Florida Senate - 2025 CS for SB 602 By the Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development; and Senator Truenow 606-02272-25 2025602c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to fees; creating s. 288.1035, F.S.; 3 requiring the Department of Commerce to assess and 4 collect a specified annual fee sufficient to fund the 5 costs of administering the voluntary Florida 6 Manufacturing Promotional Campaign; requiring that 7 such fees be deposited into the Economic Development 8 Trust Fund for a specified purpose; providing a 9 contingent effective date. 10 11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 13 Section 1. Section 288.1035, Florida Statutes, is created 14 to read: 15 288.1035 Fees.— 16 (1) The department shall assess and collect an annual fee 17 not to exceed $100 per registrant to fund the costs of 18 administering the voluntary Florida Manufacturing Promotional 19 Campaign. 20 (2) Fees must be deposited into the Economic Development 21 Trust Fund established in s. 288.095 to be used solely for 22 administering the campaign. 23 Section 2. This act shall take effect on the same date that 24 SB 600 or other similar legislation takes effect, if such 25 legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an 26 extension thereof and becomes a law.