Florida Senate - 2025                                     SB 424
       By Senator Gaetz
       1-01021B-25                                            2025424__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to office surgery standards of
    3         practice; providing a short title; amending ss.
    4         458.328 and 459.0138, F.S.; prohibiting physicians
    5         from performing level II or level III surgeries on
    6         immediate family members in an office surgery setting,
    7         with exceptions; defining the term “immediate family
    8         member”; prohibiting physicians from altering or
    9         changing a consent form for a surgical procedure after
   10         the patient has signed the form or after sedative
   11         drugs have been administered to the patient;
   12         specifying requirements for health care professionals
   13         performing duties at a registered office which require
   14         licensure or certification; specifying practice
   15         standards for office surgeries; requiring office
   16         surgeries to report adverse incidents to the
   17         Department of Health within a specified timeframe;
   18         specifying requirements if an adverse incident occurs
   19         due to a local anesthetic; prohibiting office
   20         surgeries from performing surgical procedures
   21         concurrently with any construction or refurbishment
   22         that interferes with the safe performance of such
   23         procedures until it is safe to do so; requiring the
   24         department to create an oversight committee for
   25         specified purposes; requiring physicians performing
   26         surgeries in office surgery settings to comply with
   27         specified financial responsibility requirements;
   28         providing an effective date.
   30  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   32         Section 1. This act may be cited as “Hillary’s Law.”
   33         Section 2. Present subsection (3) of section 458.328,
   34  Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (4), a new
   35  subsection (3) is added to that section, and subsection (2) is
   36  amended, to read:
   37         458.328 Office surgeries.—
   38         (2) STANDARDS OF PRACTICE.—
   39         (a) A physician may not perform any surgery or procedure
   40  identified in paragraph (1)(a) in a setting other than an office
   41  surgery setting registered under this section or a facility
   42  licensed under chapter 390 or chapter 395, as applicable. The
   43  board shall impose a fine of $5,000 per incident on a physician
   44  who violates this paragraph.
   45         (b) Office surgeries may not:
   46         1. Be a type of surgery that generally results in blood
   47  loss of more than 10 percent of estimated blood volume in a
   48  patient with a normal hemoglobin level;
   49         2. Require major or prolonged intracranial, intrathoracic,
   50  abdominal, or joint replacement procedures, except for
   51  laparoscopic procedures;
   52         3. Involve major blood vessels and be performed with direct
   53  visualization by open exposure of the major blood vessel, except
   54  for percutaneous endovascular intervention; or
   55         4. Be emergent or life threatening.
   56         (c) A physician performing a gluteal fat grafting procedure
   57  in an office surgery setting shall adhere to standards of
   58  practice under this subsection and rules adopted by the board
   59  which include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
   60         1. A physician performing a gluteal fat grafting procedure
   61  must conduct an in-person examination of the patient while
   62  physically present in the same room as the patient no later than
   63  the day before the procedure.
   64         2. Before a physician may delegate any duties during a
   65  gluteal fat grafting procedure, the patient must provide
   66  written, informed consent for such delegation. Any duty
   67  delegated by a physician during a gluteal fat grafting procedure
   68  must be performed under the direct supervision of the physician
   69  performing such procedure. Fat extraction and gluteal fat
   70  injections must be performed by the physician and may not be
   71  delegated.
   72         3. Fat may only be injected into the subcutaneous space of
   73  the patient and may not cross the fascia overlying the gluteal
   74  muscle. Intramuscular or submuscular fat injections are
   75  prohibited.
   76         4. When the physician performing a gluteal fat grafting
   77  procedure injects fat into the subcutaneous space of the
   78  patient, the physician must use ultrasound guidance, or guidance
   79  with other technology authorized under board rule which equals
   80  or exceeds the quality of ultrasound, during the placement and
   81  navigation of the cannula to ensure that the fat is injected
   82  into the subcutaneous space of the patient above the fascia
   83  overlying the gluteal muscle. Such guidance with the use of
   84  ultrasound or other technology is not required for other
   85  portions of such procedure.
   86         5. An office in which a physician performs gluteal fat
   87  grafting procedures must at all times maintain a ratio of one
   88  physician to one patient during all phases of the procedure,
   89  beginning with the administration of anesthesia to the patient
   90  and concluding with the extubation of the patient. After a
   91  physician has commenced, and while he or she is engaged in, a
   92  gluteal fat grafting procedure, the physician may not commence
   93  or engage in another gluteal fat grafting procedure or any other
   94  procedure with another patient at the same time.
