Florida Senate - 2025                                     SB 590
       By Senator Leek
       7-00625A-25                                            2025590__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to the State Board of Administration;
    3         amending s. 121.4501, F.S.; revising the federal
    4         regulations that apply to the statement of fiduciary
    5         standards and responsibilities for the Florida
    6         Retirement System Investment Plan; amending s.
    7         121.591, F.S.; revising the timeframe after which
    8         third-party administrators or duly authorized agents
    9         of the board are required to cancel financial
   10         instruments issued for a specified purpose; revising
   11         the timeframe after which certain amounts transferred
   12         to the suspense account are forfeited by the employee;
   13         amending s. 215.47, F.S.; authorizing the board to
   14         invest no more than a specified percentage in
   15         investments that comply with a specified fiduciary
   16         standard; requiring the State Board of Administration
   17         to file a certain report by a specified date with the
   18         Investment Advisory Council, members of the Board of
   19         Trustees, and the Legislature; authorizing the State
   20         Board of Administration and its affiliated limited
   21         liability entities to issue securities and borrow
   22         money through specified means, subject to specified
   23         limitations; providing an effective date.
   25  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   27         Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subsection (15) of section
   28  121.4501, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   29         121.4501 Florida Retirement System Investment Plan.—
   32         (c) Subparagraph (8)(b)2. and paragraph (b) incorporate the
   33  federal law concept of participant control, established by
   34  regulations of the United States Department of Labor under s.
   35  404(c) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
   36  (ERISA). The purpose of this paragraph is to assist employers
   37  and the state board in maintaining compliance with s. 404(c),
   38  while avoiding unnecessary costs and eroding member benefits
   39  under the investment plan. Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. s. 2550.404a
   40  5(d)(4)(i) 29 C.F.R. s. 2550.404c-1(b)(2)(i)(B)(1)(viii), the
   41  state board or its designated agents shall deliver to members of
   42  the investment plan a copy of the prospectus most recently
   43  provided to the plan, and, pursuant to 29 C.F.R. s. 2550.404a
   44  5(d)(4) 29 C.F.R. s. 2550.404c-1(b)(2)(i)(B)(2)(ii), shall
   45  provide such members an opportunity to obtain this information,
   46  except that:
   47         1. The requirement to deliver a prospectus shall be
   48  satisfied by delivery of a fund profile or summary profile that
   49  contains the information that would be included in a summary
   50  prospectus as described by Rule 498 under the Securities Act of
   51  1933, 17 C.F.R. s. 230.498. If the transaction fees, expense
   52  information or other information provided by a mutual fund in
   53  the prospectus does not reflect terms negotiated by the state
   54  board or its designated agents, the requirement is satisfied by
   55  delivery of a separate document described by Rule 498
   56  substituting accurate information; and
   57         2. Delivery shall be effected if delivery is through
   58  electronic means and the following standards are satisfied:
   59         a. Electronically-delivered documents are prepared and
   60  provided consistent with style, format, and content requirements
   61  applicable to printed documents;
   62         b. Each member is provided timely and adequate notice of
   63  the documents that are to be delivered, and their significance,
   64  and of the member’s right to obtain a paper copy of such
   65  documents free of charge;
   66         c. Members have adequate access to the electronic
   67  documents, at locations such as their worksites or public
   68  facilities, and have the ability to convert the documents to
   69  paper free of charge by the state board, and the board or its
   70  designated agents take appropriate and reasonable measures to
   71  ensure that the system for furnishing electronic documents
   72  results in actual receipt. Members have provided consent to
   73  receive information in electronic format, which consent may be
   74  revoked; and
   75         d. The state board, or its designated agent, actually
   76  provides paper copies of the documents free of charge, upon
   77  request.
