Florida Senate - 2025                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 344
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  02/18/2025           .                                

       The Committee on Regulated Industries (Rodriguez) recommended
       the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 260 - 462
    4  and insert:
    5  value. This paragraph does not apply to specialized
    6  telecommunications devices using standard telephone lines.
    7         (3)(a) The commission shall select a the provider of the
    8  telecommunications relay service pursuant to procedures
    9  established by the commission. In selecting a the service
   10  provider, the commission shall take into consideration the cost
   11  of providing the relay service and the interests of the hearing
   12  loss, speech impairment, and deafblind impaired and speech
   13  impaired community in having access to a high-quality and
   14  technologically advanced telecommunications system. The
   15  commission shall award the contract to the bidder whose proposal
   16  is the most advantageous to the state, taking into consideration
   17  the following:
   18         1. The appropriateness and accessibility of the proposed
   19  telecommunications relay service for the residents citizens of
   20  this the state, including persons with hearing loss or speech
   21  impairment or who are deafblind who are hearing impaired or
   22  speech impaired.
   23         2. The overall quality of the proposed telecommunications
   24  relay service.
   25         3. The charges for the proposed telecommunications relay
   26  service system.
   27         4. The ability and qualifications of the bidder to provide
   28  the proposed telecommunications relay service as outlined in the
   29  request for proposals.
   30         5. Any proposed service enhancements and technological
   31  enhancements which improve service without significantly
   32  increasing cost.
   33         6. Any proposed inclusion of provision of assistance to
   34  deaf persons with special needs to access the basic
   35  telecommunications system.
   36         7. The ability to meet the proposed commencement date for
   37  the telecommunications relay service.
   38         8. All other factors listed in the request for proposals.
   39         (4)(a) The commission shall establish a mechanism to
   40  recover the costs of implementing and maintaining the services
   41  required pursuant to this part which must shall be applied to
   42  each basic telecommunications access line. In establishing the
   43  recovery mechanism, the commission shall:
   44         1. Require all local exchange telecommunications companies
   45  to impose a monthly surcharge on all local exchange
   46  telecommunications company subscribers on an individual access
   47  line basis, except that such surcharge may shall not be imposed
   48  upon more than 25 basic telecommunications access lines per
   49  account bill rendered.
   50         2. Require all local exchange telecommunications companies
   51  to include the surcharge as a part of the local service charge
   52  that appears on the customer’s bill, except that the local
   53  exchange telecommunications company shall specify the surcharge
   54  on the initial bill to the subscriber and itemize it at least
   55  once annually.
   56         3. Allow the local exchange telecommunications company to
   57  deduct and retain 1 percent of the total surcharge amount
   58  collected each month to recover the billing, collecting,
   59  remitting, and administrative costs attributed to the surcharge.
   60         (5) The commission shall require each local exchange
   61  telecommunications company to begin assessing and collecting the
   62  surcharge in the amount of 5 cents per access line per month on
   63  bills rendered on or after July 1, 1991, for remission to the
   64  administrator for deposit in the operational fund. Each local
   65  exchange telecommunications company shall remit moneys collected
   66  to the administrator. On August 15, 1991, each local exchange
   67  telecommunications company shall begin remitting the moneys
   68  collected to the administrator on a monthly basis and in a
   69  manner as prescribed by the commission. The administrator shall
   70  use such moneys to administer the telecommunications access to
   71  cover costs incurred during the development of the
   72  telecommunications relay services and to establish and
   73  administer the specialized telecommunications devices system.
   74         (6) The commission shall establish a schedule for
   75  completion of specific stages of the telecommunications relay
   76  service development and implementation except that the statewide
   77  telecommunications relay service shall commence on or before
   78  June 1, 1992.
   79         (7) The commission shall require the administrator to
   80  submit financial statements for the distribution of specialized
   81  telecommunications devices and for specialized communications
   82  technology and for the telecommunications relay service to the
   83  commission quarterly, in the manner prescribed by the
   84  commission.
   85         (7)(8) The commission shall adopt rules and may take any
   86  other action necessary to implement the provisions of this act.
   87         (8)(9) The commission shall prepare an annual report on the
   88  operation of the telecommunications access system and, which
   89  shall make such report be available on the commission’s Internet
   90  website. Reports must be prepared in consultation with the
   91  administrator and the advisory committee appointed pursuant to
   92  s. 427.706. The reports must, at a minimum, briefly outline the
   93  status of developments in the telecommunications access system,
   94  the number of persons served, the call volume, revenues and
   95  expenditures, the allocation of the revenues and expenditures
   96  between provision of specialized telecommunications devices and
   97  specialized communications technologies to individuals and
   98  operation of statewide relay service, other major policy or
   99  operational issues, and proposals for improvements or changes to
  100  the telecommunications access system.
