Florida Senate - 2025                                     SB 636
       By Senator Martin
       33-01104-25                                            2025636__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to motor vehicles using the
    3         furthermost left-hand lane; amending s. 316.081, F.S.;
    4         defining the term “furthermost left-hand lane”;
    5         prohibiting a driver from operating a motor vehicle in
    6         the furthermost left-hand lane on specified roadways;
    7         providing exceptions; providing applicability;
    8         requiring the Department of Transportation to make
    9         certain designations and install specified signage;
   10         providing an effective date.
   12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   14         Section 1. Subsection (3) of section 316.081, Florida
   15  Statutes, is amended to read:
   16         316.081 Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions.—
   17         (3) As used in this subsection, the term “furthermost left
   18  hand lane” means the farthest, most left-hand lane, unless such
   19  left-hand lane is a high-occupancy-vehicle lane as defined in s.
   20  316.0741, or is a designated left-turn lane, in which case the
   21  furthermost left-hand lane is the lane immediately to the right
   22  of the high-occupancy-vehicle lane or the left-turn lane.
   23         (a) On a road, street, or highway having two or more lanes
   24  allowing movement in the same direction, a driver may not
   25  continue to operate a motor vehicle in the furthermost left-hand
   26  lane if the driver knows or reasonably should know that he or
   27  she is being overtaken in that lane from the rear by a motor
   28  vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed. This paragraph
   29  subsection does not apply to drivers operating a vehicle that is
   30  overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, or
   31  is preparing for a left turn at an intersection.
   32         (b) On a designated road, street, or highway with two or
   33  more lanes allowing movement in the same direction and with a
   34  posted speed limit of at least 65 miles per hour, a driver may
   35  not operate a motor vehicle in the furthermost left-hand lane
   36  when other vehicular traffic is present, except when:
   37         1. Overtaking and passing another vehicle;
   38         2. Preparing to exit the road, street, or highway;
   39         3. Required by s. 316.126;
   40         4. Otherwise directed by an official traffic control
   41  device; or
   42         5. Environmental or traffic conditions dictate.
   44  This paragraph does not apply to drivers operating authorized
   45  emergency vehicles or drivers operating vehicles engaged in
   46  highway maintenance or construction operations.
   47         (c) The Department of Transportation shall designate the
   48  portions of any roadway for which paragraph (b) applies and
   49  install the appropriate signage advising motorists of the
   50  requirements of paragraph (b).
   51         Section 2. This act shall take effect January 1, 2026.