   78         Section 2. Section 121.591, Florida Statutes, is amended to
   79  read:
   80         121.591 Payment of benefits.—Benefits may not be paid under
   81  the Florida Retirement System Investment Plan unless the member
   82  has terminated employment as provided in s. 121.021(39)(a) or is
   83  deceased and a proper application has been filed as prescribed
   84  by the state board or the department. Benefits, including
   85  employee contributions, are not payable under the investment
   86  plan for employee hardships, unforeseeable emergencies, loans,
   87  medical expenses, educational expenses, purchase of a principal
   88  residence, payments necessary to prevent eviction or foreclosure
   89  on an employee’s principal residence, or any other reason except
   90  a requested distribution for retirement, a mandatory de minimis
   91  distribution authorized by the administrator, or a required
   92  minimum distribution provided pursuant to the Internal Revenue
   93  Code. The state board or department, as appropriate, may cancel
   94  an application for retirement benefits if the member or
   95  beneficiary fails to timely provide the information and
   96  documents required by this chapter and the rules of the state
   97  board and department. In accordance with their respective
   98  responsibilities, the state board and the department shall adopt
   99  rules establishing procedures for application for retirement
  100  benefits and for the cancellation of such application if the
  101  required information or documents are not received. The state
  102  board and the department, as appropriate, are authorized to cash
  103  out a de minimis account of a member who has been terminated
  104  from Florida Retirement System covered employment for a minimum
  105  of 6 calendar months. A de minimis account is an account
  106  containing employer and employee contributions and accumulated
  107  earnings of not more than $5,000 made under the provisions of
  108  this chapter. Such cash-out must be a complete lump-sum
  109  liquidation of the account balance, subject to the provisions of
  110  the Internal Revenue Code, or a lump-sum direct rollover
  111  distribution paid directly to the custodian of an eligible
  112  retirement plan, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, on
  113  behalf of the member. Any nonvested accumulations and associated
  114  service credit, including amounts transferred to the suspense
  115  account of the Florida Retirement System Investment Plan Trust
  116  Fund authorized under s. 121.4501(6), shall be forfeited upon
  117  payment of any vested benefit to a member or beneficiary, except
  118  for de minimis distributions or minimum required distributions
  119  as provided under this section. If any financial instrument
  120  issued for the payment of retirement benefits under this section
  121  is not presented for payment within 180 days after the date of
  122  the instrument’s issuance the last day of the month in which it
  123  was originally issued, the third-party administrator or other
  124  duly authorized agent of the state board shall cancel the
  125  instrument and credit the amount of the instrument to the
  126  suspense account of the Florida Retirement System Investment
  127  Plan Trust Fund authorized under s. 121.4501(6). Any amounts
  128  transferred to the suspense account are payable upon a proper
  129  application, not to include earnings thereon, as provided in
  130  this section, within 10 years after the date of the instrument’s
  131  issuance last day of the month in which the instrument was
  132  originally issued, after which time such amounts and any
  133  earnings attributable to employer contributions shall be
  134  forfeited. Any forfeited amounts are assets of the trust fund
  135  and are not subject to chapter 717.
  136         (1) NORMAL BENEFITS.—Under the investment plan:
  137         (a) Benefits in the form of vested accumulations as
  138  described in s. 121.4501(6) are payable under this subsection in
  139  accordance with the following terms and conditions:
  140         1. Benefits are payable only to a member, an alternate
  141  payee of a qualified domestic relations order, or a beneficiary.
  142         2. Benefits shall be paid by the third-party administrator
  143  or designated approved providers in accordance with the law, the
  144  contracts, and any applicable board rule or policy.
  145         3. The member must be terminated from all employment with
  146  all Florida Retirement System employers, as provided in s.
  147  121.021(39).
  148         4. Benefit payments may not be made until the member has
  149  been terminated for 3 calendar months, except that the state
  150  board may authorize by rule for the distribution of up to 10
  151  percent of the member’s account after being terminated for 1
  152  calendar month if the member has reached the normal retirement
  153  date as defined in s. 121.021.
  154         5. If a member or former member of the Florida Retirement
  155  System receives an invalid distribution, such person must either
  156  repay the full amount within 90 days after receipt of final
  157  notification by the state board or the third-party administrator
  158  that the distribution was invalid, or, in lieu of repayment, the
  159  member must terminate employment from all participating
  160  employers. If such person fails to repay the full invalid
  161  distribution within 90 days after receipt of final notification,
  162  the person may be deemed retired from the investment plan by the
  163  state board and is subject to s. 121.122. If such person is
  164  deemed retired, any joint and several liability set out in s.
  165  121.091(9)(e)2. is void, and the state board, the department, or
  166  the employing agency is not liable for gains on payroll
  167  contributions that have not been deposited to the person’s
  168  account in the investment plan, pending resolution of the
  169  invalid distribution. The member or former member who has been
  170  deemed retired or who has been determined by the state board to
  171  have taken an invalid distribution may appeal the agency
  172  decision through the complaint process as provided under s.
