Florida Senate - 2025                              (NP)    SB 28
       By Senator Martin
       33-00147-25                                             202528__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act for the relief of Darline Angervil and J.R., a
    3         minor, by the South Broward Hospital District;
    4         providing an appropriation to compensate Darline
    5         Angervil, individually and as parent and natural legal
    6         guardian of J.R., for injuries and damages sustained
    7         as a result of negligence of the South Broward
    8         Hospital District; providing a limitation on
    9         compensation and the payment of attorney fees;
   10         providing an effective date.
   12         WHEREAS, on the afternoon of January 14, 2014, Darline
   13  Angervil, then known as Darline Rocher, was admitted to Memorial
   14  Hospital West, operated by the South Broward Hospital District,
   15  when she was 30.3 weeks pregnant, with complaints of decreased
   16  fetal movement, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and headaches,
   17  and
   18         WHEREAS, due to Ms. Angervil’s presenting conditions and
   19  complaints, Dr. Emil Abdalla, Ms. Angervil’s obstetrician,
   20  ordered continuous monitoring of the fetal heart rate and rhythm
   21  and entered an order that Ms. Angervil’s vital signs be taken at
   22  least every 2 hours, and
   23         WHEREAS, Ms. Angervil’s vital sign flowsheets showed
   24  elevated blood pressure levels throughout the afternoon and
   25  evening hours of January 14, including a systolic blood pressure
   26  of 160 mm Hg or higher on at least two occasions at least 4
   27  hours apart while resting in bed, indicating preeclampsia with
   28  severe features, and
   29         WHEREAS, the only way to treat preeclampsia is to deliver
   30  the baby, and, therefore, the patient and baby must be monitored
   31  regularly until it is safe and prudent to deliver, and
   32         WHEREAS, at 2 a.m. on January 15, due to the diagnosis of
   33  preeclampsia, magnesium sulfate was ordered for neuro
   34  protection, which also secondarily stabilized Ms. Angervil’s
   35  blood pressure, and
   36         WHEREAS, Ms. Angervil’s medical records for January 15
   37  include complaints of headache and the results from a 24-hour
   38  urine protein analysis showing 743 mg, both of which are
   39  consistent with preeclampsia, and
   40         WHEREAS, at 9:34 a.m. on January 16, an order was entered
   41  to discontinue the magnesium sulfate, and shortly thereafter Ms.
   42  Angervil’s blood pressure began to rise, and
   43         WHEREAS, Ms. Angervil continued to complain of headache
   44  during the day shift on January 16, including a 4:01 p.m.
   45  complaint of a headache that she rated 7 out of 10 on the
   46  severity scale, and at 5:30 p.m., Ms. Angervil’s vital sign
   47  flowsheets began to show abnormal blood pressure readings, and
   48         WHEREAS, at 7 p.m. on January 16, Ms. Melanie Wells, a
   49  nurse employed by the South Broward Hospital District in the
   50  Labor and Delivery Department at Memorial Hospital West, began
   51  her shift and was assigned to Ms. Angervil, who continued to
   52  complain of headache, and
   53         WHEREAS, at approximately 8:25 p.m. on January 16, as Ms.
   54  Angervil continued to complain of headache at shift change,
   55  maintained consecutive abnormal blood pressure readings, and had
   56  an electronic fetal monitoring strip showing a prolonged
   57  deceleration some 9 minutes earlier, Ms. Wells contacted Dr.
