Florida Senate - 2025 CS for SB 762 By the Committee on Health Policy; and Senator Berman 588-02294-25 2025762c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to preventing the spread of avian 3 influenza; creating the Be Ready Task Force within the 4 Department of Health for a specified purpose; 5 providing for membership and meetings of the task 6 force; requiring the task force to develop specified 7 recommendations; requiring the task force to submit a 8 report of its recommendations to the Governor and the 9 Legislature by a specified date; providing for 10 dissolution of the task force; providing an effective 11 date. 12 13 WHEREAS, avian influenza cases are rising in the animal 14 population in the United States, and 15 WHEREAS, there have been at least 61 reported cases of 16 animal-to-human transmission since April 2024, and 17 WHEREAS, a recent fatal case in Louisiana showed a genetic 18 mutation that could possibly lead to human-to-human 19 transmission, and 20 WHEREAS, it is imperative that Florida convene a task force 21 to prepare a comprehensive statewide response strategy to 22 prevent the spread of avian influenza in this state, NOW, 23 THEREFORE, 24 25 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 26 27 Section 1. There is hereby created a Be Ready Task Force, a 28 task force as defined in s. 20.03(5), Florida Statutes, within 29 the Department of Health for the purpose of developing a 30 comprehensive statewide response strategy to prevent the spread 31 of avian influenza in the livestock population of this state and 32 preparing for the probability of human-to-human transmission of 33 avian influenza in this state. The department shall provide 34 administrative support to the task force. 35 (1)(a) The task force shall be composed of the following 36 members: 37 1. Two physicians specializing in infectious diseases who 38 are on staff with a medical school in this state and have a 39 background in public health, appointed by the Governor. 40 2. The State Surgeon General and the Deputy Secretary of 41 Health or their designees. The State Surgeon General or his or 42 her designee shall serve as the chair of the task force. 43 3. Two representatives of the Division of Emergency 44 Management, appointed by the director. 45 4. Three representatives from county health departments, 46 with at least one representative from a rural county, appointed 47 by the Governor. 48 5. One representative of a water management district, 49 appointed by the Governor. 50 6. Two representatives of the Department of Agriculture and 51 Consumer Services who have experience working with the livestock 52 industry, appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture. 53 (b) The task force shall meet upon the call of the chair 54 and as often as necessary to complete its duties under this 55 section. The task force may conduct its meetings through 56 teleconference or other electronic means. 57 (c) Members of the task force shall serve without 58 compensation, but may be reimbursed for per diem and travel 59 expenses as provided in s. 112.061, Florida Statutes. 60 (2) The task force shall develop recommendations on all of 61 the following: 62 (a) Monitoring and reporting livestock with avian 63 influenza, including the location for each outbreak. 64 (b) Wastewater monitoring for avian influenza transmission. 65 (c) How to cost-effectively implement statewide testing for 66 avian influenza. 67 (d) Ways in which the state can implement a statewide 68 response to prevent the spread of avian influenza among 69 livestock as well as humans. 70 (3) The task force shall submit a report of its 71 recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate, 72 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by December 1, 73 2025. The task force is dissolved upon submission of its report. 74 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.