  173  121.4501(9)(g)3. As used in this subparagraph, the term “invalid
  174  distribution” means any distribution from an account in the
  175  investment plan which is taken in violation of this section, s.
  176  121.091(9), or s. 121.4501.
  177         (b) If a member elects to receive his or her benefits upon
  178  termination of employment as defined in s. 121.021, the member
  179  must submit a written application or an application by
  180  electronic means to the third-party administrator indicating his
  181  or her preferred distribution date and selecting an authorized
  182  method of distribution as provided in paragraph (c). The member
  183  may defer receipt of benefits until he or she chooses to make
  184  such application, subject to federal requirements.
  185         (c) Upon receipt by the third-party administrator of a
  186  properly executed application for distribution of benefits, the
  187  total accumulated benefit is payable to the member pro rata
  188  across all Florida Retirement System benefit sources as:
  189         1. A lump-sum or partial distribution to the member;
  190         2. A lump-sum direct rollover distribution whereby all
  191  accrued benefits, plus interest and investment earnings, are
  192  paid from the member’s account directly to the custodian of an
  193  eligible retirement plan, as defined in s. 402(c)(8)(B) of the
  194  Internal Revenue Code, on behalf of the member; or
  195         3. Periodic distributions, as authorized by the state
  196  board.
  197         (d) The distribution payment method selected by the member
  198  or beneficiary, and the retirement of the member or beneficiary,
  199  is final and irrevocable at the time a benefit distribution
  200  payment is cashed, deposited, or transferred to another
  201  financial institution. Any additional service that remains
  202  unclaimed at retirement may not be claimed or purchased, and the
  203  type of retirement may not be changed, except that if a member
  204  recovers from a disability, the member may subsequently request
  205  benefits under subsection (2).
  206         (e) A member may not receive a distribution of employee
  207  contributions if a pending qualified domestic relations order is
  208  filed against the member’s investment plan account.
  209         (2) DISABILITY RETIREMENT BENEFITS.—Benefits provided under
  210  this subsection are payable in lieu of the benefits that would
  211  otherwise be payable under the provisions of subsection (1).
  212  Such benefits must be funded from employer contributions made
  213  under s. 121.571, transferred employee contributions and funds
  214  accumulated pursuant to paragraph (a), and interest and earnings
  215  thereon.
  216         (a) Transfer of funds.—To qualify to receive monthly
  217  disability benefits under this subsection:
  218         1. All moneys accumulated in the member’s account,
  219  including vested and nonvested accumulations as described in s.
  220  121.4501(6), must be transferred from such individual accounts
  221  to the division for deposit in the disability account of the
  222  Florida Retirement System Trust Fund. Such moneys must be
  223  accounted for separately. Earnings must be credited on an annual
  224  basis for amounts held in the disability accounts of the Florida
  225  Retirement System Trust Fund based on actual earnings of the
  226  trust fund.
  227         2. If the member has retained retirement credit earned
  228  under the pension plan as provided in s. 121.4501(3), a sum
  229  representing the actuarial present value of such credit within
  230  the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund shall be reassigned by
  231  the division from the pension plan to the disability program as
  232  implemented under this subsection and shall be deposited in the
  233  disability account of the trust fund. Such moneys must be
  234  accounted for separately.
  235         (b) Disability retirement; entitlement.—
  236         1. A member of the investment plan who becomes totally and
  237  permanently disabled, as defined in paragraph (d), after
  238  completing 8 years of creditable service, or a member who
  239  becomes totally and permanently disabled in the line of duty
  240  regardless of length of service, is entitled to a monthly
  241  disability benefit.
  242         2. In order for service to apply toward the 8 years of
  243  creditable service required for regular disability benefits, or
  244  toward the creditable service used in calculating a service
  245  based benefit as provided under paragraph (g), the service must
  246  be creditable service as described below:
  247         a. The member’s period of service under the investment plan
  248  shall be considered creditable service, except as provided in
  249  subparagraph d.
  250         b. If the member has elected to retain credit for service
  251  under the pension plan as provided under s. 121.4501(3), all
  252  such service shall be considered creditable service.
  253         c. If the member elects to transfer to his or her member
  254  accounts a sum representing the present value of his or her
  255  retirement credit under the pension plan as provided under s.
  256  121.4501(3), the period of service under the pension plan
  257  represented in the present value amounts transferred shall be
  258  considered creditable service, except as provided in
  259  subparagraph d.
