Florida Senate - 2025 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SPB 7026 Ì784910!Î784910 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: FAV . 03/20/2025 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Appropriations (Harrell) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment 2 3 Delete lines 1324 - 1459 4 and insert: 5 (h) Establish a streamlined reporting process with clear 6 timelines and escalation procedures for notifying a state agency 7 of noncompliance with the standards developed and adopted by 8 ASSET. 9 (6) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FINANCIAL DATA.— 10 (a) In consultation with state agencies, ASSET shall create 11 a methodology, an approach, and applicable templates and formats 12 for identifying and collecting both current and planned 13 information technology expenditure data at the state agency 14 level. ASSET shall continuously obtain, review, and maintain 15 records of the appropriations, expenditures, and revenues for 16 information technology for each state agency. 17 (b) ASSET shall prescribe the format for state agencies to 18 provide all necessary financial information to ASSET for 19 inclusion in the annual report required under s. 282.006. State 20 agencies must provide the information to ASSET by October 1 for 21 the previous fiscal year. The information must be reported by 22 ASSET in order to determine all costs and expenditures for 23 information technology assets and resources provided by the 24 state agencies or through contracts or grants. 25 (7) FEDERAL CONFLICTS.—ASSET must work with state agencies 26 to provide alternative standards, policies, or requirements that 27 do not conflict with federal regulations or requirements if 28 adherence to standards or policies adopted by or established 29 pursuant to this section conflict with federal regulations or 30 requirements imposed on an entity within the enterprise and 31 results in, or is expected to result in, adverse action against 32 the state agencies or loss of federal funding. 33 Section 13. Effective July 1, 2026, section 282.0062, 34 Florida Statutes, is created to read: 35 282.0062 ASSET workgroups.—The following workgroups are 36 established within ASSET to facilitate coordination with state 37 agencies: 38 (1) CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER WORKGROUP.— 39 (a) The chief information officer workgroup, composed of 40 all state agency chief information officers, shall consider and 41 make recommendations to the state chief information officer and 42 the state chief information architect on such matters as 43 enterprise information technology policies, standards, services, 44 and architecture. The workgroup may also identify and recommend 45 opportunities for the establishment of public-private 46 partnerships when considering technology infrastructure and 47 services in order to accelerate project delivery and provide a 48 source of new or increased project funding. 49 (b) At a minimum, the state chief information officer shall 50 consult with the workgroup on a quarterly basis with regard to 51 executing the duties and responsibilities of the state agencies 52 related to statewide information technology strategic planning 53 and policy. 54 (2) ENTERPRISE DATA AND INTEROPERABILITY WORKGROUP.— 55 (a) The enterprise data and interoperability workgroup, 56 composed of chief data officer representatives from all state 57 agencies, shall consider and make recommendations to the state 58 chief data officer on such matters as enterprise data policies, 59 standards, services, and architecture that promote data 60 consistency, accessibility, and seamless integration across the 61 enterprise. 62 (b) At a minimum, the state chief data officer shall 63 consult with the workgroup on a quarterly basis with regard to 64 executing the duties and responsibilities of the state agencies 65 related to statewide data governance planning and policy. 66 (3) ENTERPRISE SECURITY WORKGROUP.— 67 (a) The enterprise security workgroup, composed of chief 68 information security officer representatives from all state 69 agencies, shall consider and make recommendations to the state 70 chief information security officer on such matters as 71 cybersecurity policies, standards, services, and architecture 72 that promote the protection of state assets. 73 (b) At a minimum, the state chief information security 74 officer shall consult with the workgroup on a quarterly basis 75 with regard to executing the duties and responsibilities of the 76 state agencies related to cybersecurity governance and policy 77 development. 78 (4) ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS 79 WORKGROUP.— 80 (a) The enterprise information technology operations 81 workgroup, composed of information technology business analyst 82 representatives from all state agencies, shall consider and make 83 recommendations to the state chief technology officer on such 84 matters as information technology needs assessments policies, 85 standards, and services that promote the strategic alignment of 86 technology with operational needs and the evaluation of 87 solutions across the enterprise. 88 (b) At a minimum, the state chief technology officer shall 89 consult with the workgroup on a quarterly basis with regard to 90 executing the duties and responsibilities of the state agencies 91 related to statewide process improvement and optimization. 92 (5) ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY QUALITY ASSURANCE 93 WORKGROUP.— 94 (a) The enterprise information technology quality assurance 95 workgroup, composed of testing and quality assurance 96 representatives from all state agencies, shall consider and make 97 recommendations to the state chief technology officer on such 98 matters as testing methodologies, tools, and best practices to 99 reduce risks related to software defects, cybersecurity threats, 100 and operational failures. 101 (b) At a minimum, the state chief technology officer shall 102 consult with the workgroup on a quarterly basis with regard to 103 executing the duties and responsibilities of the state agencies 104 related to enterprise software testing and quality assurance 105 standards. 106 (6) ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECT MANAGEMENT 107 WORKGROUP.— 108 (a) The enterprise information technology project 109 management workgroup, composed of information technology project 110 manager representatives from all state agencies, shall consider 111 and make recommendations to the state chief technology officer 112 on such matters as information technology project management 113 policies, standards, accountability measures, and services that 114 promote project governance and standardization across the 115 enterprise. 116 (b) At a minimum, the state chief technology officer shall 117 consult with the workgroup on a quarterly basis with regard to 118 executing the duties and responsibilities of the state agencies 119 related to project management and oversight. 120 (7) ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONTRACT MANAGEMENT 121 WORKGROUP.— 122 (a) The enterprise information technology contract 123 management workgroup, composed of information technology 124 contract manager representatives from all state agencies, shall 125 consider and make recommendations to the state chief technology 126 officer on such matters as information technology contract 127 management policies and standards that promote best practices 128 for vendor oversight, risk management and compliance, and 129 performance monitoring and reporting across the enterprise. 130 (b) At a minimum, the state chief technology officer shall 131 consult with the workgroup on a quarterly basis with regard to 132 executing the duties and responsibilities of the state agencies 133 related to contract management and vendor accountability. 134 (8) ENTERPRISE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PURCHASING 135 WORKGROUP.— 136 (a) The enterprise information technology purchasing 137 workgroup, composed of information technology procurement 138 representatives from all state agencies, shall consider and make 139 recommendations to the state chief information technology 140 procurement officer on such matters as information technology 141 procurement policies, standards, and purchasing strategy and 142 optimization that promote best practices for contract 143 negotiation, consolidation, and effective service-level 144 agreement implementation across the enterprise. 145 (b) At a minimum, the state chief information technology 146 procurement