Florida Senate - 2025 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 872 Ì400130SÎ400130 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: RCS . 03/20/2025 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Transportation (Ingoglia) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete everything after the enacting clause 4 and insert: 5 Section 1. Paragraph (e) is added to subsection (1) of 6 section 125.0103, Florida Statutes, to read: 7 125.0103 Ordinances and rules imposing price controls.— 8 (1) 9 (e)1. Counties shall establish maximum rates for the 10 removal and storage of electric vehicles from an accident scene 11 which may be up to 3 times the rates charged by a wrecker 12 operator, as defined in s. 323.002(1), for the removal and 13 storage of vehicles that run on gasoline or diesel fuels, in the 14 event the electric vehicle owner or operator is incapacitated, 15 unavailable, leaves the procurement of wrecker service to the 16 law enforcement officer at the scene, or otherwise does not 17 consent to the removal of the electric vehicle. 18 2. A wrecker operator may charge actual cost, plus 15 19 percent, for the cleanup of an accident scene and removal of an 20 electric vehicle, including a fire or any accidental discharge 21 of any hazardous materials or debris associated with the 22 electric vehicle. 23 Section 2. Paragraph (e) is added to subsection (1) of 24 section 166.043, Florida Statutes, to read: 25 166.043 Ordinances and rules imposing price controls.— 26 (1) 27 (e)1. Municipalities shall establish maximum rates for the 28 removal and storage of electric vehicles from an accident scene 29 which may be up to 3 times the rates charged by a wrecker 30 operator, as defined in s. 323.002(1), for the removal and 31 storage of vehicles that run on gasoline or diesel fuels, in the 32 event the electric vehicle owner or operator is incapacitated, 33 unavailable, leaves the procurement of wrecker service to the 34 law enforcement officer at the scene, or otherwise does not 35 consent to the removal of the electric vehicle. 36 2. A wrecker operator may charge actual cost, plus 15 37 percent, for the cleanup of an accident scene and removal of an 38 electric vehicle, including a fire or any accidental discharge 39 of any hazardous materials or debris associated with the 40 electric vehicle. 41 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025. 42 43 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 44 And the title is amended as follows: 45 Delete everything before the enacting clause 46 and insert: 47 A bill to be entitled 48 An act relating to price controls for the removal and 49 storage of electric vehicles; amending ss. 125.0103 50 and 166.043, F.S.; requiring counties and 51 municipalities, respectively, to establish specified 52 rates for the removal and storage of electric vehicles 53 from an accident scene; authorizing a wrecker operator 54 to charge specified costs for the cleanup of an 55 accident scene and removal of such vehicles; providing 56 an effective date.