Florida Senate - 2025                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 600
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  03/13/2025           .                                

       The Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and
       Economic Development (Truenow) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Paragraph (m) is added to subsection (4) of
    6  section 20.60, Florida Statutes, to read:
    7         20.60 Department of Commerce; creation; powers and duties.—
    8         (4) The purpose of the department is to assist the Governor
    9  in working with the Legislature, state agencies, business
   10  leaders, and economic development professionals to formulate and
   11  implement coherent and consistent policies and strategies
   12  designed to promote economic opportunities for all Floridians.
   13  The department is the state’s chief agency for business
   14  recruitment and expansion and economic development. To
   15  accomplish such purposes, the department shall:
   16         (m) Encourage and oversee manufacturing in this state in
   17  coordination with the Chief Manufacturing Officer.
   18         Section 2. Section 20.601, Florida Statutes, is created to
   19  read:
   20         20.601Chief Manufacturing Officer.—
   21         (1)There shall be designated among the senior leadership
   22  of the Department of Commerce a Chief Manufacturing Officer for
   23  the purpose of supporting the manufacturing ecosystem statewide.
   24  The Chief Manufacturing Officer is appointed by and serves at
   25  the pleasure of the Secretary of Commerce.
   26         (2)The Chief Manufacturing Officer shall:
   27         (a)Serve as a subject-matter expert for the state on
   28  issues related to manufacturing.
   29         (b)Be responsible for promoting and coordinating
   30  manufacturing efforts in this state and identifying gaps across
   31  state-supported activities.
   32         (c)Provide strategic direction for interagency and cross
   33  disciplinary initiatives to promote and support manufacturing in
   34  this state.
   35         (d)Work with federal, state, regional, and local
   36  governmental entities and nongovernmental entities to align
   37  manufacturing priorities.
   38         (e)Engage with state agencies and water management
   39  districts to innovate processes, programs, decision frameworks,
   40  and reporting mechanisms intended to support manufacturing in
   41  this state.
   42         (3)All state and local governmental entities shall assist
   43  the Chief Manufacturing Officer to the extent such assistance is
   44  consistent with law and with budgetary constraints.
   45         (4)The department shall prepare a report, in consultation
   46  with the Chief Manufacturing Officer and the state Manufacturing
   47  Extension Partnership, regarding manufacturing efforts in this
   48  state. The department shall submit the report to the Governor,
   49  the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
   50  Representatives by December 15, 2026, and every 2 years
   51  thereafter. The report must include information regarding the
   52  strength and economic importance of the manufacturing industry
   53  in this state.
   54         Section 3. Section 288.103, Florida Statutes, is created to
   55  read:
   56         288.103 Florida Manufacturers’ Workforce Development Grant
   57  Program.—
   58         (1) The Florida Manufacturers Workforce Development Grant
   59  Program is created within the Department of Commerce, under the
   60  direction of the Chief Manufacturing Officer and in consultation
   61  with the state Manufacturing Extension Partnership, to fund
   62  proposed projects, subject to appropriation by the Legislature,
   63  which support small manufacturers in this state with the
   64  deployment of new technologies or cybersecurity infrastructure
   65  and to provide training support to the workforce.
   66         (2) The department, in coordination with the Chief
   67  Manufacturing Officer and the state Manufacturing Extension
   68  Partnership, shall review applications submitted and select
   69  projects for awards which create strategic investments in
   70  workforce training to facilitate the deployment of new
   71  technologies or cybersecurity infrastructure. Final grant awards
   72  are made at the sole discretion of the department.
   73         (3) Priority must be given to projects with innovative
   74  plans, advanced technologies, and development strategies that
   75  focus on workforce development for small manufacturers across
   76  this state.
   77         (4) Applicants may seek funding for workforce development
   78  and operations, but grant funding awarded under this section may
   79  not be used to pay salary and benefits or general business or
   80  office expenses. Grants awarded under the program shall be
   81  administered by the department from the Economic Development
   82  Trust Fund established in s. 288.095.
   83         (5) The department shall annually provide a list available
   84  to the public of each project awarded a grant, the benefit of
   85  each project in meeting the goals and objectives of the program,
   86  and the current status of each project. The department shall
   87  include such information in its annual incentives report
   88  required under s. 288.0065.
   89         (6)The department may adopt rules to implement this
   90  section.
   91         Section 4. Section 288.1031, Florida Statutes, is created
   92  to read:
   93         288.1031 Legislative findings.—The Legislature finds that
   94  there is a need for the Florida Manufacturing Promotional
   95  Campaign, as established in s. 288.1033, to increase consumer
   96  awareness of manufacturing activities in this state, to expand
   97  market exposure for manufactured products and goods in this
   98  state, and to inspire future generations of entrepreneurs,
   99  fabricators, and skilled workers to build and grow domestic
  100  businesses and manufacturing operations in this state. The
  101  Legislature further finds that a campaign that creates a
  102  partnership between industry and the state is necessary to
  103  promote and advertise such products efficiently.
