Florida Senate - 2025                                     SB 916
       By Senator Rodriguez
       40-00264A-25                                           2025916__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to indemnification of commuter rail
    3         transportation providers; creating part III of ch.
    4         343, F.S., entitled “Coastal Link Commuter Rail
    5         Service Act”; creating s. 343.711, F.S.; providing a
    6         short title; creating s. 343.712, F.S.; defining
    7         terms; authorizing an agency to assume the obligation
    8         to protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless
    9         certain entities from and against certain liabilities,
   10         costs, and expenses in certain circumstances;
   11         prohibiting such assumption of liability from
   12         exceeding certain parameters of allocation of risk;
   13         requiring that a contractual duty to protect, defend,
   14         indemnify, and hold harmless certain entities with
   15         respect to claims by rail passengers include a
   16         specific limitation on the amount of such duty;
   17         requiring the adjustment of such amount in certain
   18         circumstances; providing that an employee of an
   19         operator is not a coastal link corridor invitee of
   20         such operator in certain circumstances; specifying the
   21         circumstances under which certain passengers are
   22         coastal link corridor invitees of certain operators;
   23         requiring that the allocation of liability between
   24         certain agencies be allocated as agreed and limited by
   25         certain provisions; authorizing an agency to purchase
   26         liability insurance up to a specified amount;
   27         requiring the adjustment of such amount in certain
   28         circumstances; authorizing an agency to establish a
   29         self-insurance retention fund for a specified purpose;
   30         providing construction; providing requirements for
   31         such fund; providing an effective date.
   33  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   35         Section 1. Part III of chapter 343, Florida Statutes,
   36  consisting of ss. 343.711 and 343.712, Florida Statutes, is
   37  created and entitled “Coastal Link Commuter Rail Service Act.”
   38         Section 2. Section 343.711, Florida Statutes, is created to
   39  read:
   40         343.711Short title.—This part may be cited as the “Coastal
   41  Link Commuter Rail Service Act.”
   42         Section 3. Section 343.712, Florida Statutes, is created to
   43  read:
   44         343.712 Power to assume indemnification and insurance
   45  obligations; definitions.—
   46         (1) As used in this section, the term:
   47         (a) “Agency” means any state agency, county, municipality,
   48  district, authority, or other separate unit of government
   49  created or established by law which has entered into an
   50  agreement with Brightline which authorizes the agency, or a
   51  third party selected by the agency, to operate commuter rail
   52  service on the coastal link corridor.
   53         (b) “Authority” means the South Florida Regional
   54  Transportation Authority.
   55         (c) “Brightline” means Brightline Trains Florida LLC, or
   56  its successors or assigns, or any affiliate that is a party to
   57  an agreement with an agency in connection with the coastal link
   58  corridor. For purposes of its status as indemnitee under
   59  paragraph (2)(b), the term includes Florida East Coast Dispatch,
   60  LLC, or its successors or assigns.
   61         (d) “Brightline station” means any intercity passenger rail
   62  service station owned and operated by Brightline in the cities
   63  of Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, or West Palm Beach or
   64  near Aventura, as well as any future station developed by
   65  Brightline in connection with its intercity passenger rail
   66  service.
   67         (e)“Coastal link corridor” means the rail transit system,
   68  including the intercity passenger rail service stations and
   69  vehicle maintenance facilities, located on or adjacent to a
   70  Brightline or Florida East Coast Railway corridor in Miami-Dade
   71  County, Broward County, or Palm Beach County. The term includes
   72  structures essential to railroad operations, including the land,
   73  structures, improvements, rights-of-way, easements, rail lines,
   74  rail beds, guideway structures, switches, yards, parking
   75  facilities, power relays, switching houses, rail stations,
   76  ancillary developments, and any other facilities or equipment
   77  used for the purposes of construction, operation, or maintenance
   78  of a railroad that provides rail service.
   79         (f) “Coastal link corridor invitee” means any person who is
   80  on or about the coastal link corridor and who is a passenger or
   81  is otherwise present on the coastal link corridor at the request
   82  of, pursuant to a contract with, or otherwise for the purpose of
   83  doing business with or at the behest of, an operator. The term
   84  does not include patrons at any station, except those patrons
   85  who are also the operator’s passengers; commercial or
   86  residential tenants at any station or the developments in and
   87  around the stations, or their invitees; or third parties
   88  performing work at a station or in the coastal link corridor,
   89  including any utilities or fiber optic companies.
