Florida Senate - 2025                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 978
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  03/17/2025           .                                

       The Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (Berman)
       recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment 
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. (1) The Legislature finds that the discharge of
    6  inadequately treated wastewater and aging sewage disposal
    7  facilities compromise the quality of the environment, including
    8  freshwater, brackish water, and nearshore and offshore salt
    9  waters, and threatens the quality of life and local economies in
   10  the state that depend on those resources. The Legislature also
   11  finds that the only practical and cost-effective way to
   12  fundamentally improve wastewater management is to implement
   13  advanced wastewater treatment or better at all sewage disposal
   14  facilities with a permitted capacity of greater than 1 million
   15  gallons per day in the state.
   16         (2) In order to prioritize the upgrade of sewage disposal
   17  facilities, by December 31, 2025, the Department of
   18  Environmental Protection, in consultation with the water
   19  management districts and wastewater facilities, shall submit to
   20  the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of
   21  the House of Representatives a report detailing all of the
   22  following for all sewage disposal facilities with a permitted
   23  capacity of greater than 1 million gallons per day in the state:
   24         (a) Year of construction for the facility and any
   25  maintenance or upgrades.
   26         (b) Total permitted volume of wastewater treated daily.
   27         (c) Actual permitted volume of wastewater treated daily
   28  including the most recent 1-year and 5-year averages.
   29         (d) Current level of treatment, including concentrations
   30  for each of the following:
   31         1. Biochemical oxygen demand.
   32         2. Suspended solids.
   33         3. Total nitrogen.
   34         4. Total phosphorus.
   35         5. 1,4-dioxane.
   36         6. Perfluorooctanoic acid.
   37         7. Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid.
   38         8. Molybdenum.
   39         9. Other contaminants of emerging concern as determined by
   40  the Department of Environmental Protection.
   41         (e) Estimated total pollutant load based on permitted
   42  volume and concentrations.
   43         (f) Disposal methods and the volume discharged to any
   44  receiving waterbodies, if applicable, pursuant to s.
   45  403.064(16), Florida Statutes.
   46         (g) Impairment status of any receiving waterbodies within
   47  the watershed.
   48         (h) Implementation status of total maximum daily loads and
   49  basin management action plans and recommended reductions for
   50  load allocations and wasteload allocations for pollutants of
   51  concern.
   52         (i) Total volume and concentration of any permitted and
   53  nonpermitted wastewater spills since 2010.
   54         (j) Elevation of the facility and supporting
   55  infrastructure.
   56         (k) Location within a floodplain, flood zone, or coastal
   57  high-hazard area and, if applicable, the corresponding zone
   58  number.
   59         (3) By December 31, 2026, the Department of Environmental
   60  Protection, in consultation with the water management districts
   61  and sewage disposal facilities, shall submit to the Governor,
   62  the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
   63  Representatives a report outlining a priority ranking process to
   64  upgrade all sewage disposal facilities with a permitted capacity
   65  of greater than 1 million gallons per day in the state to
   66  advanced waste treatment by 2036, based on all of the following:
   67         (a) Overall environmental benefit of a project based on:
   68         1. Water quality in receiving waterbodies, including
   69  impairment status;
   70         2. Severity and duration of documented algal blooms;
   71         3. Loss of submerged vegetation;
   72         4. Death of fish and wildlife;
   73         5. Public health advisories;
   74         6. Quantity and concentration of permitted and nonpermitted
   75  spills; and
   76         7. Risk of failure.
   77         (b) Estimated reduction in nutrient and pollutant loads
   78  with advanced waste treatment.
   79         (c) An explanation of additional projects necessary to meet
   80  any adopted total maximum daily loads and basin management
   81  action plans if upgrading to advanced waste treatment is not
   82  sufficient.
   83         (d) Cost-effectiveness as determined by a planning-level
   84  cost estimate.
   85         (e) Potential financial assistance available, including the
   86  water quality improvement grant program under s. 403.0673,
   87  Florida Statutes, and availability of local matching funds.
   88         (f) Project readiness and the estimated date of completion.
   89         (4) By June 30, 2027, the Department of Environmental
   90  Protection, in consultation with the water management districts
   91  and sewage disposal facilities, shall submit to the Governor,
   92  the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
   93  Representatives a progress report on the status of upgrades
   94  established under subsection (3) for each sewage disposal
   95  facility with a permitted capacity of greater than 1 million
   96  gallons per day in this state. The report must include the
   97  priority list identified pursuant to subsection (3), the
   98  preliminary cost estimates for the upgrades, a projected
   99  timeline of the dates by which the upgrades would begin and be
  100  completed, and the date by which operations of the upgraded
  101  sewage disposal facility would begin.
  102         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.