Florida Senate - 2025                                     SB 388
       By Senator Rodriguez
       40-00723-25                                            2025388__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to trust funds for wildlife
    3         management; amending s. 379.201, F.S.; authorizing the
    4         Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to invest
    5         and reinvest the funds and the interest thereof of the
    6         Administrative Trust Fund; specifying that any balance
    7         in the trust fund at the end of the fiscal year
    8         remains in the fund; amending s. 379.205, F.S.;
    9         revising the purposes for which the commission may
   10         spend money from the Florida Panther Research and
   11         Management Trust Fund; amending s. 379.206, F.S.;
   12         revising the uses of the Grants and Donations Trust
   13         Fund; amending s. 379.209, F.S.; deleting the
   14         requirement that the commission designate an
   15         identifiable unit to administer the Nongame Wildlife
   16         Trust Fund; authorizing the commission to use the
   17         proceeds from the trust fund for law enforcement;
   18         authorizing the commission to enter into specified
   19         agreements with private landowners; providing an
   20         effective date.
   22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   24         Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 379.201, Florida
   25  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (3) is added to that
   26  section, to read:
   27         379.201 Administrative Trust Fund.—
   28         (2) The trust fund is established for use as a depository
   29  for funds to be used for management activities that are
   30  commissionwide in nature and funded by indirect cost earnings or
   31  assessments against trust funds. The commission may invest and
   32  reinvest the funds and the interest thereof of the trust fund.
   33  Moneys to be credited to the trust fund include indirect cost
   34  reimbursements from grantors, administrative assessments against
   35  trust funds, interest earnings, and other appropriate
   36  administrative fees.
   37         (3)Notwithstanding s. 216.301 and pursuant to s. 216.351,
   38  any balance in the trust fund at the end of a fiscal year must
   39  remain in the trust fund and be available for carrying out the
   40  purposes of the trust fund.
   41         Section 2. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (2) of
   42  section 379.205, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   43         379.205 Florida Panther Research and Management Trust
   44  Fund.—
   45         (2) The commission shall spend money from the fund and all
   46  interest derived from its investments and reinvestments only for
   47  the following purposes:
   48         (a) To manage and protect existing Florida panther
   49  populations by increasing panther food sources where food is a
   50  limiting factor, determining conflicts between public use and
   51  panther survival, maintaining sufficient genetic variability in
   52  existing populations, providing research and monitoring of
   53  feline diseases, and undertaking management and enforcement
   54  activities that protect panther habitat.
   55         (c) To reestablish Florida panthers into areas of suitable
   56  habitat, where feasible, by assessing the necessity of a captive
   57  breeding program for purposes of reintroduction of the panthers
   58  into the suitable habitat; selecting potential sites for
   59  reintroduction and investigating associated human sociological
   60  aspects; and assessing the potential for panther habitat
   61  acquisition; and acquiring lands for panther habitat.
   62         Section 3. Subsection (2) of section 379.206, Florida
   63  Statutes, is amended to read:
   64         379.206 Grants and Donations Trust Fund.—
   65         (2) The fund is established for use as a depository for
   66  funds to be used for allowable grant and donor agreement
   67  activities funded by restricted contractual revenue. Moneys to
   68  be credited to the trust fund shall consist of grants and
   69  donations from private and public nonfederal sources,
   70  development-of-regional-impact wildlife mitigation
   71  contributions, interest earnings, and cash advances from other
   72  trust funds.
   73         Section 4. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 379.209,
   74  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   75         379.209 Nongame Wildlife Trust Fund.—
   76         (2)(a) There is established within the Fish and Wildlife
   77  Conservation Commission the Nongame Wildlife Trust Fund. The
   78  fund shall be credited with moneys collected pursuant to ss.
   79  319.32(3) and 320.02(8). Additional funds may be provided from
   80  legislative appropriations and by donations from interested
   81  individuals and organizations. The commission may invest and
   82  reinvest the funds and the interest thereof of the Nongame
   83  Wildlife Trust Fund. The commission shall designate an
   84  identifiable unit to administer the trust fund.
   85         (b) Proceeds from the trust fund must shall be used for the
   86  following purposes:
   87         1. Documentation of population trends of nongame wildlife
   88  and assessment of wildlife habitat, in coordination with the
   89  database of Florida natural areas inventory.
   90         2. Establishment of effective conservation, management, and
   91  regulatory programs for nongame wildlife of this the state.
   92         3. Public education programs.
   93         4.Law enforcement.
   94         (3) The commission may enter into cooperative agreements,
   95  voluntary agreements, or memoranda of understanding with related
   96  agencies and private landowners to coordinate nongame programs.
   97         Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.