   95         (d)A physician may not:
   96         1.Perform a level II or level III surgery on an immediate
   97  family member unless the family member, due to cost or to
   98  availability of alternate providers, cannot reasonably obtain
   99  the surgical service from another physician. As used in this
  100  subparagraph, the term “immediate family member” means a parent,
  101  spouse, child, or sibling.
  102         2.Alter or change an informed consent form for a procedure
  103  after the consent has been signed, or after any sedative drugs
  104  are administered to the patient.
  105         (e)All health care professionals performing duties at a
  106  registered office which require licensure or certification must
  107  be:
  108         1.Licensed or certified, and may not perform surgeries or
  109  procedures outside the scope of his or her license or
  110  certification.
  111         2.Certified in advanced cardiac life support and maintain
  112  certification through continuing education every 2 years.
  113         (f)A registered office must have:
  114         1.Appropriate staff on premises for procedures and
  115  surgeries and administrative duties.
  116         2.On the premises at all times a functioning automated
  117  external defibrillator device as defined in s. 768.1325(2)(b)
  118  and all necessary critical care equipment and medications.
  119         3.Preoperative guidelines, intraoperative protocols, and
  120  postoperative recovery guidelines in place for each surgery and
  121  procedure, and any follow-up surgeries and procedures, for every
  122  patient.
  123         4.Qualified anesthesia personnel present in the room
  124  throughout the administration of all general and regional
  125  anesthetics and provision of monitored anesthesia care.
  126         5.Proper protocols in place for storing, accessing,
  127  administering, and dispensing sedatives and drugs listed in
  128  Schedule II, Schedule III, or Schedule IV of s. 893.03.
  129         (g)(d) If a procedure in an office surgery setting results
  130  in hospitalization, the incident must be reported as an adverse
  131  incident pursuant to s. 458.351 within 48 hours after its
  132  occurrence. If an adverse incident occurs due to a local
  133  anesthetic, all vials related to the local anesthetic and its
  134  constitution that were administered must be saved as evidence
  135  for the department and the sheriff’s office or municipal police
  136  department.
  137         (h)A registered office having to undergo any type of
  138  construction or refurbishment that materially interferes with
  139  the safe performance of a surgical procedure in the office may
  140  not perform any surgeries or procedures in the building until it
  141  is safe to do so.
  142         (i)An oversight committee shall be created by the
  143  department that oversees any violations of this section and
  144  reports such violations to the department.
  145         (3)LIABILITY.—Any physician performing office surgeries in
  146  an office registered under this section must comply with the
  147  financial responsibility requirements set forth in s. 458.320.
  148         Section 3. Present subsection (3) of section 459.0138,
  149  Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (4), a new
  150  subsection (3) is added to that section, and subsection (2) is
  151  amended, to read:
  152         459.0138 Office surgeries.—
  153         (2) STANDARDS OF PRACTICE.—
  154         (a) A physician may not perform any surgery or procedure
  155  identified in paragraph (1)(a) in a setting other than an office
  156  surgery setting registered under this section or a facility
  157  licensed under chapter 390 or chapter 395, as applicable. The
  158  board shall impose a fine of $5,000 per incident on a physician
  159  who violates this paragraph.
  160         (b) Office surgeries may not:
  161         1. Be a type of surgery that generally results in blood
  162  loss of more than 10 percent of estimated blood volume in a
  163  patient with a normal hemoglobin level;
  164         2. Require major or prolonged intracranial, intrathoracic,
  165  abdominal, or joint replacement procedures, except for
  166  laparoscopic procedures;
  167         3. Involve major blood vessels and be performed with direct
  168  visualization by open exposure of the major blood vessel, except
  169  for percutaneous endovascular intervention; or
  170         4. Be emergent or life threatening.
  171         (c) A physician performing a gluteal fat grafting procedure
  172  in an office surgery setting shall adhere to standards of
  173  practice under this subsection and rules adopted by the board
  174  which include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
  175         1. A physician performing a gluteal fat grafting procedure
  176  must conduct an in-person examination of the patient while
  177  physically present in the same room as the patient no later than
  178  the day before the procedure.
