Florida Senate - 2025 SB 420 By Senator Yarborough 4-01682B-25 2025420__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to official actions of local 3 governments; creating ss. 125.595 and 166.04971, F.S.; 4 prohibiting counties and municipalities, respectively, 5 from taking official action as it relates to 6 diversity, equity, and inclusion; providing a penalty; 7 authorizing a cause of action against counties and 8 municipalities, respectively, that take such action; 9 providing construction; providing for retroactive 10 applicability; defining the term “diversity, equity, 11 and inclusion”; providing an effective date. 12 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 14 15 Section 1. Section 125.595, Florida Statutes, is created to 16 read: 17 125.595 Prohibition of official actions of counties 18 relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion; penalty; remedy.— 19 (1) A county may not take any official action, including, 20 but not limited to, the adoption of ordinances, resolutions, 21 rules or regulations, programs, or policies, as it relates to 22 diversity, equity, and inclusion. 23 (2) A county commissioner who violates subsection (1), or 24 who votes in favor of an ordinance to expand the powers or 25 authority of an existing office, special district, or 26 governmental unit for the purpose of exercising any power or 27 authority allocated exclusively by the State Constitution or 28 general law to take official action as it relates to diversity, 29 equity, and inclusion, is guilty of misfeasance or malfeasance 30 in office. 31 (3) An action in circuit court may be brought against a 32 county that violates this section by a resident of the county. 33 The court may enter a judgment awarding declaratory and 34 injunctive relief, damages, and costs. The court may also award 35 reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party; however, the 36 court may not award reasonable attorney fees to a county as the 37 prevailing party. 38 (4) This section does not prohibit any official action by a 39 county required for compliance with general or federal laws or 40 regulations. 41 (5) This section applies retroactively to all official 42 actions taken by a county before July 1, 2025. 43 (6) For purposes of this section, the term “diversity, 44 equity, and inclusion” means any ordinance or policy that 45 classifies an individual on the basis of race, color, sex, 46 national origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation and 47 promotes deferential or preferential treatment of individuals on 48 the basis of such classification. 49 Section 2. Section 166.04971, Florida Statutes, is created 50 to read: 51 166.04971 Prohibition of official actions of municipalities 52 relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion; penalty; remedy.— 53 (1) A municipality may not take any official action, 54 including, but not limited to, the adoption of ordinances, 55 resolutions, rules or regulations, programs, or policies, as it 56 relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 57 (2) Any member of the governing body of a municipality who 58 violates subsection (1), or who votes in favor of an ordinance 59 to expand the powers or authority of an existing office, special 60 district, or governmental unit for the purpose of exercising any 61 power or authority allocated exclusively by the State 62 Constitution or general law to take official action as it 63 relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion, is guilty of 64 misfeasance or malfeasance in office. 65 (3) An action in circuit court may be brought against a 66 municipality that violates this section by a resident of the 67 municipality. The court may enter a judgment awarding 68 declaratory and injunctive relief, damages, and costs. The court 69 may also award reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party; 70 however, the court may not award reasonable attorney fees to a 71 municipality as the prevailing party. 72 (4) This section does not prohibit any official action by 73 the governing body of a municipality required for compliance 74 with general or federal laws or regulations. 75 (5) This section applies retroactively to all official 76 actions taken by the governing body of a municipality before 77 July 1, 2025. 78 (6) For purposes of this section, the term “diversity, 79 equity, and inclusion” means any ordinance or policy that 80 classifies an individual on the basis of race, color, sex, 81 national origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation and 82 promotes deferential or preferential treatment of individuals on 83 the basis of such classification. 84 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.