  260         d. If a member has terminated employment and has taken
  261  distribution of his or her funds as provided in subsection (1),
  262  all creditable service represented by such distributed funds is
  263  forfeited for purposes of this subsection.
  264         (c) Disability retirement effective date.—The effective
  265  retirement date for a member who applies and is approved for
  266  disability retirement shall be established as provided under s.
  267  121.091(4)(a)2. and 3.
  268         (d) Total and permanent disability.—A member shall be
  269  considered totally and permanently disabled if, in the opinion
  270  of the division, he or she is prevented, by reason of a
  271  medically determinable physical or mental impairment, from
  272  rendering useful and efficient service as an officer or
  273  employee.
  274         (e) Proof of disability.—Before approving payment of any
  275  disability retirement benefit, the division shall require proof
  276  that the member is totally and permanently disabled as provided
  277  under s. 121.091(4)(c).
  278         (f) Disability retirement benefit.—Upon the disability
  279  retirement of a member under this subsection, the member shall
  280  receive a monthly benefit that begins accruing on the first day
  281  of the month of disability retirement, as approved by the
  282  division, and is payable on the last day of that month and each
  283  month thereafter during his or her lifetime and continued
  284  disability. All disability benefits must be paid out of the
  285  disability account of the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund
  286  established under this subsection.
  287         (g) Computation of disability retirement benefit.—The
  288  amount of each monthly payment must be calculated as provided
  289  under s. 121.091(4)(f). Creditable service under both the
  290  pension plan and the investment plan shall be applicable as
  291  provided under paragraph (b).
  292         (h) Reapplication.—A member whose initial application for
  293  disability retirement is denied may reapply for disability
  294  benefits as provided in s. 121.091(4)(g).
  295         (i) Membership.—Upon approval of a member’s application for
  296  disability benefits, the member shall be transferred to the
  297  pension plan, effective upon his or her disability retirement
  298  effective date.
  299         (j) Option to cancel.—A member whose application for
  300  disability benefits is approved may cancel the application if
  301  the cancellation request is received by the division before a
  302  disability retirement warrant has been deposited, cashed, or
  303  received by direct deposit. Upon cancellation:
  304         1. The member’s transfer to the pension plan under
  305  paragraph (i) shall be nullified;
  306         2. The member shall be retroactively reinstated in the
  307  investment plan without hiatus;
  308         3. All funds transferred to the Florida Retirement System
  309  Trust Fund under paragraph (a) must be returned to the member
  310  accounts from which the funds were drawn; and
  311         4. The member may elect to receive the benefit payable
  312  under subsection (1) in lieu of disability benefits.
  313         (k) Recovery from disability.—
  314         1. The division may require periodic reexaminations at the
  315  expense of the disability program account of the Florida
  316  Retirement System Trust Fund. Except as provided in subparagraph
  317  2., all other matters relating to recovery from disability shall
  318  be as provided under s. 121.091(4)(h).
  319         2. Upon recovery from disability, the recipient of
  320  disability retirement benefits under this subsection shall be a
  321  compulsory member of the investment plan. The net difference
  322  between the recipient’s original account balance transferred to
  323  the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund, including earnings and
  324  total disability benefits paid to such recipient, if any, shall
  325  be determined as provided in sub-subparagraph a.
  326         a. An amount equal to the total benefits paid shall be
  327  subtracted from that portion of the transferred account balance
  328  consisting of vested accumulations as described under s.
  329  121.4501(6), if any, and an amount equal to the remainder of
  330  benefit amounts paid, if any, shall be subtracted from any
  331  remaining nonvested accumulations.
  332         b. Amounts subtracted under sub-subparagraph a. must be
  333  retained within the disability account of the Florida Retirement
  334  System Trust Fund. Any remaining account balance shall be
  335  transferred to the third-party administrator for disposition as
  336  provided under sub-subparagraph c. or sub-subparagraph d., as
  337  appropriate.
  338         c. If the recipient returns to covered employment,
  339  transferred amounts must be deposited in individual accounts
  340  under the investment plan, as directed by the member. Vested and
  341  nonvested amounts shall be accounted for separately as provided
  342  in s. 121.4501(6).
  343         d. If the recipient fails to return to covered employment
  344  upon recovery from disability:
  345         (I) Any remaining vested amount must be deposited in
  346  individual accounts under the investment plan, as directed by
  347  the member, and is payable as provided in subsection (1).
