Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 14-A
       By Senator Ingoglia
       11-00017-25A                                           202514A__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to combatting illegal immigration;
    3         amending s. 908.11, F.S.; requiring each state and
    4         county law enforcement agency, and any other law
    5         enforcement agency with more than 25 sworn or
    6         certified law enforcement officers, to enter into a
    7         written agreement with the United States Immigration
    8         and Customs Enforcement to participate in a certain
    9         immigration program; requiring participation in every
   10         program model offered by the Federal Government for
   11         which the law enforcement agency qualifies;
   12         authorizing a waiver from the requirement under
   13         certain circumstances; requiring each law enforcement
   14         agency, by a specified date, to notify the State
   15         Immigration Enforcement Officer quarterly of the
   16         status of such agreement; requiring the head of the
   17         law enforcement agency under whose jurisdiction an
   18         officer is serving to provide the consent required by
   19         a specified action; requiring all state and county law
   20         enforcement agencies, and any other law enforcement
   21         agency with more than 25 sworn or certified law
   22         enforcement officers, to ensure at least a certain
   23         percent of their sworn law enforcement officers are
   24         available to perform or exercise the powers,
   25         privileges, or duties of an immigration officer;
   26         requiring law enforcement agencies to report
   27         compliance to the State Immigration Enforcement
   28         Officer; authorizing a law enforcement agency to seek
   29         reimbursement from alternative sources if the Federal
   30         Government does not fund certain training; specifying
   31         that the unavailability of such funds excuses
   32         compliance with specified provisions; providing for
   33         the suspension of the head of any law enforcement
   34         agency by the Governor under certain circumstances;
   35         authorizing the Division of Emergency Management, in
   36         coordination with the State Immigration Enforcement
   37         Officer, to adopt rules; creating s. 908.13, F.S.;
   38         creating the Unauthorized Alien Transport Program
   39         within the division; specifying the purpose of the
   40         program; specifying that the program is to be run by
   41         the State Immigration Enforcement Officer; requiring
   42         the division to provide resources, administrative
   43         support, and services to the State Immigration
   44         Enforcement Officer; requiring the National Guard and
   45         the State Guard to assist the State Immigration
   46         Enforcement Officer in the implementation of the
   47         program; authorizing the division, in coordination
   48         with the State Immigration Enforcement Officer, to
   49         adopt rules; providing that all payments made pursuant
   50         to specified provisions are deemed approved; repealing
   51         chapter 2023-3, Laws of Florida, relating to the
   52         Unauthorized Alien Transport Program; providing an
   53         appropriation; providing for severability; providing
   54         an effective date.
   56  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   58         Section 1. Section 908.11, Florida Statutes, is amended to
   59  read:
   60         908.11 Immigration enforcement assistance agreements;
   61  reporting requirement.—
   62         (1) By January 1, 2023, Each state and county law
   63  enforcement agency, and any other law enforcement agency with
   64  more than 25 sworn or certified law enforcement officers,
   65  operating a county detention facility must enter into a written
   66  agreement with the United States Immigration and Customs
   67  Enforcement to participate in the immigration program
   68  established under s. 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality
   69  Act, 8 U.S.C. s. 1357, and to participate in each program model
   70  that is available to the agency and for which the agency
   71  qualifies. A law enforcement agency may request a waiver from
   72  this requirement from the State Immigration Enforcement Officer
   73  for any applicable program upon showing that the agency lacks
   74  the resources to participate in the program or that
   75  participation in the program would otherwise undermine public
   76  safety. This subsection does not require a law enforcement
   77  agency to participate in a particular program model.
   78         (2) Beginning no later than July 1, 2025 October 1, 2022,
   79  and until the law enforcement agency enters into the written
   80  agreement required under subsection (1), each law enforcement
   81  agency shall operating a county detention facility must notify
   82  the State Immigration Enforcement Officer Department of Law
   83  Enforcement quarterly of the status of its compliance with
   84  subsection (1) such written agreement and any reason for
   85  noncompliance with this section, if applicable.
