Florida Senate - 2025 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SJR 536 Ì434972>Î434972 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Ethics and Elections (Grall) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment 2 3 Delete lines 46 - 96 4 and insert: 5 served, in that office for a total of twelve consecutive years. 6 (2) Beginning November 3, 2026, no person may appear on the 7 ballot for election or re-election to the office of state 8 representative or state senator if, by the end of the current 9 term of office, the person will have served, or, but for 10 resignation, would have served, in state legislative office for 11 a total of twenty-four years, regardless of whether such service 12 was consecutive or nonconsecutive. 13 (3) After November 3, 2026, a person may appear on the 14 ballot for re-election to the office of state senator if service 15 of a complete term of office was shortened by apportionment. 16 Such person may still qualify for election or re-election for 17 this subsequent term, even if the term exceeds the limits 18 provided in paragraph (1) or paragraph (2). 19 ARTICLE XII 20 SCHEDULE 21 Implementation of revised term limits for legislators.— 22 (a) This section and the amendment to Section 4 of Article 23 VI imposing term limits of twenty-four years of service on state 24 representatives and state senators shall take effect upon 25 approval by the electors. 26 (b) If a person would otherwise be prohibited from 27 appearing on the ballot for election or re-election by paragraph 28 (d)(1) of Section 4 of Article VI, but the person’s term of 29 office was shortened as a result of apportionment, such person 30 may subsequently appear on the ballot for election or re 31 election to a state legislative office for another term. Service 32 of this additional term does not count toward the limit in 33 paragraph (d)(2) of Section 4 of Article VI. Such person may not 34 seek additional terms in such legislative office. 35 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be 36 placed on the ballot: 37 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 38 ARTICLE VI, SECTION 4 39 ARTICLE XII 40 TERM LIMITS FOR STATE SENATORS AND STATE REPRESENTATIVES. 41 This amendment revises term limits for state representatives and 42 state senators from 8 consecutive years to 12 total years in 43 either office. This amendment specifies that state legislators 44 are limited to 24