Florida Senate - 2025                              CS for SB 982
       By the Committee on Ethics and Elections; and Senator Bernard
       582-02500-25                                           2025982c1
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to candidate qualifying; amending s.
    3         99.061, F.S.; authorizing a candidate to pay the
    4         filing fee by a debit card linked to the candidate’s
    5         campaign account; providing for standing for
    6         challenges to a candidate’s qualification for
    7         nomination or election to office; providing procedures
    8         and requirements regarding such challenges; providing
    9         for immediate hearings in such challenges, subject to
   10         limitations; prohibiting a person from appearing on
   11         the ballot under certain circumstances; amending s.
   12         106.11, F.S.; revising conditions under which debit
   13         cards are considered bank checks for purposes of
   14         certain campaign expenditures; providing an effective
   15         date.
   17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   19         Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section
   20  99.061, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (d) is added
   21  to that subsection, to read:
   22         99.061 Method of qualifying for nomination or election to
   23  federal, state, county, or district office.—
   24         (7)(a) In order for a candidate to be qualified, the
   25  following items must be received by the filing officer by the
   26  end of the qualifying period:
   27         1. The filing fee A properly executed check drawn upon the
   28  candidate’s campaign account payable to the person or entity as
   29  prescribed by the filing officer in an amount not less than the
   30  fee required by s. 99.092 by a properly executed check drawn
   31  upon the candidate’s campaign account or by a debit card linked
   32  to the candidate’s campaign account as provided in s. 106.11(2),
   33  unless the candidate obtained the required number of signatures
   34  on petitions pursuant to s. 99.095. The filing fee for a special
   35  district candidate is not required to be drawn upon the
   36  candidate’s campaign account. If a candidate’s check is returned
   37  by the bank for any reason, the filing officer must shall
   38  immediately notify the candidate and the candidate must shall
   39  have until the end of qualifying to pay the fee with a cashier’s
   40  check purchased from funds of the campaign account. Failure to
   41  pay the fee as provided in this subparagraph shall disqualify
   42  the candidate.
   43         2. The candidate’s oath required by s. 99.021, which must
   44  contain the name of the candidate as it is to appear on the
   45  ballot; the office sought, including the district or group
   46  number if applicable; and the signature of the candidate, which
   47  must be verified under oath or affirmation pursuant to s.
   48  92.525(1)(a).
   49         3. If the office sought is partisan, the written statement
   50  of political party affiliation required by s. 99.021(1)(b); or
   51  if the candidate is running without party affiliation for a
   52  partisan office, the written statement required by s.
   53  99.021(1)(c).
   54         4. The completed form for the appointment of campaign
   55  treasurer and designation of campaign depository, as required by
   56  s. 106.021.
   57         5. The full and public disclosure or statement of financial
   58  interests required by subsection (5). A public officer who has
   59  filed the full and public disclosure or statement of financial
   60  interests with the Commission on Ethics before qualifying for
   61  office may file a copy of that disclosure or a verification or
   62  receipt of electronic filing as provided in subsection (5) at
   63  the time of qualifying.
   64         (d) A candidate for nomination or election to an office has
   65  standing to challenge in circuit court whether another candidate
   66  for the same office has complied with the requirements of this
   67  subsection.
   68         1. A complaint setting forth the grounds of the challenge
   69  must be filed with the clerk of the circuit court within 10 days
   70  after midnight of the end of the qualifying period.
   71         2. The filing officer and any supervisor of elections
   72  responsible for conducting the election are indispensable
   73  parties to any such challenge.
   74         3. A copy of the complaint must be served upon the
   75  defendant and any other person named in the complaint in the
   76  same manner as in other civil cases under state law. Within 10
   77  days after the complaint has been served, a defendant must file
   78  an answer admitting to or denying the allegations on which the
   79  plaintiff relies or stating that the defendant has no knowledge
   80  or information concerning the allegations, which must be deemed
   81  a denial of the allegations, and must state any other defenses,
   82  in law or fact, on which the defendant relies.
   83         4. Any candidate presenting such a challenge is entitled to
   84  an immediate hearing. However, the court may limit the time for
   85  taking testimony in any such hearing, as appropriate based on
   86  the circumstances of the matter and the proximity of the
   87  succeeding election.
   88         5.If an order of a court that has become final determines
   89  that a person did not comply with this subsection, the person is
   90  not qualified as a candidate for election, and his or her name
   91  may not appear on the ballot.
   92         Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
   93  106.11, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   94         106.11 Expenses of and expenditures by candidates and
   95  political committees.—Each candidate and each political
   96  committee which designates a primary campaign depository
   97  pursuant to s. 106.021(1) shall make expenditures from funds on
   98  deposit in such primary campaign depository only in the
   99  following manner, with the exception of expenditures made from
  100  petty cash funds provided by s. 106.12:
  101         (2)(a) For purposes of this section, debit cards are
  102  considered bank checks, if:
  103         1. Debit cards are obtained from the same bank that has
  104  been designated as the candidate’s or political committee’s
  105  primary campaign depository.
  106         2. Debit cards are issued in the name of the treasurer,
  107  deputy treasurer, or authorized user and contain the name of the
  108  campaign account of the candidate or political committee.
  109         3. No more than three debit cards are requested and issued.
  110         4. The person using the debit card does not receive cash as
  111  part of, or independent of, any transaction for goods or
  112  services.
  113         5. All receipts for debit card transactions contain:
  114         a. The last four digits of the debit card number.
  115         b. The exact amount of the expenditure.
  116         c. The name of the payee.
  117         d. The signature of the campaign treasurer, deputy
  118  treasurer, or authorized user, if the receipt has a signature
  119  line for the campaign treasurer, deputy treasurer, or authorized
  120  user to sign.
  121         e. The exact purpose for which the expenditure is
  122  authorized.
  124  Any information required by this subparagraph but not included
  125  on the debit card transaction receipt may be handwritten on, or
  126  attached to, the receipt by the authorized user before
  127  submission to the treasurer.
  128         Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.