  348         (II) Any remaining nonvested amount must be held in a
  349  suspense account and is forfeitable after 5 years as provided in
  350  s. 121.4501(6).
  351         3. If present value was reassigned from the pension plan to
  352  the disability program as provided under subparagraph (a)2., the
  353  full present value amount must be returned to the defined
  354  benefit account within the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund
  355  and the member’s associated retirement credit under the pension
  356  plan must be reinstated in full. Any benefit based upon such
  357  credit must be calculated as provided in s. 121.091(4)(h)1.
  358         (l) Nonadmissible causes of disability.—A member is not
  359  entitled to a disability retirement benefit if the disability
  360  results from any injury or disease as described in s.
  361  121.091(4)(i).
  362         (m) Disability retirement of justice or judge by order of
  363  Supreme Court.—
  364         1. If a member is a justice of the Supreme Court, judge of
  365  a district court of appeal, circuit judge, or judge of a county
  366  court who has served for the years equal to, or greater than,
  367  the vesting requirement in s. 121.021(45) as an elected
  368  constitutional judicial officer, including service as a judicial
  369  officer in any court abolished pursuant to Art. V of the State
  370  Constitution, and who is retired for disability pursuant to s.
  371  12, Art. V of the State Constitution, the member’s Option 1
  372  monthly disability benefit amount as provided in s.
  373  121.091(6)(a)1. shall be two-thirds of his or her monthly
  374  compensation as of the member’s disability retirement date. The
  375  member may alternatively elect to receive an actuarially
  376  adjusted disability retirement benefit under any other option as
  377  provided in s. 121.091(6)(a) or to receive the normal benefit
  378  payable under subsection (1).
  379         2. If any justice or judge who is a member of the
  380  investment plan is retired for disability pursuant to s. 12,
  381  Art. V of the State Constitution and elects to receive a monthly
  382  disability benefit under the provisions of this paragraph:
  383         a. Any present value amount that was transferred to his or
  384  her investment plan account and all employer and employee
  385  contributions made to such account on his or her behalf, plus
  386  interest and earnings thereon, must be transferred to and
  387  deposited in the disability account of the Florida Retirement
  388  System Trust Fund; and
  389         b. The monthly disability benefits payable under this
  390  paragraph shall be paid from the disability account of the
  391  Florida Retirement System Trust Fund.
  392         (n) Death of retiree or beneficiary.—Upon the death of a
  393  disabled retiree or beneficiary of the retiree who is receiving
  394  monthly disability benefits under this subsection, the monthly
  395  benefits shall be paid through the last day of the month of
  396  death and shall terminate, or be adjusted, if applicable, as of
  397  that date in accordance with the optional form of benefit
  398  selected at the time of retirement. The department may adopt
  399  rules necessary to administer this paragraph.
  400         (3) DEATH BENEFITS.—Under the Florida Retirement System
  401  Investment Plan:
  402         (a) Survivor benefits are payable in accordance with the
  403  following terms and conditions, except as provided in subsection
  404  (4):
  405         1. To the extent vested, benefits are payable only to a
  406  member’s beneficiary or beneficiaries as designated by the
  407  member as provided in s. 121.4501(20).
  408         2. Benefits shall be paid by the third-party administrator
  409  or designated approved providers in accordance with the law, the
  410  contracts, and any applicable state board rule or policy.
  411         3. To receive benefits, the member must be deceased.
  412         (b) Except as provided in subsection (4), in the event of a
  413  member’s death, all vested accumulations as described in s.
  414  121.4501(6), less withholding taxes remitted to the Internal
  415  Revenue Service, shall be distributed, as provided in paragraph
  416  (c) or as described in s. 121.4501(20), as if the member retired
  417  on the date of death. No other death benefits are available for
  418  survivors of members, except for benefits, or coverage for
  419  benefits, as are otherwise provided by law or separately
  420  provided by the employer, at the employer’s discretion.
  421         (c) Except as provided in subsection (4), upon receipt by
  422  the third-party administrator of a properly executed application
  423  for distribution of benefits, the total accumulated benefit is
  424  payable by the third-party administrator to the member’s
  425  surviving beneficiary or beneficiaries, as:
  426         1. A lump-sum distribution payable to the beneficiary or
  427  beneficiaries, or to the deceased member’s estate;
  428         2. An eligible rollover distribution, if permitted, on
  429  behalf of the surviving spouse of a deceased member, whereby all
  430  accrued benefits, plus interest and investment earnings, are
  431  paid from the deceased member’s account directly to the
  432  custodian of an eligible retirement plan, as described in s.
