Florida Senate - 2025 SB 430 By Senator Simon 3-01406-25 2025430__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to automated external defibrillators 3 on school grounds; providing a short title; creating 4 s. 1003.457, F.S.; requiring public schools, including 5 charter schools, to have at least one operational 6 automated external defibrillator on school grounds by 7 a specified date; providing requirements for the 8 placement and maintenance of the defibrillators; 9 providing immunity from liability for school employees 10 and volunteers under the Good Samaritan Act and the 11 Cardiac Arrest Survival Act; requiring school 12 districts and charter schools to annually report 13 specified information to the Commissioner of 14 Education; subject to appropriation, authorizing the 15 Department of Education to reimburse school districts 16 and charter schools for a portion of specified 17 purchases; requiring the State Board of Education to 18 adopt rules; providing an effective date. 19 20 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 21 22 Section 1. This act may be cited as the “Kickstart My Heart 23 Act.” 24 Section 2. Section 1003.457, Florida Statutes, is created 25 to read: 26 1003.457 Automated external defibrillators on school 27 grounds.— 28 (1)(a) No later than July 1, 2027, each public school, 29 including charter schools, must have at least one operational 30 automated external defibrillator on school grounds. The 31 defibrillator must be available in a clearly marked and 32 publicized location. Schools must maintain the defibrillator 33 according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and maintain all 34 verification records for such defibrillator. 35 (b) The location of each defibrillator must be registered 36 with a local emergency medical services medical director. 37 (c) The use of defibrillators by school employees and 38 volunteers is covered under ss. 768.13 and 768.1325. 39 (2) Annually, beginning June 30, 2028, each school district 40 and charter school must report to the Commissioner of Education 41 the number of instances a defibrillator was used on school 42 grounds and the survival rate of individuals experiencing 43 cardiac arrest. 44 (3) Compliance with the requirements of s. 1006.165 does 45 not constitute compliance with this section. 46 (4) Subject to an appropriation, the department may 47 reimburse each school district and charter school up to 50 48 percent of the total automated external defibrillator purchase 49 price. 50 (5) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to 51 administer this section. 52 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.