Florida Senate - 2025 SB 648 By Senator Rodriguez 40-01424-25 2025648__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Diabetes Prevention and Obesity 3 Treatment Act; creating s. 385.2035, F.S.; providing a 4 short title; defining terms; beginning on a specified 5 date, requiring the Agency for Health Care 6 Administration to provide Medicaid coverage for 7 diabetes prevention programs if the Medicaid recipient 8 meets specified criteria; requiring the agency to 9 provide Medicaid coverage for certain treatments for 10 obesity; providing that covered services may be 11 offered in various settings; providing construction; 12 requiring the agency to adopt rules and provide 13 written notification of certain information to 14 Medicaid recipients; authorizing the agency to seek 15 federal approval through a state plan amendment or 16 Medicaid waiver if necessary to implement specified 17 provisions; providing an effective date. 18 19 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 20 21 Section 1. Section 385.2035, Florida Statutes, is created 22 to read: 23 385.2035 Diabetes prevention and obesity treatment.— 24 (1) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be cited as the “Diabetes 25 Prevention and Obesity Treatment Act.” 26 (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term: 27 (a) “Agency” means the Agency for Health Care 28 Administration. 29 (b) “Diabetes prevention program” means structured 30 behavioral health change sessions that are furnished to an 31 eligible individual by a diabetes prevention program provider 32 for the purpose of preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 33 diabetes and that follow a curriculum approved by the United 34 States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 35 (c) “Diabetes prevention program provider” means an entity 36 that is recognized under the United States Centers for Disease 37 Control and Prevention Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program 38 to offer a diabetes prevention program through an approved 39 delivery method, including in person, online, and distance 40 learning, or a combination thereof, and other synchronous and 41 asynchronous modalities. 42 (d) “FDA-approved obesity medication” means any medication 43 approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration with 44 an indication for chronic weight management in patients with an 45 obesity diagnosis. 46 (e) “Intensive health behavioral and lifestyle treatment” 47 means an evidence-based, intensive, multicomponent behavioral or 48 lifestyle modification intervention that supports healthy weight 49 management and is delivered in person or through telehealth as 50 defined in s. 456.47. 51 (f) “Metabolic and bariatric surgery” means any surgical 52 intervention included in the most current American Society for 53 Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)/International Federation 54 for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders Guidelines on 55 Indications for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. 56 (3) MEDICAID COVERAGE FOR DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAMS. 57 Beginning January 1, 2026, the agency shall reimburse a diabetes 58 prevention program provider for a Medicaid recipient’s 59 participation in the program if the recipient: 60 (a) Meets the diabetes prevention program’s eligibility 61 requirements; and 62 (b) Has not previously participated in the program while 63 enrolled in the Medicaid program. 64 (4) MEDICAID COVERAGE FOR MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT OF 65 OBESITY REQUIRED.— 66 (a) The agency shall pay for the treatment of Medicaid 67 recipients for the chronic disease of obesity, including, but 68 not limited to, all of the following: 69 1. Intensive health behavioral and lifestyle treatment. 70 2. Metabolic and bariatric surgery. 71 3. FDA-approved obesity medication. 72 (b) The coverage criteria for an FDA-approved obesity 73 medication may not be more restrictive than the FDA-approved 74 indications for such medication. 75 (c) Intensive health behavioral and lifestyle treatment may 76 include interventions certified by or recognized by the United 77 States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or recommended 78 by current clinical standards of care. The services may be 79 provided in office settings, virtually, or in community-based 80 settings to support patient access and needs. 81 (d) This subsection does not prohibit the agency from 82 applying its standard methodologies to determine the medical 83 necessity or appropriateness of a course of treatment authorized 84 under this section, provided that such determinations are made 85 in the same manner as those made for the treatment of any other 86 illness, condition, or disorder covered by the state Medicaid 87 program. 88 (5) RULES.—The agency shall adopt rules to implement this 89 section and shall notify Medicaid recipients in writing about 90 the availability of treatment for the chronic disease of obesity 91 and diabetes prevention programs under this section. 92 (6) FEDERAL APPROVAL.—The agency may seek federal approval 93 through a state plan amendment or a Medicaid waiver as needed to 94 implement this section. 95 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.