is the world’s 13 gateway to space and is the epicenter of aerospace innovation, 14 logistics, opportunity, and economic growth, and 15 WHEREAS, more than 141,000 residents work in Florida’s 16 aviation and aerospace industries, including rocket scientists, 17 machinists, pilots, specialists, and engineers, and 18 WHEREAS, the number of space launches in Florida has 19 tripled from 31 in 2020 to 93 in 2024, representing a record 36 20 percent of global launch activity, and, in 2025, more than 140 21 space launches are expected, and 22 WHEREAS, as the nation witnesses the rapid growth and 23 expansion of its commercial space transportation industry, over 24 the next decade, Florida has the opportunity to broaden its 25 leadership position in civil and military launch activity, while 26 also emerging as the nation’s leader in commercial space 27 opportunities and the integration of space, aeronautics, and 28 aviation technologies, including hypersonic technologies, a 29 vision that, if realized, will position Florida for sustained 30 economic growth and prosperity for decades to come, and 31 WHEREAS, Florida’s top-tier universities prepare future 32 leaders and engineers for the aerospace and defense ecosystem, 33 cultivating a world-class workforce for these highly technical 34 fields, sending more than 4,800 engineering graduates into the 35 workforce annually, and 36 WHEREAS, with robust military installations that include 37 Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Coast 38 Guard bases, Florida’s aviation and aerospace industries play a 39 key role in national defense, flight training, and research, and 40 it is the only state with three distinct combatant commands 41 supporting national security missions across the globe, NOW, 42 THEREFORE, 43 44 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: 45 46 That March 11, 2025, is designated as “Space Day” in 47 Florida.