Florida Senate - 2025 (PROPOSED BILL) SPB 7014 FOR CONSIDERATION By the Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice 604-02034-25 20257014pb 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to trust funds of the State Courts 3 System; terminating the Mediation and Arbitration 4 Trust Fund; providing for the disposition of balances 5 in and revenues of the trust fund be transferred to 6 the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund; requiring the 7 State Court Revenue Trust Fund to pay any outstanding 8 debts or obligations of the Mediation and Arbitration 9 Trust Fund as soon as practicable; requiring the Chief 10 Financial Officer to close out and remove the 11 Mediation and Arbitration Trust Fund from the various 12 state accounting and financial systems using generally 13 accepted accounting principles concerning assets, 14 liabilities, and warrants outstanding; providing an 15 effective date. 16 17 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 18 19 Section 1. (1) The Mediation and Arbitration Trust Fund 20 within the State Courts System, FLAIR number 22-2-213, is 21 terminated. 22 (2) All current balances remaining in, and all revenues of, 23 the trust fund shall be transferred to the State Courts Revenue 24 Trust Fund. 25 (3) The State Courts Revenue Trust Fund shall pay any 26 outstanding debts or obligations of the terminated fund as soon 27 as practicable, and the Chief Financial Officer shall close out 28 and remove the trust fund from the various state accounting and 29 financial systems using generally accepted accounting principles 30 concerning assets, liabilities, and warrants outstanding. 31 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.