  101         Section 4. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (1),
  102  subsection (4), paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (5), and
  103  subsection (7) of section 427.705, Florida Statutes, are amended
  104  to read:
  105         427.705 Administration of the telecommunications access
  106  system.—
  107         (1) Consistent with the provisions of this act and rules
  108  and regulations established by the commission, the administrator
  109  shall:
  110         (a) Purchase, license, store, distribute, and maintain
  111  specialized telecommunications devices, equipment, and
  112  specialized communications technology, either directly or
  113  through contract with third parties, or a combination thereof.
  114         (c) Administer training services for recipients of
  115  specialized telecommunications devices, equipment, and
  116  specialized communications technology and for telecommunications
  117  relay service users as directed by the commission through
  118  contract with third parties.
  119         (4) In contracting for the provision of distribution of
  120  specialized telecommunications devices, outreach services, and
  121  training of recipients, the administrator shall consider
  122  contracting with organizations that provide services to persons
  123  with hearing loss or speech impairment or who are deafblind who
  124  are hearing impaired or speech impaired.
  125         (5) The administrator shall provide for the distribution of
  126  specialized telecommunications devices to persons qualified to
  127  receive such equipment in accordance with the provisions of this
  128  act. The administrator shall establish procedures for the
  129  distribution of specialized telecommunications devices and shall
  130  solicit the advice and counsel and consider the recommendations
  131  of the advisory committee in establishing such procedures. The
  132  procedures shall:
  133         (a) Provide for certification of persons with hearing loss
  134  or speech impairment or who are deafblind as hearing impaired,
  135  speech impaired, or dual sensory impaired. Such certification
  136  process must shall include a statement attesting to such
  137  impairment by a licensed physician, audiologist, speech-language
  138  pathologist, hearing aid specialist, or deaf service center
  139  director, or regional distribution center director; by a state
  140  certified teacher of the hearing impaired; by a state-certified
  141  teacher of the visually impaired; or by an appropriate state or
  142  federal agency. The licensed physician, audiologist, speech
  143  language pathologist, hearing aid specialist, state-certified
  144  teacher of the hearing impaired, or state-certified teacher of
  145  the visually impaired providing statements which attest to such
  146  impairments shall work within their individual scopes of
  147  practice according to their education and training. The deaf
  148  service center directors, regional distribution center
  149  directors, and appropriate state and federal agencies shall
  150  attest to such impairments as provided for in the procedures
  151  developed by the administrator.
  152         (b) Establish characteristics and performance standards for
  153  specialized telecommunications devices and specialized
  154  communications technologies determined to be necessary, and for
  155  the selection of equipment to be purchased for distribution to
  156  qualified recipients. The characteristics and standards must
  157  shall be modified as advances in equipment technology render
  158  such standards inapplicable.
  159         (7) The administrator shall assume responsibility for
  160  distribution of specialized telecommunications devices and
  161  specialized communications technologies.
  162         Section 5. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 427.706,
  163  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  164         427.706 Advisory committee.—
  165         (1) The commission shall appoint an advisory committee to
  166  assist the commission with implementing the implementation of
  167  the provisions of this part. The committee shall be composed of
  168  no more than 10 persons and shall include, to the extent
  169  practicable, persons recommended by organizations representing,
  170  the following groups:
  171         (a) The Two deaf persons recommended by the Florida
  172  Association of the Deaf.
  173         (b) Persons with hearing loss One hearing impaired person
  174  recommended by Self-Help for the Hard of Hearing.
  175         (c) The deafblind One deaf and blind person recommended by
  176  the Coalition for Persons with Dual Sensory Disabilities.
  177         (d) Persons with speech impairment One speech impaired
  178  person recommended by the Florida Language Speech and Hearing
  179  Association.
  180         (e) The elderly Two representatives of telecommunications
  181  companies.
  182         (f) One person with experience in providing
  183  Telecommunication relay service distribution centers services
  184  recommended by the Deaf Service Center Association.
  185         (g) Communications service providers One person recommended
  186  by the Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc.
  187         (h) One person recommended by the Florida League of
  188  Seniors.
  189         (2) The advisory committee shall provide the expertise,
  190  experience, and perspective of persons with hearing loss or
  191  speech impairment or who are deafblind who are hearing impaired
  192  or speech impaired to the commission and to the administrator
  193  during all phases of the development and operation of the
  194  telecommunications access system. The advisory committee shall
  195  advise the commission and the administrator on the quality and
  196  cost-effectiveness of the telecommunications relay service and
  197  the specialized telecommunications devices, equipment, and
  198  specialized communications technologies distribution system. The
  199  advisory committee may submit material for inclusion in the
  200  annual report prepared pursuant to s. 427.704.
  202  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  203  And the title is amended as follows:
  204         Delete lines 19 - 23
  205  and insert:
  206         implementing the act; providing an effective date.