Florida Senate - 2025                              CS for SB 676
       By the Committee on Commerce and Tourism; and Senator Martin
       577-02256-25                                           2025676c1
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to minimum wage requirements; amending
    3         s. 448.110, F.S.; providing that an employer is not
    4         subject to certain minimum wage requirements for
    5         specified employees; authorizing employees to opt out
    6         of the minimum wage requirements in a specified
    7         manner; requiring that the parent or guardian of an
    8         employee who is younger than 18 years of age sign such
    9         waiver on behalf of the employee; providing
   10         severability; providing an effective date.
   12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   14         Section 1. Subsection (3) of section 448.110, Florida
   15  Statutes, is amended to read:
   16         448.110 State minimum wage; annual wage adjustment;
   17  enforcement.—
   18         (3)(a) Employers shall pay employees a minimum wage at an
   19  hourly rate of $6.15 for all hours worked in Florida. Only those
   20  individuals entitled to receive the federal minimum wage under
   21  the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and its
   22  implementing regulations shall be eligible to receive the state
   23  minimum wage pursuant to s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution
   24  and this section. The provisions of ss. 213 and 214 of the
   25  federal Fair Labor Standards Act, as interpreted by applicable
   26  federal regulations and implemented by the Secretary of Labor,
   27  are incorporated herein.
   28         (b)An employer is not subject to the minimum wage
   29  requirements of this section for an employee who is in a
   30  structured work-study, internship, preapprenticeship, or
   31  apprenticeship program or other similar work-based learning
   32  opportunity and such employee opts out of receiving the minimum
   33  wage.
   34         (c) An employee may opt out of receiving the minimum wage
   35  by signing a waiver of his or her right to the minimum wage
   36  established under this section. The waiver must state that the
   37  employee acknowledges his or her right to the state minimum wage
   38  pursuant to s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution and this
   39  section and that he or she is knowingly and voluntarily choosing
   40  to receive a lesser amount for his or her work-based learning
   41  opportunity as described in paragraph (b). If the employee is
   42  younger than 18 years of age, the employee’s parent or guardian
   43  must sign the waiver on behalf of the employee.
   44         (d)If any provision of this section or its application to
   45  any person or circumstance is held invalid, that provision or
   46  its application is severable and does not affect the validity of
   47  other provisions or applications of this section.
   48         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.