Florida Senate - 2025 SB 934
By Senator Smith
17-00415-25 2025934__
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to pregnancy support and wellness
3 services; amending s. 381.96, F.S.; revising contract
4 requirements for the Florida Pregnancy Care Network,
5 Inc.; requiring the Department of Health to conduct
6 annual visits to each organization within the network;
7 providing requirements for the visits; providing an
8 effective date.
10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12 Section 1. Present subsections (4) and (5) of section
13 381.96, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsection (5) and
14 (6), respectively, a new subsection (4) is added to that
15 section, and subsection (3) of that section is amended, to read:
16 381.96 Pregnancy support and wellness services.—
17 (3) CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.—The department contract must
18 shall specify the contract deliverables, including financial
19 reports and other reports due to the department, timeframes for
20 achieving contractual obligations, and any other requirements
21 the department determines are necessary, such as staffing and
22 location requirements. The contract must shall require the
23 network to:
24 (a) Establish, implement, and monitor a comprehensive
25 system of care through subcontractors to meet the pregnancy and
26 parenting support and wellness needs of eligible clients.
27 (b) Establish and manage subcontracts with a sufficient
28 number of providers to ensure the availability of pregnancy and
29 parenting support services and wellness services for eligible
30 clients, and maintain and manage the delivery of such services
31 throughout the contract period.
32 (c) Spend at least 85 percent of the contract funds on
33 pregnancy and parenting support services, excluding services
34 specified in subparagraph (1)(d)4., and wellness services.
35 (d) Offer wellness services through vouchers or other
36 appropriate arrangements that allow the purchase of services
37 from qualified health care providers.
38 (e) Require a background screening under s. 943.0542 for
39 all paid staff and volunteers of a subcontractor if such staff
40 or volunteers provide direct client services to an eligible
41 client who is a minor or an elderly person or who has a
42 disability.
43 (f) Annually monitor its subcontractors and specify the
44 sanctions that shall be imposed for noncompliance with the terms
45 of a subcontract.
46 (g) Subcontract only with providers that exclusively
47 promote and support childbirth.
48 (h) Ensure that informational materials provided to an
49 eligible client by a provider include only are current,
50 medically and accurate information and cite the reference source
51 of any medical statement included in such materials. The
52 contract must include fines as a penalty for noncompliance with
53 this paragraph.
54 (i) Ensure that organizations within the network make
55 information regarding local rape crisis centers and sexual
56 assault treatment centers readily available to clients.
57 (j)(i) Ensure that the department is provided with all
58 information necessary for the report required under subsection
59 (6) (5).
60 (k) Perform an annual financial audit of each organization
61 within the network and submit a report of the audit to the
62 President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
63 Representatives by February 1 each year.
64 (4) DEPARTMENT VISITS.—The department shall visit each
65 organization within the network at least annually to determine
66 compliance with the terms of the contract. The visit must be an
67 unannounced visit conducted during the organization’s regular
68 business hours.
69 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.