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The Florida Senate

SB 1514 - Education Funding

by Appropriations

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Appropriations Committee (AP)

The bill:

  • Authorizes school districts and virtual charter schools to provide virtual courses for a student in the summer for course completion when the student does not complete the virtual course by the end of the regular school year.
  • Authorizes school districts and virtual charter schools to provide virtual courses for a student in the summer for credit recovery when a student has unsuccessfully completed a traditional or virtual education course during the regular school year and must re-take the course in order to be eligible to graduate with the student’s class.
  • Limits credits earned through the Florida Virtual School (FLVS) to 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE).
  • Requires the FLVS trustees to provide information for activities within the state, outside the state, and for Florida Virtual School Global.
  • Allows full-time and part-time school district virtual instruction programs.
  • Removes limitations to students taking virtual courses in another school district.
  • Prohibits school districts from requiring a student to take a course outside the school day that is in addition to the student’s courses for a given term or on school grounds.
  • Requires the maximum value for funding a student shall be as calculated by the Department of Education (DOE).
  • Requires that if the sum of courses taken by a student is greater than 1.0 FTE, the membership value shall be equally distributed to all entities providing instruction so that the student’s total FTE is equal to 1.0.
  • Requires school districts and the FLVS to use a common student identifier to ensure that funding and the FTE can be accurately distributed to all providers of student instruction and authorizes the State Board of Education to adopt rules for this provision.
  • Provides that courses delivered by the FLVS on a public school campus may be reported only by the school district in which the student is enrolled.
  • Clarifies the role and responsibility of the Florida Virtual Campus is to provide online academic support services, resources, and access to distance learning courses offered by the state’s public postsecondary education institutions.
  • Clarifies student eligibility and funding from non-education sources for the College Preparatory Boarding Academy Pilot Program authorized in s. 1002.3305, F.S.
  • Makes a technical adjustment to the reporting sequence of FTE for students enrolled in career education in grades 9-12 for accuracy and funding.
  • Extends the provision of an additional hour of intensive reading instruction daily for students enrolled in the 100 lowest performing elementary schools for a third year, 2014-2015, as a required use of funds for the Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI) and Reading allocations.
  • Approves the 2012-2013 class size alternate calculation required by s. 1003.03(4), F.S., in lieu of approval by the Legislative Budget Commission.
  • Requires public schools to pay tuition costs from district Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) appropriations to compensate colleges and universities for dually enrolled students.
  • Repeals the state satellite network and transfers duties and responsibilities for the satellite transponder from the DOE to WFSU.
  • Requires the DOE to publish by October 1, 2013, minimum and recommended technology requirements necessary for students to access electronic and digital instructional materials.
  • Terminates the Sophomore Level Test Trust Fund relating to the College-Level Academic Skills Test.
  • Renames the Knott Data Center Working Capital Trust Fund as the Education Working Capital Trust Fund, and restates and revises the purpose of the trust fund.
  • Continues the $200,000 cap on state funds that may be expended for the remuneration of college and university presidents and administrative employees.
  • Changes the name of Brevard Community College to Eastern Florida State College.
  • Authorizes universities to enter into local development agreements with affected local governments for the purpose of negotiating the mitigation of the impact of a university construction project on the local government.
  • Authorizes the Florida State University Board of Trustees to expend reserve funds or carry forward balances from previous years’ operational and programmatic appropriations for deferred maintenance needs at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
  • Changes the date for the Tuition Differential Report required in s. 1009.24(16)(e), F.S., from January 1 to February 1. 

In addition, the bill clarifies two provisions in the General Appropriations Bill:

  • The proviso following Specific Appropriation 87 concerning district salary increases, to provide school districts with greater flexibility in the method and timing for distribution of the salary increases.
  • The proviso following Specific Appropriation 102A, concerning school district allocations for Technology Transformation Grants for Rural School Districts, to direct the Commissioner of Education to recalculate the allocations based on each eligible school district’s proportionate share of unweighted FTE. 

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2013.

Vote: Senate 38-0; House 117-0