   90         (g) “Coastal link corridor limited covered accident” means
   91  a collision directly between the trains, locomotives, rail cars,
   92  or rail equipment of more than one operator on the coastal link
   93  corridor, where the collision is caused by or arising from the
   94  willful misconduct of one of the operators, as adjudicated
   95  pursuant to a final and unappealable court order, or, if
   96  punitive damages or exemplary damages are awarded due to the
   97  conduct of such operator, as adjudicated pursuant to a final and
   98  unappealable court order.
   99         (h) “Commuter rail service” means the operation of an
  100  agency’s trains transporting passengers and making frequent
  101  stops within urban areas and their immediate suburbs along the
  102  coastal link corridor for the purpose of passenger boarding and
  103  alighting, and the nonrevenue movement of passenger trains for
  104  storage, maintenance, or repairs. The term does not include the
  105  operation of trains by Brightline at Brightline stations in
  106  connection with Brightline’s intercity passenger rail service.
  107         (i) “Florida East Coast Railway” or “FECR” means Florida
  108  East Coast Railway, LLC, or its successors and assigns. For
  109  purposes of its status as indemnitee under paragraph (2)(a), the
  110  term includes Florida East Coast Dispatch, LLC, or its
  111  successors or assigns.
  112         (j) “Intercity passenger rail service” means all passenger
  113  service on the rail corridor or coastal link corridor, as
  114  applicable, other than commuter rail service which is
  115  characterized by trains making less frequent stops along the
  116  rail corridor than are made by the commuter rail service.
  117         (k) “Joint infrastructure” means any portion or segment of
  118  the coastal link corridor, except that the term does not include
  119  tracks or infrastructure designated for the exclusive use of an
  120  agency, the authority, Brightline, or FECR or portions of any
  121  Brightline station used by Brightline, the authority, or an
  122  agency, as applicable, including, but not limited to, pedestrian
  123  bridges, stairs, elevators, and escalators.
  124         (l) “Operator” means Brightline, including any passenger
  125  rail operators that access the coastal link corridor pursuant to
  126  a contract with Brightline, other than an agency; FECR,
  127  including Amtrak or any freight rail operators that access the
  128  coastal link corridor pursuant to a contract with FECR; the
  129  authority, with respect to its operations contemplated under s.
  130  343.545; or an agency.
  131         (m) “Passenger” means, with respect to intercity passenger
  132  rail service or commuter rail service, any person, ticketed or
  133  unticketed, using the intercity passenger rail service or
  134  commuter rail service on the coastal link corridor:
  135         1. On board trains, locomotives, rail cars, or rail
  136  equipment employed in such intercity passenger rail service or
  137  commuter rail service, or boarding or alighting therefrom;
  138         2. On or about the coastal link corridor for any purpose
  139  related to such intercity passenger rail service or commuter
  140  rail service, including parking or purchasing tickets therefor
  141  and coming to, waiting for, and leaving from locomotives, rail
  142  cars, or rail equipment; or
  143         3. Meeting, assisting, or in the company of any person
  144  described in subparagraph 1. or subparagraph 2.
  145         (n) “Proportionate share” means, with respect to any loss,
  146  injury, or damage for which operators share responsibility
  147  pursuant to this section, a percentage in proportion to the
  148  number of operators involved in the relevant incident. When one
  149  or more agencies are jointly operating a commuter rail service,
  150  such agencies are considered a single operator for purposes of
  151  computing and assessing the proportionate share of such loss,
  152  injury, or damage.
  153         (o) “Self-insurance retention amount” means an amount equal
  154  to $5 million.
  155         (2)(a) An agency, in conjunction with the development or
  156  operation of a commuter rail service on the coastal link
  157  corridor, may assume the obligation by contract to protect,
  158  defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, subject to the limitations
  159  set forth in paragraph (b):
  160         1. FECR and its officers, agents, employees, and successors
  161  and assigns from and against:
  162         a. Any liability, cost, and expense, regardless of whether
  163  the loss, damage, destruction, injury, or death giving rise to
  164  such liability, cost, or expense is caused in whole or in part
  165  by the fault, failure, negligence, misconduct, nonfeasance, or
  166  misfeasance of FECR, its successors and assigns, or its
  167  officers, agents, and employees, or any other person; and
  168         b. Any loss, injury, or damage incurred by FECR, or
  169  allocated to FECR under subparagraph (b)6., up to an amount of
  170  $5 million with respect to coastal link corridor limited covered
  171  accidents caused by an agency.