  433  402(c)(8)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code, on behalf of the
  434  surviving spouse; or
  435         3. A partial lump-sum payment whereby a portion of the
  436  accrued benefit is paid to the deceased member’s surviving
  437  spouse or other designated beneficiaries, less withholding taxes
  438  remitted to the Internal Revenue Service, and the remaining
  439  amount is transferred directly to the custodian of an eligible
  440  retirement plan, if permitted, as described in s. 402(c)(8)(B)
  441  of the Internal Revenue Code, on behalf of the surviving spouse.
  442  The proportions must be specified by the member or the surviving
  443  beneficiary.
  445  This paragraph does not abrogate other applicable provisions of
  446  state or federal law providing for payment of death benefits.
  448  MEMBERS.—Benefits are provided under this subsection to the
  449  spouse and child or children of members in the investment plan
  450  when such members are killed in the line of duty and are payable
  451  in lieu of the benefits that would otherwise be payable under
  452  subsection (1) or subsection (3). Benefits provided by this
  453  subsection supersede any other distribution that may have been
  454  provided by the member’s designation of beneficiary. Such
  455  benefits must be funded from employer contributions made under
  456  s. 121.571, transferred employee contributions and funds
  457  accumulated pursuant to paragraph (a), and interest and earnings
  458  thereon.
  459         (a) Transfer of funds.—To qualify to receive monthly
  460  benefits under this subsection:
  461         1. All moneys accumulated in the member’s account,
  462  including vested and nonvested accumulations as described in s.
  463  121.4501(6), must be transferred from such individual accounts
  464  to the division for deposit in the survivor benefit account of
  465  the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund. Moneys in the survivor
  466  benefit account must be accounted for separately. Earnings must
  467  be credited on an annual basis for amounts held in the survivor
  468  benefit account of the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund
  469  based on actual earnings of the trust fund.
  470         2. If the member has retained retirement credit earned
  471  under the pension plan as provided in s. 121.4501(3), a sum
  472  representing the actuarial present value of such credit within
  473  the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund shall be transferred by
  474  the division from the pension plan to the survivor benefit
  475  retirement program as implemented under this subsection and
  476  shall be deposited in the survivor benefit account of the trust
  477  fund.
  478         (b) Survivor retirement; entitlement.—An investment plan
  479  member who is killed in the line of duty on or after July 1,
  480  2002, regardless of length of creditable service, may have
  481  survivor benefits paid as provided in s. 121.091(7)(d) and (i)
  482  to:
  483         1. The surviving spouse for the spouse’s lifetime; or
  484         2. If there is no surviving spouse or the surviving spouse
  485  dies, the member’s child or children under 18 years of age and
  486  unmarried until the 18th birthday of the member’s youngest
  487  child. Such payments may be extended until the 25th birthday of
  488  any child of the member if the child is unmarried and enrolled
  489  as a full-time student as provided in s. 121.091(7)(d) and (i).
  490         (c) Survivor benefit retirement effective date.—
  491         1. The effective retirement date for the surviving spouse
  492  or eligible child of a Special Risk Class member who is killed
  493  in the line of duty is:
  494         a. The first day of the month following the member’s death
  495  if the member dies on or after July 1, 2016.
  496         b. July 1, 2016, for a member of the Special Risk Class
  497  when killed in the line of duty on or after July 1, 2013, but
  498  before July 1, 2016, if the application is received before July
  499  1, 2016; or the first day of the month following the receipt of
  500  such application.
  501         2. Except as provided in subparagraph 1., the effective
  502  retirement date for the surviving spouse or eligible child of an
  503  investment plan member who is killed in the line of duty is:
  504         a. The first day of the month following the member’s death
  505  if the member dies on or after July 1, 2017.
  506         b. July 1, 2017, if the member is killed in the line of
  507  duty on or after July 1, 2002, but before July 1, 2017, if the
  508  application is received before July 1, 2017; or the first day of
  509  the month following the receipt of such application.
  511  If the investment plan account balance has already been paid out
  512  to the surviving spouse or the eligible unmarried dependent
  513  child or children, the benefit payable shall be actuarially
  514  reduced by the amount of the payout.
