Florida Senate - 2025 SB 580
By Senator Leek
7-00651A-25 2025580__
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to persons authorized to solemnize
3 matrimony; amending s. 741.07, F.S.; authorizing
4 members of the Legislature to solemnize the rights of
5 matrimonial contract; reenacting ss. 741.08 and
6 741.10, F.S., relating to marriage not being
7 solemnized without a license and proof of marriage
8 where no certificate is available, respectively, to
9 incorporate the amendment made to s. 741.07, F.S., in
10 references thereto; providing an effective date.
12 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14 Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 741.07, Florida
15 Statutes, is amended to read:
16 741.07 Persons authorized to solemnize matrimony.—
17 (1) All regularly ordained ministers of the gospel or
18 elders in communion with a some church, or other ordained
19 clergy; members of the Legislature;, and all judicial officers,
20 including retired judicial officers;, clerks of the circuit
21 courts;, and notaries public of this state may solemnize the
22 rights of matrimonial contract, under the regulations prescribed
23 by law. Nothing in This section does not invalidate shall make
24 invalid a marriage which was solemnized by any member of the
25 clergy, or as otherwise provided by law before prior to July 1,
26 1978.
27 Section 2. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
28 made by this act to section 741.07, Florida Statutes, in a
29 reference thereto, section 741.08, Florida Statutes, is
30 reenacted to read:
31 741.08 Marriage not to be solemnized without a license.
32 Before any of the persons named in s. 741.07 shall solemnize any
33 marriage, he or she shall require of the parties a marriage
34 license issued according to the requirements of s. 741.01, and
35 within 10 days after solemnizing the marriage he or she shall
36 make a certificate thereof on the license, and shall transmit
37 the same to the office of the county court judge or clerk of the
38 circuit court from which it issued.
39 Section 3. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
40 made by this act to section 741.07, Florida Statutes, in a
41 reference thereto, section 741.10, Florida Statutes, is
42 reenacted to read:
43 741.10 Proof of marriage where no certificate available.
44 When any marriage is or has been solemnized by any of the
45 persons named in s. 741.07, and such person has not made a
46 certificate thereof on the marriage license as required by s.
47 741.08, or when the marriage license has been lost, or when by
48 reason of death or other cause the proper certificate cannot be
49 obtained, the marriage may be proved by affidavit before any
50 officer authorized to administer oaths made by two competent
51 witnesses who were present and saw the marriage ceremony
52 performed, which affidavit may be filed and recorded in the
53 office of the county court judge or clerk of the circuit court
54 from which the marriage license issued, with the same force and
55 effect as in cases in which the proper certificate has been
56 made, returned and recorded.
57 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.