  179         2. Before a physician may delegate any duties during a
  180  gluteal fat grafting procedure, the patient must provide
  181  written, informed consent for such delegation. Any duty
  182  delegated by a physician during a gluteal fat grafting procedure
  183  must be performed under the direct supervision of the physician
  184  performing such procedure. Fat extraction and gluteal fat
  185  injections must be performed by the physician and may not be
  186  delegated.
  187         3. Fat may only be injected into the subcutaneous space of
  188  the patient and may not cross the fascia overlying the gluteal
  189  muscle. Intramuscular or submuscular fat injections are
  190  prohibited.
  191         4. When the physician performing a gluteal fat grafting
  192  procedure injects fat into the subcutaneous space of the
  193  patient, the physician must use ultrasound guidance, or guidance
  194  with other technology authorized under board rule which equals
  195  or exceeds the quality of ultrasound, during the placement and
  196  navigation of the cannula to ensure that the fat is injected
  197  into the subcutaneous space of the patient above the fascia
  198  overlying the gluteal muscle. Such guidance with the use of
  199  ultrasound or other technology is not required for other
  200  portions of such procedure.
  201         5. An office in which a physician performs gluteal fat
  202  grafting procedures must at all times maintain a ratio of one
  203  physician to one patient during all phases of the procedure,
  204  beginning with the administration of anesthesia to the patient
  205  and concluding with the extubation of the patient. After a
  206  physician has commenced, and while he or she is engaged in, a
  207  gluteal fat grafting procedure, the physician may not commence
  208  or engage in another gluteal fat grafting procedure or any other
  209  procedure with another patient at the same time.
  210         (d)A physician may not:
  211         1.Perform a level II or level III surgery on an immediate
  212  family member unless the family member, due to cost or to
  213  availability of alternate providers, cannot reasonably obtain
  214  the surgical service from another physician. As used in this
  215  subparagraph, the term “immediate family member” means a parent,
  216  spouse, child, or sibling.
  217         2.Alter or change an informed consent form for a procedure
  218  after the consent has been signed, or after any sedative drugs
  219  are administered to the patient.
  220         (e)All health care professionals performing duties at a
  221  registered office which require licensure or certification must
  222  be:
  223         1.Licensed or certified, and may not perform surgeries or
  224  procedures outside the scope of his or her license or
  225  certification.
  226         2.Certified in advanced cardiac life support and maintain
  227  certification through continuing education every 2 years.
  228         (f)A registered office must have:
  229         1.Appropriate staff on premises for procedures and
  230  surgeries and administrative duties.
  231         2.On the premises at all times a functioning automated
  232  external defibrillator device as defined in s. 768.1325(2)(b)
  233  and all necessary critical care equipment and medications.
  234         3.Preoperative guidelines, intraoperative protocols, and
  235  postoperative recovery guidelines in place for each surgery and
  236  procedure, and any follow-up surgeries and procedures, for every
  237  patient.
  238         4.Qualified anesthesia personnel present in the room
  239  throughout the administration of all general and regional
  240  anesthetics and provision of monitored anesthesia care.
  241         5.Proper protocols in place for storing, accessing,
  242  administering, and dispensing sedatives and drugs listed in
  243  Schedule II, Schedule III, or Schedule IV of s. 893.03.
  244         (g)(d) If a procedure in an office surgery setting results
  245  in hospitalization, the incident must be reported as an adverse
  246  incident pursuant to s. 458.351 within 48 hours after its
  247  occurrence. If an adverse incident occurs due to a local
  248  anesthetic, all vials related to the local anesthetic and its
  249  constitution that were administered must be saved as evidence
  250  for the department and the sheriff’s office or municipal police
  251  department.
  252         (h)A registered office having to undergo any type of
  253  construction or refurbishment that materially interferes with
  254  the safe performance of a surgical procedure in the office may
  255  not perform any surgeries or procedures in the building until it
  256  is safe to do so.
  257         (i)An oversight committee shall be created by the
  258  department that oversees any violations of this section and
  259  reports such violations to the department.
  260         (3)LIABILITY.—Any physician performing office surgeries in
  261  an office registered under this section must comply with the
  262  financial responsibility requirements set forth in s. 459.0085.
  263         Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.