Florida Senate - 2025 SB 540 By Senator Collins 14-00597B-25 2025540__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to disability history and awareness 3 instruction; providing a short title; amending s. 4 1003.4205, F.S.; requiring, rather than authorizing, 5 disability history and awareness instruction; 6 requiring that disability history and awareness 7 instruction include specified material; authorizing a 8 district school board to consult with the Evin B. 9 Hartsell Foundation to further develop material; 10 providing an effective date. 11 12 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 13 14 Section 1. This act may be cited as the “Evin B. Hartsell 15 Act.” 16 Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 17 1003.4205, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 18 1003.4205 Disability history and awareness instruction.— 19 (2)(a) During this 2-week period, students mustmaybe 20 provided intensive instruction to expand their knowledge, 21 understanding, and awareness of individuals with disabilities, 22 the history of disability, and the disability rights movement. 23 Disability history may include the events and timelines of the 24 development and evolution of services to, and the civil rights 25 of, individuals with disabilities. Disability history may also 26 include the contributions of specific individuals with 27 disabilities, including the contributions of acknowledged 28 national leaders. 29 1. Instruction must include the following material: 30 a. For grades K-3: 31 (I) Conversations on bullying. Such conversations may 32 address what students should do if they are being bullied, what 33 they should do if they see someone being bullied, why bullying 34 is not the victim’s fault, what different types of bullying look 35 like, the possibility that a friend could be a bully, or the 36 school’s antibullying policy. 37 (II) Activities to teach about physical disabilities. Such 38 activities may include having students take turns using a 39 wheelchair, having students try to complete tasks using only one 40 hand, or having students try to complete tasks with a blindfold 41 while other students act as guides. 42 b. For grades 4-6: 43 (I) Information about autism spectrum disorder. 44 (II) Activities that demonstrate what life with an autism 45 spectrum disorder is like. Such activities may include requiring 46 students to attempt to communicate with one another without 47 speaking. 48 c. For grades 7-9: 49 (I) Information about hearing impairments. 50 (II) Activities that demonstrate what life with hearing 51 impairment is like. Such activities may include requiring 52 students to wear ear plugs and attempt to listen as the teacher 53 reads aloud while noise plays in the background or requiring 54 students to attempt to read one another’s lips. 55 d. For grades 10-12: 56 (I) Information on different types of learning and 57 intellectual disabilities. 58 (II) Activities that demonstrate what life with a learning 59 or intellectual disability is like. Such activities may include 60 requiring students to read sentences written backwards. 61 2. A district school board may consult with the Evin B. 62 Hartsell Foundation to further develop the curricula in 63 subparagraph 1. 64 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.