   86         (3)If the Federal Government authorizes any law
   87  enforcement officer in this state to perform or exercise the
   88  powers, privileges, or duties of an immigration officer or
   89  employee under s. 103(a)(10) of the Immigration and Nationality
   90  Act, 8 U.S.C. s. 1103, the head of the law enforcement agency
   91  under whose jurisdiction the officer is serving must provide the
   92  consent required by that section. The agency head shall report
   93  such consent to the State Immigration Enforcement Officer.
   94         (4)All state and county law enforcement agencies, and any
   95  other law enforcement agency with more than 25 sworn or
   96  certified law enforcement officers, shall ensure at least 10
   97  percent of their sworn and certified law enforcement officers
   98  are available to perform or exercise the powers, privileges, or
   99  duties of an immigration officer authorized under s. 103(a)(10)
  100  of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. s. 1103, or any
  101  other applicable federal law. Law enforcement agencies shall
  102  report compliance with this subsection to the State Immigration
  103  Enforcement Officer.
  104         (5) If the Federal Government does not fund the training
  105  that is required by federal law and is necessary to comply with
  106  this section, the law enforcement agency may seek reimbursement,
  107  subject to available funds, from the Unauthorized Alien
  108  Transport Program authorized under s. 908.13 or, subject to a
  109  declared state of emergency, from the Emergency Preparedness and
  110  Response Fund under s. 252.3711. The unavailability of such
  111  funds shall excuse compliance with this section.
  112         (6)Any head of a law enforcement agency who, in the
  113  judgment of the Governor, acts in bad faith and fails to comply
  114  with any provision of this section is subject to suspension by
  115  the Governor under s. 112.48, s. 112.51, s. 112.511, or s.
  116  112.52.
  117         (7)The Division of Emergency Management, in coordination
  118  with the State Immigration Enforcement Officer, may adopt rules
  119  to implement this section.
  120         Section 2. Section 908.13, Florida Statutes, is created to
  121  read:
  122         908.13 Unauthorized Alien Transport Program.—
  123         (1)The Unauthorized Alien Transport Program is created
  124  within the Division of Emergency Management within the Executive
  125  Office of the Governor for the purpose of facilitating
  126  immigration enforcement consistent with federal law, including,
  127  but not limited to, detention, transportation, and deportation.
  128  Notwithstanding s. 287.057, the division is authorized to
  129  contract for services to implement the program.
  130         (2)The program shall be run by the State Immigration
  131  Enforcement Officer, who shall be appointed by and serve at the
  132  pleasure of the Governor. The State Immigration Enforcement
  133  Officer shall be responsible for overseeing this state’s
  134  immigration enforcement activities in cooperation with the
  135  Federal Government. The Division of Emergency Management shall
  136  provide resources, administrative support, and services to the
  137  extent requested by the State Immigration Enforcement Officer.
  138         (3)The National Guard and the State Guard shall, once
  139  activated by the Governor, assist the State Immigration
  140  Enforcement Officer in the implementation of the program.
  141         (4)The division, in coordination with the State
  142  Immigration Enforcement Officer, may adopt rules to implement
  143  the program.
  144         (5)All payments made pursuant to s. 2 of chapter 2023-3,
  145  Laws of Florida, are deemed approved. Any unexpended balance of
  146  funds appropriated to the Division of Emergency Management under
  147  that section must immediately revert. For the 2024-2025 fiscal
  148  year, the nonrecurring sum of $350 million from the General
  149  Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Division of Emergency
  150  Management within the Executive Office of the Governor for the
  151  Unauthorized Alien Transport Program created by this section.
  152  The unexpended balance of funds remaining on June 30, 2025,
  153  shall revert and is appropriated to the division for fiscal year
  154  2025-2026 for the same purpose.
  155         Section 3. Chapter 2023-3, Laws of Florida, is repealed.
  156         Section 4. For the 2024-2025 fiscal year, the sum of $3
  157  million in recurring funds is appropriated from the General
  158  Revenue Fund to the Division of Emergency Management, and 12
  159  full-time equivalent positions with associated salary rate of
  160  1,150,000 are authorized, for the purpose of implementing the
  161  Unauthorized Alien Transport Program created by this act.
  162         Section 5. If any provision of this act or its application
  163  to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity
  164  does not affect other provisions or applications of this act
  165  which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
  166  application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
  167  severable.
  168         Section 6. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.