Florida Senate - 2025                              CS for SB 832
       By the Committee on Judiciary; and Senator Burgess
       590-02319-25                                           2025832c1
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to former phosphate mining lands;
    3         amending s. 376.308, F.S.; providing conditions for a
    4         cause of action against certain former phosphate mine
    5         sites; creating s. 378.213, F.S.; providing
    6         legislative findings; providing for certain notice of
    7         former phosphate mines; authorizing landowners to
    8         record certain notice; providing requirements for such
    9         notice; defining the term “former phosphate mine”;
   10         creating s. 404.0561, F.S.; requiring the Department
   11         of Health to conduct surveys of former phosphate land
   12         parcels upon petition; providing conditions and
   13         requirements for such surveys; creating s. 768.405,
   14         F.S.; requiring that specified documentation of
   15         radiation levels be submitted in certain civil actions
   16         related to phosphate mining; providing an effective
   17         date.
   19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   21         Section 1. Paragraph (e) is added to subsection (2) of
   22  section 376.308, Florida Statutes, to read:
   23         376.308 Liabilities and defenses of facilities.—
   24         (2) In addition to the defense described in paragraph
   25  (1)(c), the only other defenses of a person specified in
   26  subsection (1) are to plead and prove that the occurrence was
   27  solely the result of any of the following or any combination of
   28  the following:
   29         (e)The condition giving rise to the cause of action is a
   30  natural geological substance of a former phosphate mine, as
   31  defined in s. 378.213, for which:
   32         1. A notice has been recorded in accordance with s.
   33  378.213(2); and
   34         2. The Department of Health has conducted a survey under s.
   35  404.0561(1).
   36         Section 2. Section 378.213, Florida Statutes, is created to
   37  read:
   38         378.213 Notice of former phosphate mine site.—
   39         (1) The Legislature finds that phosphate mining is an
   40  essential agricultural activity that is necessary for the food
   41  security of the nation and this state and that, further,
   42  formerly mined lands are a valuable resource. The highest and
   43  best use of formerly mined lands is in the state’s interests.
   44         (2) A landowner may record a notice in the official records
   45  of the county in which the land is located which identifies the
   46  landowner’s property as a former phosphate mine. The recorded
   47  notice must be in substantially the following form:
   49                               NOTICE                              
   50         This property is a former phosphate mine as defined in
   51         s. 378.213(3), Florida Statutes.
   53  Such recording serves as notice that the land is a former
   54  phosphate mine.
   55         (3) As used in this section, the term “former phosphate
   56  mine” means an area of land upon which phosphate mining has been
   57  conducted and which may have been subject to a radiation survey
   58  in accordance with s. 404.0561 and state reclamation
   59  requirements of ss. 378.201-378.212, but does not include a
   60  phosphogypsum stack as defined in s. 403.4154(1)(d).
   61         Section 3. Section 404.0561, Florida Statutes, is created
   62  to read:
   63         404.0561Monitoring of former phosphate mining lands.—
   64         (1)Upon petition by a current landowner, the department
   65  shall conduct a gamma radiation survey of a former phosphate
   66  land parcel within 120 days to determine the radioactivity
   67  levels. The survey must document gamma radiation exposure
   68  measurements and the locations of the measurements. Gamma
   69  radiation measurements must be taken at the density of one per
   70  site or one per acre of land, whichever is greater.
   71         (2)The department shall provide a copy of the preliminary
   72  survey results to the petitioner within 30 days after completion
   73  of the survey. Within 60 days after receipt of the survey, the
   74  petitioner may request an additional survey based upon any
   75  reasonable belief that the survey was flawed or not
   76  representative of conditions on the site. The department shall
   77  conduct one additional survey within 90 days after receipt of
   78  the petitioner’s request. The additional survey must meet the
   79  requirements of this section and is deemed final within 90 days
   80  after completion.
   81         Section 4. Section 768.405, Florida Statutes, is created to
   82  read:
   83         768.405Documentation of radiation levels.—In any civil
   84  action based on strict liability under s. 376.313(3), negligence
   85  or similar conduct related to an alleged discharge of hazardous
   86  substances or condition of pollution related to phosphate
   87  mining, including the presence of mining overburden, solid waste
   88  from the extraction, or beneficiation of phosphate rock from a
   89  phosphate mine; or any other similar claim related to the mining
   90  of phosphatic rock or reclamation of a mined area, the plaintiff
   91  must include a radiation survey of the property with the
   92  complaint. The survey must be prepared by a person certified as
   93  either a health physicist by the American Board of Health
   94  Physics or as a radiation protection technologist by the
   95  National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists. The
   96  survey must be representative and document the measured gamma
   97  radiation on the property, including background values
   98  determined in accordance with the Environmental Protection
   99  Agency’s Multi-agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation
  100  Manual; the locations of the measurements; the testing
  101  equipment; the testing methodology used, including the equipment
  102  calibration date and protocol; and the name of the person
  103  performing the survey and describe the person’s relevant
  104  training, education, and experience. The survey shall be
  105  verified under penalty of perjury as provided in s. 92.525.
  106         Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.