Florida Senate - 2025                              (NP)    SB 26
       By Senator Gruters
       22-00123A-25                                            202526__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act for the relief of Kristen and Lia McIntosh;
    3         providing an appropriation to compensate Kristen and
    4         Lia McIntosh for injuries and damages sustained as a
    5         result of the negligence of an employee of the
    6         Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services;
    7         providing a limitation on the payment of compensation
    8         and attorney fees; providing an effective date.
   10         WHEREAS, at approximately 8:30 p.m. on February 12, 2022,
   11  Officer James Michael McWhorter of the Law Enforcement Division
   12  of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, while
   13  operating a state-owned 2019 Dodge Charger in Nassau County,
   14  attempted to cross Interstate 95 in a westerly direction across
   15  northbound and southbound travel lanes in the dark and with
   16  complete disregard for the right-of-way of approaching motorists
   17  traveling within authorized highway speeds, and
   18         WHEREAS, in traversing the interstate, Officer McWhorter
   19  drove into the path of a vehicle traveling southbound containing
   20  a driver and three passengers, husband and wife Ronald and
   21  Elizabeth Thornton, who were in the front seats, and their two
   22  teenage daughters, Kristen and Lia McIntosh, who were in the
   23  rear seats, and
   24         WHEREAS, Officer McWhorter’s actions caused the two
   25  vehicles to violently collide on the interstate, resulting in
   26  serious injuries to Mr. and Mrs. Thornton and their daughters,
   27  and to Officer McWhorter, who subsequently died as a result of
   28  his injuries, and
   29         WHEREAS, as a result of the collision, Kristen McIntosh
   30  suffered a traumatic brain injury, multiple spinal fractures,
   31  and posttraumatic stress disorder, resulting in pain and
   32  suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, emotional
   33  distress, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life, expense of
   34  hospitalization, medical and nursing care and treatment, loss of
   35  earnings, loss of ability to earn money, and aggravation of any
   36  previously existing condition, and
   37         WHEREAS, as a result of the collision, Lia McIntosh
   38  suffered a fractured neck, a spinal fracture, a collapsed lung,
   39  internal bleeding, a bowel tear, and posttraumatic stress
   40  disorder, resulting in pain and suffering, disability or
   41  physical impairment, disfigurement, mental anguish,
   42  inconvenience, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life, and
   43  aggravation of any previously existing condition, and
   44         WHEREAS, the Thornton-McIntosh family filed a lawsuit in
   45  the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for
   46  Nassau County under case number 2023-CA-0014 against the
   47  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services seeking
   48  compensatory damages for the injuries sustained in the crash,
   49  and
   50         WHEREAS, during the course of the litigation, the
   51  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services agreed that the
   52  injuries sustained by Kristen and Lia McIntosh far exceeded the
   53  statutory limit of $200,000 per person and $300,000 per incident
   54  and would likely result in a multimillion-dollar verdict in
   55  their favor if tried before a judge or jury, and
   56         WHEREAS, in April 2024, a settlement agreement was entered
   57  into between the parties, whereby the Department of Agriculture
   58  and Consumer Services agreed to pay its capped statutory limits
   59  of $300,000 to the family and support a claim bill to recover
   60  additional damages for the severe injuries sustained by Kristen
   61  and Lia McIntosh, and
   62         WHEREAS, pursuant to the settlement agreement, a consent
   63  judgment was entered by the circuit court in the amount of
   64  $1.001 million to Kristen McIntosh and $1.251 million to
   65  Elizabeth Thornton as parent and natural guardian of Lia
   66  McIntosh, a minor child, with payment of this judgment
   67  contingent upon passage of this claim bill, which is fully
   68  supported by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
   69  Services, NOW, THEREFORE,
   71  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   73         Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this act are
   74  found and declared to be true.
   75         Section 2. The sum of $2.252 million is appropriated from
   76  the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Agriculture and
   77  Consumer Services for the relief of Kristen and Lia McIntosh for
   78  injuries and damages sustained.
   79         Section 3. The Chief Financial Officer is directed to draw
   80  warrants payable to Kristen McIntosh in the sum of $1.001
   81  million and to Elizabeth Thornton as parent and natural guardian
   82  of Lia McIntosh, a minor child, in the sum of $1.251 million
   83  upon funds of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
   84  Services in the State Treasury and to pay the same out of such
   85  funds in the State Treasury.
   86         Section 4. The amount paid by the Department of Agriculture
   87  and Consumer Services pursuant to s. 768.28, Florida Statutes,
   88  under the settlement agreement and the amount awarded under this
   89  act are intended to provide the sole compensation for all
   90  present and future claims arising out of the factual situation
   91  described in this act which resulted in injuries and damages to
   92  Kristen and Lia McIntosh. The total amount paid for attorney
   93  fees relating to this claim may not exceed 25 percent of the
   94  total amount awarded under this act.
   95         Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.