   58  Abdalla to request an order to remove the continuous electronic
   59  fetal monitor, and
   60         WHEREAS, at 8:27 p.m., Dr. Abdalla entered the order to
   61  remove the continuous electronic fetal monitor, and Ms. Angervil
   62  continued to have consecutive abnormal blood pressure readings
   63  at 8:29, 9:07, 9:24, and 10:33 p.m.; however, Ms. Wells did not
   64  replace the electronic fetal monitor on Ms. Angervil, and
   65         WHEREAS, shortly before 2:24 a.m. on January 17, Ms.
   66  Angervil contacted her nurse, complaining of headache, chest
   67  pain, and difficulty breathing, at which time Ms. Wells
   68  initiated oxygen and checked Ms. Angervil’s vital signs, and
   69         WHEREAS, at 2:26 a.m., Ms. Angervil’s blood pressure
   70  reading was dangerously high, a second blood pressure reading at
   71  2:28 a.m. confirmed a hypertensive crisis, and additional
   72  consecutive extremely high blood pressure readings were recorded
   73  at 2:32, 2:37, and 2:40 a.m., and
   74         WHEREAS, at 2:43 a.m., 17 minutes after the initial spike
   75  in blood pressure, and with no record of performance of any
   76  fetal assessment, Ms. Wells contacted Dr. Abdalla, and at 2:50
   77  a.m., Dr. Abdalla ordered the administration of hydralazine to
   78  lower Ms. Angervil’s blood pressure, at which time Ms. Wells
   79  attempted to find fetal heart tones but was unable to do so, and
   80         WHEREAS, due to the difficulty in finding fetal heart
   81  tones, at 2:54 a.m., the nurse manager contacted another OB/GYN
   82  who was working on the floor to assist in detecting fetal heart
   83  tones with an ultrasound machine, and at 2:56 a.m., critically
   84  low heart tones were visualized, resulting in the need for an
   85  emergency cesarean section, and
   86         WHEREAS, at 2:59 a.m., Ms. Wells contacted Dr. Abdalla to
   87  address the difficulty in finding fetal heart tones, at which
   88  time Dr. Abdalla advised he was on his way to the hospital to
   89  perform an emergency cesarean section, and medical records
   90  reflect that the cesarean section began at 3:05 a.m., with
   91  delivery at 3:17 a.m. by Dr. Abdalla, and
   92         WHEREAS, the delivery note completed by Ms. Wells
   93  documented delivery at 3:17 a.m. of a 2 pound, 5.2 ounce female,
   94  J.R., with an Apgar score of 0-1-3, who at delivery was noted to
   95  be flaccid, cyanotic, apneic, and asystolic, essentially
   96  lifeless, and
   97         WHEREAS, neonatal resuscitation was led by ARNP Donna
   98  Durham, a blue alert code was called at 3:19 a.m., and Ms.
   99  Durham initiated chest compressions with bag mask ventilation,
  100  and
  101         WHEREAS, J.R.’s birth record, resuscitation, and subsequent
  102  course of NICU treatment are entirely consistent with a hypoxic
  103  injury around the time of delivery, and her medical records are
  104  replete with discussions of her “birth-related hypoxia,” and
  105         WHEREAS, J.R.’s treating physicians provided assessment
  106  notes describing the profound nature of J.R.’s catastrophic
  107  injuries and constant needs, including mixed quadriparetic
  108  cerebral palsy related to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy,
  109  global profound developmental delay, periventricular
  110  leukomalacia, constipation, dysphagia, failure to thrive,
  111  gastrostomy tube placement, seizure disorder, esophagitis,
  112  dystonia and dyskinesias, and impairment of mobility and
  113  impairment of communication/cognition, resulting in her need for
  114  nursing care 24 hours a day, and
  115         WHEREAS, on March 7, 2016, Ms. Angervil, individually and
  116  as parent and natural guardian of J.R., a minor, filed a legal
  117  action in the Circuit Court for the 17th Judicial Circuit, in
  118  and for Broward County, under case number 2016-CA-4209, against
  119  the South Broward Hospital District, Dr. Abdalla and his
  120  employer, and neonatologist Dr. Vicki Johnson and her ARNP and
  121  their employer, alleging, in part, negligence of the district in
  122  failing to meet the standard of care for the monitoring, the
  123  evaluation of both Ms. Angervil and J.R., and the timely
  124  notification of medical specialists regarding the change in Ms.
  125  Angervil’s medical condition, and
  126         WHEREAS, Ms. Angervil and the South Broward Hospital
  127  District agreed to a consent judgment entered into on or about
  128  October 19, 2023, for $6.4 million, in which the district agreed
  129  to pay Ms. Angervil $300,000 pursuant to the statutory limit
  130  imposed under s. 768.28, Florida Statutes, leaving a balance of
  131  $6.1 million, and
  132         WHEREAS, the South Broward Hospital District has agreed to
  133  support this claim bill for the remaining $6.1 million, NOW,
  136  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
  138         Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this act are
  139  found and declared to be true.
  140         Section 2. The South Broward Hospital District is
  141  authorized and directed to appropriate from funds not otherwise
  142  encumbered and to draw a warrant in the sum of $6.1 million
  143  payable to Darline Angervil as compensation for injuries and
  144  damages sustained.
  145         Section 3. The amount paid by the South Broward Hospital
  146  District pursuant to s. 768.28, Florida Statutes, and the amount
  147  awarded under this act are intended to provide the sole
  148  compensation for all present and future claims arising out of
  149  the factual situation described in this act which resulted in
  150  injuries and damages to Darline Angervil, individually and as
  151  parent and natural legal guardian of J.R. The total amount paid
  152  for attorney fees relating to this claim may not exceed 25
  153  percent of the total amount awarded under this act.
  154         Section 4. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.