  172         2. Brightline and its officers, agents, employees, and
  173  successors and assigns from and against:
  174         a. Any liability, cost, and expense, regardless of whether
  175  the loss, damage, destruction, injury, or death giving rise to
  176  such liability, cost, or expense is caused in whole or in part
  177  by the fault, failure, negligence, misconduct, nonfeasance, or
  178  misfeasance of Brightline, its successors and assigns, or its
  179  officers, agents, and employees, or any other person; and
  180         b. Any loss, injury, or damage incurred by Brightline, or
  181  allocated to Brightline under subparagraph (b)7., up to an
  182  amount of $5 million with respect to coastal link corridor
  183  limited covered accidents caused by an agency.
  184         (b) The assumption of liability of an agency by contract
  185  pursuant to paragraph (a) may not exceed the following
  186  parameters of allocation of risk:
  187         1. An agency may assume sole responsibility for any
  188  liability, loss, or expense to such agency’s passengers, or
  189  coastal link corridor invitees, third parties, or trespassers,
  190  regardless of circumstance or cause, subject to this paragraph.
  191         2. If a coastal link corridor limited covered accident is
  192  caused by FECR or its officers, agents, employees, or successors
  193  and assigns, an agency may not protect, defend, and indemnify
  194  FECR for any liability, cost, or expense, including punitive or
  195  exemplary damages, in excess of the self-insurance retention
  196  amount unless FECR, or Brightline on FECR’s behalf, agrees, with
  197  respect to the coastal link corridor limited covered accident,
  198  to protect, defend, and indemnify an agency for the self
  199  insurance retention amount.
  200         3. If a coastal link corridor limited covered accident is
  201  caused by Brightline or its officers, agents, employees, and
  202  successors and assigns, an agency may not protect, defend, and
  203  indemnify Brightline for any liability, cost, or expense,
  204  including punitive or exemplary damages, in excess of the self
  205  insurance retention amount unless Brightline agrees, with
  206  respect to the coastal link corridor limited covered accident,
  207  to protect, defend, and indemnify an agency for the amount of
  208  the self-insurance retention amount.
  209         4. When an incident occurs with only an agency train
  210  involved, including an incident with a trespasser or an at-grade
  211  crossing, an agency may agree to be solely responsible for any
  212  loss, injury, or damage.
  213         5. When an incident occurs with only an authority train
  214  involved, including an incident with a trespasser or an at-grade
  215  crossing, an agency is solely responsible for any loss of, or
  216  injury or damage to, the agency’s property, passengers, and
  217  coastal link corridor invitees.
  218         6. When an incident occurs with only an FECR train
  219  involved, including an incident with a trespasser or an at-grade
  220  crossing, FECR is solely responsible for any loss, injury, or
  221  damage, except that:
  222         a. An agency is responsible for any loss of, or injury or
  223  damage to, the agency’s passengers and coastal link corridor
  224  invitees; and
  225         b. Brightline is responsible for any loss of, or injury or
  226  damage to, Brightline’s passengers and coastal link corridor
  227  invitees.
  228         7. When an incident occurs with only a Brightline train
  229  involved, including an incident with a trespasser or an at-grade
  230  crossing, Brightline is solely responsible for any loss, injury,
  231  or damage, except that:
  232         a. An agency is responsible for any loss of, or injury or
  233  damage to, the agency’s passengers and coastal link corridor
  234  invitees; and
  235         b. FECR is responsible for any loss of, or injury or damage
  236  to, FECR’s passengers and coastal link corridor invitees.
  237         8. When an incident occurs involving two or more operators,
  238  each operator is responsible for all of the following, subject
  239  to the limits provided in paragraph (a):
  240         a. Its own property.
  241         b. Its own passengers; employees, excluding employees who
  242  are, at the time of the incident, coastal link corridor invitees
  243  of another operator; and other coastal link corridor invitees.