  104         Section 5. Section 288.1032, Florida Statutes, is created
  105  to read:
  106         288.1032 Definitions.—As used in ss. 288.1031-288.1036, the
  107  term:
  108         (1) “Campaign” means the Florida Manufacturing Promotional
  109  Campaign.
  110         (2) “Department” means the Department of Commerce.
  111         (3) “Manufactured product” means any tangible personal
  112  property that has been fabricated or produced, often through
  113  industrial or mechanical processes. The term includes items sold
  114  or leased to consumers.
  115         (4) “Person” means an individual, a firm, a partnership, a
  116  corporation, an association, a business, a trust, a legal
  117  representative, or any other business unit.
  118         Section 6. Section 288.1033, Florida Statutes, is created
  119  to read:
  120         288.1033 Florida Manufacturing Promotional Campaign;
  121  purpose; duties of the department.—There is created within the
  122  department, under the supervision of the Chief Manufacturing
  123  Officer and in coordination with the state Manufacturing
  124  Extension Partnership, the Florida Manufacturing Promotional
  125  Campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to serve as a voluntary
  126  marketing program to promote manufacturing products and
  127  businesses in this state. In promoting the campaign, the
  128  department shall do all of the following:
  129         (1) Develop logos for the campaign and authorize the use of
  130  such logos as provided by rule.
  131         (2) Register campaign participants.
  132         (3) Collect rental receipts for industry promotions.
  133         (4) Develop in-kind advertising programs.
  134         (5) Contract with media representatives for the purpose of
  135  dispersing promotional materials.
  136         Section 7. Section 288.1034, Florida Statutes, is created
  137  to read:
  138         288.1034 Registration.—A person that participates in the
  139  Florida Manufacturing Promotional Campaign must register
  140  annually with the department in a form and manner as prescribed
  141  by the department.
  142         Section 8. Section 288.1036, Florida Statutes, is created
  143  to read:
  144         288.1036Rulemaking authority.—The department may adopt
  145  rules to implement and administer the Florida Manufacturing
  146  Promotional Campaign. By rule, the department may establish the
  147  logos or product identifiers to be depicted for use in the
  148  campaign for advertising, publicizing, and promoting the sale of
  149  manufactured products in this state. The department may also
  150  adopt any other rules as deemed necessary to ensure compliance
  151  with the Florida Manufacturing Promotional Campaign, including,
  152  but not limited to, rules governing participant registration,
  153  renewal of registration, classes of membership, application
  154  forms, and other forms and enforcement measures.
  155         Section 9. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.
  157  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  158  And the title is amended as follows:
  159         Delete everything before the enacting clause
  160  and insert:
  161                        A bill to be entitled                      
  162         An act relating to manufacturing; amending s. 20.60,
  163         F.S.; revising the duties of the Department of
  164         Commerce; creating s. 20.601, F.S.; establishing the
  165         Chief Manufacturing Officer among the senior
  166         leadership of the department; providing that the Chief
  167         Manufacturing Officer is appointed by and serves at
  168         the pleasure of the Secretary of Commerce; providing
  169         responsibilities for the Chief Manufacturing Officer;
  170         directing all state and local governmental entities to
  171         assist the Chief Manufacturing Officer; requiring the
  172         department biennially to prepare a report regarding
  173         manufacturing efforts in this state; requiring the
  174         department to submit its report on a specified date
  175         and biennially thereafter to the Governor and the
  176         Legislature; requiring that the report include certain
  177         information; creating s. 288.103, F.S.; creating the
  178         Florida Manufacturers’ Workforce Development Grant
  179         Program; providing that the grant program is created
  180         within the department and under the direction of the
  181         Chief Manufacturing Officer; providing a specified
  182         purpose for the grant program; requiring the
  183         department, the Chief Manufacturing Officer, and the
  184         state Manufacturing Extension Partnership to review
  185         applications submitted and to select specified
  186         projects; providing that the department has sole
  187         discretion in final grant awards; requiring that
  188         priority be given to projects that meet certain
  189         criteria; authorizing applicants to seek funding for a
  190         specified purpose; requiring the department to
  191         administer the grant awards from the Economic
  192         Development Trust Fund; requiring the department to
  193         include certain information in its annual incentives
  194         report; authorizing the department to adopt rules;
  195         creating s. 288.1031, F.S.; providing legislative
  196         findings; creating s. 288.1032, F.S.; defining terms;
  197         creating s. 288.1033, F.S.; creating the Florida
  198         Manufacturing Promotional Campaign within the
  199         department; providing the purpose of the campaign;
  200         requiring the department to take certain actions in
  201         promoting the campaign; creating s. 288.1034, F.S.;
  202         requiring persons that participate in the campaign to
  203         register annually with the department; creating s.
  204         288.1036, F.S.; authorizing the department to adopt
  205         rules; authorizing the department to establish, by
  206         rule, the logos or product identifiers to be depicted
  207         for use in the campaign; providing an effective date.