Florida Senate - 2025 CS for SB 800 By the Committee on Commerce and Tourism; and Senator McClain 577-02800-25 2025800c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to requirements for battery 3 manufacturers; amending s. 403.7192, F.S.; defining 4 terms; prohibiting cell manufacturers or marketers 5 from selling consumer or nonconsumer products powered 6 by medium-format, portable, lithium, or primary 7 batteries; revising exceptions; providing an effective 8 date. 9 10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 11 12 Section 1. Present paragraphs (c), (d), (e), and (f) of 13 subsection (1) of section 403.7192, Florida Statutes, are 14 redesignated as paragraphs (d), (h), (i), and (j), respectively, 15 new paragraphs (c), (e), (f), and (g) are added to that 16 subsection, and subsection (4) of that section is amended, to 17 read: 18 403.7192 Batteries; requirements for consumer, 19 manufacturers, and sellers; penalties.— 20 (1) As used in this section, the term: 21 (c) “Lithium battery” means a rechargeable battery that 22 uses lithium ions as the primary component of its electrode. 23 (e) “Medium-format battery” means a primary or rechargeable 24 covered battery with any of the following properties: 25 1. For a primary battery, a battery weighing at least 4.4 26 pounds but not more than 25 pounds. 27 2. For a rechargeable battery, a battery weighing at least 28 11 pounds, but not more than 25 pounds, and having a rating of 29 at least 300 watt-hours, but not more than 2,000 watt-hours. 30 (f) “Portable battery” means a primary or rechargeable 31 covered battery that: 32 1. For a primary battery, weighs no more than 4.4 pounds. 33 2. For a rechargeable battery, weighs no more than 11 34 pounds and has a rating of no more than 300 watt-hours. 35 (g) “Primary battery” means a battery that is not capable 36 of being recharged. 37 (4) A cell manufacturer or marketer mayshallnot sell or 38 offer for sale in this state any consumer product or nonconsumer 39 product that is powered by a lithium battery, medium-format 40 battery, portable battery, primary battery, or rechargeable 41 battery unless: 42 (a) In the case of consumer products, the battery can be 43 easily removed by the consumer, or the battery is contained in a 44 battery pack that is separate from the product and can be easily 45 removed from the product. 46 (b) In the case of nonconsumer products, the battery can be 47 removed or is contained in a battery pack that is separate from 48 the product. 49 (c) The product or the battery, or the package in the case 50 of a consumer product, is labeled with a recycling symbol and 51 includes, as an indication of the chemical composition of the 52 battery, the term “Cd” for nickel-cadmium batteries,or“Pb” for 53 small sealed lead batteries, or “Li” for lithium batteries. 54 (d) The instruction manual for the product or, in the case 55 of a consumer product, the package containing the product states 56 that the sealed lead,ornickel-cadmium, or lithium battery must 57 be recycled or disposed of properly. 58 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.