Florida Senate - 2025 (NP) SR 646 By Senator Burgess 23-01391-25 2025646__ 1 Senate Resolution 2 A resolution honoring and recognizing the victims of 3 Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. 4 5 WHEREAS, our nation was founded by individuals willing to 6 sacrifice their personal safety to ensure our collective 7 freedom, and the Sunshine State is proud to be home to many 8 valiant men and women who have performed above and beyond the 9 call of duty, and 10 WHEREAS, throughout our history, United States citizens 11 have been called upon to take up arms against the enemies of 12 this great nation, risking their lives and leaving their loved 13 ones behind to honorably safeguard the freedoms and liberties 14 guaranteed to all Americans, and 15 WHEREAS, more than eight million Americans honorably served 16 during the Vietnam War, during which time Agent Orange was 17 widely used by the United States Armed Forces as part of the 18 herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, from 1962 19 through 1971, and 20 WHEREAS, Florida is home to more than 423,000 Vietnam-era 21 veterans, and 22 WHEREAS, nearly 20 million gallons of Agent Orange were 23 sprayed over Vietnam from helicopters and aircraft, destroying 24 vegetation and crops to deprive enemy forces of food and cover 25 and exposing approximately 2.6 million American soldiers to this 26 herbicide and defoliant chemical, and 27 WHEREAS, Agent Orange is a dioxin and cancer-causing 28 chemical that enters the body through physical contact or 29 ingestion, attacks human genes, and causes numerous serious 30 illnesses, including various forms of cancer, heart disease, and 31 other debilitating conditions, and 32 WHEREAS, Agent Orange exposure has also resulted in genetic 33 damage, with some children and grandchildren of exposed veterans 34 born with spina bifida and other abnormalities, and 35 WHEREAS, today, only 800,000 Vietnam veterans exposed to 36 Agent Orange are alive, with approximately 300 deaths occurring 37 among them every day, and 38 WHEREAS, while fallen comrades are memorialized on The Wall 39 at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., those 40 veterans who are victims of Agent Orange are not recognized as 41 casualties of the Vietnam War, and 42 WHEREAS, it is most appropriate that we honor these 43 veterans to the fullest extent of our ability, as they have made 44 untold and innumerable sacrifices to preserve the liberties that 45 we enjoy today and that future generations will continue to 46 cherish, NOW, THEREFORE, 47 48 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: 49 50 That we honor and recognize the victims of Agent Orange during 51 the Vietnam War for their courageous service to our nation as 52 some of America’s most heroic citizens. 53 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be 54 presented to the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the 55 United States Department of Veterans Affairs as a tangible token 56 of the sentiments expressed herein.