Florida Senate - 2025 CS for SB 620 By the Committee on Transportation; and Senator Rodriguez 596-02133-25 2025620c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to specialty license plates; amending 3 s. 320.08058, F.S.; directing the Department of 4 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to develop a Miami 5 Dade College license plate; providing for distribution 6 and use of fees collected from the sale of the plate; 7 providing an effective date. 8 9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 10 11 Section 1. Subsection (136) is added to section 320.08058, 12 Florida Statutes, to read: 13 320.08058 Specialty license plates.— 14 (136) MIAMI DADE COLLEGE LICENSE PLATE.— 15 (a) The department shall develop a Miami Dade College 16 license plate as provided in this section and s. 320.08053. The 17 plate must bear the colors and design approved by the 18 department. The word “Florida” must appear at the top of the 19 plate, and the words “Miami Dade College” must appear at the 20 bottom or side of the plate. 21 (b) The annual use fees from the sale of the plate shall be 22 distributed to the Miami Dade College Foundation, Inc., which 23 may use up to 10 percent of such fees for administrative costs 24 and marketing of the plate. The balance of the fees must be used 25 by the Miami Dade College Foundation, Inc., to fund student 26 scholarships. 27 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 2025.