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- Administrative Policies and Procedures Policy 1.60 [PDF]
- President Albritton's Schedule 3.11.25 [PDF]
- 2016 Senate Chamber Renovation
- Public Records Requests Policy [PDF]
- Extensive Use Fee Estimate Policy [PDF]
- Office of the Senate Secretary
- Senate Salaries
- Senate Contracts
- Vote Disclosures
- Political Committee Disclosure Filings (Rule 1.361(3))
Public Records
In coordination with the Office of the Senate President, the Senate’s Public Records Manager processes public records requests submitted to the Florida Senate.
The applicable provisions of law governing public records of the Florida Senate are Art. 1, s. 24 of the Florida Constitution, s. 11.0431, F.S., and Senate Rule 1.48. Under Article 1, s. 24(c) of the Florida Constitution, each house of the Legislature is exclusively authorized to adopt rules governing the enforcement of the public records with respect to its own public records.
“Public record” means all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, or other material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by the legislative branch, see s.11.0431(4), F.S.
Please submit all public records requests using one of the following:
- Email: publicrecordsrequests@flsenate.gov
- Mailing Address: The Florida Senate, Office of the General Counsel, Attn: Public Records, Suite 302 The Capitol, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1100.
- Phone Number: The Florida Senate, Office of the General Counsel, (850) 487-5237
The Senate works to fulfill public records requests in a reasonable amount of time. Most public records requests can be produced electronically and are able to be fulfilled without a charge.
In the event that the request is foreseen to result in an extensive use of information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance, an estimate for approval prior to processing the request will be provided. For more information, please refer to the Senate’s Public Records Requests Policy and Extensive Use Fee Estimate Policy.