Florida Senate - 2025                                     SB 594
       By Senator Rodriguez
       40-01099-25                                            2025594__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to no anchoring or mooring zones;
    3         creating s. 311.104, F.S.; authorizing certain
    4         seaports to designate no anchoring or mooring zones
    5         for specified purposes; specifying boundary limits for
    6         no anchoring or mooring zones; authorizing certain
    7         seaports to apply to the Fish and Wildlife
    8         Conservation Commission to establish no anchoring or
    9         mooring zones; requiring an applicant to hold a
   10         specified number of public hearings; authorizing the
   11         commission to consult with other entities; authorizing
   12         the commission to modify no anchoring or mooring zone
   13         boundaries; requiring certain seaports to annually
   14         review the boundaries of approved no anchoring or
   15         mooring zones and submit a revised application under
   16         certain circumstances; requiring that certain
   17         information be included in seaport security plans and
   18         seaport strategic plans; providing an effective date.
   20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   22         Section 1. Section 311.104, Florida Statutes, is created to
   23  read:
   24         311.104 Designation of no anchoring or mooring zones.—
   25         (1) Each seaport listed in s. 311.09(1) may designate no
   26  anchoring or mooring zones for all of the following purposes:
   27         (a) Implementing port security measures.
   28         (b) Ensuring freight and passenger commerce is not impeded.
   29         (c) Promoting the safety and security of residents and
   30  visitors of this state.
   31         (d) Maintaining and protecting the flow of legitimate trade
   32  and travel at all times.
   33         (2) The boundary of any designated no anchoring or mooring
   34  zone may not exceed 5,000 feet from a seaport entrance or pier
   35  or wharf adjacent to a seaport channel or turning basin.
   36         (3) A seaport listed in s. 311.09(1) may apply, pursuant to
   37  chapter 327, to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to
   38  establish a no anchoring or mooring zone.
   39         (4) Before applying to the commission to establish a no
   40  anchoring or mooring zone, an applicant must hold at least two
   41  public hearings displaying the boundaries of the proposed no
   42  anchoring or mooring zone.
   43         (5) The commission may consult with the United States Coast
   44  Guard, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the
   45  Department of Transportation when considering an application
   46  for, and the boundaries of, a no anchoring or mooring zone.
   47         (6) When considering an application for a no anchoring or
   48  mooring zone, the commission may modify the proposed boundaries
   49  of such no anchoring or mooring zone.
   50         (7) After approval of a no anchoring or mooring zone, the
   51  seaport must review the no anchoring or mooring zone boundaries
   52  annually and, if necessary, submit a revised application to the
   53  commission with any proposed modifications to the boundaries.
   54         (8) Each seaport must include in its seaport security plan
   55  and in its seaport strategic plan, as required under ss. 311.12
   56  and 311.14, respectively, any approved no anchoring or mooring
   57  zones that are in effect.
   58         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.