  244         c. Its proportionate share of any loss or damage to the
  245  joint infrastructure.
  246         d. Its proportionate share of any loss of, or injury or
  247  damage to, coastal link corridor invitees who are not coastal
  248  link corridor invitees of such operator and trespassers or third
  249  parties outside the coastal link corridor as a result of the
  250  incident, provided that an agency is responsible for its
  251  passengers and its coastal link corridor invitees regardless of
  252  whether the agency was involved in the incident.
  253         (c) The contractual duty, individually or jointly with
  254  another agency to the extent such agencies are jointly operating
  255  a commuter rail service, to protect, defend, indemnify, and hold
  256  harmless Brightline or FECR with respect to claims by rail
  257  passengers must expressly include a limitation on the amount of
  258  the contractual duty, which may not exceed $323 million per
  259  occurrence. However, the amount must be adjusted so that the per
  260  occurrence insurance requirement is equal to the aggregate
  261  allowable awards to all rail passengers, against all defendants,
  262  for all claims, including claims for punitive damages, arising
  263  from a single accident or incident in accordance with 49 U.S.C.
  264  s. 28103, or any successor provision thereto, without prior
  265  legislative approval on the part of the agency.
  266         (d) An employee of an operator is not a coastal link
  267  corridor invitee of such operator at any time the employee is a
  268  passenger or is otherwise present on the coastal link corridor
  269  at the request of, or pursuant to a contract with, or otherwise
  270  for the purpose of doing business with or at the behest of,
  271  another operator. A passenger transferring from the service of
  272  one operator, an original operator, to another operator, a
  273  connecting operator, is a coastal link corridor invitee of the
  274  original operator until the passenger has left the original
  275  operator’s platform. Once the passenger leaves the original
  276  operator’s platform, the passenger is a coastal link corridor
  277  invitee of the connecting operator.
  278         (e) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this
  279  section, any allocation of liability between an agency and any
  280  other agency of the state must be allocated as is agreed to by
  281  such agencies and limited by s. 768.28(19). This paragraph does
  282  not limit the authority of an agency to indemnify FECR or
  283  Brightline pursuant to this section.
  284         (f) An agency may purchase, either individually or jointly
  285  when operating with another agency, liability insurance, at an
  286  amount up to $323 million per occurrence. However, the amount of
  287  liability insurance must be adjusted so that the per occurrence
  288  insurance requirement is equal to the aggregate allowable awards
  289  to all rail passengers, against all defendants, for all claims,
  290  including claims for punitive damages, arising from a single
  291  accident or incident in accordance with 49 U.S.C. s. 28103, or
  292  any successor provision thereto. Additionally, an agency may
  293  establish a self-insurance retention fund for the purpose of
  294  paying the deductible limit established in the insurance
  295  policies it obtains, including coverage for a county agency, a
  296  freight rail operator, Brightline, commuter rail service
  297  providers, governmental entities, or any ancillary development,
  298  which self-insurance retention fund or deductible may not exceed
  299  the self-insurance retention amount. Such insurance and self
  300  insurance retention fund may provide coverage for all damages,
  301  including, but not limited to, compensatory, special, and
  302  exemplary, and be maintained to provide an adequate fund to
  303  cover claims and liabilities for loss, injury, or damage arising
  304  out of or connected with the ownership, operation, maintenance,
  305  and management of the coastal link corridor. Any self-insured
  306  retention fund must be a segregated account of an agency and
  307  subject to the same conditions, restrictions, exclusions,
  308  obligations, and duties included in any of the policies of the
  309  railroad liability insurance specified in this paragraph.
  310         (g) The assumption by contract to protect, defend,
  311  indemnify, and hold harmless; the purchase of insurance; or the
  312  establishment of a self-insurance retention fund is not a waiver
  313  of any defense of sovereign immunity for tort claims and does
  314  not increase the limits of an agency’s liability for tort claims
  315  provided in s. 768.28.
  316         (h) Unless otherwise specifically provided by law, FECR and
  317  Brightline and their respective officers, agents, and employees
  318  may not be construed to be officers, agents, employees, or
  319  subdivisions of the state and are not entitled to sovereign
  320  immunity.
  321         Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.