Florida Senate - 2025                            (NP)    SR 1846
       By Senator Truenow
       13-02011-25                                           20251846__
    1                          Senate Resolution                        
    2         A resolution expressing support for a One Water
    3         approach to water resource management and the use of
    4         collaborative, integrated, and resilience systems
    5         approaches to planning for and funding water resource
    6         projects.
    8         WHEREAS, water is a vital resource essential for human
    9  health, well-being, and economic prosperity, and
   10         WHEREAS, Florida’s strong economy and unprecedented growth
   11  have resulted in increasing demand for water supply and
   12  significant stress to water resources, which necessitate
   13  additional efforts to address future projected water shortages
   14  and prevent harm to the environment, and
   15         WHEREAS, Florida’s residents value clean water, springs,
   16  lakes, coastal estuaries, and other environmental resources, and
   17         WHEREAS, Florida’s spring, lake, estuary, and wetland
   18  systems include some of the most productive and diverse
   19  ecosystems in the world, and
   20         WHEREAS, Florida’s waterways provide the nation’s best
   21  recreational destinations and support significant commercial,
   22  recreational, and sustenance fisheries which contribute to
   23  residents’ quality of life, and
   24         WHEREAS, Florida’s rank as top national producer of
   25  agricultural products depends on adequate water supply, and
   26         WHEREAS, despite Florida’s strong water resource protection
   27  framework, approximately 67 percent of Florida is categorized as
   28  a water resource caution area, and more than 2,000 waterbodies
   29  in this state are designated as impaired for water quality, and
   30         WHEREAS, historically, water management practices have
   31  addressed water supply, wastewater, and stormwater separately,
   32  leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for resource
   33  optimization, and
   34         WHEREAS, projected water shortages, water quality problems,
   35  and environmental impacts can be addressed through integrated
   36  planning, infrastructure investments, conservation, and
   37  integrated water resource management, and
   38         WHEREAS, Florida’s water utilities and other water users
   39  are beginning to regionally manage all water resources in ways
   40  that balance demand, supply, and environmental protection, and
   41         WHEREAS, water utilities and other users are increasingly
   42  turning to the Florida One Water Commission’s One Water
   43  strategy, which means valuing all water through a collaborative
   44  and integrated systems approach to managing fresh and brackish
   45  surface and groundwater, stormwater, wastewater, and recycled
   46  water in a holistic and sustainable manner that maintains
   47  ecosystems while providing reliable and resilient water
   48  resources that support the economy, the environment, and the
   49  public, NOW, THEREFORE,
   51  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
   53         That the Senate encourages a One Water approach to water
   54  resource management and the use of collaborative, integrated,
   55  and resilience systems approaches to planning for and funding
   56  water resource projects.