  515         (d) Line-of-duty death benefit.—
  516         1. The following individuals are eligible to receive a
  517  retirement benefit under s. 121.091(7)(d) and (i) if the
  518  member’s account balance is surrendered and an application is
  519  received and approved:
  520         a. The surviving spouse.
  521         b. If there is no surviving spouse or the surviving spouse
  522  dies, the member’s child or children under 18 years of age and
  523  unmarried until the 18th birthday of the member’s youngest
  524  child, or until the 25th birthday of the member’s child if the
  525  child is unmarried and enrolled as a full-time student.
  526         2. Such surviving spouse or such child or children shall
  527  receive a monthly survivor benefit that begins accruing on the
  528  first day of the month of survivor benefit retirement, as
  529  approved by the division, and is payable on the last day of that
  530  month and each month thereafter during the surviving spouse’s
  531  lifetime or on behalf of the unmarried children of the member
  532  until the 18th birthday of the youngest child, or until the 25th
  533  birthday of any of the member’s unmarried children who are
  534  enrolled as full-time students. Survivor benefits must be paid
  535  out of the survivor benefit account of the Florida Retirement
  536  System Trust Fund established under this subsection.
  538  If the investment plan account balance has already been paid out
  539  to the surviving spouse or the eligible unmarried dependent
  540  child or children, the benefit payable shall be actuarially
  541  reduced by the amount of the payout.
  542         (e) Computation of survivor benefit retirement benefit.—The
  543  amount of each monthly payment must be calculated as provided
  544  under s. 121.091(7)(d) and (i).
  545         (f) Death of the surviving spouse or children.—
  546         1. Upon the death of a surviving spouse, the monthly
  547  benefits shall be paid through the last day of the month of
  548  death and shall terminate or be paid on behalf of the unmarried
  549  child or children until the 18th birthday of the youngest child,
  550  or the 25th birthday of any of the member’s unmarried children
  551  who are enrolled as full-time students.
  552         2. If the surviving spouse dies and the benefits are being
  553  paid on behalf of the member’s unmarried children as provided in
  554  subparagraph 1., benefits shall be paid through the last day of
  555  the month until the later of the month the youngest child
  556  reaches his or her 18th birthday, the month of the 25th birthday
  557  of any of the member’s unmarried children enrolled as full-time
  558  students, or the month of the death of the youngest child.
  559         (5) LIMITATION ON LEGAL PROCESS.—The benefits payable to
  560  any person under the Florida Retirement System Investment Plan,
  561  and any contributions accumulated under the plan, are not
  562  subject to assignment, execution, attachment, or any legal
  563  process, except for qualified domestic relations orders by a
  564  court of competent jurisdiction, income deduction orders as
  565  provided in s. 61.1301, and federal income tax levies.
  566         Section 3. Subsection (6) of section 215.47, Florida
  567  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (22) is added to that
  568  section, to read:
  569         215.47 Investments; authorized securities; loan of
  570  securities.—Subject to the limitations and conditions of the
  571  State Constitution or of the trust agreement relating to a trust
  572  fund, moneys available for investments under ss. 215.44-215.53
  573  may be invested as follows:
  574         (6) With no more than 5 percent of any fund to be invested
  575  in any investment that complies with the fiduciary standard of
  576  care set forth in subsection (10) as deemed appropriate by the
  577  board, notwithstanding investment limitations otherwise
  578  expressed in this section. Before The board shall file a report
  579  by each January 31 with the Investment Advisory Council, each
  580  member of the Board of Trustees, the President of the Senate,
  581  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives which lists all
  582  investments made by the board pursuant to this subsection during
  583  the previous calendar year engages in any investment activity
  584  not otherwise authorized under ss. 215.44-215.53, excluding
  585  investments in publicly traded securities, options, financial
  586  futures, or similar instruments, the board shall present to the
  587  Investment Advisory Council a proposed plan for such investment.
  588  Such plan must include, but not be limited to, a detailed
  589  analysis of the investment, the expected benefits and potential
  590  risks of such activity, and the methods for monitoring and
  591  measuring the performance of the investment.
  592         (22)With no more than 5 percent of any fund, the State
  593  Board of Administration or its affiliated limited liability
  594  entities may issue securities and borrow money through loans or
  595  other financial obligations, including bonds, equity securities,
  596  and other security instruments, any of which may be unsecured;
  597  secured by investments authorized by subsection (15) or related
  598  cash flows; guaranteed by the related fund; or governed by
  599  financial covenants.
  600         Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.