Florida Senate - 2025 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 312
Senate . House
Comm: RCS .
03/11/2025 .
The Committee on Education Postsecondary (Fine) recommended the
1 Senate Amendment to Amendment (647456) (with directory and
2 title amendments)
4 Between lines 36 and 37
5 insert:
6 (5) The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a
7 board of directors who shall serve without compensation. Each
8 director shall have only one vote.
9 (a) The board of directors shall consist of:
10 1. The chair of the Board of Governors or the chair’s
11 designee.
12 2. The chair of the Board of Trustees of the University of
13 West Florida or the chair’s designee.
14 3. The President of the University of West Florida or the
15 president’s designee.
16 3.4. Three state university representatives.
17 4.5. Ten Nine public representatives who are neither state
18 university employees nor state employees.
20 ====== D I R E C T O R Y C L A U S E A M E N D M E N T ======
21 And the directory clause is amended as follows:
22 Delete lines 5 - 6
23 and insert:
24 Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1), subsection (4),
25 paragraph (a) of subsection (5), and subsection (9) of section
26 1004.447, Florida Statutes, are amended
28 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
29 And the title is amended as follows:
30 Delete line 69
31 and insert:
32 agreement by the Board of Governors; revising the
33 composition of the board of directors of the
34 corporation; requiring the